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Angelina Guzman

Professor Bruce

English 363

March 11, 2019

Annotated Biography MLA

Working title:

Antibiotic Resistance Review


Team Antibiotic resister’s purpose is to review the latest research about antibiotic resistance: how

it occurs and how it came to be such a big issue in humans and in the environment, worldwide.


Antibiotic resistance is when a microbe can resist the effects of medications that are often used by

a community. This occurs when a mutation within the bacteria happens. When mutations happen, the

bacteria changes in a way that allows it to reduce the effectiveness of the drug that was once used to

prevent the infection from happening. One of the biggest issues on human health is antibiotic resistance.

Scientists were able to rank eighteen of the most threatening bacterias that are resistant to certain

antibiotics (CDC, 2018). New antibiotics are hard to make, so instead scientists are trying to point out a

better method of fixing resistance and that’s by making the bacteria sensitive to the original drug (PLOS,

2017). The causes of antibiotic resistance are overuse, wrong prescriptions, and the large agricultural use

(P&T, 2015). Over time, its estimated that 10 million people will lose their lives to antibiotic resistance

in 2050 if nothing is done to prevent it (PLOS, 2016).


Richardson, Lauren. “Understanding and overcoming antibiotic resistance”. PLOS. 23 August 2017.


The major points explained in this article are: cellular mechanisms of bacteria, the evolution of resistance,

the spread of resistance, and the ways to counter resistance.

This source will contribute to my team because my team might use the data about how cellular

mechanisms of resistance work and what’s really happening beyond the human eyesight. We might also

use the techniques given to avoid/prevent resistance from happening. This source may connect to how

pathways come into play in antibiotic resistance. More about pathways comes into play in the article by

Ventola, she describes the pathways that bacteria can go through to undergo antibiotic resistance.

C. Lee Ventola, Ms. “The Antibiotic resistance Crisis”. P&T, Vol. 40, No. 4, April 2015.


Scientists have found some causes to the antibiotic crisis such as overuse, prescribing mistakes, the

immense agricultural use. The researchers also named the bacterial infections that resist antibiotics.

This source will contribute to my team because it describes some threats of overusing these antibiotics. It

also has a lot of information about different bacterial infections that have had a high tendency of resisting

antibiotics over the years. It defines what the bacteria is and what relation it has with the antibiotics. This

source is a more descriptive journal on the bacteria aspect of resistance, but it still corresponds to my

other sources because the bacteria is a threat and is something we’re trying to overcome.

“Biggest Threats and Data”. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 26 November 2018.


This source ranks eighteen of the worst bacteria/fungi by the level of severity on human health and gave

the death poll for each, yearly.

This source will contribute to my team because it describes the bacteria or fungi that has a great impact on

human health. It also provides other websites with additional information if needed about the

bacteria/fungi. This source connects with my other sources because this is a more in depth on the threats

bacteria/fungi have on humans but gives more insight on how these bacteria’s work and how they’re able

to resist antibiotics.

Kraker, Stewardson, Harbarth. “Will 10 Million People Die a Year due to Antimicrobial Resistance by

2050?” PLOS. 29 November 2016. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5127510/

Scientist estimated by 2050, 10 million people may die due to antimicrobial resistance unless a worldwide

response is made, and data is collected better to avoid the growth of resistance.

This source will contribute to my team because it talks about what will happen over the years if this issue

is not taken seriously. They were able to estimate this by modeling future possibilities. We would lose

millions of people to the lack of reliable data and information. This source connects to the rest of my

sources because we already have people dying now because of antibiotic resistance it can only get worse

over time because we lack the ability to make new antibiotics. The death rate will increase over time and

there’s no way to avoid it without a solution.

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