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There is a power greater than you are, available to all human beings. Did you know that you
have access to a 'mind' that never sleeps? One that is constantly active with limitless reservoirs
that are only now beginning to be tapped. This mind of infinite capacity and power, is the
greatest tool of creating, so much so that it can not belong to any one person. This IS the
subconscious mind.

The subconscious mind is the most powerful creative implement in the universe; its memory is
perfect, and it supersedes time/space. The subconscious mind manifests from the universe,
contains all knowledge and exists in everything, everywhere, all of the time. Manifesting beliefs
into actuality, the subconscious minds does exactly what the conscious minds tells it to do.

You may have heard this before: "Nothing is impossible to him that believes". That is because
the conscious mind dictates to the subconscious mind and the subconscious mind is all
powerful. Omniscient, Omnipresent, Omnipotent indeed is that which God is, and that which
you are through the subconscious mind. All things are made available to you through THAT
which you are.

All of us create our reality's and Our Reality through the subconscious mind. Some of us are
creating consciously and some of us unconsciously. In this way we are all creator gods.

Said another way; you have what you want. Your life is the result of your exercise of your
creative rights. Those who know this and believe, actualize according to what they want, are
satisfied, and in some way; affecting a shift in what's possible for all of Us. Others who don't
know they are the creator of their reality, believe and actualize that they are suffering at the
hands of Life, and so affect no shift in what has already been for Us. Often showcased on
national news networks, one example of the current socio- popular conversation of this nature is
school shootings. Collectively as a group of civilized peoples, we are watching the frequency of
timing and location of large and violent attacks on educational campuses worldwide. As a group
we watch wide eyed with curiosity and grief and in that way we allow these events to not only
endure, but to actually accelerate. Such is the power of the subconscious mind.

Whatever you believe with your conscious mind is perceived by the subconscious mind which is
ALL THAT IS and a part of everyone.

Now you may ask yourself, "Why", if we are collectively creating OUR Reality, would we create
something so vile as school shootings? The answer is simple. The subconscious mind does not
recognize the human contrived notion of 'good' and 'bad'. That's for the conscious mind to
wrestle with. No, the subconscious creates indiscriminately based on beliefs held as truths in the
conscious mind. Interestingly enough, due to the Law of Polarity, whatever you create also
begets that which is Not What you Created. We literally have a 'say' in which one we experience
as our Life.

NOW ask yourself, 'what is it that you really want'? You can create it. You have been creating
all along you know. You do know that don't you? That's why you always 'know what's gonna
happen next'. In this Now moment, allow yourself to focus on what you really want. Allow
yourself to imagine having what you want, including the feelings, emotions and sensations
associated with what you want. Then verbally say what it is that you want out loud. You may
find that at first, it takes you a few tries to say with conviction of belief what you desire. Over
time, you will become more comfortable with this aspect of manifesting and creating from desire
will become second nature to you. You will have discovered Desire as a gateway to the
subconscious mind. Indeed the subconscious mind is the field of creation and Desire is the seed.
Faith waters the crop nourishing the soul and rejuvenating the spirit as it does. And this entire
process is magical.

Now that you understand this way of creation, consider yourself a gardener whose garden
impacts the quality of all of the other gardens around you. Tend your own crops well and those
of your neighbor will follow suit. Give no care, and take no responsibility for your garden, then
neither will your neighbor. This is the reflexive property of the universe at play in the
subconscious mind. As a matter of fact, Our Reality is constructed of a holograph of Reality
overlaid (the subconscious, if you will), with the collective Realities of our species (the
collective conscious mind) and our daily lives are lived according to a set of socially accepted
agreements. These 'agreements' occurs on a micro and macro level throughout our lives and we
operate as if 'this is the way Life is'. Everything that we experience as a collective; every
context, every paradox: Rich vs Poor, Poverty, Human Trafficking, Climate Change, Disease,
Family, Marriage, Children, are all approached from a collective agreement or disagreement
based on what's good vs bad, when the subconscious mind has no recognition of either. We
continue to see that which we do not want in our communities rather than Being responsible with
our creative power and actualizing what we really want.

30 Day Challenge: Sit quietly with your eyes closed. Allow yourself to relax completely, Now
open yourself and ask the question: " What is it that I really want"? Stay open. Say aloud what
you really want. Do this daily and allow the power of your words to increase as you declare your
desire of creation to manifest.
---------------------------- End --------------

New York Times Best Seller - You Already Have IT! Author Rovan Deon

The Great Within

The Power of the Subconscious Mind

Our subconscious minds have no sense of humor, play no jokes and cannot tell the difference
between reality and an imagined thought or image. What we continually think about eventually
will manifest in our lives.

Robert Collier
What is the Subconscious Mind?

What is the Subconscious Mind? How does it affect us? Is it really hidden and what are its’
influences. The Subconscious Mind is the Great Within. The Great Within known as the
Subconscious Mind is boundless and limitless to any possibility imaginable for its’ primary job
is to manifest your desires of abundance, happiness, peace and joy to its’ physical equivalent.
Harnessing the Subconscious Mind and using it intently daily creates the ultimate Powerful
YOU and transforms you closer to your Higher Self which is in direct parallel to Divinity…the
very Source in which we were created. The Subconscious Mind is first of all is the direct
opposite of conscious mind. We are all aware of our conscious mind. We us our conscious mind
daily. It is that part of our self in which we use logic, make decisions and use reasoning. The
Subconscious mind is a little bit more ambiguous to us. Although it is something we also use
daily (more than you may think) It is that part of our self that when impressed upon manifest the
physical equivalent from out thoughts. If this is true then we have to be very conscious of the
thoughts we are impressing upon the sub conscious mind.

The Subconscious Mind does not discriminate. It will give back to you what you have impressed
upon it. Your subconscious mind is not limited in any way and will forever attract to you
according to your thoughts Your Subconscious Mind is influenced by your thoughts as well as
your feelings. So for every thought that you have, every feeling that you feel, in some way
shape or form you are influencing or impressing upon your Subconscious. Your Subconscious
Mind is that part of you which has recorded every, thought, feeling or emotions since the day
that you transcended into this realm. As said earlier, it becomes ever important to note to one
self to avoid any negative thoughts in anyway shape or form as well as any negative feeling or
emotions. Remember the Subconscious does not discriminate. It will kindly accept anything you
feed it. Here is something that you must always remember…YOUR OUTWARD WAY OF
YOUR SUBCOUNSCIOUS MIND. Let me put it another way. What you are now experiencing
in life right NOW are the thoughts, feelings and emotions that has been impressed upon the
Subconscious Mind and what the Subconscious has simply done is manifest the physical
equivalent of that which is everything around you in which YOU have created. Here is further
evidence that we are all Creators. Your Subconscious Mind is so powerful that it outwardly
expresses itself in who you think you are, your habits, the way you look at yourself, the way
you think, the way you act or don’t act, your reality, what you think is right, what you think is
wrong, what motivates you, your expectation level, what you will tolerate, what you won’t
tolerate, your deserve level, what you believe, your lens in which you view the world, your
context in any given situation and what is POSSIBLE!

How to Use the Subconscious Mind

So how can we use the Subconscious Mind ? How can we control it? How can we use it to create
abundance, riches, and a life we could up to this point, ever thought or dream possible? To do
this you must first understand the role, and the order in which the Subconscious Mind fit into
this new world of ATTRACTION and ABUNDANCE. In order to keep it simple, let me lay out
for you how this all works. While reading the following sequences, imagine that each step that
comes after a given step is being pulled forward to connect the energies like a giant magnet.
Let’s begin.

To begin you have a Desire to do something. Now that something can be on an intentional or non
intentional level. We are striving to always be INTENTIONAL. Once this is done we have
Desire being pulled forth by creating a strong emotions which transforms Desire into Burning
Desire. The best thing about Burning Desires is that it creates a direct passage way to the
Subconciuos Mind and colors these things called THOUGHTs. Your Burning Desire is now
being pulled forth by your THOUGHTS which is strongly colored by Burning Desire in which
the Subconscious Mind attracts with the power and force of a black hole. There is no escape.
Once your thoughts reach the Subconscious Mind, it is then recorded, sorted and the
Subconscious Mind get to work on creating a plan to turn that thought into it’s physical
equivalent. It does this involuntarily, similar to breathing or controlling your heartbeat. You have
no control over this process. Mind. It then passes this plan of ACTION s to your conscious mind
to be fulfilled to its’ physical equivalent. This is why it is so very important to control what is
impressed upon the Subconscious. This why you will often hear that Thoughts are Things, Be
careful what you Ask for and a Man is What He Thinketh. To control the Subconscious Mind
one has to simply be present to and intentionally control ones thoughts. To create
abundance, riches, and a life of boundless possibilities all one has to do is to follow the roadmap
outlined above. There is however one thing that I failed to mention. The Subconscious Mind can
only be molded and shaped through REPETITION.

How to reprogram the Subconscious to create Abundances and Riches

Change happens on a Subconscious level not a Conscious Level

If you were to hold up a mirror and saw a reflection of this thing called YOUR LIFE, how are
you doing? Are you happy and fulfilled? Are things working or not working in as well as you
would like it to in every area of your life? Well you are not alone. There is a truth. There is a
truth and a fact that you must face. You must face it without fear or malice. For some this will
be very easy to digest; for others it may be difficult. Some will be elated because it will empower
them, freeing them up; a weight will be lifted because they will see the access to control and
create their life. For others it will continue imprison them, making them resistant , weighted
down, depressed, a victim. and that is and that is the very life that has manifested itself is
nothing more than your own creation of it through, you guessed it, your thoughts. So the first
thing that you have to do is to follow through on what I am about to tell you and that is YOU
CREATED IT! What you are experiencing and what you see in your life are the outward
manifestation of the thoughts that you have impressed upon the Subconscious Mind. The good
news is that because you are dedicating yourself and your life to the Principals of Attraction
and Abundance you now have the power to do something about it!
You have the power to create and you have the power to change what is impressed upon the
Subconscious Mind to manifest a different outcome in any area of your life. You can impress
poverty or you can impress abundance and riches. Remember the Subconscious Mind does not
discriminate so do be careful on what you impress upon it. It will not argue with you. It will only
receive in full earnest what you impress upon it.

The Subconscious Mind is like the palm trees of Hawaii it will bend to the winds of
thoughts given by your command or lack thereof; therefore the Subconscious Mind can be
reprogrammed to do your bidding. I have something to share with you. There is a Secret
phenomena that exist within the walls of the Great Within. The phenomena is this, No two
energies in opposition can reside at the same time inside the walls of the Great Within. What
does this mean? This means that if we flood our Subconscious Mind of a life of Abundance, a
life of Poverty cannot exist. You cannot think positive and negative one will prevail. So rid
yourself of positive thoughts always. So from this day forth you are to take control, create and
flood your Subconscious Mind with the things you Desire. Be intentional with your thoughts.
Your habitual thoughts must be of that of Abundance. Your default way of being must be that of
Abundance. For any negative thoughts impressing the Subconscious, you can reprogram by
simply replacing the negative thought with the positive one. Negative and Positive energies
cannot and will not occupy the same space. It goes against the Laws of the Universe; the same
Law that governs gravity itself. Flood your thoughts with positive energies. Don’t be fooled by
the simplicity of it; you see, the Subconscious Mind has to be reminded daily of your
Desires…So in this case to impress is a very good thing. To assist you in reprogramming your
Subconscious, it will serve you well to use the techniques of Visualization both in the mind,
through meditation, and through physical images. To become a true Master of Creation and
Abundance one can also look no further than being powerful at Autosuggestion. This technique
is suggesting or impressing upon the Subconscious Mind at with power and intent through daily
repetition. So be unreasonable, be diligent, rejoice and do away with all fears and Impress,
Impress, Impress for ultimate success!

------------ End----------

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