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a [Brevet de Technicien Supérieur Degree Transcript of Frederic BAUMANN] [Beginning of the translation) BREVET DE TECHNICIEN SUPERIEUR' DEGREE, TRANSCRIPT. MANAGEMENT ACADEMY: POITIERS EXAMINATION ACADEMY: POITIERS. EXAMINATION SESSION’ Sune 2017 Family name: BAUMANN Given name: FREDERIC 5 Date of bith: 15/02/3994 Mr BAUMANN, Frederic Place ofhirh: MULLHED (095) 10, RUE DU RHIN, District: [none] Country: GERMANY ee ; Institution (01700420 CORDOUAN HIGH SCHOOL 68740 RUMERSHEIMELE-HAUT 417201 ROYAN CEDEX Examince number: 0317265719 Core: ‘TOURISM (33420) Examination type: GENERAL CANDIDATE CATEGORY: STUDENT (110) vale enamine cecttcent | Grade Pain Remarte Ul GENERAL RNOWLEDGE AND EXPRESSION O25 700 Ta (COMMUNICATION IN A FOREIGN LANGUAGE 04.00 125 69.00 21 FOREIGN LANGUAGE A: ENGLISH (0200) 1850 22 FOREIGN LANGUAGE B (220) 1600 (OPTiONAL: SPANISH U2 CUENT RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT 02.50 15.00 s750 DESIGNING TOURIST OFFERS 06.50 1470 76.0 UsL TOURISM AND TERRITORIES (250) no Wk2 PROVISION OF TOURIST SERVICES (4.00) 1150 US _TOURISTICINFORMATION MANAGEMENT so 1150 2875 ‘prions: U6 PROFESSIONAL TRAINING aso 19.00 a0 20.00 280.80 | TOTAL 14.04 _| AVERAGE OUT OF 20 EXAMINATION COMMISSION'S DECISION: ADMITTED (On behalf the Rector and by appointment, This document 6 provided to serve any related righis and privileges uni he] The Head of the Standard and diploma is delivered to the admitted candidate, No duplicate will be issued. | Competitive Examinations (sean Please make copies ithe need arses. THE FRENCH REPUBLIC NOTE: Changes in regulations may entail changes Ta or termination of the ACADEMY OF validity ofthe advantages or exemptions conferred. Any inquiries inthis regard | [Signature] POITIERS should be made tthe latest upon enrolling fr the examination, Valérie HULIN (End of the transiation} [Brevet de Technicien Supérieur Degree Transcript of Frederic BAUMANN] {Mote from the tronslator] "The Brevet de Techricien Supérieur so higher education degree in France. The degree is usuolly corned in two years, tis based on both theoretical ond proctcal aspects of the given cove, and includes internships. It gives access to the workplace upon graduation or ifthe student wishes to continue studying, to enrollment toword a university bochelr's degree |, the undersigned Arnaud Kramer, hereby certify that this English translation Is true to the attached French/Russian original. ‘Marked NE VARIETUR on easy under Number WU erp th (us ues Armautkramer Sworn translator & interpreter with the Appellate Court of Dijon ‘English, French and Russian 22, rue d’York 21000 DION ~ FRANCE Reg. Number 494 497 613 00021 BREVET DE TECHNICIEN SUPERIEUR RELEVE DE NOTES ‘ACADEMIE DE GESTION: POITIERS ACADEMIE DINSCRIPTION : POITIERS SESSION: Juin 2017 ‘Nemde Famille: BAUMANN, Prénom: FREDERIC Nagle: 15/02/1996 M. BAUMANN Frederic a: MULLHETM (099) And Pays: ALLEMAGNE 20: RUE RUSE Eablssament: 01700420 LYCEE CORDOUAN Pecitecanticren (68740 RUMERSHEIM-LE-HAUT Numero candidat : 0317265719 spectase: TOURISME (33420) FORME DE PASSAGE: GLOBALE (CATEGORIE CANDIDAT : SCOLAIRE (110) Ul CULTURE GENERALE ET EXPRESSION COMMUNICATION LANG. VIV.ETRANG. 21 LANG.VIV.ETRANGERE A : ANGLAIS. U2 LANGUE VIVANTE ETRANGERE 8 OPTION: ESPAGN. U3 GESTION RELATION CLIENT ELABORATION OFFRE TOURTSTIQUE 41 TOURISME ET TERRITOIRE U42 PRODUCT .PRESTATION TOURISTIQUE US GEST. INFORMATION TOURTSTIQUE OPTION: INF. MUL US PARGOURS PROFESSTONNALISATION DECISION DU JURY: ADMIS 02. 04. (02. (02. 00 00 (00) 00) 02. 06. (02. (04. 02. 50 50 50) 00) 50) 02,50 20.0 11.00 22.00 17.25 69.00 18.50 16.00 18.00 37.50 14.70 76.05 12.00 11.50 11,50 28.75 19.00 47.50 280,80 14.04 Photocopies en cas de besoin, Le présent document vaut ce que de droit jusqu dalierance du diplome pour le candidat admis. I nfen sera pas délivré de duplicata. Prévoir des NOTA: Lechana de se renseigner au plus tard lors de I inscription & examen, ment de réglementation peut enrner la modiication ou la suppression de la validité des benéfices ou des dispenses. I est conseille Pour la retrice et par dé La chef de la division des examen et concours A. Valérie HULIN (Copy of the) original document in French/Russian- NEVARIETUR on_18 OCI 2022 TOTAL MOYENNE SUR 20 égation

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