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Using Virtual Reality to

Increase Motivation in
Poststroke Rehabilitation
VR Therapeutic Mini-Games Help in Poststroke Recovery

Paulo Dias lia Roque

DETI/IEETA Universidade de Aveiro ~o da Regia
Centro de Medicina de Reabilitaça ~o
Centro—Rovisco Pais
Ricardo Silva
DETI/IEETA Universidade de Aveiro ^s Sero
Ine ^ dio
~o da Regia
Centro de Medicina de Reabilitaça ~o
Paula Amorim Centro—Rovisco Pais
~o da Regia
Centro de Medicina de Reabilitaça ~o
Centro—Rovisco Pais tima Pereira
~o da Regia
Centro de Medicina de Reabilitaça ~o
Jorge Laıns Centro—Rovisco Pais
~o da Regia
Centro de Medicina de Reabilitaça ~o
Centro—Rovisco Pais Beatriz Sousa Santos
DETI/IEETA Universidade de Aveiro

Editor: Mike Potel, potel@wildcrest.com

Abstract—Virtual reality (VR) applications meet fundamental principles of rehabilitation:

intensity, task oriented training, biofeedback, environments rich in stimuli, and
motivation, all pivotal factors for the success of rehabilitation programs. This paper
describes the development process of a set of VR minigames developed to increase the
motivation of stroke patients while performing repetitive upper limb movements.

& TECHNOLOGY improve the

MAY SIGNIFICANTLY from stroke,5,6 among other applications in med-
lives of people suffering from incapacity or defi- icine. VR has a significant potential for rehabilita-
ciency affecting millions worldwide. Virtual real- tion7,8 as it allows the creation of virtual
ity (VR) is already used to help patients endure environments (VEs) providing multiple stimuli
pain and disease treatment1–4 as well as recover and fostering the improvement of motor and
cognitive capacities while motivating and engag-
ing the patients. Moreover, VR applications may
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MCG.2018.2875630 meet the four basic principles of rehabilitation:
Date of current version 6 March 2019. intensity, task oriented training, biofeedback,

0272-1716 ß 2019 IEEE Published by the IEEE Computer Society IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications
and motivation, all pivotal factors for the suc- consideration the specific nature of their users
cess of rehabilitation programs.6,9,10,11 and context of use, the initial phase of the process
The following benefits of using VR in rehabili- involved a series of visits to the rehabilitation cen-
tation have been reported in the literature:7 bet- ter and meetings, first with a group of interested
ter performance, improvement of the affected physiatrists, and later also with physical and
limb and cognitive functions, neuroplasticity occupational therapists. These meetings helped
stimulation, and greater autonomy in the daily establish a common ground of mutual under-
life activities, while increasing the patients’ moti- standing of what patients need and what the tech-
vation and collaboration during the rehabilita- nology can provide, thenceforth facilitating the
tion program. In particular, some authors have communication between the teams. The first out-
“found evidence that the use of VR and interac- come of these meetings was the awareness that
tive video gaming may be beneficial in improving the ideal VR platform should encompass not only
upper limb function and ADL (Activities of Daily a set of ‘‘minigames” to motivate patients during
Living) function when used as an adjunct to the essential, but tedious sessions of upper limb
usual care (to increase overall therapy time) or rehabilitation (the initial goal), but also the possi-
when compared with the same dose of conven- bility of personalization of the games as well as
tional therapy.”7 This makes VR an exciting tool remote monitoring of the patients’ progress,
in the future of therapy, “not only because it was allowing a better follow-up of the patients’ evolu-
proven to be effective among sick and healthy tion beyond the rehabilitation center. This is a
subjects, but also because it had very little side- very important feature allowing patients to
effect and was much safer than other aggressive actively participate in their program at home. As a
or offensive therapies.”8 result of this initial phase, a set of decisions con-
Recently, affordable sensors developed by the cerning the design and implementation of the
gaming industry have been explored for rehabilita- applications were made, and the physiatrists and
tion.6,12 This synergy between benefits and afford- therapists stayed involved during the process,
able technology makes VR applications a natural regularly giving feedback and helping establish
approach for stroke rehabilitation, one of the main intermediate goals.
causes of incapacity worldwide. Aware of this The Leap Motion
The VR platform should
potential, and concerned with the lack of motiva- controller was
encompass not only a
tion of stroke patients while performing repetitive selected as the set of minigames to
upper limb movements in acute, subacute, and sensor to monitor motivate patients, but
chronic phases, a group of professionals at “Centro both coarse ges- also the possibility of
de Medicina de Reabilitaça ~o da Regia ~o Centro— tures (shoulder or personalization and
Rovisco Pais,” a National Rehabilitation Center in elbow movement, remote monitoring of
Portugal, contacted the Universidade de Aveiro to detected due to patient progress.
develop VR therapeutic serious games aimed at change of hand
increasing motivation by providing everyday life position) and fine movements (finger pinches)
context to the movements. Several VR applications since it detects the position, orientation, and cur-
were developed using a Leap Motion sensor (www. rent state of the hand. The games were developed
leapmotion.com) to track upper limb movements. in Unity3D (unity3d.com). This platform allows
These applications help patients perform relevant the creation of VEs as well as game logic and facili-
shoulder, arm, and hand movements, while tates the virtual world creation interface as well as
immersing them in an informal game-like VE. This native integration with an Oculus Rift DK2 Head
paper describes the development of the applica- Mounted Display (www.oculus.com/rift) and the
tions and the main results of a study involving a official Leap Motion SDK package.
group of 12 patients of the rehabilitation center. The system includes a backend server con-
trolling access to the database and the front-end
VR APPLICATIONS three-dimensional applications used by patients,
With the goal of maximizing the usefulness and as well as a configuration web page. This allows
efficacy of the applications and taking into for storage and management of game

January/February 2019

Figure 1. ‘‘Lift” game: user lifts barbell to a Figure 3. ‘‘Dish Washer” game: user opens and
specified height a target number of times. closes the hand to wash the dish a number of times.

configuration data (game instance, number of  Executing fine pinch movements with the
iterations, maximum completion time, difficulty index and middle fingers (hand).
level, and other aspects of the game), and game  Executing fine pincer movements with the
results (task completion, time elapsed, and spe- ring and pinky fingers (hand).
cific values concerning the patient’s movements
An important
as the longest distance reached).
requirement was
Our first goal was to define which gestures
that the games The games should
were relevant for the exercises to be performed
should evoke real evoke real life situa-
by patients during the games. The ‘‘Enjalbert
life situations and tions and be aimed at
Test” was selected as the basis for the applica- helping patients
be aimed at helping
tions to be developed since it was already used recover capacities for
patients recover
to evaluate patients’ progress at the rehabilita- an independent life.
capacities for an
tion center.13 The test, a five-level scale, is used
independent life.
to access the current state of the upper limb
Thus, it was decided to develop five minigames,
movement recovery for a poststroke victim and
focused on movements involved in progressing
includes different movements, ranging from 0
through the Enjalbert scale. The games devel-
(no upper limb movement) to 5 (fine pincer
oped to exercise the first three gestures passed a
movements with all fingers).
first round of tests with patients (in the same
 Lifting and holding the hand in place order as the list above).
 Lift: The patient should lift a barbell above a
 Bringing the hand to the mouth (shoulder
specified line (see Figure 1) and hold it for a
and elbow).

predefined time before bringing it back
Opening and closing the hand (hand).
down. This action should be repeated for a
predefined number of times.
 Apple eater: The patient should reach one of
the two apples (see Figure 2) on a table and
bring it to the mouth.
 Dish washer: The patient should wash the
dishes, opening and closing their hand to
turn ON and OFF the sink’s faucet (see Figure 3).
The patient must keep the hand open until
the dish is entirely clean.

Two more games were developed to exercise

Figure 2. ‘‘Apple Eater” game: user takes an apple ‘‘finger pinch” movements that required users to
to the mouth a number of times. pick objects from a box and drop them on a table

66 Published by the IEEE Computer Society IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications
sound effect at the completion of the task, in a
way to provide positive feedback and encourage-
ment, and allow for competition among patients,
features that were considered important to
increase motivation. On the other hand, when
patients did not attain the goal, discouraging
sounds or negative messages were not given so
as to avoid patient frustration.
Beyond testing the minigames, these prelimi-
nary testing sessions were also meant to instruct
Figure 4. VR system used at the rehabilitation the therapists on how to use the system, espe-
center. 1) Computer. 2) Monitor. 3) Oculus Rift cially the configuration settings, as they would
head mounted display. 4) Leap Motion controller. be the main users.
5) Speaker.
using different pinch gestures. However, due to A VR system was installed at the rehabilitation
the unreliability of the Leap Motion controller center to enable its patients to use the developed
for very fine gestures, doctors concluded these applications. The VR setup is composed by the
games were not responsive enough to be tested following elements, as shown in Figure 4.
with patients.
 A desktop computer to run the applications
Data such as the duration of each movement,
and local backend server (marked “1” in the
number of repetitions, height of the barbell line,
number of apples on each side of the table, num-
 A 4k definition monitor to display the VE,
ber of dishes, or what is considered an open
when running the applications in a nonim-
hand are configured through a backend web
mersive setting (“2”).
page. A calibration application was also devel-
 An Oculus Rift DK2 HMD (head mounted dis-
oped to configure the games according to the
play) to display the VE, when running the
patient’s condition, essential for allowing the
applications in a fully immersive setting (“3”).
patients to accomplish the task. With this
 A Leap Motion controller to track the posi-
application the limits for values such as ‘‘maxi-
tion and orientation of the patient’s hands,
mum height when lifting arm” or ‘‘maximum
so they can be represented and used in the
hand opening” can be set for each patient and
VE (“4”).
updated according to the patients progress
 A speaker positioned in front of the patient to
along their rehabilitation program.
provide audio feedback (“5”).
As part of the development process, several
rounds of preliminary tests were performed at
To evaluate the developed minigames, a pilot
the rehabilitation center with the help of doc-
study was conducted after a formal authoriza-
tors, therapists, and volunteer patients who
tion by the rehabilitation center ethics commit-
played the games. This formative evaluation
tee and a careful selection of the patients that
phase had a twofold purpose: Identify and cor-
should participate. The aim of this study was to
rect possible limitations of the applications and
establish which selection standards should be
assess whether the patients liked and were moti-
applied regarding which patients could use the
vated by the minigames. Some modifications
applications and benefit from them, as well as to
were made, mostly regarding the distance
obtain data regarding the patients’ satisfaction
between the virtual hand resting position and
with the games.
the interaction objects, since in an initial phase
The main questions to be answered by our
applications were only tested by users with full
study were:
control of their upper limb and these issues
were not noticed. Another relevant improvement 1) At what level of recovery could the patients
was the addition of a score and a ‘‘success” start using the minigames?

January/February 2019

2) Which exclusion criteria should be used? Although no significant differences in per-

3) Which particular stroke sequelae cause formance or acceptance between the fully
unusual results in a patient’s capability and immersive and nonimmersive games were
enjoyment when playing? noted, when asked, most patients claimed to
4) Is this type of treatment well accepted by the prefer the fully immersive version of the sys-
patients? tem. Two patients preferred the nonimmersive
5) Is there a preference regarding the level of version of the minigames. One of the patients
immersion (nonimmersive versus full had never used a computer before and found
immersion)? full immersion to be too invasive. The other
patient suffered from proprioceptive sensitiv-
A group of 12 patients (six female) aged ity and, as explained by the doctors, stroke
between 39 and 71 in several phases of recovery victims with this particular sequela feel the
and suffering from different stroke sequelae were need to look at their hand in order to execute
selected to test the applications, using both the the movements. Thus, not being able to see
immersive and nonimmersive versions of the the real hand when using the HMD may have
games. The patients used the applications while caused the patient to feel less attracted to the
seated and then answered a questionnaire regard- fully immersive version, despite being able to
ing their satisfaction with the minigames, always successfully play in both versions.
accompanied by a developer and a therapist. No patients expressed feeling any type of
First, the patient was instructed about the cybersickness during or after playing. This was
test and the equipment he/she would be using. expected as none of the minigames involves any
The patient then played the minigames twice, virtual full body movements, or rapidly changing
using the computer screen as the display and images, which are important causes for this kind
the Oculus Rift DK2 HMD. To prevent bias, half of side effect.
the patients used the nonimmersive version of When asked in which setting, individual or
the applications first, while the other half started social, they would prefer to play the games, the
by using the HMD. results were approximately the same for both. It
After the games were concluded (successfully was also noted that one patient participating in
or not) the patient answered orally part of the the study had previously played the minigames,
questionnaire (concerned with familiarity with during the preliminary tests, with greater suc-
technology; nonimmersive versus fully immersive cess. Although being able to complete all three
and general questions). The remaining sections of games both times, during the study the patient
the questionnaire (doctor/therapist credentials; was suffering from depression, which was con-
patient information; occupation therapy) were sidered to be a plausible cause for the decrease
answered by the doctors and therapists. in performance.
No hardware related issues specific to Oculus
Rift were observed; however, there are visual
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION and cognitive stroke sequelae (besides depres-
Although most patients were not familiar with sion) that may hamper the usage of immersive
computer games (9 out of 12 had never played VR in patients’ therapy. Examples of such condi-
videogames) or VR (10 out of 12), the minigames tions are hemineglet and assomatognosia,
were well accepted both in the rate of success involving deficits in recognizing the hemispace
and in satisfaction. Only two patients were not and hemibody contralateral to the injured brain
able to successfully complete all three minigames hemisphere
and only one was not able to complete any of Some limitations were found regarding the use
them. All the patients who were able to play came of the Leap Motion sensor as a tracker. Two spe-
away satisfied, claiming to have enjoyed the expe- cific issues were considered relevant: the position
rience and expressing interest in including VR as of the sensor on top of the table proved too hard
part of the rehabilitation therapy. ‘‘Lift” was the to reach by patients in early phases of recovery.
preferred game, followed by ‘‘Dish Washer.” This obstacle was overcome by placing a board

68 Published by the IEEE Computer Society IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications
on the patient’s lap and positioning the sensor on ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
it. In the ‘‘Apple Eater” game, because the patient’s The authors would like to thank the students
mouth position in the virtual environment was and patients who participated in the tests and
static, unless the patient kept his/her back user study. This work was supported in part by
straight throughout the full exercise, this position FCT, under its Project UID/CEC/00127/2013.
would no longer correspond to the actual mouth
area of the patient. This issue was amplified by the
fact that the patients would lean forward to reach
the objects, and was alleviated by reminding the ~ os et al., “A positive psychological intervention
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promising direction as they lower the barrier tendencies: A review of recent studies on virtual reality
to greater home-based use and technological for pain management,” in Lecture Notes in Computer
literacy of the population is increasing. Com- Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial
pared to conventional approaches, AR alterna- Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics),
tives allow adapting the exercises to the Cham Switzerland: Springer, 2016, pp. 512–520.
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January/February 2019

10. P. Kiper, L. Piron, A. Turolla, J. Stozek, and P. Tonin, Paula Amorim is a Physical and Rehabilitation
Physician with the Portugal Centre Region Rehabilita-
“The effectiveness of reinforced feedback in virtual
tion Medicine Centre Rovisco Pais. Her current
environment in the first 12 months after stroke,”
research interests include telereabilitation, virtual
Neurologia i neurochirurgia polska, vol. 45, no. 5,
and augmented reality. Contact her at pamorim
pp. 436–44, 2011. @roviscopais.min-saude.pt.
11. L. Piron, et al., “Exercises for paretic upper limb after
stroke: A combined virtual-reality and telemedicine Jorge Lains is a Physical and Rehabilitation Physi-
approach,” J. Rehabil. Med., vol. 41, no. 12, cian with the Portugal Centre Region Rehabilitation
pp. 1016–102, 2009. Medicine Centre Rovisco Pais. Contact him at
12. A. D. Gama, P. Fallavollita, V. Teichrieb, and N. Navab, jorgelains@roviscopais.min-saude.pt.
“Motor rehabilitation using kinect: A systematic
Eula lia Roque is an occupational therapist at the
review,” Games Health J., vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 123–135,
Portugal Centre Region Rehabilitation Medicine Cen-
tre Rovisco Pais. Contact them at toc@roviscopais.
13. M. Enjalbert, J. Pelissier, and D. Blind, “Classification min-saude.pt.
 hension chez l’hemiple
fonctionnelle de la pre gic

adulte,” Hemipl 
egie vasculaire de l’adulte et medicine Ine^ s Sero
^ dio is an occupational therapist with the
de reeducation,
  lissier Ed., Masson, Paris, 1998,
J. Pe Portugal Centre Region Rehabilitation Medicine Cen-
pp. 212–223. tre Rovisco Pais. Contact her at toc@roviscopais.

Fa tima Pereira is an occupational therapist with

Paulo Dias is an Assistant Professor with the the Portugal Centre Region Rehabilitation Medicine
Department of Electronics Telecommunications and Centre Rovisco Pais. Contact her at toc@roviscopais.
Informatics, University of Aveiro and a Researcher min-saude.pt.
with the Institute of Electronics and Informatics Engi-
Beatriz Sousa Santos is an Associate Professor
neering of Aveiro. His research interests include
with the Department of Electronics Telecommunica-
visual computing and robotics. Contact him at paulo.
tions and Informatics, the University of Aveiro and a
Researcher with the Institute of Electronics and Infor-
matics Engineering of Aveiro, Portugal. Her research
interests include virtual and augmented reality.
Ricardo Silva received the MSc degree in com-
Contact her at bss@ua.pt.
puter engineering from the University of Aveiro, Por-
tugal, and he developed this work in the scope of his Contact department editor Mike Potel at potel@
dissertation. Contact him at ricardojsilva@ua.pt. wildcrest.com.

70 Published by the IEEE Computer Society IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications

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