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Title: … Word Problems and Critical Thinking

Relevant SC Standards: …

2-1: The student should be able to solve one-and two-step real world problems using

addition and subtraction

2-2: Students should we able to preform addition and subtraction

2-3: Students should be able to determine if numbers are even or odd up through twenty,

and they should also be able to count by two.

2-4: Students should be able to find the total number of objects up to five rows and five

columns, and they should be able to write equation.


Description: This app lesson will develop the second grade subject area students’ lesson
material focus of the critical thinking and word problem strategies understanding addition
and subtraction.

Instructional Objective: Students will be able to...

1. Students will be able to solve word problems using word problem strategies and
critical thinking
2. Students will be able to determine odd and even numbers up through twenty
3. Students will be able to count by two’s
4. Students will be able preform both addition and subtraction problems

Step 1 Content-Based or Skill-Based App: Students will use the app titled My Math Flash
Cards App location in the I-tunes store. This app allows children to learn addition,
subtraction, multiplication, and divison by doing problems using flash cards.

[ https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/my-math-flash-cards-app/id412496588?mt=8 ]

Step 2 Content-Based or Skill-Based App: Students will use the app called Math Word
Problems: Lite founded in the I-tunes store. This app allows children to learn and
understand how to do word problems. It was mainly created to help children preform one-
step word problems using both addition and subtraction. Mainly used for grade second
through fifth.

[ https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/math-word-problems-lite/id967074124?mt=8 ]
Step 3 Content-Based or Skill-Based App: Students will use the app on their phone or
computer titled Chrome and paste in https://www.abcya.com/games/math_match . This
website will give students the opportunity to play the game memory to practice addition,
subtraction, and or multiplication or divison problems.

[ https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/google-chrome/id535886823?mt=8 ]

Step 4: Creation-Based (Learning Artifact) or Skill-Based App (Screenshot of

Progress): Students will use the app titled drill Math Word problems to answer word
problems using addition and subtraction. They will be given a word problem along with
four multiple choice answers. They must fit the correct answer that fits the appropriate box
highlighted in the problem.

[ https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/drill-math-word-problems/id508237800?mt=8 ]

By: Lauren McDonnell

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