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John Amos is a salesman. He ___1___ from door to door selling vacuum cleaners.

his first day of work, he decided to sell his goods by ___2___ on the doors of a private
housing area.

"My first customer," he thought as he ___3___ the doorbell of the first house. A
middle aged woman ___4___ curlers in her hair opened the door.

John began to ___5___ who he was and the product he was selling. The next minute,
the door was slammed ___6___.

"Not interested !" John heard her shout ___7___ the closed door. She refused to open
the door ___8___ John's persistent knocking.

John was given a similar ___9___ of treatment from the next few
houses.___10___ rather discouraged, he knocked at the door of the ninth household.
This ___11___ , the occupants of the house ___12___ him in. They also ___13___
interest in his product. Encouraged by ___14___ , John began to explain the merits of
his vacuum cleaner. When the family ___15___ him for a demonstration, he
vacuumed the place for them. ___16___ the demonstration, the family, however, did
not ___17___ his product. Instead, they politely but firmly told him that they would
___18___ him a call if they want to buy a vacuum cleaner later.

The family never called him ___19___, John suspected that they had not been really
interested in his product. ___20___ they had wanted was the 'free service' given by
John, who had vacuumed their entire living room.
Rays look like huge birds in slow flight when they swim. They have huge triangular
side fins which flap like ___1___ when the rays swim. Their bodies ___2___ flat and
their mouth and gill openings are usually ___3___ on the underside of the body. They
have a thin, whip-like tail which is usually armed ___4___ a poisonous spine.

Rays cannot swim ___5___. They are slow, graceful swimmers. They are not hunters
so they do not ___6___ to swim at high speed to chase their prey. They feed on small
___7___ creatures which are filtered as the water containing these small creatures
___8___ the mouth and passes over ___9___ gills.

There are not more than 20 ___10___ of rays. Most of them have taken to live
permanently near the ___11___ of the sea. There are, however, ___12___ that prefer
to live near the upper layers of the sea. Eagle rays and manta rays, for example, are
found to swim ___13___ the water surface most of the ___14___. They even leap out
of the water and 'fly' for a short ___15___ before vanishing into the sea again.

Some rays are very ___16___. They have a 'wing span' of about 20 meters and weigh
as ___17___ as a rhinoceros. Because of their ___18___ and look, these rays are also
___19___ devil fish or vampire rays. But according to skin divers, rays are mostly
gentle, harmless creatures. This is shown by some divers holding on to a ray to get a
free ___20___.

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