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Data Structures

Hashing — Separate Chaining

C. Aravindan

Professor of Computer Science

SSN College of Engineering, Chennai

April 24, 2019

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1 Introduction

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1 Introduction

2 Hash Functions

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1 Introduction

2 Hash Functions

3 Separate Chaining

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1 Introduction

2 Hash Functions

3 Separate Chaining

4 Summary

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There are several applications that require a “look-up” table — (key,

value) pairs to be stored
Insertion, search, and deletion based on keys

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There are several applications that require a “look-up” table — (key,

value) pairs to be stored
Insertion, search, and deletion based on keys
FindMin, FindMax, sorting, traversal may not be needed

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There are several applications that require a “look-up” table — (key,

value) pairs to be stored
Insertion, search, and deletion based on keys
FindMin, FindMax, sorting, traversal may not be needed
Examples: dictionary lookup, symbol table, database indexing

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There are several applications that require a “look-up” table — (key,

value) pairs to be stored
Insertion, search, and deletion based on keys
FindMin, FindMax, sorting, traversal may not be needed
Examples: dictionary lookup, symbol table, database indexing
We may use Binary Search Tree with balancing

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There are several applications that require a “look-up” table — (key,

value) pairs to be stored
Insertion, search, and deletion based on keys
FindMin, FindMax, sorting, traversal may not be needed
Examples: dictionary lookup, symbol table, database indexing
We may use Binary Search Tree with balancing
Complexity: O(log n)

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There are several applications that require a “look-up” table — (key,

value) pairs to be stored
Insertion, search, and deletion based on keys
FindMin, FindMax, sorting, traversal may not be needed
Examples: dictionary lookup, symbol table, database indexing
We may use Binary Search Tree with balancing
Complexity: O(log n)
Is it possible to do this in constant time (on the average)!?

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Basic Idea

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Selection of hashing function is very crucial to achieve constant time

on the average
Hashing function should ideally handle any type of key (non-mutable)
It should be easy to compute!
Hashing function should ideally generate distinct indexes for distinct
Generally, the “key density” is very high compared to the number of
pairs we wish to store
How do we choose appropriate TableSize?
What to do when the hashing function maps more than one key to an
index (collision handling)?

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Simple Hash Function

If the key is an integer, then a simple hash function (key mod

TableSize) may work
A simple analysis reveals that the keys are well distributed across the
index space when TableSize is a prime number

Hash ( KeyType Key , i n t T a b l e S i z e )
r e t u r n Key % T a b l e S i z e ;

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How do we hash strings?

For categorical data, such as strings, we may first convert the key to
an integer

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How do we hash strings?

For categorical data, such as strings, we may first convert the key to
an integer
A simple idea for strings will be to just add up the ASCII values of the

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How do we hash strings?

For categorical data, such as strings, we may first convert the key to
an integer
A simple idea for strings will be to just add up the ASCII values of the

Hash1 ( const char ∗ Key , i n t T a b l e S i z e )
unsigned i n t HashVal = 0 ;

w h i l e ( ∗ Key != ’ \0 ’ )
HashVal += ∗Key++;

r e t u r n HashVal % T a b l e S i z e ;

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Hashing strings

This idea may be bad when TableSize is large and length of string is

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Hashing strings

This idea may be bad when TableSize is large and length of string is
Example: TableSize = 10007 and strings are 8 characters at most

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Hashing strings

This idea may be bad when TableSize is large and length of string is
Example: TableSize = 10007 and strings are 8 characters at most
Only indexes up to (127 * 8 = 1016) are used!

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Another hash function for strings

We may do the following to generate a larger integer

key [0] + 27 ∗ key [1] + 272 ∗ key [2]

Why only 3 characters? 263 = 17576 combinations!

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Another hash function for strings

We may do the following to generate a larger integer

key [0] + 27 ∗ key [1] + 272 ∗ key [2]

Why only 3 characters? 263 = 17576 combinations!

Hash2 ( const char ∗ Key , i n t T a b l e S i z e )
r e t u r n ( Key [ 0 ] + 27 ∗ Key [ 1 ] + 729 ∗ Key [ 2 ] )
% TableSize ;

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Simplifying the calculations

But, in reality there may be less than 3000 combinations!!!

And the computation gets complex when the number of characters
are increased

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Simplifying the calculations

But, in reality there may be less than 3000 combinations!!!

And the computation gets complex when the number of characters
are increased
The above computation may be simplified as follows (referred to as
Horner’s rule)

k0 + 27k1 + 272 k2 = ((27 ∗ k2 ) + k1 ) ∗ 27 + k0

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Simplifying the calculations

But, in reality there may be less than 3000 combinations!!!

And the computation gets complex when the number of characters
are increased
The above computation may be simplified as follows (referred to as
Horner’s rule)

k0 + 27k1 + 272 k2 = ((27 ∗ k2 ) + k1 ) ∗ 27 + k0

This idea may be extended to more characters

Key [KeySize − i − 1] ∗ 32i

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Simplifying the calculations

But, in reality there may be less than 3000 combinations!!!

And the computation gets complex when the number of characters
are increased
The above computation may be simplified as follows (referred to as
Horner’s rule)

k0 + 27k1 + 272 k2 = ((27 ∗ k2 ) + k1 ) ∗ 27 + k0

This idea may be extended to more characters

Key [KeySize − i − 1] ∗ 32i

The magic number 32 is used here, since multiplication can then be

achieved by left shift!
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A better hash function for strings

Hash3 ( const char ∗Key , i n t T a b l e S i z e )
unsigned i n t HashVal = 0 ;

w h i l e ( ∗ Key != ’ \0 ’ )
HashVal = ( HashVal << 5 ) + ∗Key++;

r e t u r n HashVal % T a b l e S i z e ;

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Collision Handling

Separate Chaining — use additional data structures to store the pairs

having the same home index
Open Addressing — use only the array and systematically look for an
alternate index
Linear Probing
Quadratic Probing
Double Hashing
Rehashing to increase or reduce the TableSize
Extendible Hashing

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Separate Chaining

Idea here is to use another collection data structure to keep all the
pairs that hash to the same index
A simple linked list will be an ideal choice!

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Separate Chaining

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Data Structure

typedef s t r u c t P a i r S t r u c t {
KeyType k e y ;
ValType v a l u e ;
} ∗ Pair ;

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Data Structure

typedef s t r u c t P a i r S t r u c t {
KeyType k e y ;
ValType v a l u e ;
} ∗ Pair ;

struct ListNode
Pair Element ;
s t r u c t L i s t N o d e ∗ Next ;

typedef s t r u c t ListNode ∗ P o s i t i o n ;
typedef P o s i t i o n L i s t ;

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Data Structure

s t r u c t HashTbl
int TableSize ;
List ∗ TheLists ;

t y p e d e f s t r u c t HashTbl ∗ HashTable ;

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// C o n s t r u c t o r
HashTable I n i t i a l i z e T a b l e ( i n t T a b l e S i z e ) ;

// D e s t r u c t o r
v o i d D e s t r o y T a b l e ( HashTable H ) ;

// I n s e r t a key−v a l u e p a i r
v o i d I n s e r t ( P a i r p a i r , HashTable H ) ;

// F i n d and R e t r i e v e
P o s i t i o n F i n d ( KeyType Key , HashTable H ) ;
Pair Retrieve ( Position P );
P a i r F i n d R e t r i e v e ( KeyType Key , HashTable H ) ;

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Implementation: Constructor

I n i t i a l i z e T a b l e ( int TableSize )
HashTable H ;
int i ;

/∗ 1 ∗/ i f ( TableSize < MinTableSize )

/∗ 2 ∗/ E r r o r ( " Table ␣ s i z e ␣ too ␣ s m a l l " ) ;
/∗ 3 ∗/ r e t u r n NULL ;

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Implementation: Constructor

/∗ A l l o c a t e t a b l e ∗/
/∗ 4 ∗/ H = m a l l o c ( s i z e o f ( s t r u c t HashTbl ) ) ;
/∗ 5 ∗/ i f ( H == NULL )
/∗ 6 ∗/ F a t a l E r r o r ( " Out␣ o f ␣ s p a c e ! ! ! " ) ;

/∗ 7 ∗/ H−>T a b l e S i z e = NextPrime ( T a b l e S i z e ) ;

/∗ A l l o c a t e a r r a y o f l i s t s ∗/
/∗ 8 ∗/ H−>T h e L i s t s = m a l l o c ( s i z e o f ( L i s t )
∗ H−>T a b l e S i z e ) ;
/∗ 9 ∗/ i f ( H−>T h e L i s t s == NULL )
/∗ 10 ∗/ F a t a l E r r o r ( " Out␣ o f ␣ s p a c e ! ! ! " ) ;

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Implementation: Constructor

/∗ A l l o c a t e l i s t h e a d e r s ∗/
/∗ 11 ∗/ f o r ( i = 0 ; i < H−>T a b l e S i z e ; i++ )
/∗ 12 ∗/ H−>T h e L i s t s [ i ] =
malloc ( sizeof ( struct ListNode )
/∗ 13 ∗/ i f ( H−>T h e L i s t s [ i ] == NULL )
/∗ 14 ∗/ F a t a l E r r o r ( " Out␣ o f ␣ s p a c e ! ! ! " ) ;
/∗ 15 ∗/ H−>T h e L i s t s [ i ]−>Next = NULL ;

/∗ 16 ∗/ return H;

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Implementation: Find

F i n d ( KeyType Key , HashTable H )
Position P;
List L;

/∗ 1 ∗/ L = H−>T h e L i s t s [ Hash ( Key , H−>T a b l e S i z e ) ] ;

/∗ 2 ∗/ P = L−>Next ;
/∗ 3 ∗/ w h i l e (P != NULL && P−>Element−>k e y != Key )
/∗ 4 ∗/ P = P−>Next ;
/∗ 5 ∗/ return P;

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Implementation: Retrieve

Retrieve ( Position P )
r e t u r n P−>E l e m e n t ;

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Implementation: Find and Retrieve

F i n d R e t r i e v e ( KeyType Key , HashTable H )
Position P;
List L;

/∗ 1 ∗/ L = H−>T h e L i s t s [ Hash ( Key , H−>T a b l e S i z e ) ] ;

/∗ 2 ∗/ P = L−>Next ;
/∗ 3 ∗/ w h i l e (P != NULL && P−>Element−>k e y != Key )
/∗ 4 ∗/ P = P−>Next ;
/∗ 5 ∗/ i f ( P == NULL) r e t u r n NULL ;
/∗ 6 ∗/ e l s e r e t u r n P−>E l e m e n t ;

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Implementation: Insert (key, value) pair

I n s e r t ( P a i r p a i r , HashTable H )
P o s i t i o n Pos , N e w C e l l ;
List L;

KeyType Key = p a i r −>k e y ;

/∗ 1 ∗/ Pos = F i n d ( Key , H ) ;

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Implementation: Insert (key, value) pair

/∗ 2 ∗/ i f ( Pos == NULL ) /∗ Key i s n o t f o u n d ∗/

/∗ 3 ∗/ Ne wCe ll = m a l l o c ( s i z e o f ( s t r u c t L i s t N o d e ) ) ;
/∗ 4 ∗/ i f ( Ne wC e l l == NULL )
/∗ 5 ∗/ F a t a l E r r o r ( " Out␣ o f ␣ s p a c e ! ! ! " ) ;
/∗ 6 ∗/ L = H−>T h e L i s t s [ Hash ( Key , H−>T a b l e S i z e ) ] ;
/∗ 7 ∗/ NewCell−>Next = L−>Next ;
/∗ 8 ∗/ NewCell−>E l e m e n t = p a i r ;
/∗ 9 ∗/ L−>Next = N e w C e l l ;

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Implementation: Destructor
D e s t r o y T a b l e ( HashTable H )
f o r ( i n t i = 0 ; i < H−>T a b l e S i z e ; i++ )
P o s i t i o n P = H−>T h e L i s t s [ i ] ;
P o s i t i o n Tmp ;
w h i l e ( P != NULL )
Tmp = P−>Next ;
free ( P );
P = Tmp ;
f r e e ( H−>T h e L i s t s ) ;
free ( H );
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Is it possible to achieve constant average time with this design?

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Is it possible to achieve constant average time with this design?

What will be the average length of a linked list?

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Is it possible to achieve constant average time with this design?

What will be the average length of a linked list?
Load factor λ: Ratio of number of pairs to the TableSize

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Is it possible to achieve constant average time with this design?

What will be the average length of a linked list?
Load factor λ: Ratio of number of pairs to the TableSize
Average length of a linked list will be λ

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Is it possible to achieve constant average time with this design?

What will be the average length of a linked list?
Load factor λ: Ratio of number of pairs to the TableSize
Average length of a linked list will be λ
We may achieve constant average time, if we can keep the load factor
λ close to 1 and the hash function distributes the keys well

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Is it possible to achieve constant average time with this design?

What will be the average length of a linked list?
Load factor λ: Ratio of number of pairs to the TableSize
Average length of a linked list will be λ
We may achieve constant average time, if we can keep the load factor
λ close to 1 and the hash function distributes the keys well
Some other data structure, such as BST or another hash table, may
be tried instead of linked lists, but may not be worth the effort

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Several applications need collections that support only insertion,

deletion, search
Hashing is an ideal solution that can achieve constant average time
We have discussed some simple hash functions and the issues involved
Collision is a major issue in implementing hashing technique
Separate chaining is one of the solutions to handle collision — use a
secondary data structure, such as linked lists, to store all the objects
hashing to the same index
Load factor λ needs to be close to 1 for effective separate chaining

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