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Question 1 (1 point)

Answer questions 1–10 based on the text below. Choose the best answer A, B, C, or D
and click the respective option to mark your answer.
On the Roof of the World
(1) Late in the afternoon we reached the top of the pass. At last we would be
going downhill again. We had finished with wearisome ascents for the time being
and glad we were of it. Armin, our yak, however, thought otherwise. He broke
away and ran back uphill towards the pass. After endless difficulty we managed
to catch him, but we could not get him to move and were obliged to camp in a
most inhospitable spot where we could not light a fire – and so we supped on dry
meal and raw meat. Our only consolation was the distant view of Mount Everest
in the sunset glow.
(2) The next day we tied a rope round Armin's horns and led him over the pass,
but he continued to misbehave. We had had enough of Armin and determined to
exchange him at the next opportunity for another animal.
(3) Our chance soon came. At the next village I made what I thought was a good
bargain and exchanged him for a shaky-looking horse. We were overjoyed and
went on our way in high spirits.
(4) On the same day we reached a broad valley through which rushed a stream of
green water carrying small ice-floes with it. It was the Tsangpo. That disposed of
our dream of finding the river frozen and getting across on the ice. But we did not
lose heart. On the opposite bank we saw monasteries and a number of houses
and reckoned there must be some means of getting across the river. We thought
of a ferry and as we were searching for one I found the piers of a hanging rope
bridge. When we came to it we concluded that the bridge was all right for us to
cross but no good for our horse. Animals have to swim, though the coolies
manage sometimes to carry their donkeys across the swaying rope bridges on
their backs. We tried to drive our horse into the river but he simply would not
budge. By this time we were quite accustomed to having trouble with our
animals, so I sadly made up my mind to go back to the village and try to effect a
re-exchange. It cost me money and hard words to get back Armin, but I got him.
He showed no sign of pleasure or of sorrow at seeing me again.
(5) It was dark by the time I brought him back to the bridge. By that time it was too
late to get him across, so I tied him to a stake nearby. My companion
Aufschnaiter had in the meantime found us a lodging and we passed a pleasant,
warm night under cover. The villagers were accustomed to passing traders and
took little notice of us.
(6) The next morning I forgave Armin all his misdeeds. When we had managed to
persuade him to go into the water, he showed himself to be a splendid swimmer.
(Taken from Pick and Choose written by Robert Best, 1971, p. 36)

Di Atap Dunia
(1) Menjelang sore kami sampai di puncak celah. Akhirnya kita akan menurun lagi.
Kami telah selesai dengan pendakian melelahkan untuk saat ini dan senang kami
melakukannya. Armin, yak kita, berpikir sebaliknya. Dia memisahkan diri dan berlari
kembali menanjak menuju celah. Setelah kesulitan yang tak berkesudahan, kami
berhasil menangkapnya, tetapi kami tidak bisa membuatnya bergerak dan diwajibkan
berkemah di tempat yang paling tidak ramah di mana kami tidak bisa menyalakan api -
jadi kami menyantap makanan kering dan daging mentah. Satu-satunya penghiburan
kami adalah pemandangan jauh Gunung Everest dalam cahaya matahari terbenam.

(2) Hari berikutnya kami mengikatkan tali di tanduk Armin dan menuntunnya melewati
celah itu, tetapi ia terus bertingkah buruk. Kami sudah muak dengan Armin dan
bertekad untuk menukar dia di kesempatan berikutnya dengan hewan lain.

(3) Kesempatan kami segera datang. Di desa berikutnya saya membuat apa yang saya
pikir adalah tawaran yang bagus dan menukar dia dengan kuda yang tampak goyah.
Kami sangat gembira dan melanjutkan perjalanan dengan semangat tinggi.

(4) Pada hari yang sama kami mencapai sebuah lembah luas yang dilewati aliran air
hijau yang membawa es kecil mengapung bersamanya. Itu adalah Tsangpo. Itu
membuang impian kita untuk menemukan sungai yang membeku dan menyeberang di
atas es. Tapi kami tidak putus asa. Di tepi seberang kami melihat biara-biara dan
sejumlah rumah dan diperkirakan pasti ada cara untuk menyeberangi sungai. Kami
memikirkan sebuah feri dan ketika kami sedang mencari satu, saya menemukan
dermaga jembatan gantung. Ketika kami sampai di sana, kami menyimpulkan bahwa
jembatan itu baik-baik saja untuk kami lewati tetapi tidak baik untuk kuda kami. Hewan
harus berenang, meskipun kuli kadang-kadang berhasil membawa keledai mereka
melintasi jembatan tali yang bergoyang di punggung mereka. Kami mencoba
mendorong kuda kami ke sungai, tetapi dia tidak mau mengalah. Pada saat ini kami
cukup terbiasa dengan masalah dengan hewan kami, jadi saya dengan sedih
memutuskan untuk kembali ke desa dan mencoba melakukan pertukaran kembali.
Menghabiskan uang dan kata-kata sulit untuk mendapatkan kembali Armin, tetapi saya
mendapatkannya. Dia tidak menunjukkan tanda-tanda kesenangan atau kesedihan
karena melihat saya lagi.

(5) Hari sudah gelap ketika saya membawanya kembali ke jembatan. Pada saat itu
sudah terlambat untuk menyapanya, jadi saya mengikatnya ke tiang di dekatnya.
Teman saya, Aufschnaiter, sementara itu menemukan kami sebuah penginapan dan
kami melewati malam yang menyenangkan dan hangat di bawah perlindungan.
Penduduk desa terbiasa melewati pedagang dan hanya sedikit memperhatikan kami.

(6) Pagi berikutnya aku memaafkan Armin atas semua kesalahannya. Ketika kami
berhasil membujuknya untuk pergi ke air, dia menunjukkan dirinya sebagai perenang
yang luar biasa.

They had to camp where they could not light a fire because ....
Question 1 options:
they wanted a view of Mount Everest
it was a most inhospitable spot
the yak, Armin, would not move
they were too tired to go on any further

Question 2 (1 point)
They were overjoyed because....
Question 2 options:
they had got rid of the yak
they would soon be able to make a good bargain
they had got a lively horse
they had made quite a lot of money
Question 3 (1 point)
They thought it must be possible to cross the river because ...
Question 3 options:
they never gave up hope
they remembered there was a ferry at that point
the river was covered with ice
there were buildings on the other side
Question 4 (1 point)

They tried to get the horse into the water because ...
Question 4 options:
it was essential to teach him to swim
only donkeys can walk across rope bridges
they were going to use the horse as the ferry
they wanted him to swim over the river
Question 5 (1 point)
As it was dark ...
Question 5 options:
the author took Armin back to the bridge
they were able to sleep well
the villagers did not see them very much
they spent the night in the village
Question 6 (1 point)
The misdeeds which the author forgave Armin were ...
Question 6 options:
refusing to cross the river
making them late the night before
his behavior on the pass
Question 7 (1 point)
'otherwise' in the first paragraph means ...
Question 7 options:
in all other cases
very intelligently
Question 8 (1 point)
"We had had enough of Armin" in the second paragraph means ...
Question 8 options:
we were tired of Armin
we had made as much money as we could expect out of Armin
we had got enough food from Armin
Armin had served his purpose
Question 9 (1 point)
We did not lose heart' in the fourth paragraph means ...
Question 9 options:
we still had feelings
we did not give up hope
we still had a lot of energy
we did not get cold
Question 10 (1 point)
'budge' in the fourth paragraph means ...
Question 10 options:

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