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Name : Dewi Asnita

NIM : G2Q1 18 017

Concept Attainment Teaching Model

Cognitive learning theory emphasizes learning is a process that occurs in the human

mind. Basically learning is a business process that involves mental activities that occur in

humans as a result of the process of active interaction with the environment to obtain a change

in the form of knowledge, understanding, behavior, skills and attitudes that are relative and

lasting. Burner sees human cognitive development related to culture. For Bruner, a person's

cognitive development is strongly influenced by the cultural environment, especially the

language usually used. According to Bruner to teach something there is no need to wait until

the child reaches a certain stage of development. The important thing is the lesson material

must be arranged properly so it can be given to it. With other words, a person's cognitive

development can be improved by arranging the material to be studied and presenting it

according to the level of development. The application of Bruner's theory which is well-known

in the world of education is a spiral curriculum where the same subject matter can be provided

from Elementary School to College adjusted to their cognitive development window. The best

way to learn according to Bruner is to understand concepts, meanings and relationships

through intuitive processes and conclusions can be generated. (discovery learning). Implications

of Bruner's Theory in the Learning Process: Facing the child in a confusing situation or a

problem; the child will try to compare reality outside himself with the mental model he has;

and with his experience the child will try to adjust or reorganize the structure of his idea in

order to achieve balance in his mind. According to Burner in Huda (2014, p. 81) said "the

concept Attainment model is the process of finding and registering traits that can be used to

distinguish inappropriate examples from various categories". Hamzah (2008, p. 10), states that

the learning model of concept achievement is a learning model that aims to help students

understand a particular concept. This learning model can be applied to all ages, from children to

adults. For kindergartens, this learning model can be used to introduce simple concepts. For

example the concept of animals, plants, and others. This learning model is more appropriate to
use when emphasis on learning is more focused on the introduction of new concepts, so that it

can practice inductive thinking skills and practice analytical thinking. Hamzah (2008, p. 12) says

"The learning process will run well and creatively, if the teacher gives an opportunity for

students to find a rule (including concepts, theories, definitions, etc.) through examples that

illustrate (represent) rules the source ". In other words, students are guided inductively to

understand a general truth. Concept Attainment comes from English which consists of two

words, namely concept and attainment. In Indonesian the concept means concept. Attainment

means achievement, that is the action or process of achieving something. Concept attainment

can be interpreted as an action or process for achieving a concept. The learning model of

concept attainment requires a presentation of negative (false) examples and positive (true)

examples of the application of the concepts being taught, then by observing examples of

definitions of these concepts. The most important thing to consider in the use of this model is

the selection of the right example, for the concept being taught, which is an example of things

that are familiar with students. In principle the concept achievement learning model is a

teaching strategy that uses data to teach concepts to students, where the teacher begins

teaching by presenting data or examples, then the teacher asks students to observe the data.

The learning model of concept attainment is built in relation to the study of student

thinking conducted by Bruner, Goodnow, and Austin (1967). The learning model of concept

attainment is relatively closely related to inductive learning models. Both the learning model of

concept attainment and the inductive learning model are both designed to analyze concepts,

develop concepts, teach concepts and to help students be more effective in learning concepts.

The concept attainment learning model is an efficient method for presenting organized

information from a broad topic into a topic that is more easily understood for each stage of

conceptual development. The learning model of concept attainment can provide a way of

conveying concepts and clarifying concepts and training students to be more effective in

developing concepts.

Joyce, B. (2000: p.143) states that, "Learning concept attainment sharpens the basis of

thinking skills." From Joyce's statement shows that the learning model of concept attainment is

contained in the teaching of students' thinking, because in the concept attainment learning
model there are several the steps that must be passed, such as categorizing, forming concepts

by paying attention to various attributes (such as essential attributes, value attributes, critical

attributes, and variable attributes).

The use of concept attainment learning models begins with giving examples of

application concepts to be taught, then by observing examples and lowering the definitions of

these concepts. The most important thing that must be considered by a teacher in the use of

this learning model is the selection of the right example for the concept being taught, which is

an example of things that are familiar with students. In principle, the learning model of concept

attainment is a teaching strategy that uses data to teach concepts to students, where the

teacher begins teaching by presenting data or examples, then the teacher asks students to

observe the data or examples. On the basis of this observation abstraction will be formed. This

learning model of concept attainment can help students at all ages in understanding the

concepts and exercises of hypothesis testing.

 Concept Attainment and Pedagogical Concept

The Concept Attainment Learning Model departs from a study of the thinking process by

Bruner, Goodnow, and Austin (in Suherman and Winataputra, 1992) which states that this

model is designed to help learn concepts that can be used to organize information so that it can

provide convenience for they learn the concept in an effective, analyzing, and developing


The Achievement Model This concept is also an efficient model for presenting organized

information in various fields of study, one of the advantages of this conceptual achievement

model is improving the ability to learn in an easier and more effective way.
Eggen and Kauchak (2012: 218) state that conceptual achievement models are learning

models designed to help students of all ages develop and strengthen their understanding of

concepts and practice critical thinking skills. In this learning model, students are not provided

with a formula, but they find the concept based on examples that emphasize the characteristics

of the concept. In learning this conceptualization, the teacher shows examples and non-

examples of the concepts imagined. While students make hypotheses about what the concept

might be, analyze their hypotheses by looking at examples and non-examples, which ultimately

arrive at the concept in question.

There are two important things in learning that use learning models to achieve concepts,

namely 1) determine the level of achievement of concepts, and 2) analysis of concepts.

1. Determining the Level of Achievement of the Concept

The level of conceptual attainment expected of students is highly dependent on the

complexity of the concept, and the level of cognitive development of students. There are

students who learn concepts at a low concrete level or level of identity, there are also students

who are able to reach the concept at the classification level or the formal level.

2. Concept Analysis

Concept analysis is a procedure developed to assist teachers in planning the teaching

sequences of conceptual achievement. To analyze the concept the teacher should pay attention

to several things, including:

(1) concept name,

(2) attribute-attribute attributes and variable attributes of the concept,

(3) concept definition,

(4) examples and non-examples of concepts, and

(5) the relationship of concepts to other concepts

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