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Significance on the way

Intimate Series

Koyin Mini Dance Production 2019


25 年

製作理念 Production of concept



An interpretation of contemporary dance as a "person."
The recent dance of European contemporary style has prompted many dance artists to yearn for European
dance. They will not only study in Europe, but also participate in art festival exchanges and performances. There
are also many outstanding Taiwanese dancers working in the European dance group, due to the producer Yan
Keyin. As a Taiwanese dancer, I have no experience in actually working in Europe. However, through various
resources in Taiwan, I often have the opportunity to study and work with European-style dancers. This is
different from the European dance class education system. Impressed by the contemporary dance style.

Picking up the original intention, as a dancer, we have our body, the only wealth is also. Then, the dance style of
body (how to move) is similar like the program. According to the edge, experience and ability of the body, there
will be different execution effects. I stand, here is Taiwan, but I eager to experience the european dance culture
that I have never soak in, trying to share the common life issues of humanity.

Through the works of three choreographers from Taiwan, France and Luxembourg, we try to extend the
individual to the group, such as human sensibility, body perception and human reason, and how to express the
three levels of will. The abstract inner body feels, to the explicit external body expression, to explore the
self-demand, intimacy and individual performance in social interaction.For the performer, it is a test field that
connects the inner and outer performances of the body. By focusing on each choreographer's personal feelings,
individual unique needs, practicing and distinguishing, concatenating and transforming body language, making
the style of the work More three-dimensional.

+製作人暨表演者 Producer and Performer / 顏可茵 Ko-Yin Yen

曾與澳洲舞蹈劇場創辦人 Elizabeth Cameron Dalman (Director of Mirramu Creative Arts Centre)、荷蘭 NDTIII 舞者 David Krugel、德國福克旺
駐校編舞家 Henrietta Horn、法國編舞家 Lucas Viallefond、Claude Aymon (Claude Aymon-c2a)、英國編舞家 Avatara Ayuso(AVA dance company)、
台灣編舞家董怡芬、林文中、蔡博丞、詹天甄、日本編舞家折田克子、紐西蘭編舞家 Rosalie van Horik、Mauric Fraga 工作,並擔任其作
2018 年參與文化論壇演出、<親愛的寂> _KoyinEyes 製作召集人與編創小品< Double H. 人人>
2017 年參與索拉舞蹈空間年度製作<打南無>、<聲體>音樂舞蹈跨域創作;並於全國研究生舞蹈學術研討會,發表編舞作品<渺>,同年
2016 年參與文化部東南亞交流計畫 DANCE IN ASEAN-Sart Kampuchea,與柬埔寨當地傳統舞者進行一個月的交流與編創演出,並加入
2015 年擔任國際青春編舞營編舞者,編創作品<Immersion 沒>,並參與北藝大舞蹈系初夏展演,擔任林文中作品<長河>之舞者,同年加
入太古踏舞團年度製作。於 2014 年獲 ADF-中國河南課程獎學金,進行一個月的舞蹈交流與編創

Freelancer. A dancer, choreographer, dance teacher. Studying in dance performing arts of dance school, Taipei National University of the Arts.
Had worked and performed with Elizabeth Cameron Dalman (Australian Dance Theatre Founder)、Claude Aymon (c2a)、Po-Cheng Tsai (B.Dance
director)、I-Feng Tung(Taiwan)、折田克子(Japan)、Avatara Ayuso(AVA dance company)、Rosalie van Horik(New Zealand)、Mauric Fraga、
Harold Collins、Martin Fredmann. Also played main role in some works with theatrical company and joined some short tern works of other

+表演者群 Performers /

陳楷云 Kai-Yun Chen

國立台灣藝術大學舞蹈系畢。2009 至 2016 年加入舞蹈空間舞團。自由藝術表演工作者。

林姿均 Tzu-Chun Lin


高詠婕 Yung-Chieh Kao


張雅媛 Ya-Yuan Chang


李宗霖 Zong-Lin Li

林廷緒 Tin-Syu Lin


+演出作品 Choreography & Choreographer/

⾃由步系列 Freesteps Series

起始於 2012 年的編舞計畫,每一次的編舞機會都以 Free Steps
Is series of choreographic project for myself, start from
2012. Everytime are take “Free Steps“ for main point. Use
body and step for pigment, sounds and space for canvas,
do improvisation freely.

音樂 Music:Yannick Dauby

編舞者 Choreographer / 蘇威嘉 Wei-Chia Su,

2004 年創立驫舞劇場(HORSE),為團長、編舞者、舞者,2012 年與陳武康合作的自傳式作品《兩男關係》於德國科特
尤斯編舞大賽金獎,2013 年開始進行以《自由步》為題的十年編舞計畫,2016 年獲選國家兩廳院駐館藝術家,並製作
Be Ahava
來自於希伯來文, 給予與愛
From Hebrew, give and love

音樂 Music:Nina Simone / Theme From "Sanson and

Delilah" (Live At Carnegie Hall)

編舞者 Choreographer / Lucas viallefond

Lucas Viallefond 為古典芭蕾訓練出身,後於法國巴黎國立
並參與 碧娜·鮑許鳥帕塔舞蹈劇場之舞團課程訓練,其中包含經典舞 作《春之祭》。
在編創、表演、教學三方有豐富國際經驗的 Lucas, 其編創與表演足跡遍佈歐洲柏林、倫敦、巴黎等主要城市, 並先後參
與演出 Angelin Preljocaj 、Alwin Nikolais . Anna Sokolow、Merce Cunningham 等著名現代舞蹈家之經典舞作。此
外, Lucas 老師先後 曾任教於法國巴黎國際舞蹈學院、擔任法國普雷祖卡舞團與俄國波修瓦劇院合作計畫之客席舞蹈教
師, 並於以色列開設舞蹈工作坊。

肆 SI’

放入作品裡,正是舞者的人數。 四個分別的個體,

看見的脈絡,這也是編舞家 Jill Crovisier 最感興趣的部分。

SÌ, which means four in Chinese, stands for thnumber of dancers in this work. Four individuals share for a precise
moment their time and space guided by a geometric and human rhythm. This work questions the existence of
an individual inside of a group, the formation and deformation of the herd and the importance of each person
to create the force of the unity. Appearing as white tracing lines in space, the evolution inside the dancers
body, enclosed between liberation and oppression , is what interests the choreographer here most.

音樂 Music:Steve Reich-Proverb / Cryptik-Radiance

編舞者 Choreographer / Jill Crovisier

舞者、編舞家、影像製作人,JC Movement Production 的創辦人。
Jill Crovisier 自 16 歲開始環遊世界,透過旅行,開啓了她的思想 以及對舞蹈的感知。
舞蹈創作靈感來自於世界各國的文化、社會和 政治議題。畢業於盧森堡阿爾澤特埃施音樂學院, Jill 曾以舞者身 份參與
各國舞團演出,包含 Liat Kedem (AUS), Oz Mulay (ISL), Anu Sistonen (FIN), Pia Vinson (USA), Elisabeth Schilling (DE),
Sarah Baltzinger (FR), Kendra J,Horsburgh (UK),並獨 立發表全新創作, 近年作品 Zement : 2016 年入選參與德國
LUCKY TRIMMER 藝術節、德國漢諾威國籍編舞大賽及丹麥哥本哈根國際編舞大賽,並在哥本哈根獲得 B.DANCE 製作獎;
另一作品 The hidden garden 則獲選於 2017 年 Aerowaves 的前 20 名作品。2015 年至 2017 年間, Jill 與 Colors
Kannerschlass 和 EME 基金會合作在盧森堡引領兒童治療舞蹈專案 STEPS AND BEATS and Dancing, 是現今十分活躍

製作團隊 Production Team

製作總監 Advisor / 王雲幼 Yunyu Wang

製作顧問 Administrative Consultant/ 葉國隆 Kuo-lung Yeh
技術顧問 Technical Advisor / 吳文安 Goh Boon-Ann
製作人 Producer / 顏可茵 Koyin Yen
行政統籌 Administrative Coordinator / 劉宇真 Yu-Chen Liu
舞台監督 Stage Manager / 潘泓銘 Hung-Ming Pan
燈光設計 Lighting Designer / 楊妤婕 Yu-Chieh Yang
燈光執行 Lighting Executor / 陳歆湉
幕後協力 Stage Coordinator / 邱俞懷 Yu-Huai, Chiu、段予誠 Yu-Cheng Duan
音效執行 Sound Effect Executor / 潘泓銘 Hung-Ming Pan
服裝概念 Costume concept / 蘇威嘉 Wei-Chia Su、Jill Crovisier、Lucas viallefond
排練指導 Rehearsal Master / 方妤婷 Yu-Ting Fang、黃依涵 I-Han Haung
製作形象照 Image production / 寧森 Sen Ning
製作影像攝影&平面設計 Image Videographer &Graphic typesetting / 陳觀鴻 Guan-Hong Chen
宣傳視覺構想 Image Production Designer / K.Y. , 陳觀鴻 Guan-Hong Chen
節目單設計排版 Paper of program Designer / K.Y.
影像剪接 Video Editing / K.Y.
排練側拍紀錄 Rehearsal Photographer / 林貫易 Gaun-Yi Lin、鄧偉毅 Wei-Ye Deng
劇場攝錄 Live Photographer & Video / 葉澈 Che Yeh

特別感謝 Special Thank |

國立臺北藝術大學舞蹈學院、國立臺北藝術大學「名揚四海 藝術創新人才躍昇計畫」 Elaborate toward Excellence <FAME> International
Network of Artistic Education and Creativity TNUA、驫舞劇場 HORSE DANCE THEATRE、丞舞製作團隊 B.DANCE、古名伸 Min-Sheng Ku、
Henrietta Horn、張曉雄 Xiaoxiong Zhang、蔣秋娥 Chio-o Chiang、曾瑞媛 Rayuan Tseng、林立川 Li-Chuan Lin、余建宏 Chien-Hung Yu、黃
心怡 Hsing-Yi Haung、黃懷德 Huai-Te Huang、李政潤 Jeong-Yun Lee、林雅嵐 Yalan Lin、胡雅婷 Ya-Ting Hu、徐北極 Be-Chi Hsu、林憶
圻 Yi-Chi Lin、許慈茵 Tzu-Yin Hsu、王怡湘 I-Hsiang Wang、鄧偉毅 Wei-Ye Deng、謝森澤 Sen-ze Xieh、劉依昀 I-Yun Liu、黃彥霖 Yen-Lin

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