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Problems and solutions related to behavior management at the Student Executive


The intra campus student organization is a student organization that has an official

position in the university environment which is regulated in the decree of the Minister of

National Education and Culture No.155 / U / 1998 concerning General Guidelines for

Student Organizations. Basically the organization is used as a place or container to gather,

work together to achieve goals. Similarly, student organizations are a vehicle and means

for students to learn, gather, and develop their leadership potential.

One of the intra-campus student organizations is the Student Executive Board (BEM).

The Student Executive Board (BEM) is a student organization that runs an organization

like a government. The Student Executive Board (BEM) itself has several fields, fields

which deal with internal matters from universities and faculties where the BEM is

sheltered, usually categorized as an internal part. This field also serves as a bridge to

control all activities of the academic community, starting from student organizations,

lecturers, employees, and students themselves.

The external sector or so-called foreign division functions as social control to the

community, such as holding social activities carried out to fight for the interests of the

people, this field also plays a role in establishing relationships with other organizations

outside the BEM. Furthermore, there are fields that function in improving student skills

such as student resource development (PSDM) in the field of scholarship and talent

interests. And there are several other fields according to the needs of the organization.

BEM (student executive body) and the role of students

As a learner and part of society, students have a complex and comprehensive role so

that they are grouped into three functions: agent of change, social control and iron stock.

With this function, of course it cannot be denied how big the role that students play in
realizing national change. Smart ideas and thoughts of a student are able to change the

paradigm that develops in a group and makes it directed according to the common

interests. Critical attitudes of students often make a big change and make incompetent

leaders become hot and anxious. And one thing that is the pride of student students is

the burning spirit to make a change.

As agents of change, students acted not like a hero who came to a country and

heroically drove the rampant criminals and heroically went from the area with applause

from the locals.

Students are not just agents of change like these heroes, students should be agents of

empowerment after changes that play a role in the physical and non-physical

development of a nation which are then supported by further student functions, namely

social control, cultural control, community control, and individual control to close the

gap - after the tyranny. Students are not observers in this role, but students are also

demanded as actors in society, because it cannot be denied that students are part of


Ideally, students become role models in the community, based on their knowledge,

level of education, norms that apply around them, and their thinking patterns. However,

the reality in the field is different from what is expected, students tend to only experience

the theoretical sciences in the lecture bench and very few of them are in contact with the

community, although some students begin to approach the community through

community service programs.

Students who are indifferent to the community suffer a great loss if viewed in terms of

the relationship of harmony and application of knowledge. In terms of harmony, the

student has closed himself from the surrounding environment so that there appears

apathy and loss of friendship as the community loses hope for students. In terms of the
application of knowledge, students who are indifferent will waste knowledge gained in

college, students are stopped in the movement and become very less quantity of the

contribution of knowledge to society.

Then if students are indifferent and don't care about the environment, then what kind

of expectations are worth pinning on the shoulders of students. Students as an iron stock

mean students are a future leader of the nation, replacing the existing generation and

continuing the baton of development and change. To become an iron stock, not enough

students only cultivate themselves with specific knowledge. There needs to be other soft

skills that must be possessed by students such as leadership, ability to self-analyze, cross-

generation interactions and high sensitivity.

Then the complex students as learners and empowers is supported in three roles: agent

of change, social control, and iron stock. Until someday, this nation will realize that

students are the generation this nation has been waiting for.

The Student Executive Board is an organization that is a continuation and combination

between the Student Representative Body (BPM) and the Student Senate. BEM members

are students who are still active and have attended BEM education and training.

Students can be said to be a unique community in the community, with the

opportunities and advantages they have, students are able to be a little above the

community. Students also have not been caught up in the interests of a group, mass

organizations, political parties, etc. So that students can be said (should) have idealism.

Idealism is a truth that is believed to be purely from someone's personality and is not

influenced by external factors that can shift the meaning of the truth.

Based on various potentials and opportunities possessed by students, it is not

appropriate if students only prioritize their own needs without contributing to their
nation and country. The student is not a student whose job is only learning, not the

people, not the government. Students have their own place in the community, but that

does not mean separating themselves from the community. Therefore it is necessary to

formulate the role, function, and position of students to determine the direction of the

struggle and the student's contribution.

Students as "Iron Stock"

Students can become Iron Stock, that is, students are expected to be strong human

beings who have the ability and noble character that can later replace previous

generations. The point is that students are assets, reserves, hopes of the nation for the

future. It is undeniable that all existing organizations will be flowing, which is marked

by a change of power from the old group to the younger group, therefore regeneration

must be carried out continuously. The world of campus and student affairs is a

momentum of regeneration which is very dear if it is not utilized for those who have the


In the Islamic concept itself, the role of youth as a substitute generation is implied in

Al-Maidah: 54, namely youth as a substitute for a broken generation and having the

character of loving and being loved, being gentle to those who believe, and being harsh

towards the infidels.

History has proven that in the hands of the younger generation great changes took

place, from the era of the prophet, colonialism, to reformation, the young people who

became the vanguard of changing the condition of the nation.

So now what can we do to fulfill the Iron Stock role? The answer is none other than by

enriching ourselves with a variety of knowledge both from the aspect of professionalism

and society, and do not forget to study the various errors that have occurred in previous

Then why does it have to be Iron Stock? Not Golden Stock, is it better and more

expensive? It may be based on the nature of the iron itself which will rust for a long time,

so it is necessary to replace it with new and better iron. This is in accordance with human

nature that has limited time, energy, and mind.

Students as "Guardian of Value"

Students as Guardian of Value means that students act as guardians of values in

society. Then now the question is, "What values should be maintained?" To answer these

questions we must see students as academics who always think scientifically in seeking

the truth. We must start from this because if we reflect on the nature of the value that

must be maintained it must be absolutely true so that students are required to look after


Little is clear, that the value that must be maintained is something that is absolutely

absolute, and there is no doubt in it. That value is clearly not the result of pragmatism,

the value must be derived from an essence that is Righteous and Knowledgeable.

In addition to the above values, there is still one more value that meets the criteria as

a value that must be maintained by students, these values are the values of scientific truth.

Although indeed scientific truth is a representation of the greatness and excellence of

God, as the Essence of the Knower. We as students must be able to find a variety of truths

based on scientific character derived from the sciences that we get and then we must

apply and maintain in society.

The thinking of the Guardian of Value that has developed so far is only as a guardian

of the values that already existed before, or maintaining good values such as honesty,

alertness, and so on. That is not wrong, but is that as simple as the value that students

must guard? So what do these values have to do with the nature of knowledge that

students should have? Therefore I am of the opinion that the Guardian of Value is the
conveyor, and the guardian of absolute truth values where the values are obtained based

on the nature of the knowledge possessed by the student himself. The nature of science

itself is always looking for scientific truth.

Explanation of the Guardian of Value is only as a guardian of the values that already

exist also has a weakness that is when there is a shift in value, and the shifted value has

already become a perimeter of goodness in society, then we will find it difficult to see the

value of truth.

Students as Agent of Change

Student as Agent of Change. This means that students are agents of change. Then now

the problem reappears, "Why should there be a change?". To answer that question, let's

look at the condition of the nation today. In my opinion, the condition of the nation at

this time is far from ideal conditions, where there are so many diseases of the people that

descend on the heart of this nation, from top to bottom officials, and of course infected

by many of their people. We should have done this. Then the next reason why we must

make changes is because the change itself is an absolute price and will certainly occur

even if we are silent. If we are silent, unconsciously, we have contributed in making

changes, but of course the changes that occur will be different from the ideology that we

adhere to and we think is right.

Change is a command given by Allah Almighty. Based on the Ar-Ra'd letter: 11, where

it is explained that a people must be willing to change if they want something better.

Then based on the hadith which states that the person who is better today than yesterday

is a lucky person, while the person who is not better than yesterday is a loser. Therefore,

how important is a change that we must do.

Students are a group that must be the front guard in making changes because students

are "exclusive" people, only 5% of young people can hold student status, and from that
number can also be calculated how many more want to study student roles in this nation

and country. Students who are aware of it should not just let go of their hands. They must

not allow this nation to make changes in the wrong direction. They are the ones who

should make these changes.

The change itself can actually be seen from two views. The first view states that the

order of social life is strongly influenced by materialistic things such as technology, for

example windmills will create feudal society, industrial machinery will create a capitalist

society, the internet will create an informative society, and so on. The next view states

that ideology or value are factors that influence change. As a student, it seems that we

must be able to accommodate these two views for the sake of the expected changes. That's

all because we have more potential to realize these things.

It is clear why the change needs to be done and why students should also be the front

guard in these changes, then in making these changes must be made an unhurried

method, starting from the smallest scope, namely myself, then spread until it finally

reaches the room the scope that we hope for, namely this nation.

Student Function

Based on the assignment of higher education revealed by M. Hatta, that is to form a

moral and democrat man

1. Have conviction of responsibility for the welfare of the community

2. Capable and independent in maintaining and advancing science

3. Able to assume positions or jobs in the community

Based on M. Hatta's thoughts, we can simplify that the task of higher education is to

form academic people, which in turn will become a function for the students themselves.

Academic personnel themselves have two characteristics, namely: having a sense of

crisis, and always developing themselves.

Academic people must have a sense of crisis that is sensitive and critical of the

problems that occur around them at this time. This will grow automatically if the student

follows the nature of science, which is always looking for scientific justifications. By

following the nature of the knowledge, students are expected to be able to understand

the various problems that occur and moreover find the right solutions to solve them.

Academic people must always develop themselves so that they can be a responsive

generation and able to face future challenges.

In terms of academic people as people who always follow the nature of science, this

also relates to the role of students as guardians of values, where students must look for

the truth values themselves, then pass them on to society, and the most important thing

is to maintain the truth value.

Student Position

Students with all their strengths and potential certainly cannot be equated with the

people in terms of struggle and contribution to the nation. Students are still classified as

idealists, where their beliefs and thoughts have not been influenced by political parties,

mass organizations, and so on. So that students in my opinion are right if they are said to

have a position between the community and the government.

Students in terms of public relations to the government can play a role as political

control, namely overseeing and discussing all decision making along with the decisions

that have been made previously. Students can also act as the conveyors of people's

aspirations, by conducting social interaction with the community followed by analyzing

the right problems, it is expected that students are able to convey the reality that is

happening in the community along with scientific solutions and responsible in answering

various problems that occur in the community.

Students in terms of government relations to the community can act as government

spokespersons. Students are expected to be able to help socialize various policies taken

by the government. It is not uncommon for government policies to contain a lot of

misunderstanding from the community, therefore the task of students is that they will

"translate" the intentions and objectives of the various controversial policies so that they

are easily understood by the public.

The position of students is quite vulnerable, because students stand between idealism

and reality. Quite often we are one-sided, when we defend idealism it turns out we see

the reality of society getting worse. When we side with reality, it turns out we

unconsciously have abandoned our ideals and also sometimes have left the nature of

knowledge that we should have. The easiest case example is when there was an increase

in fuel prices a few months ago.

Regarding the position of students at this time I think that students too consider

themselves "elite" so that a wide gap is created with the community. The struggles carried

out by students have now lost their essence, so that the community has not considered it

a hope of renewal. While the upper classes such as businessmen, doctors, etc. Feeling

there is no more similarity in movement. The struggle of students has now stood alone

and is no longer a "one breath" with the people.

A student is someone who is enjoying the beauty of education in one of the high

institutions for a certain amount of time. This institution is popular as a university or

college. In this institution he learns to sharpen the brain, think, solve problems without

problems, learn to be independent, patient, resigned, sincere, and practice the skills he

has without feeling bored and bored in being a true human being.

But behind all that being a student is not as easy as someone who has not been

categorized as a student (student), whether he is in formal education or not. Because the

task of students is not just learning in class, reading books, making papers, presentations,

discussions, attending seminars, and other activities that are characterized by

forgiveness. There are other tasks that are heavier and more touching on the meaning of

the students themselves, namely as agents of change and social control of society. It is

this task that can make itself the hope of the nation, which is to be a person who is faithful

in finding solutions to various problems that are covering them. This is what can add a

plus for himself as a student if their hopes are realized and manifest into reality in their

lives, not only become hope that is runny in the midst of the murky life.

Student is someone who is enjoying the beauty of education in one of the high

institutions for a certain amount of time. This institution is popular as a university or

college. In this institution he learns to sharpen the brain, think, solve problems without

problems, learn to be independent, patient, resigned, sincere, and practice the skills he

has without feeling bored and bored in being a true human being.

But behind all that being a student is not as easy as someone who has not been

categorized as a student (student), whether he is in formal education or not. Because the

task of students is not just learning in class, reading books, making papers, presentations,

discussions, attending seminars, and other activities that are characterized by

forgiveness. There are other tasks that are heavier and more touching on the meaning of

the students themselves, namely as agents of change and social control of society. It is

this task that can make itself the hope of the nation, which is to be a person who is faithful

in finding solutions to various problems that are covering them. This is what can add a

plus for himself as a student if their hopes are realized and manifest into reality in their

lives, not only become hope that is runny in the midst of the murky life.

Students as agents of social change are always required to show their role in real life

so that he does not become a fake student who essentially does not want and does not
want to bear it. At least in general there are three important and fundamental roles for

students, namely intellectual, moral and social.

The first role, students as people who are intellect, genius, and observant must be able

to live their lives proportionally, as a student, child, and community expectations.

Second, students who live on campus who are known to be free to express, act, discuss,

speculate and give speeches, must be able to show moral behavior in every act of their

horn without being contaminated and affected by conditions and environment. Because

he himself has the ability to measure the merits of actions, besides being monitored and

emulated by the community. Third, students as a person who brings change must always

work together, think critically and act concretely, which is framed by willingness and

sincerity to become a pioneer, conveying the aspirations and servants of the community.

If all the important roles materialized become real in them, then they deserve to be

called the real student, not the fake student, which according to the observer of the author

is carried by most students now. It is indeed the achievement of these things that will

make them in the peak of glory even though they are in humiliation in the end.

Problems and solutions related to behavior management at the Student Executive


As a Student Executive Board in higher education and overshadowing elements in the

university also has a coordination path with student activity units and DPM as well as

the DPF. To maintain stability and unilateral policies, the element should be able to work

together in decision making, both in the form of decision making and in achieving the

president's elected vision and mission.

The involvement of the student activity unit is very important in achieving the role

and function of the Student Executive Board. Because in each unit of activity the students

have special expertise as well as different visions and missions, but as a matter of fact all
these UKM have the same goal as the student executive body, which is to reach the

university alma mater both in universities and outside the university. If this can be

achieved, an ideal student government will be formed.

By cooperating with these SMEs the Student Executive Board will at least find it easy

to achieve the goals that will be achieved either in the form of sports activities assisted by

UKO, arts assisted by UKS, da'wah supported by Rabani and campus missionary

institutions, health assisted by KSR, University Front Cluster assisted by UKM Scouts,

martial arts development was assisted by UKM Swordsman, communication skills and

thought were helped by Aisec and Reasoning, journalism was helped by Genta,

entrepreneurs were helped by KOPMA, disaster response which had been a problem at

the student government level and who is authorized can actually be assigned to

MENWA, MAPALA, KSR and PRAMUKA, Leaders in Oration Community Student

Assistance are assisted by PHP, IT is assisted by Neo Telemetry and to maintain Security

in Government is assisted by MENWA.

So far this is the path that has never been taken by the Student Executive Board. As a

government, we should be able to safeguard all of this so that a social balance occurs and

also eliminate the interests of groups that are mushrooming in the government body. Our

country is a democratic country not an authority or a state. In decision making all must

be followed by deliberation and maintaining togetherness. No one felt any loss in making

this decision.

The interests of the party and the interests of the party that are now a problem for the

campus politics and become a discourse of demand for all campus politicians, that the

Student Executive Board has had a lot of political parties that play an important role in

the government policy of students who do not know the truth. But we must also respond

to this because we do not yet know whether all this is a political scenario or game played

by those who do not want all the policies issued by the student government. Or this is
true. So as a Student Executive Board, it should immediately take a policy to improve the

image and reputation so that the university student community is not provoked by

anything that is unclear.

We must know in advance that students are not puppets or ordinary students. Talking

about Students means talking about one of the important elements of this nation. So much

history is inscribed by students in the long journey of movement in this country. If we

look back on three historical things in this country, we will be sure that students are not

puppets or ordinary students. First, it always crossed my mind that the struggle of the

young men who were in fact they were STOVIA students in 1908. They were Budi Utomo,

the first national youth organization in Indonesia founded by Sutomo. That's just one

important note. The important role of students took place in 1928, namely the Youth

Oath. The idea of organizing the Second Youth Congress which resulted in this youth

oath came from the Indonesian Student Association (PPPI), a youth organization with

members from all over Indonesia. What is still remembered by us, namely the events of

12 May 1998. Thousands of students succeeded in changing the fate of hundreds of

millions of Indonesian people and became vital actors in the history of upholding

democracy in Indonesia.

The next question is, are students who are said to be agents of change and critical

people want to be trapped by certain parties who want to make us students to become

puppets they want to do? That question is only us who can answer as a student.

Being a student is something that is not easy, but does not need to be complicated.

Sometimes we assume that students must have an anarchic demonstration. There are also

those who think that students must rarely enter college and prioritize the organization.

In my view, none of that is totally true, and nothing is totally wrong. Life is full of choices

and every choice must have a priority scale and will be accompanied by various trade-

offs and consequences. Similarly, the choice to become a student.

There are various views on the role of a student. But I have my own opinion which I base

on my conversations and meetings with various students from various sides of the


Students are critical figures. If we often see demonstrations, peaceful actions,

acquisitions of demonstrations, that is some evidence of the students' critical attitude.

Everyone must have their own way to pour out their aspirations or criticisms of

everything. This critical attitude can be implemented in other ways. We as students will

be better if we can reach all kinds of information from various sources, so that if we want

to criticize something, we know exactly what we want to criticize. This critical attitude

can also be realized in a more "soft" form, namely by using a letter of aspiration or facing

directly the party we want to criticize. What is sometimes an obstacle, the criticized party

can only close their ears and only look at their ways. But that is our duty as students, to

be a closed ear opener with an optimal critical attitude but not excessive. Most

importantly, each attitude of criticism must be accompanied by a reliable, realistic and

argumentative solution. Remember, students are not puppets who just follow what the

old people say or important people around them. Students must dare to speak out loud

for a change.

Students are agents of change. We as students should be able to make changes in 3

stages. The first change for one of the hardest things is changed, namely the personal self.

It is easier for us to change other people than to make changes for ourselves. This is

because we will be more subjective in assessing ourselves and always easier to see the

advantages that exist compared to our shortcomings. In the context of students, the most

important thing that needs to be changed is the way we think. The way we think we can

no longer be like high school kids. We cannot think what we should do now. But Students

should have a pattern of vision going forward, but still able to analyze and account for

what has been done, and know clearly what must be done now. Changes that can be
made by students is change through the community or organization. Not a student whose

name is not active in the community or organization. If someone claims to be a student

but only comes to campus to enter class, then returns home, without sufficient

organizational activities or socialization, then do not claim to be a student. Vice versa, if

we claim to be students but only struggle with the organization but forget about the

academic responsibilities of a student, do not classify ourselves as students. Back again

to the changes we can make through the organization. These changes can have a

tremendous impact on us, other students, and also on the outside community. For

example, if we criticize campus policies that injure us as students, chances are that we

can reduce those who feel disadvantaged. It is no longer the age that we just sit quietly

in class and close our ears to all the noisy things around us. Let's make changes.

Those are some things that can be our weapons as students, namely Courage to

crystallize something with clear solutions and arguments, and enthusiasm to make

changes. We are not puppets who continue to want to be treated as we wish and we are

not ordinary students who do not know what has been, is, and will do. Being a student

is our choice and we must be ready to do trade-offs, set priorities, and accept the



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