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TexPoint Font and Symbol Matters

• TexPoint comes with a set of TrueType fonts that contain the

glyphs for the standard Latex and AMS symbols. Some of
these symbols are also available in Windows standard fonts.
– Y

– If you set the configuration flag “Use AMS Symbols” then all
symbols are taken from Latex fonts.
– If the flag is not set then the symbols are taken from the Windows
font, if defined, or you get an error if the symbol is not defined

• The next few slides show the available symbols and the
macros that expand to them. In each table the columns
labeled T show the macro expansion if the AMS symbols are
used and the column W shows the symbols from the default
Windows fonts, when available
Symbol Macros Defined in TexPoint (1)

• Greek letters (T=AMS, W=Windows).

Name T W Name T W Name T W

alpha ®  beta ¯  Gamma ¡ 
gamma °  delta ±  Theta £ 
epsilon ²  zeta ³  Xi ¥ 
eta ´  theta µ  Omega  
vartheta #  iota ¶  Pi ¦ 
kappa ·  lambda ¸  Delta ¢ 
mu ¹  nu º  Lambda ¤ 
xi »  varsigma &  Phi © 
pi ¼  rho ½  Sigma § 
upsilon À  phi Á  Psi ª 
varphi   chi  
psi à  omega ! 
varrho %
Symbol Macros Defined in TexPoint (2)
• Caligraphic and blackboard capital letters (T=AMS, W=Windows).

Name T W Name T W Name T W Name T W

cA A A cO O O bbA A A bbO O O
cB B B cP P P bbB B B bbP P P
cC C C cQ Q Q bbC C C bbQ Q Q
cD D D cR R R bbD D D bbR R R
cE E E cS S S bbE E E bbS S S
cF F F cT T T bbF F F bbT T T
cG G G cU U U bbG G G bbU U U
cH H H cV V V bbH H H bbV V V
cI I I cX X X bbI I I bbX X X
cJ J J cY Y Y bbJ J J bbY Y Y
cK K K cZ Z Z bbK K K bbZ Z Z
cL L L bbL L L
cM M M bbM M M
cN N N bbN N N
Symbol Macros Defined in TexPoint (3)

• Miscellaneous symbols (T=AMS, W=Windows).

Name T W Name T W Name T W

ldots vdots   aleph @ 
prime 0 infty 1  emptyset ;
exists 9  surd p triangle M
Diamond } jmath neg : 
top > natural wp
bot ?  diamondsuit   spadesuit Ä 
mho f Im =  partial  
cdots   ddots   triangledown O
forall 8  hbar ~  circledS s
nabla r  Box   nexists @
imath ll ¿ Game a
flat sharp varnothing ?
clubsuit |  heartsuit ~  blacksquare ¥
Re <  angle Å  diagup Á
Symbol Macros Defined in TexPoint (4)

• Miscellaneous symbols (T=AMS, W=Windows).

Name T W Name T W Name T W
hslash } blacktriangledown H
square ¤ bigstar F
angle Å  eth g
mho f int s 
Bbbk | parag x
blacktriangle N blackparag {
blacklozenge ¨ maltese z
Complement { times £
diagdown Â
lozenge §
measuredangle ]
Finv `
backprime 8
Symbol Macros Defined in TexPoint (5)

• Binary symbols (T=AMS, W=Windows).

Name T W Name T W Name T W

pm §  mp ¨  unlhd
div ¥  ast ¤ unrhd
circ ±  bullet ²  oplus © 
cap \  cup [  ominus ª
sqcap u sqcup t otimes - 
wedge \  setminus n oslash ®
diamond ¦  bigtriangleup 4 odot ¯
leq ·  bigtriangledown 5 bigcirc °
succ   triangleleft C  dagger y
simeq ' triangleright B ddagger z
parallel k lhd amalg q
subseteq µ  rhd geq ¸ 
sqsupset A doteq sim » 
Symbol Macros Defined in TexPoint (6)

• More Binary Symbols (T=AMS, W=Windows).

Name T W Name T W Name T W
mid j  dashv a bowtie
subset ½  models ² sqsubset @
supseteq ¶  preceq ¹ sqsupseteq w
neq   gg À propto / 
frown approx ¼  vDash ²
vdash ` Join smallfrown a
equiv ´  sqsubseteq v geqq =
perp ?  ni 3 gtrsim &
ll ¿ prec Á  ggg o
supset ¾  succeq º gtreqqless T
cong   asymp ³ triangleq ,
smile < supseteqq k
in 2  > succcurlyeq <
Symbol Macros Defined in TexPoint (7)

• More binary symbols (T=AMS, W=Windows).

Name T W Name T W Name T W

succapprox v Vvdash ± blacktriangleright I
Vdash ° bumpeq l blacktriangleleft J
leqq 5 geqslant > vartriangleright
lesssim . gtrapprox ' lesseqgtr Q
lessdot l gtrless ? risingdotseq :
eqslantless 0 eqcirc P backsimeq w
approxeq u thicksim s sqsubset @
lessgtr 7 Supset c precsim -
doteqdot + curlyeqsucc 3 trianglelefteq q
backsim v between G smallsmile `
Subset b shortmid p Bumpeq m
curlyeqprec 2 pitchfork t eqslantgtr 1
vartriangleleft therefore )  gtrdot m
Symbol Macros Defined in TexPoint (8)

• More binary symbols (T=AMS, W=Windows).

Name T W Name T W Name T W
gtreqless R fallingdotseq ; barwedge Z
circeq $ subseteqq j boxminus ¯
thickapprox t preccurlyeq 4 boxplus ¢
sqsupset A precapprox w rtimes o
succsim % dotplus u curlywedge *
trianglerighteq r Cup d circledast ~
shortparallel q doublebarwedge [ intercal |
varpropto Ç boxdot ¡ Cap e
backepsilon ltimes n veebar Y
leqslant 6 rightthreetimes i boxtimes £
lessapprox / circleddash Ä divideontimes >
lll n centerdot ¦ leftthreetimes h
lesseqqgtr S smallsetminus r curlyvee )
Symbol Macros Defined in TexPoint (9)

• More binary symbols (T=AMS, W=Windows).

Name T W Name T W Name T W
circledcirc } subseteqplus g Ydown &
circledR r supseteqplus h Yleft '
circledS s curlywedgeuparrow G Yright (
interleave Z curlywedgedownarrow H Yup %
eqsim h curlyveeuparrow P baro ,
fatsemi D curlyveedownarrow O minuso +
merge B leftslice S sslash -
llparenthesis m rightslice T bbslash .
rrparenthesis n olessthan U
niplus c ogreatherthan V
inplus b ovee W
supsetplus f owedge X
subsetplus e obar [
Symbol Macros Defined in TexPoint (10)

• Delimiters (T=AMS, W=Windows).

Name T W Name T W Name T W
lfloor b  llbracket «
langle h  rrbracket ¬
rfloor c  llparenthesis m
rangle i  rrparenthesis n
lceil d  llfloor u
rceil e  rrfloor v
lbrace f llceil w
rbrace g rrceil x
ulcorner p
urcorner q
llcorner x
lrcorner y
talloblong Y
Symbol Macros Defined in TexPoint (11)

• Arrow Symbols (T=AMS, W=Windows).

Name T W Name T W Name T W
leftarrow à  uparrow "  multimap (
Leftarrow (  Uparrow *  rightleftarrows À
rightarrow !  downarrow +  twoheadrightarrow ³
Rightarrow )  Downarrow   rightleftharpoons -
leftrightarrow $  updownarrow l  Rsh Â
Leftrightarrow ,  Updownarrow m downharpoonright º
dashrightarrow nearrow % dashleftarrow
hookleftarrow searrow & Lleftarrow W
upharpoonleft » swarrow . looparrowleft "
downharpoonleft ¼ nwarrow - circlearrowleft ª
hookrightarrow curvearrowleft x upharpoonleft »
upharpoonright ¹ upuparrows leftrightsquigarrow !
downharpoonright º mapsto   rightrightarrows ¶
leftrightarrows ¿ leftarrowtail ¾ curvearrowright y
Symbol Macros Defined in TexPoint (12)

• Arrow symbols and negated arrow symbols (T=AMS, W=Windows).

Name T W Name T W Name T W
downdownarrows ¸ checkmark X nleftarrow 8
rightsquigarrow à rightarrowtriangle nrightarrow 9
leftleftarrows µ leftarrowtriangle nLeftarrow :
twoheadleftarrow ´ leftrightarrowtriangle nRightarrow ;
leftrightharpoons ® upuparrows · nleftrightarrow =
Lsh Á nLeftrightarrow <
downharpoonleft ¼
rightrightarrows ¶
rightleftarrows À
looparrowright #
circlearrowright ©
upharpoonright ¹
Rrightarrow V
Lleftarrow W
Symbol Macros Defined in TexPoint (13)
• Negated binary relations (T=AMS, W=Windows).

Name T W Name T W Name T W

nless ¥ nVDash 3 nsucc ¨
nleq £ nsupseteq + succnapprox ¼
lvertneqq ¡ varsupsetneq ! nparallel ,
nprec § nleq £ ntriangleright 7
precnapprox » lneq ¯ nsupseteqq #
nmid - lnsim µ supsetneqq %
ntriangleleft 6 npreceq ± nleqslant -
subsetneq ( nsim ¿ lneqq ©
varsubsetneqq & nvdash 0 lnapprox ½
ngeqslant ® ntrianglelefteq s precnsim ³
gneqq ª varsubsetneq à nshortmid .
gnapprox ¾ ngtr ¦ nvDash 2
succsim % ngeqq ¸ nsubseteq *
nshortparallel / gvertneqq ¢ subsetneqq $
Symbol Macros Defined in TexPoint (14)

• More negated binary relations (T=AMS, W=Windows).

Name T W Name T W Name T W

ngeq ¤
gneq °
gnsim ¶
nsucceq ²
ncong À
nvDash 2
ntrianglerighteq t
supsetneq )
varsupsetneqq '
nleqq ·

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