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The Law of the Lord is perfect. It gives life to the soul. The precepts of the Lord are right.

They give joy to the heart.

Beloved members of the board of judges, ladies and gentlemen, a pleasant morning.

I remember that the great Jose Rizal, the Philippines’ greatest hero according to the history book, said something about the youth being the hope of the
country. The youth are our country’s future leaders and as such need a good and strong foundation to be good leaders and citizens someday. Unfortunately, in this
day and age, I can no longer agree with this statement, we can not deny the fact that there are lots of violence in our surroundings right now that we may want to
question whether the youth are good role models to emulate in the future.

I can’t imagine the youth of today, that many are losing their right directions in life and following the wrong path because of the different outside forces
that influence their lifestyles and the worst thing is many of us youth forget what is really expected from us, the expectations that we well bring pride, honor and
glory to our parents, to our country and to God as well. We even gradually detaching from God because of the advancement of Science and Technology that slowly
making us blind to which is really make us closer to God. YES, instead of reading the bible or the holy scriptures, we spend most of our time in manipulating our

My friends, especially to the youth of today. It is not yet to late for us to divert our attention in reading the bible. WHY? In reading the bible we will
come to know that the Law of the Lord is perfect. The command of God are good because they express the righteousness of His character, teaching us and helping us
to grow in understanding His goodness. God’s goodness is a fearful attribute, but that fear has a positive effect on us when we obey Him. God’s law provide a guide
for conduct and a definition of acceptable behavior toward the goal of living eternally.

My dear friends, again it is not yet to late to revive and renew our lives by strengthening out our relationship with God and with others through Christ. God
shows the supreme purpose of His Law to revive His people back to where they are before fall of man-special harmony and peace before God.

The Law of Yahweh is complete and perfect. It specially enters the soul and restore it. Since it is whole, it reveals the places which lacks of fullness that
ought to be there. It bears witness of the greater light and by the spirit brings the soul to open up and desire this wholeness.

The testimony of the Lord is pure, making wise the simple. All we need is for Yahweh to speak, and He been overwhelmed by fear, troubles, anxieties, that
the Lord spoke fourth from His word and brought that peace that passes all understanding. Where we were ignorant, God brought insights. We were confused but
through His faithful word makes us wise so we can make good decisions.

The precepts of the Lord are right, they give joy to the heart. God’s word is always right. There is no ambiguity, no compromise, no hidden small paint!
God is always leading us to fully rejoice in Him. Does this mean that God does not take us through hard time? NO! But whether He leads us through difficult times,
He is bringing us into a more abundant place. Think of how He led Abraham up to Mt. Moriah. The Lord never tempts but only leads to a greater pastures.

The commandments of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes. Purity is speckless, consistent, concentrative and powerful much like a laser beam of light.
The word of the Lord is pure because it reflects with great intensity and vivacity the person and will of the Holy One. And the message we have heard from Him
and announced to us, that God is Light, and in Him there is no darkness at all.

Lastly, infuse your life with action. Don’t wait for it to happen. Make it happen. Make your own future. Make your own hope. Make your own love. And
whatever your beliefs, honor your Creator, not by passively waiting for grace to come down from upon high, but by doing what you can to make grace
happen…..YOURSELF, right now, right down here on earth!

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