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Paper: Computer (Test #:1, 2, 3, 10) Time: 1 hour

Class: 1st Year Total Marks:
Q.#1: Multiple Choice 12
i. Which one is not a De-Jure standard?
a) SNA b) ANSI c) ISO d) IEEE
ii. NIC allows direct connection to
a) monitor b) a modem c) a printer d) a network
iii. Which of the following is a components of LAN?
a) Bridge cable b) cable c) NIC d) all
iv. Ethernet uses
a) star b) ring c) bus d) mesh
v. Software to peruse the internet is called
a) browser b) gateway c) EFT d) teleconference
vi. Which of the following is not network communication device?
a) Hub b) LAN c) NIC d) router
vii. LAN is the combination of
a) network card b) LAN cable c) LAN application d) all
viii. Two dissimilar network can be connected by a
a) gateway b) Bus c) Bridge d) none
ix. The layer that is concerned with addressing & routing is called?
a) Physical b) data link c) trans port d) network
x. What layer of OSI models performs data compassion
a) presentation b) data link c) network d) physical
xi. DFFI is a:
a) ring network b) star network c) mesh network d) bus
xii. Project 802 defines standard for which layers of OSI?
a) application b) physical & data link layer
c) network & data link layer d) transport & network layer.

Q NO 2 .Write note on following (2*20).

1. Output devices
2. Plotter
3. Non impact printer.
4. Impact printer
5. Display screen
6. Resolution
7. Source data entry devices
8. Touch pad
9. Software
10. Package software
11. WWW
12. Web Browsing
13. ISP
14. Web server
15. Half Duplex
16. Serial Transmission
17. Baseband
18. Guided Media
19. Unguided Media
20. Modem

Q NO 3 Write Note on Addressing Scheme (8 Marks)

Write 4 Note on Transmission Modes. (8 Marks)
Q NO 5 wrtie note on SDLC in detail (8)

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