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United States History Exam 2018/2019


Use the passages to help answer the following questions:

- Thomas Paine, “Common Sense”

1. In ​the above passage​, what is Thomas Paine suggesting about the relationship between England
and the colonies?
a. God never intended for North America to be an English colony
b. The King never had any authority over the English colonies
c. The distance between England and America made it natural for there to be colonies

2. Thomas Paine wrote “Common Sense” as

a. An attempt to persuade the King to let the colonies break away peacefully.
b. A pamphlet on the study of economic turmoil in the colonies.
c. An attempt to persuade the colonists that the time to break from Britain was logical and
soon at hand.

- Office of the Historian, United States of America Department of State (2014).

3. The quote “the war had been enormously expensive” refers to which of the following conflicts?
a. The Boston Tea Party
b. The French and Indian War
c. The Bloody Massacre
4. Which of the following ​best​ represents the British perspective on limiting westward expansion?
a. The British did not want the colonists to have more success economically.
b. The British had already invested enough time and money into the colonies and did not
want more land to rule.
c. The British did not want more conflicts with the Indians to arise resulting in more money
having to be spent on the defense of the colonists.

Pennsylvania Journal and Weekly Advertiser, William Bradford (1765)

5. What does William Bradford mean by “the taxing Chains put on us”?
a. He felt that the new taxes imposed by the stamp act were restrictive and harmful to
economic growth.
b. He felt that slavery was inherently evil and did not feel the British should allow it.
c. He felt the Stamp Act was just, and the newspapers reporting on it were “chaining” taxes
and free speech together.

6. Which of the following statements​ ​would not​ represent an accurate representation of events
associated with the Stamp Act?
a. The British felt the colonies needed to have a small tax placed on everyday goods in
order to raise money to help defend the colonies.
b. The colonists openly accepted the Stamp Act recognizing the benefits of the Mercantilist
system in place.
c. The Colonists disliked the Stamp Act because they thought it was an unjust tax with
limited voice or representation.
The Declaration of Independence- Thomas Jefferson, 1776

7. Which of the following would the ​colonists have not​ seen as a “long train of abuses”?
a. The use of the British military during the French and Indian War.
b. The continuation of numerous taxes on the colonists.
c. The restriction of westward expansion.

8. Which of the following best represents the idea of “an absolute tyranny over these States”?
a. The continual taxation of the colonists without any direct representation.
b. The continual fighting with the French on the northern border.
c. The dismantling of all local governments throughout the American colonies.

9. What is meant by Jefferson when he wrote “it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such
a. It is the responsibility of the colonists to rebel against the people of Boston who are
creating violence and rebellion.
b. When a government struggles to understand its people, the people need to rebel against
the tyranny of the government.
c. When a government continually restricts the basic rights of its people, the people have a
responsibility to rebel and create a new government.
- Instructions to the Virginia Delegates to the First Continental Congress,
Williamsburg, 1774

10. To change British policy, the colonists felt that the most effective way was to
a. Begin an armed rebellion
b. Boycott trade with Britain
c. Send a petition to the king

11. Based on this excerpt, the colonist believed

a. The new taxes and statutes applied by parliament were unconstitutional
b. That Britain desired more free trade
c. All of the above are valid beliefs

- King George III, Speech to Parliament, October 27, 1775

12. Based on the excerpt, which of the following best describes King George’s view of this reaction
to the turmoil in the colonies?
a. The King does not understand why anyone would revolt against his Rule
b. He believes parliament is to blame for all the problems
c. The King feel he has been moderate in his response and attempted to avoid conflict

13. According to the excerpt, which of the following does King George hold primarily responsible for
the American revolt?
a. The “expressions of attachment” by some colonial leaders
b. The “spirit of moderation” of some of Parliament’s resolutions
c. The “traitorous views” of some colonial leaders

14. The American victory at Saratoga was a turning point in the war because
a. It convinced Spain to enter the war on the American side.
b. It convinced France to start supporting the Americans.
c. It convinced the Germans to commit troops to the American cause.

15. The event that spawned from the taunting and throwing of snowballs at a British soldier guarding
a customs house became known as the
a. Boston Massacre.
b. Boston Tea Party.
c. Battle of Bunker Hill.

16. The continental army was made up of

a. a rotating group of farmers and untrained soldiers
b. Mercenaries that were hired from Germany
c. Natives and colonists fighting against the British

17. How were the colonists able to win the war?

a. They had superior training, weapons, and strategy
b. They outlasted the British’s desire to continue the conflict
c. They hired mercenaries from Europe to help
George Washington’s Farewell Address

United States 19th September, 1796 George Washington

18. What basic function of the United States Government is Washington referring to?
a. Democracy
b. The purpose of a Republic
c. The separation of powers between 3 branches of government

19. What was meant when Washington stated “The necessity of reciprocal checks in the exercise of
political power”?
a. The executive should have the final check on the other branches.
b. That all branches should operate with a system of “check and balances”.
c. The people are the ultimate check on the government.

- Constitution of the United States of America, 1787

20. This type of Representation describe in the Constitution best aligns with which initial plan for
a. The Articles of Confederation
b. The New Jersey Plan
c. The Virginia Plan

21. Which states would most likely support the basis for representation in the House of
a. The Northern States
b. The Less populated states
c. The more populated states

- Constitution of the United States of America, 1787

22. Which states would most likely support the basis for representation in the Senate?
a. The Northern States
b. The Less populated states
c. The more populated states

23. Both Article 1, section 2 and 3 are evidence of

a. Compromise between the legislative and executive branches.
b. A compromise between the Virginia Plan and the New Jersey Plan.
c. A desire to continue with the Articles of Confederation

Speaker A: Our national government should be strong. State governments should

have only limited powers.

Speaker B: A bicameral legislature would protect the power of both the large states
and the small states

Speaker C: The expansion of the national government will lead to tyranny. The
constitution does not protect civil liberties.

Speaker D: The executive branch should have significant power.

24. Which speaker is expressing an idea that was ​a major part​ of the ​Great Compromise
during the drafting of the Constitution in 1787?
a. A
b. B
c. D
25. How were the concerns of ​Speaker C​ resolved?
a. Establishment of the House of Representatives
b. Creation of the federal court system
c. Addition of the Bill of Rights

26. During the debate over ratification of the Constitution, people who agreed with the
statements of Speakers A and D became known as
a. Loyalists
b. Federalists
c. Antifederalists

A Bill of Rights should be added.

The central government is too powerful

The nation is too large to remain a republic.

27. These statements express concerns of citizens who opposed the

a. Creation of the Articles of Confederation
b. Ratification of the Constitution
c. Session of the Southern states from the union

28. The label that would best fit with this individual is
a. Federalist
b. Anti-Federalist
c. Democrat

29. This individual would be ​LEAST​ likely to agree with which of the following statements?
a. When given a large amount of power, men will abuse it.
b. The executive branch has too much power.
c. The constitution has the perfect amount of checks and balances.
30. What was the basic message of the Monroe Doctrine?
a. The Western and Eastern Hemispheres should work together toward peace.
b. The United States had declared that they would stay out of the Eastern Hemisphere and
that Europe should stay out of the Western Hemisphere.
c. South America should come under North American rule.

31. What was a significant outcome of the Monroe Doctrine?

a. The United States created a global peace that lasted for decades.
b. The United States became the dominate nation within the Western Hemisphere.
c. Europe ignored the Doctrine and the US found it was still weak and unimposing.
Indian Removal
Extract from Andrew Jackson's Seventh Annual Message to Congress

December 7, 1835

32. Based on Jackson’s speech he believes

a. That the native population has little to no hope of becoming part of American culture and
b. The Natives should be left alone and the Americans should limit westward expansion.
c. They can look into the future and see the outcomes of Native and American relations.

33. Jackson also believed

a. The United States should not take any part in dealings or resettlement of the native
b. The past can easily show us how to act in difficult times.
c. The United States Government has a responsibility to help and maintain the Native
culture if at all possible.
34. The Image above is best known for its representation of which of the following?
a. Indian removal
b. Manifest Destiny
c. The final cause of the Civil War

35. Which of the following is not portrayed in the image above?

a. The natives being driven from their land.
b. The Telegraph and railroads expanding into the west.
c. The struggle of the south and slavery.
On the night of October 16, 1859, Brown, now 59 years old, staged his final and most daring raid, an
assault on the federal armory in Harpers Ferry, Virginia (now West Virginia), which housed an arsenal of
more than 100,000 rifles and muskets. Calling his raiding force, the “Provisional Army,” Brown's group
of 22 men included three of Brown's sons, a fugitive slave and four free blacks. Brown's goal was to seize
the arsenal, distribute the guns and muskets, mobilize anti-slavery forces, incite slave insurrections and
organize raids against slaveholders across the South.

On December 2, 1859, Brown wrote:

I, John Brown, am now quite certain that the crimes of this guilty land will never be purged away but with
blood. I had, as I now think, vainly flattered myself that without very much bloodshed it might be done."
Later, that day, Brown was hung. By March 1860, six of his compatriots, having been tried and found
guilty, followed Brown to the gallows.

36. What “crimes of this guilty land” is Brown referring to?

a. Westward expansion
b. Slavery
c. Women’s suffrage

37. Why would Brown feel the need to rise up violently against southern slave owners in order to
accomplish his goal?
a. He felt that the abolitionist movement was not getting anywhere and needed more
forceful action.
b. He felt the Southern government was preventing Westward Expansion.
c. He felt violence was the best cause for change.

38. Why would some argue that John Brown’s Raid was one of the main causes of the Civil War?
a. It showed that the slavery issue was moving toward violence and bloodshed.
b. The South now felt that it was literally under attack by those in the North.
c. All of the above would play a factor in the argument.

39. The death tolls of the American Civil War were

a. The worst ever to be seen on American soil
b. Similar to the tolls of the revolutionary war
c. What was expected when the war started

40. Which of the following was true when the Civil War began?
a. All the important material advantages lay with the North.
b. The South had the active support of England.
c. Southern industry was sufficient to conduct a war.

41. Sherman's march through Georgia was ​designed​ to:

a. Free the slaves in central Georgia.
b. Get Lincoln reelected.
c. Break the will of the Southern people.
“The Gettysburg Address”

Abraham Lincoln - November 19, 1863

42. What is Lincoln attempting to explain when stating “we cannot dedicate…this ground. The
Brave men…who struggled here have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract”?
a. Lincoln and the people of the Union should be disgraced as to what took place at
b. Lincoln believed that words could not honor the field of battle beyond what the soldiers
had already done by giving their lives.
c. All of the above out true

43. What does Lincoln attempt to explain in the culminating sentence: “​It is rather for us to be here
dedicated to the great task remaining before us -- that from these honored dead we take increased
devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion​”? What does he mean
by “​be here dedicated​” and “​increased devotion​”?
a. The people of the North must recommit themselves to the war effort in order that the men
who have fought and died did not die for any reason.
b. The people, north and south, need to work to consecrate and dedicate every battle field in
order to show devotion to the cause.
c. None of the above statements are accurate interpretations.

44. “​That this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the
people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth​.” Which of the following
best summarizes the prior excerpt?
a. The south must commit to abolishing slavery or the country will not be free.
b. The Confederacy (the south) will continue to fight and must be abolished from this earth
in order for freedom and democracy to reign.
c. The north must have victory in order for the Union to reunite and to continue to grant to
the people a government run for, and by, the people.
45. The major battle in the west during the Civil War which had the effect of splitting the
Confederacy in half and allowing the Union to control the Mississippi River:
a. The Battle of the Wilderness.
b. Vicksburg.
c. Gettysburg.

46. What was the major impact and result of the battle of Gettysburg?
a. The battle led to the firing of General Burnside and the South retreating to Vicksburg.
b. Gettysburg led to a victory for the north, Lee’s army losing many men, and momentum
swing in favor of the north.
c. The north took control of the Mississippi River and continued with the anaconda plan.

“The Mudsill Theory”- By James Henry Hammond

47. According to Hammond,

a. Slaves in the south are better off than the working class in the north.
b. The north pays their slaves and they have the fulfillment of a job, so they are better off
than slaves in the south.
c. Slavery is a basic evil and should be eradicated. (destroyed)

48. Hammond’s main argument rests on

a. The idea that Christianity allowed for slavery and therefore so should the Union.
b. The principle of mud and sill, how together they create a working class.
c. The idea that the north treats the working worse than slaves and the southern slaves are
benefited with employment and are well compensated.

49. After the end of the Civil War the time in which the North attempted to help rebuild the South is
known as which of the following?
a. Recession
b. Reconstruction
c. None of the above

50. Which group worked specifically for the rights of freed slaves in the South after the Civil War?
a. Democrats
b. Radical republicans
c. None of the above

51. The 13​th​ amendment dealt specifically with

a. Abolishing slavery
b. Granting rights to all citizens
c. Granting the right to vote to all men

52. 14​th​ amendment dealt specifically with

a. Abolishing slavery
b. Granting rights to all citizens
c. Granting the right to vote to all men

53. 15​th​ amendment dealt specifically with

a. Abolishing slavery
b. Granting rights to all citizens
c. Granting the right to vote to all men

54. Initially, during radical reconstruction, the major goals of the radical republicans were
a. Successful
b. A failure
c. Never supported in congress
55. Nativist groups supported
a. Policies favoring Native Americans.
b. Favoring native-born Americans over immigrants.
c. Increased immigration from Europe and Asia.

56. What was one way that rapidly growing populations changed American cities?
a. Subways and tall buildings, tenements, and saloons were constructed.
b. Millions of wealthy people moved into urban areas.
c. The government built housing for poor immigrants.

57. Which of the following attracted many immigrants to the United States?
a. strong labor unions
b. cheap, comfortable housing
c. job opportunities

58. If one decided to procure multiple businesses producing a variety of products, gaining control of
all stages of production, in order to more efficiently produce a final completed product it would
be known as
a. Horizontal consolidation
b. Vertical consolidation
c. All of the above

59. "Social Darwinism" was based on what aspect of Charles Darwin's theory of biological
a. instant creation
b. biblical inerrancy
c. survival of the fittest

60. Social Darwinism and capitalism agree that:

a. free competition promotes human progress.
b. the government should ease the lot of the poor.
c. government ownership of the majority of the means of production is desirable.

61. Who held the majority of the wealth in the United States in 1890?
a. A small percentage
b. A large percentage
c. Wealth was equally distributed

Use the following TWO passages to answer questions 62-66

Andrew Carnegie- “Capitalism and Social Darwinism”

62. According to the quote above

a. Carnegie believed that social Darwinism benefited some races over others.
b. Carnegie saw competition as a benefit to society leading to economic advancement
c. Carnegie was conflicted over the role of competition within an economy.

63. According to Carnegie’s writing above he

a. Believed that the individual should evade competition but a race as a whole should
embrace it.
b. Saw competition as the only means provided in history that ensured the survival of the
c. Saw competition as to costly and believed society would not recover from this cost.

64. Which of the following comments would Carnegie most likely ​not​ agree with?
a. “A hard days work will benefit the individual and the society”
b. “The economy must be free to compete in order to push forward innovation and growth”
c. “The government must regulate unbridled competition before it destroys the culture”
Source: Henry George from Progress and Poverty (1879)

65. The excerpt above proposes that

a. As society increases in wealth that wealth will be slowly distributed throughout society.
b. As competition and the markets grow, new forms of regulation will naturally create a
prosperous society.
c. The great gap between the rich and the poor will lead to slowing progress instead of
increased prosperity.

66. Which of the following terms best coincides with the two men quoted above?
a. Carnegie would agree with the term “Captain of Industry” while George would agree
with the term “Robber Baron”
b. Bother George and Carnegie would use the term “Captain of Industry”
c. Carnegie would agree with the term “Robber Baron” while George would agree with
“Captain of Industry”
67. Which title best describes the message of this cartoon?
a. “Neutrality is the Best Policy”
b. “Isolationism: Our Old Ally”
c. “Temptations of the Imperialist Menu”

68. The headlines in this newspaper are an example of

a. Yellow journalism
b. Investigative reporting
c. Government censorship

69. The publication of this and similar news stories encouraged Congress to
a. Declare war on Spain
b. Improve naval safety
c. Conduct a criminal investigation

70. What was a major purpose of these 1898 newspaper headlines?

a. Rallying support for a declaration of war against Spain
b. Promoting peace between Spain and the United States
c. Punishing the citizens of Cuba
United States History 1​st​ semester exam essay questions

Respond in essay form to the following extended response questions.

Explain your responses and opinions in a well crafted, scholarly essay. Your work should include
specific examples from class lecture, text, notes and handouts.
- Each Essay is worth 20 points- so please consider the amount of information,
specific examples provided, and overall analysis in regards to the possible

(For questions involving your opinion) Remember, your opinion does not affect your grade, the quality of
critical thinking and writing development does.

1. Analyze and explain the reasons for colonists frustration with Great Britain, key events leading to
the revolution and explain how the war was won.

2. Identify, explain, and connect 5 major events in United State’s History that led to the eventual
split between the North and the South and the Civil War.

Your Grade will be based on the following rubric:

10 8 6 4 2
The response The response The response The majority of the No real attempt to
answers answers the answers some of response is answer the
completely all majority of the the aspects of the inaccurate, or most question is made,
aspects of the aspects of the question/prompt; of the or there is no
question/prompt. question/prompt. It however, some question/prompt is relevant
It includes detailed includes detailed parts are left unanswered. information
support and support. unanswered or are regarding the
extends beyond the incorrect. question/prompt.
basics of the
All aspects of the Most aspects of the Some aspects of The responses are The response has
response are response are the response are inaccurate or no accurate
accurate and accurate and accurate, but misleading, or the information, and
relevant. relevant. inaccuracies are response contains the response has
present. irrelevant no relevance to the
information. topic.

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