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The Fruits of the Holy Spirit Discussion Cards

The Fruits of the

Holy Spirit
Discussion Cards


The Fruits of the Holy Spirit Discussion Cards The Fruits of the Holy Spirit Discussion Cards

Love Peace

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The Fruits of the Holy Spirit Discussion Cards The Fruits of the Holy Spirit Discussion Cards

Kindness Patience

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The Fruits of the Holy Spirit Discussion Cards The Fruits of the Holy Spirit Discussion Cards

Goodness Trustfulness

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The Fruits of the Holy Spirit Discussion Cards The Fruits of the Holy Spirit Discussion Cards

Self-control Gentleness

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The Fruits of the Holy Spirit Discussion Cards The Fruits of the Holy Spirit Discussion Cards

Bobby helped his little brother learn how

to ride his bicycle. Even though it took him
Robert was asked to hours of practice, Bobby stayed with his
deliver an important brother and kept encouraging him.
message to every
teacher in the school.
He completed the job

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The Fruits of the Holy Spirit Discussion Cards The Fruits of the Holy Spirit Discussion Cards

Christine noticed some Ruben forgot his lunch. He didn’t tell

younger children arguing anyone. Dale noticed and quietly shared his
in the yard. She went over sandwich with Ruben.
to see what they were
arguing about. They were
arguing about what to
play. Christine helped them
to compromise. All of the
children were happier.

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The Fruits of the Holy Spirit Discussion Cards The Fruits of the Holy Spirit Discussion Cards

Billy was having a bad day. It just seemed Holly spent an

like everything was going wrong for him. He evening baking.
spent a long time working on a project for The next day,
school. His little sister came into the kitchen she brought
and knocked a big glass of juice all over his some buns to
work. Even though Billy felt angry, he didn’t school for every
shout at his sister because he knew it was person in her
an accident. class.

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The Fruits of the Holy Spirit Discussion Cards The Fruits of the Holy Spirit Discussion Cards

Leah gave up chocolate for Lent. She was

Safia found a kitten on the in a supermarket with her mother. The
way home from school. It supermarket offered samples of a new
was cold and shivering. chocolate cake. Although Leah really
She took the kitten home wanted to try it, she remembered her
and fed it. Even though she Lenten promise.
couldn’t offer the kitten a
home, she still attempted to
find a home for it.

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The Fruits of the Holy Spirit Discussion Cards The Fruits of the Holy Spirit Discussion Cards

Jack and Liam were playing in the park. Sarah has lots of
They noticed a small bird on the ground. hobbies and lots of
They slowly approached it and noticed it friends. She has a
was injured. Jack took off very busy schedule.
his jumper and the boys Although Sarah is
carefully lifted the bird and extremely busy, she
wrapped it in a jumper. always visits her
They brought the bird to Granny at least once
the vet. a week.
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The Fruits of the Holy Spirit Discussion Cards The Fruits of the Holy Spirit Discussion Cards

Donal is exhausted after A group of children visit the farm in spring.

a busy day at school and There are lots of new baby animals being
football training in the born. The children are given an opportunity
afternoon. His dad asked to hold the new born chicks. Each child
Donal to help him unload treats the fragile chicks in a gentle and
the dishwasher. Although loving manner.
Donal is very tired, he
doesn’t complain and helps
his dad.

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The Fruits of the Holy Spirit Discussion Cards The Fruits of the Holy Spirit Discussion Cards

Colleen’s younger brother was finding his

maths homework difficult. He asked Colleen
for help. He still couldn’t understand, so Kate noticed that a girl in her
Colleen showed him again. Eventually, he class was sitting alone and
could do the looking quite sad. She went
calculations without over to the girl and asked her if
any help. she was OK.

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The Fruits of the Holy Spirit Discussion Cards

Michelle knew it was her

friend’s birthday soon.
She planned a surprise
party for her and baked
a cake especially for the


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