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Select TWO relevant variables from “5950 2019 Assignment DATA” and run
independent sample t-test.

Independent variable: Sector (k=2) = Nominal

Dependent variable: Participation score = Interval

a) Does the data meet the assumption of normality? Justify your answer.

Based on the result generate by the SPSS, the value of Skewness of public
sector is -.122 and private sector is .128. Both values lies between -.2 to +.2
which indicates the data meet the assumption of normality.

b) Run the independent sample t-test and present the results in a table (complete
with title and contents)

Table 1: Comparison of Mean Differences in Participation by Sector

Variable n Mean SD t p

Sector 6.242 .000

Public 158 4.1278 .58743

Private 147 3.6898 .63814

c) Use the 5-step procedure to test for the hypothesis at .05 level of confidence

Step 1: State the Ho and HA

Ho: µ1 = µ2

HA: µ1 ≠ µ2

Step 2: Decide on equal variance or unequal variance

F-value = 1.058
Sig-F = .304
α = .05

Since sig-F (.304) > α (.05), report the value of equal variance.

Step 3: t value

Report the t-value of equal variance which is t = 6.242.

The value of the test statistic: Sig-t/2 (.000) ≤ α (.05)

Step 4: Decision

Since sig-t/2 (.000) ≤ α (.05), reject Ho.

Step 5: Conclusion

There is significance difference in mean for two group sector in participation


d) Prepare a write up on the results using APA presentation style.

An independent sample t-test was employed to test the difference in participation

scores between Public sector and Private sector. As a result in SPSS shown that
there is a significance mean differences, t = 6.242, p = .000. Mean participation
score for Public sector (M = 4.1278, SD = .58743) was slightly higher than mean
participation score for Private sector (M = 3.6898, SD = .63814). The effect (d)
was .715 , indicating medium effect. The result supports the conclusion that
participation score of the two group sector were significantly difference.


Sector Statistic Error
Participatio Public Mean 4.1278 .04673
n 95% Confidence Lower 4.0355
Interval for Mean Bound
Upper 4.2202
5% Trimmed Mean 4.1450
Median 4.0000
Variance .345
Std. Deviation .58743
Minimum 2.60
Maximum 5.00
Range 2.40
Interquartile Range .80
Skewness -.122 .193
Kurtosis -.740 .384
Privat Mean 3.6898 .05263
e 95% Confidence Lower 3.5858
Interval for Mean Bound
Upper 3.7938
5% Trimmed Mean 3.6836
Median 3.6000
Variance .407
Std. Deviation .63814
Minimum 2.00
Maximum 5.00
Range 3.00
Interquartile Range .80
Skewness .128 .200
Kurtosis -.347 .397

Group Statistics
Sector N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean
Participation Public 158 4.1278 .58743 .04673
Private 147 3.6898 .63814 .05263

Independent Samples Test

Equal variances Equal variances
assumed not assumed
Levene's Test for Equality of F 1.058
Variances Sig. .304
t-test for Equality of Means t 6.242 6.224
df 303 295.916
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .000
Mean Difference .43805 .43805
Std. Error Difference .07018 .07039
95% Confidence Interval of Lower .29996 .29953
the Difference Upper .57615 .57657

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