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Taylor Hall

Intro to Education
Educational Philosophy

Ever since I was little, I knew I wanted to be some type of teacher. I always found myself

going back to teaching. Whether it was playing school as a little girl, teaching my little brothers

how to do their math homework, or just being extremely interested in how my teachers were

doing their jobs. After growing up and getting to experience each grade level from a different

point of view, I figured out that I wanted to be an elementary school teacher. I want to be able to

teach all early childhood students the importance of education and equally prepare each one to be

a working part of our society/community today. Besides wanting to be a teacher and wanting to

teach young kids, there is so much more to being a teacher that I took into consideration and that

I want to accomplish.

As a teacher I hope to not only teach the kids the information they need but also to teach

them stuff outside of the classroom. I believe my role as an educator is to teach them roles as

individuals inside and out of the classroom, while also making sure they are the best individuals

they can be, for themselves and others. I also believe that all children learn when at their highest

mentality. Meaning that children learn best when their confidence levels are high, and they truly

believe they can do something. Although this may change throughout the grade levels of

students, I believe that trait is something that will be a part of a student no matter what age. For

my age I want to be teaching, I believe they learn better when doing hands on things, exciting

things that require activity or something for them to get involved in, and something that is

connected to their life outside of the classroom. These beliefs will impact my teaching and
lessons plans a good amount because I want my children to not only succeed in school but also to

enjoy what they are doing and make going to school enjoyable for them. Although, not all

students learn as quickly as others and some may need to take more time on a specific thing, I

hope to always make my student’s feel comfortable in what they are learning. I don’t want them

to ever feel rushed or like they are falling too far behind. I want everyone to respect how others

learn differently but I also want them to be able to learn and advance at their own pace. Even

thought that is going to be a main concern when coming up with lesson plans for my students,

my main goal is to make them want to learn and be able to succeed in these fields.

I hope in my career I will have good relationships with everyone involved and if not, I

will try my best to make it the best it can be for not only me, but the students in my class. I want

my student’s parents to trust me with their kid’s education and be able to enjoy sending their kid

to school everyday to my classroom to learn from me. As for my teaching colleagues and the

administration, I have the same opinion/goal as the parents. I want to be able to be close outside

of the school so the bond of our relationship will grow and strengthen inside the school, making

it better for our students and their education. I want to be able go to my colleagues if I need help

or just need advice on something, so I don’t feel as if I am going into this alone. I want to have

positive relationships with those around me so every day I go into a positive working

environment and I can be better for my students. Every decision I make, every action I take, and

every relationship I make will be thought through and based on what I think is the best for my

class and what can give them the best learning experience they can get from me is.

I am going into teaching because I want to be able to give the student’s the great learning

experiences, I was lucky enough to have when I was younger, which eventually led me to

becoming a teacher. I hope to not only expand their minds in the classroom but also as a kid.
Such as expanding creativity and being able to just be a kid sometimes, but at the appropriate

time. I see a lot of kids today who complain about school and I personally hear my brother

complain about how he doesn’t want to go to a school because of his teacher. I want to be able to

be the opposite of that and help kids find their love for learning and school. I hope to keep taking

the experiences around me to not only better myself as a person but also as an educator.

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