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570 Ind. Eng. chem. Process Des. Dev.


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Falkg FHm Ewaporatton and W n g in Circumferential and Axial

Grooves on Horizontal Tubes
Je-CMn Han and Leroy 8. Fletcher’
Mechankrel Englneerlng Department, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas 77843

Evaporation and Wling heat-transfer coefficients are presented for thin water HLms flowing over the outsii of
horizontal, electrically heated brass tubes. Tests were conducted with a 5.08-cm-dlameter smooth tube, a
5.08-cmdlameter clrcumferentially grooved tube, and a 5.08-cm-diameter axially grooved tube. Both local and
average heat-transfer data were obtelned for nonboillng and bolilng conditions correspondi to feed-water tem-
peratures ranglng from 49 to 127 O C end heat-flux values ranging from 30 000 to 80 000 W/m . Flow rates ranged
from 1.16 to 3.79 cm3/s per centimeter length of tube. Correlations of the average heat-transfer coefficients for
nonboiling and boiling conditions were developed and compared. The results indicate that both enhanced tubes
provlded hlgher heat-transfer coefficients than the smooth tube.

Introduction tigations of thin film evaporation on enhanced tubes, re-

Thin liquid films have long been used in distillation and sults of these investigations generally have not been re-
desalination processes. Falling f i i evaporation has also ported in the literature. No studies of evaporation on
been considered one of the heat transfer processes useful horizontal tubes with circumferential or axial grooves over
in ocean thermal energy conversion systems. Fletcher et a wide range of operating conditions are currently available
al. (1974,1975)and Parken and Fletcher (1982)investi- in the open literature.
gated evaporation heat transfer coefficients for 2.54- and In the present investigation, a well-controlled systematic
5.08-cm-diameter smooth horizontal tubes. These exper- study was performed to evaluate the influence of the se-
imental studies considered the variation of flow rate, lected parameters on the evaporation heat-transfer coef-
saturation temperature, and heat flux for both distilled ficient on 5.08-cm-diameter horizontal tubes, one with
water and seawater. They found that the heat transfer circumferential grooves and one with axial grooves, for
coefficients increased with increasing flow rate (turbulent distilled water films. The parameters considered in this
regime), saturation temperature, and heat flux for boiling study included the water flow rate (turbulent regime), the
conditions, but they were independent of heat flux for water temperature, and the heat flux for subcooled (non-
subcooled conditions. boiling) and boiling conditions. An experimental inves-
The use of enhanced surface tubes has been proposed tigation of the evaporation occurring in thin distilled water
as a means for improving heat transfer in thin-film evap- filmsflowing over smooth horizontal brass tubes, reported
oration and condensation. The concept was reported by by Parken and Fletcher (19771,provided the reference data
Gregorig (19541,who demonstrated both analytically and for this study. This paper will fmt describe the geometries
experimentally the advantages of fluting vertical condenser of the test tubes. The experimental data of local and
surfaces. Since Gregorig’s investigation, a variety of average evaporation heat-transfer coefficients at different
high-performance heabtransfer surfaces and configurations operating conditions will then be presented. Finally,
have been studied. A majority of these studies concen- general heat-transfer data correlations for the enhanced
trated on condensation and evaporation in axial grooves tubes will be presented and compared with correlations
on vertical tubes (Thomas and Young, 1970;Johnson et for smooth tube data.
al., 1971;Carnavos, 1965;Lin et al., 1982;Sideman et al., Experimental Investigation
1982). Edwards et d.(1973)proposed a theoretical model Test Facility. To separate evaporation from the other
for evaporation or condensation in circumferential fine components in the overall heatrtransfer coefficient, a single
grooves on horizontal tubes for low flow-rate conditions horizontal tube evaporation test facility was employed in
(laminar regime). Although there have been a few inves- this investigation. The water feed rate, feed-water tem-
0196-4305/85/1124-0570$01.50/0 @ 1985 American Chemlcal Society
Ind. Eng. Chem. Process Des. Dev., Vol. 24, No. 3, 1985 571

Steam to

Nichroma V
8 Riahl Side IBlackl Healer Wire
8 L G t ' S i d e IWhitel
Unit: cm

L v a p o r a t ion
V-Feed Sol Chamber
Feed Water-

( Hrube
eated F F a l l i n g Film

e 2.54

8 Groovea per 2.54cm Length

Figure 2. Schematic of the electrically heated evaporation tube with

circumferential grooves.

Figure 1. Schematic of the feed-water distribution in the evapora-

tion chamber.

perature, tube heat flux, and test chamber pressure were

controlled for independent variation over a wide range. T
The experimental facility consists of an evaporation tube
and surrounding chamber, a steam condenser, a recircu- _L
lating feed-water system, and the associated control sys-
tems. The test facility has been described previously by Thermocouplee
Parken and Fletcher (1982). A schematic of the feed-water 6 Right Side IBlack I
8 L e f t Side I W h i t e l
distribution on the evaporation tube is shown in Figure
1. Feed water was distributed to the top of the tube by U n i t : cm
means of a slot situated at the bottom of the constant head
feed tray, as shown in Figure 1. The slot was located L e f t Side Right Side
approximately 0.63 cm above the heated tube. In order
to provide the same feed rate over each side of the tube,
0.025 radiur
the feed tray was carefully aligned G t h the tube.
Test Section. Three evaporation tubes were assembled
and instrumented for testing. The schematic and the
geometric characteristics of the electrically heated evap-
oration tube with circumferential grooves and with axial
grooves are given inyFigures 2 and 3, respectively. The
circumferentially grooved tube has eight grooves per
2.54-cm length, whereas the axially grooved tube has 54
grooves per 5.08-cm diameter. Each enhanced tube has
a groove angle of 90". A total of 16 thermocouples were
installed on the circumferentially grooved tube, and 14 13.5 Grooves p e r 90' Angle

thermocouples were installed on the axially grooved tube. ( T o t a l 54 per 5 . 0 8 c m diameter Tube )
The heating element consisted of a spirally wound Ni- Figure 3. Schematic of the electrically heated evaporation tube with
chrome V wire which was designed to provide a uniform axial grooves.
circumferential heat flux. In order to compensate for
temperature error associated with tube wall thickness and and the inlet feed-water temperature over a wide range of
thermocouple conduction, each evaporation tube was operating conditions.
completely calibrated after it was assembled. Test Procedures. A day's testing was accomplished at
The experimental facility was designed for operation at a set saturation pressure. In order to "age" the surface,
both subcooled (nonboiling) and saturated (boiling) con- these runs continued intermittently for approximately 10
ditions corresponding to feed-water temperatures ranging h before data were taken at high heat flux, nonboiling
from 49 "C (0.012 MPa) to 127 "C (0.246 MPa) and conditions. The parameters varied during a day's testa
heat-flux values ranging from 30000 to 80000 W/m2. were feed rate and heat flux. Sufficient time was allowed
Feed-water flow rates ranged from 1.16 to 3.79 cm3/s per to reach equilibrium at each condition.
centimeter length of tube, which corresponds to the tur- The tube was operated at a high heat flux, boiling con-
bulent flow regime. The local and average evaporation dition for at least 1h before data were taken. Due to the
heat-transfer coefficients were calculated by means of the randqm nature of the boiling process, tube wall tempera-
tube heat flux, the local and average wall temperatures, tures fluctuated sharply. Approximately 15-20 tempera-
572 Ind. Eng. Chem. Process Des. Dev., Vol. 24, No. 3, 1985

Nonboiiinp Wataf nolling Water

r.2.51 cm'ir
r.2.51 cmz/a
TI. 100 .c
q". 63.1 x 10aW/m'
q". 63.1 x 10' Wlm'

clrcumlerentially grooved tube

0 Circumlerrnlially grooved tub. A axially grooved tube
A 8 n a 1 t y grooved tuba e 5.08 cm diemel81 amooth tube
o 5.08 cm diameter smooth tube

15,000 -

10,000 -

5,000 -

-150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150

-150 -100 -50 0 50 100 150
8 ,degrees
8 , degrees
Figure 5. Comparison of local boiling heat transfer coefficient for
Figure 4. Comparison of local nonboiling heat transfer coefficient smooth and grooved tubes.
for smooth and grooved tubes.

ture recordings were made over 5 s intervals for each tube 5 . 0 1 em d l a m w w amooth tub-
wall thermocouple. The average of these readings for each S o l i d Llne: Boiling Water
thermocouple was determined. Several runs were dupli- Dotted Llne: Nonbolling Water
cated on different days to check the data. The resulting
temperature data were found to be relatively consistent. 0 qrr.?B.BxdW/m'
A A q"*13.1 x d w / m *
Experimental Results and Discussion e o q"-15,8xldW/m'
Local Heat-Transfer Coefficient. The local heat-
transfer coefficient (conductance) is defined as

The reference heat-transfer surface area for defining

heat flux was based on the virtual cylindrical surface at

the groove tip, and the local tube wall temperatures were
the average of the temperatures measured at the same
angular location. The experimentally deterniined values
of the local conductance are shown in Figures 4 and 5. As
shown in Figure 4,the local nonboiling conductance of the
smooth tube is highest at the top of the tubes and de-
creases steadily around the tube until approximately the
4 5 O location where the rate of decrease is less. The local
nonboiling conductance of the axially and circumferentially
grooved tubes showed the same trend for local nonboiling
conductance with angular location as was noted for the
smooth tube. However, the grooved tubes had higher
conductances a t the same operating conditions. The
Conductances are noted to be highest at the top of the tube,
decreasing steadily around the tube.
The local boiling conductance has a relatively uniform 50 70 90 110 130
distribution around the tube, as shown in Figure 5. Again,
the grooved tubes had higher conductances than the Ti or ,T,, , OC
smooth tube a t the same operating conditions. Figure 6. Comparison of average heat transfer coefficient for a
Average Heat Transfer Coefficient. The average 5.08-cm-diameter smooth tube.
heat transfer coefficient (conductance) is defined as
6 = q"/(Tw- Ti) tances are shown in Figures 6-8. As noted in Figure 6,
(2) the data for the smooth tube indicate an increasing average
The average tube wall temperatures were the average nonboiling conductance with increasing feed-water tem-
of all of the temperatures measured on the evaporation perature, while little discernible effect on the conductance
tubes. The experimentally determined average conduc- is shown with changes in heat flux and feed-water flow rate.
Ind. Eng. Chem. Process Des. Dev., Vol. 24, No. 3, 1985 575

Monboillng Wrlar Boillng w r t o r

Solld Line: circumforontirlly groorrd tub.
S o l i d Lina: c i r c u m f ~ r a n t i r l l y groorad tuba
Dotted Llne: axially groorod tub.
Dotted Line: lxillly gro0r.d tuba

C 0 $ * l l 6 'C
A A 11.100 'C
e 0 T i s 8 2 'C

r. 2.51 cm*/r


I /t

50 80 70 80
1 1 1 1
qii 1G3,WM 80 90 100 110 120 130

Figure 7. Comparison of average nonboiling heat transfer coeffi- Tsat

cient for axially and circumferentially grooved tubes.
Figure 8. Comparison of average boiling heat transfer coefficient
Figure 6 also indicates that the average conductance with for axially and circumferentially grooved tubes.
boiling is higher than that without boiling, and such con-
ductance increases with increasing heat flux and temper- Subcooled Nonboiling Correlations. In the present
ature. investigation, the average nonboiling conductance varies
Figure 7 shows the comparison of the average conduc- with water flow rate (turbulent regime) and temperature,
tance of axially and circumferentially grooved tubes at as noted above. The water flow rate may be represented
nonboiling condition. Both enhanced tubes show ap- by the Reynolds number, and water temperature can be
proximately the same conductance a t the same operating incorporated with the Prandtl number. Correlations of the
conditions. The average nonboiling conductance of each present data are shown in Figure 9. A correlation for the
grooved tube increases with increasing feed-water flow rate smooth-tube data is given in eq 4, and a correlation for the
and temperature but stays at a relatively constant value circumferentially and axially grooved tubes can be repre-
with changing heat flux. sented by eq 5. The deviation of eq 4 is about 7%, and
Figure 8 shows the average conductance for grooved /
tubes at boiling condition. The average boiling conduc-
tance of each grooved tube increases with increasing heat

h ( 5 ' = 0.025Re0.2Pr0.53 (4)
flux and temperature, but it appears to have little de-
pendence on feed-water flow rate. Figure 8 also indicates
that the average boiling conductance of the circumferen-
tially grooved tube is higher than that of the axially
h( 5)1'3 = 0.0028Re0.5Pr0.85 (5)
grooved tube 'at the same operating conditions.
only seven data points (out of 52) deviate from the cor-
Heat Transfer Data Correlations relation by more than 10%. The maximum deviation of
For the results of the experimental data to be most eq 5 is about 8%. It is seen that both enhanced tubes
useful, general correlations are required for the average provide higher Nusselt numbers (conductances)than those
conductances over a wide range of parameters. of the smooth tube at the same operating conditions. It
Chun and Seban (1971) suggested that the nonboiling also indicates that the average conductances of the en-
conductance for turbulent water film on a vertical smooth hanced tubes have more dependence on the Reynolds and
tube could be correlated as follows Prandtl numbers than do the conductances of the smooth

h ($)lis = ulReazPF3 (3)

Boiling Correlations. Based on Fletcher et al. data
(1974,1975)of turbulent water films on horizontal smooth
tubes, Owens (1978) provided a correlation for the average
where ul, u2, and u3 were empirical constants. Owens boiling conductance. He found that the Nusselt number
(1978) applied the same method to correlate data for varied with Prandtl number and heat flux. Correlations
turbulent ammonia film on a horizontal smooth stainless of the present data are shown in Figure 10. Equation 6
steel tube. However, he found that the average nonboiling represents the boiling correlation for turbulent water film
conductance was not Reynolds number dependent. on the smooth tube, while eq 7 and 8 represent the boiling
574 Id.Eng. Chem. Process Des. Dev., Vol. 24, No. 3, 1985

Nonboiling Witor

0 Circumlerenlially grooved tub.

A lxlllly proovmdtube
0 5 . 0 8 cm d i a m e l o r smooth tuba
about lo%,while for eq 7 and 8 it is about 14% and 13%,
respectively. It is seen that the average boiling conduc-
tance depends on Prandtl number and heat flux and varies
0.2 - slightly with Reynolds number. It also indicates that both
0.15 - of the enhanced tubes provide higher conductance than
the smooth tube, and the circumferentially grooved tube
- has a 1530% higher conductance than the axially grooved
one at the same operating conditions.
0.08 . Figure 11 shows the comparison of the present correla-
tions with other data. The purpose of this comparison is
qualitatively to show the general trend of the enhancement
in the heat-transfer coefficient. It is seen that the smooth
tube nonboiling Nusselt number (eq 4) agrees well with
Owen's (1978) ammonia data for Reynolds numbers greater

.I5 t than 3000. However, the grooved-tube nonboiling Nusselt
number (eq 5) is much lower than that of Conti's (1978)
ammonia data for a horizontal 60° thread tube, with pitch
of 8 threads per 2.54-cm length. This means that ammonia
provides a much better enhancement than water. Data
0.5 2 3 5 7 of nonboiling water on a vertical fluted tube by Carnavos
(1965) and boiling water on a vertical corrugated tube by
Re x l$ Johnson et al. (1971) are also provided for reference. It
Figure 9. Nonboiling thin film evaporation heat transfer correla- is seen that the nonboiling grooved tube (eq 5) may be
tions for smooth and grooved tubes. extended to match Carnavos' data (1965) at high Reynolds
numbers. This comparison shows a minor effect of the
Boiling Water groove design. However, the boiling circumferentially
Pr.1.3-3.6 grooved tube (eq 8) of this study is lower than Johnson
Re.770 - 6300 et al. data (1971) because the latter was based on a much
wider range of heat flux, from 30 to 170 X lo3 W/m2.
0 circumlerenlially grooved lube
A axially grooved lube Conclusions
o 5.08 cm diameter smooth tube
An experimental study of falling film evaporation and
boiling in circumferential and axial grooves on 5.08-cm
horizontal brass tubes has been conducted. The effects
of water flow rate, temperature, and heat flux on the
nonboiling and boiling conductances have been investi-
! 0.10 c gated. The following conclusions can be drawn.
1. The local nonboiling conductances were highest at
the top of the tube and decreased steadily around the tube,
while the boiling conductances showed relatively uniform
distributions around the tube.
2. The average nonboiling conductance was found to
increase with increasing feed-water temperature, slightly
increase with increasing feed-water flow rate, and remain
constant with changes in heat flux.
3. The average boiling conductance increased with in-
creasing feed-water temperature and heat flux,and slightly
increased with increasing flow rate.
30 50 70 100 200 500
4. The average nonboiling conductance data for the
circumferentially and axially grooved tubes correlated
q" d,
W/m2 fairly well. The enhanced tubes showed 50-120% higher
conductance, as well as greater dependence on the Rey-
Figure 10. Boiling thin film evaporation heat transfer correlations
for smooth and grooved tubes. nolds and Prandtl numbers, than did the smooth tube.
5. The average boiling conductance data were correlated
correlation for the axially and circumferentially grooved with varied heat flux, Reynolds, and Prandtl numbers.
tube, respectively. The maximum deviation of eq 6 is The enhanced tubes showed 30-75 % higher conductance
than the smooth tube, while the circumferentially grooved
tube provided 15-30% higher condudance than the axially
grooved tube at the same operating conditions.
The correlations are based on the experimental data
with 770 IRe I7000,1.3 5 Pr I3.6, and 30 X lo3 5 qr'
I80 X lo3 w/mz. The proposed method can be extended
to correlate data for other enhanced tube geometries.
Ind. Eng. Chem. Process Des. Dev., Vol. 24, No. 3, 1985 575

g = acceleration due to gravity

///// oolUng watar. Corrugatad vartloal Surfaoaa ,(Johnson.rt at.,; he = local heat transfer coefficient, qrr/(Tw- Ti)
I 1 1 I II Oolllng Watar, Oroovad Horlxontal Tuba - Thla Otudy
h = average heat transfer coefficient,q"/(fW - Ti)
--- Nonbolllng Watar, Oroovrd HorlXOntal Tuba - T h h StUdY k = thermal conductivity of liquid film
\\\\ Nonbolllng Water. Flulad Vartloal Tubaa,(CamavOl,l955) Nu = Nusselt number, h ( ~ ~ / g k ~ ) ' / ~
----- Nonbolllng Ammonla. Thraadad norlxontal Tub. .(Cont~,lg'~S)
Pr = Prandtl number, (FC,,/k)
--- Nonbolllng Ammonla. Smooth Horizontal Tuba .~Owns,1~781
q" = tube wall heat flux
Re = Reynolds number, (4I'/p)
- NonboUkg Walar. Smooth Horlrontal Tuba - Thla Study Ti = inlet feed-water temperature
Tmt.= feed-water saturation temperature
Tw,e= local wall temperature
TW= average wall temperature
p = dynamic viscosity of liquid film
0.7 . v = kinematic viscosity of liquid film, p / p
0.6 '
p = density of liquid film
0.5 . r = volume flow rate per axial unit length flowing over one
side of the horizontal tube
Literature Cited
Carnavos, T. C. Flrst InternationalSymposlum on Water Desalination, Paper
No. 17, oct 1965.
Chun, K. R.; Seben, R. A. J. Mat Transfer 1971, 97, 391.
Contl, R. J. Presentation at the Flfth Annual Conference on Ocean Thermal
Energy Conversion, Mlaml Beach, FL, Feb 20-22, 1978.
Edwards, D. K.; Qler, K. D.; Ayyaswamy, P. S.; Catton, I . ASME Paper No.
0.1 t 1 73-HT-25. 1973.
Fletcher, L. S.; Sernas, V.; Qaiowln, L. S. Ind. Eng. Chen?. Rocess Des.
Dev. 1974. 73.265.
Fletcher, L. S;; Sbnas, V.; Parken, W. H. Ind. Eng. Chen?. R m s s Des.
0.3 0.5 1 2 3 5 7 10
Dev. 1975, 14, 411.
Gregorlg, R. 2.Angew. Math. phvs. 1954, 5 , 38.
Johnson, B. M.; Jansen, G.; Owarzskl, P. C. ASME Paper No. 71-HT-33,
Re I 16' 1971.
Lln, J. F.; Hsu, T. C.; Pel, J. M. 7th International Heat Transfer Conference,
Figure 11. Comparison of present correlations with the previous Munlch, West Germany, CS20, 1982 pp 119-124.
investigations. Owens, W. L. Resentatlon at the Fitm Annual Conference on Ocean Thermal
Energy Conversion, Mlaml Beach, FL, Feb 20-22, 1978.
Acknowledgment Parken, W. H.; Fletcher, L. S. Report UVA-52807gMAE 77-101, Unhrersky of
Vlrglnla, Aug 1977.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial sup- Parken, W. H.; Fletcher, L. S. 7th Internatlonal Heat Transfer Conference,
port of the National Science Foundation through Grant Munloh, West Germany, FB 41, 1982; pp 415-420.
Skleman, S.; Levln, A.; MoalemMaron, D. 7th International Heat Transfer
ENG-76-03691. The authors also wish to express their Conference, Munlch, West Germany, CS25, 1982; pp 153-159.
appreciation to Dr. W. H. Parken and P. R. Chandra for Thomas, D. 0.; Young, 0. Ind. Eng. Chem. Process Des. D e v . 1970, 9 ,
their assistance in many phases of this investigation.
Nomenclature Received for review July 14,1983
C, = specific heat of liquid film at constant pressure Accepted August 13,1984

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