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A ts rth Po a ne the State ibvestyof Aono at Albany We, the firat residents of the Dutch Quadrangle, are the "pioneers" of the University. As the first aix hundred students to live here (on the new campus), we have experienced many feelings -- the sloneness derived from being four miles from ele frustrations of knowing the! the the thoughts of future generations yet unborn who would take our place and ‘would accept without thought of our time here the campus which existe for Us only in scele models and artista! sketches, For thia was a strange world we came to -- « world of 7 according to each individual's experienc jew in time, In form, in concept -- and {t m to learn e new way of life Mzed or um and expectations nt that we needed In all the newness one fact prevatled: this was home -- the newhome of a University in transition, nonetheless proud of ite heritage of one hundred twenty years. And home came to be wooden stairs at the end ofa bus ride (Temporary wooden stairs at the southwestern corner of the Quadrangle). It came to be a gaunt, white outline of pre-formed concrete. Rows. of pillars stood twenty feet apart. Between and in those twenty feet the firat six hhundred ved. Above tt all, the Tower struggled ekyward ae if impatient to be lived in too, Around, above, and in this place, sand came tobe the prevailing creature. Cranen and back-hoes came and went, but the sand, @ by-product of the architectural concept of a " was always there, "fiat table! ws And we ‘were ploneers, drawn by twisted patterns of a fate that haddecret WE were to be first. Our sense of responsibility and pride as we look to- Ward the future derives from the adjustments forced upon us because we wore fire We shared a common bond -- the spirit, the unity -- derived initially from ‘the trial of living in motels when the new buildings were not completed on time, Aa we lived and worked together, a new pride in our school developed from our initial unity. We began to feel a sense of accomplishment in helping to create a new concept of student government, anda new life-blood for the Univeralty. Being subjected to this new world has made us appreciate what we have, It is 4 challenge to live here, competing with the cranes, the jack-hammers, and the workmen, This place has become a part of us, and wee part of It Tee our wish that future generations will In some mi nd and apprectate the struggles of our ‘new University’ of to .demte year 1864-65, both graduate and undergraduate -- the dynamic growth, and the new facilities will Sarmbine with the traditions we have begun, and the hopes we have had, to make thene plans a reality, ‘The Residents of Van Rensselaer, Ryckman, Ble Beverwyck, and S jcker, Ven Cortlandt uyler Halle Firat students to live tn the Dutch Quadrangle, and fon the New Campus ALBANY, NEW YORK JUNE 11, 1965 |

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