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Blood Donation Application

Submitted to : Sir Abidon Qadir

Subject (“Human-Computer Interaction”)

Group name (GBS)


Usman Awais B-20073 Usmanawais20073@gmail.com

Hafiz Haris Ali B-20554 Harisali149@gmail.com

Usman Arif B-18655 Usmanarif893@gmail.com

Chapter # 1

Introduction of blood bank

1.1) Definition:
A place where blood is collected from donors typed separated into component
store and prepared for transfusion to recipient …. This process allow more of one
particular part of the blood to be collected the could be separated collected could
be separated from a unit of whole blood.
A blood bank is a center where blood gathered as a result of blood donation is
stored and preserved for later use in blood transfusion this term blood bank
typically refers to a division of a hospital where the storage of blood product
occurs and where testing is performed (to reduce the risk factor) however it
sometimes refers to a collection center and indeed some hospitals also perform

1.2) Test before blood donation

All blood is tested for evidence of certain infectious disease pathogens
such as hepatitis B and hepatitis C viruses and HIV.

1.3) First blood bank

The first blood bank was established in 1936. Today blood banks collect
blood and separate it into its various component so they can be used most
effectively according to the needs of the patient
Chapter # 2

Problem understanding space

2.1) what you want to create
Want to create one of mobile application for blood collection and donation in this
mobile application all the blood bank of a city and all the big hospital are attached
And all the blood bank and hospital share the information about blood stock are
present in it. The user easily check relevant blood or blood group where it is
present. Which we are also introduce about home sample collection and home
delivery for the purpose user are only are registered with very basic detail.

2.1.1) current users-experience:

Todays the collection of the blood is very difficult for the patient and
its family whenever patient need to any type of blood group for transfusion the
family of a patient check one by one all the blood bank of the city and and they
are also arranged the alternative person for the blood transfusion they are very
time consuming peruses some time one off specific blood group are shored or
rarer the this case patient lose life.

2.1.2) how it is improved or change:

For the improvement and change the manual method off blood
bank we are try to introduce the mobile application mobile phone is a basic need
of every single man they want to connected to the society mobile app and is the
one off the best solution of blood collection and its transfusion with the help off
mobile app every person have to essas the blood bank at own home patient and
doctor check and received the relevant blood from all over the city with the single

2.2) what is our assumptions?

The assumption regarding the our application our app full fill all the requirement
regarding the blood bank case it is completely work in organized way they are
essay to use for user all the mobile user easily use this application
And all the phases off this application highly organized and fully functional its is
also essay for a new user newly user easily registered and check according to the

2.3) what is our claim?

Our claim regarding this mobile application they are capture all the market within
1 to 2 years. Because it is related to very basic need of all the hospital all the
blood bank and it is also need of patient and its family’s all the blood bank and all
the hospital and doctor’s become a part off the application to pervided the good
facility of the patient and it is play a very impotent role to save a human life.

2.4) what is our hope?

In Senegal health facilities regularly facing blood shortages. We design mobile
application to save human life
With our academic training we want to put our skill to the blood donation service
and thus help reduce maternal and child mortality related to lack of blood they
explain indeed 65% blood transfusions are administered to children under five in
low income cities in Pakistan. in world ever minute a dies in childbirth . Women
and children are main target face a need blood to live

In case of urgent need of a specific and rare blood group in question in order to
optimize and maximize the chances of matching donors.
Today our team hope donors account according to its promoters near 30.000
people while the platform registers.
Chapter # 3

The conceptual model of blood bank

3.1) Definition:
“a high-level description of how a system is organized and operates.”

3.2) Explanation:

The application in name is Blood Donation App. The basic purpose of this
application is that we are providing the most interactive and friendly interface
that the user can use this app and getting benefit by using the application. This
application is used for donation a blood because the Human Lives are most
important than everything that’s why we created this kind of app.
So the working of that application is the user comes to our application then the
first of all the user should be logged in to our project. if the user having not
a login account then the user can register yourself then login and getting
the main page of our application . if the user want Blood then the user
press the Need a Blood and the Form is appear in the screen the user fill
the form and press the request button then the user Request save in the
database and if the other donor is available and the blood group is match
for the request user then the donor can contact the request User who want
to blood. This is our basic flow. The User can also the see all the donors and
having contact number all the donors the request user can use this number
and contact that particular donor and after all the user can Rate us our
application that the how can the user feel by using this application.

3.3) Main components

3.3.1) Major metaphors

In this application when we are open main page 6 different operation are appear
they are connected with each and other and perfume function combine these are
following ….

 Request blood
 search blood
 User request
 Donate blood
 Available donor
 Contact us
 Menue

3.3.2) Concept of the product

The product perfume very effectively functions and they are respond very quickly
all the attribute of the product interconnected every attribute perfome specific
function Example:
The attribute of request blood received all request about blood different people
send request regarding this this attributed mange all the request’s

3.3.3) relationships between the concepts:

All the attribute are inter connected with each and other they are together they
share information one to another attribute Example:
First off all client send a request for blood after that blood request attribute
pass this information toward the search blood if the blood are present then the
application respond the client and if blood is not present in stoke then we check
in donor attribute and after that we contact with donor and client
3.3.4) Mapping between attribute
The highly connected attributed for the proper functionality performed all the
attribute are highly engaged with each and other they are perfume task
separately and it also perfume a task together
Like contact us page connected with search request and search request page or
attribute are connected with donor request and donor request are attached with
menu page and so on…

Chapter # 4

Tool using in Prototype:

Android Studio:
We are using the android studio for making the Blood
Donation prototype. This IDE is used for making the real world application. So we
are building the Blood Donation application that’s why we use the Android Studio.

Working of Android Studio:

The mian flow of the andoid studio is in the App folder.

1. App

 Layouts:
In the resouces the layout folder exist, the laout folder having the the all activity
related to our project. Mind it the all activity are using the XML files. This all files
using for front end development.

 Drawable:
The drawable folder is used for the storing the all kind of
images that are using in the project. if you want to use the
image in the main project that is actually the Blood Donation
application then you should first import the image in the
drawable folder then you can call the image in the desire
activity where you want to add the picture.

 Menus:
The menus is used for the all kind of menus in the project. in
the menus folder the all all menus is available in that folder .
According to our project, we use the navigation bar and the
navigation bar has the menus . so the menus is define in that
file. In out Blood Donation application we include the just two
menus that is Share and Maps that is define our project.

 Values :
In the values folder, the all text styling is occur in that folder .
For example, if you want to change our text then you can
change the text color in the Color.xml file and just call the
desire color in the desire activity. So in this way you can
change the color and every styling that you want to changed.
2. Java:

In the java folder, all the java files store in that folder. If you
are creating the java file activity then the layout activity
automatic generated. The java files is used for the backend
working that are used for the action performing.

Summary of Blood Donation Application:

The application in name is Blood Donation App. The basic purpose of this
application is that we are providing the most interactive and friendly interface
that the user can use this app and getting benefit by using the application. This
application is used for donation a blood because the Human Lives are most
important than everything that’s why we created this kind of app.
So the working of that application is the user comes to our application then the
first of all the user should be logged in to our project. if the user having not
a login account then the user can register yourself then login and getting
the main page of our application . if the user want Blood then the user
press the the Need a Blood and the Form is appear in the screen the user
fill the form and press the request button then the user Request save in the
database and if the other donor is available and the blood group is match
for the request user then the donor can contact the request User who want
to blood. This is our basic flow. The User can also the see all the donors and
having contact number all the donors the request user can use this number
and contact That particular donor and after all the user can Rate us our
application that the how can the user feel by using this application .
And the last most attractive option in our application the Google Maps is also
available in this application. By using this feature the Request User and the
Donor User have share the own location to the each other

This is our simple and interactive main flow of our application.

Design of Blood Donation Application:

Main Interface:

Register Here:
Login Form:

Register Form:
Navigation Bar:

Chapter # 5

Field Observation:
Human factors engineers go to different hospital and multiple blood bank in city
and different and find out all the problem related to the blood collection center
and find problem and its solution.
Today’s blood collect in manual ways and patient visit different hospital and
multiple blood banks and many patient lose life.

Focus Groups:
In this method we are focus all aged people because life is very important for
every human begin and blood is very basic need of all human being mostly
women and childe need the blood transfusion mostly women and small age child
loss life due to shortage off blood and rare blood group .
 In whole world about 1 person die due to blood shortage
 Small borne baby is effective to blood shortage.

We are interview different kind of people such as patient doctors and
families of patient and also visit blood bank different hospital and
multiple people belong to the spefice field and collect different data
and then data convert into the information.

Frame work blood bank

Existing system is window Application.

• So much time consuming this application also one machine and one by one record stored.

• Single Blood bank information also no inquiry for directly Blood bank.


• User view all Blood bank information is location wise.

• Donor easily donate the blood near Blood bank Location.

• Patient easily request for blood near Blood bank location

• In this system also supported inquiry form for user.

2.Blood bank

• Manage Registration for user

• Manage Blood bank information like (update, delete)
• Manage Donor Request for Donor
• Manage patient Request for needy people
• Manage Inquiry form for Appropriate Reply
• Manage feedback for Appropriate Reply


• Blood bank information view/update

• View Donor information
• Manage Patient Blood Request.

• Manage Donor information(profile)
• Add new Donation for Blood


• Manage patient information(profile)

• Give the Request for patient for blood


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