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Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola - USIL

Lima, Perú, Sementre I, 2018

Grupo: 1:XXX

Full Paper Title in Title Case

Name Surname1, Name Surname2, Name Surname2
My Institute/Company
Address, City, Country
First.Author@institution.org; Second.Author@institution.org
My Institute/Company
Address, City, Country

Abstract - In this paper, the formatting requirements for the International ASET Conference Proceedings are described. Some
recommendations on writing for a worldwide readership are offered. Please review this document to learn about the formatting of text,
table captions, references, and the method to include the indexing information. The conference proceedings will be published in an
electronic format. The full paper in MS Word file shall be written in compliance with these instructions. At a later stage, it will be
converted into Portable Document Format (PDF). An abstract not exceeding 300 words, in one paragraph, and with no references, should
appear on the top of the first page, after the title of the paper and the names of the authors in a section titled “Abstract” (without section
number).The word “Abstract” must be Arial, Bold, Italic, and 10 pt. The abstract itself must be Times New Roman and 10 pt. The title
of the paper must be Arial, Bold, and 16 pt. Names and affiliations must be Times New Roman. Names must be Bold and 12 pt while
affiliations must be 11 pt. The title, names, and affiliations must all be centralized.

Keywords: 4 - 8 keywords

1. Introduction
It is expected that authors will submit carefully written and proofread material. Careful checking for spelling and
grammatical errors should be performed. The number of pages of the paper should be from 4 to 8.
Papers should clearly describe the background of the subject, the authors work, including the methods used, results
and concluding discussion on the importance of the work. Papers are to be prepared in English and SI units must be
used. Technical terms should be explained unless they may be considered to be known to the conference community.

2. Paper Format
The uniform appearance will assist the reader to read paper of the proceedings. It is therefore suggested to authors
to use the example of this file to construct their papers. This particular example uses an American letter format with 25
mm margins left, right, top and bottom.
All text paragraphs should be single spaced, with first line intended by 7 mm. Double spacing should NOT be used
anywhere in the manuscript. Position and style of headings and subheadings should follow this example. One empty line
(11 pt) should be left between every two consecutive sections. Two empty lines should be left before and after the
All headings and subheadings should be bold and Arial font. Major headings must be 12 pt and subheadings should
be 11 pt. No empty lines are required between the heading/subheading and the text.

2.1. Header, Footer, Page Numbering

Authors are asked to replace the “XXX” number (with the paper code) on the header of the first page and on the
footer of other pages in order to set a unique page number in the Proceedings.

2.2. Fonts

Grupo: 1:XXX -1
Papers should use 11-point Times New Roman font. The styles available are bold, italic and underlined. It is
recommended that any text in the “figures” should not be smaller than 10-point font size.
2.3. Tables and Figures
Tables and figures should be placed close to their first citation in the text. All figures and tables should be numbered.
Table headings should be centred above the tables. Figure captions should be centred below the figures. Refer to the
figure below for a sample.

Fig. 1: Caption for figure goes at the bottom.

Figure captions and table headings should be sufficient to explain the figure or table without needing to refer to the
text. Figures and tables not cited in the text should not be presented. Refer to the tale below for a sample.

Table 1: Caption for table goes at the top.

2.4. Equations
Each equation should be presented on a separate line from the text with a blank space above and below. Equations
should be clear and expressions used should be explained in the text. The equations should be numbered consecutively
at the outer right margin, as shown in Eqs. (1) - (2) below. Here is one example.
In this case, the governing system of equations can be written as follows:

= −∇ ∙ (𝜌 𝐮) (1)
𝜕 1
𝜌 ( + 𝐮 ∙ ∇) 𝐮 = −∇𝑃 + 𝜌𝐠 + 𝐉 × 𝐁 (2)
𝜕𝑡 𝒄
𝜕 1
𝜌 ( + 𝐮 ∙ ∇) 𝑒 = −𝑃∇ ∙ 𝐮 + 𝜌𝐮 ∙ 𝐠 + 𝐉 2 (3)
𝜕𝑡 σ

3. Submitting the Paper

The full paper has to be submitted electronically by the deadline.
Paper number (in the format “XXX”) is assigned to each abstract after it was accepted and authors are kindly asked
to place the paper number to the correct positions in the header and footer before submitting the final version.
4. Conclusion
Conclusions should state concisely the most important propositions of the paper as well as the author’s views of the
practical implications of the results.

Grupo: XXX -2
A short acknowledgement section can be written between the conclusion and the references. Sponsorship and
financial support acknowledgments should be included here. Acknowledging the contributions of other colleagues who
are not included in the authorship of this paper is also added in this section. If no acknowledgement is necessary, this
section should not appear in the paper.

The IEEE citation format is used. Books and book chapters should be referenced as [1] and [2] respectively. Patents
are referenced based on [3] and a thesis can be referenced as [4]. Finally, conference presentations/papers and journal
papers need to be reference based on [5] and [6] respectively.
With the increasing availability of useful information that can be found on the internet, website references must also
be reported based on [7]. Meanwhile, due to the dynamic nature of web pages and the fact that in most cases the
information is not peer-reviewed, the use of published resources are very much preferred and advised over online

The reference section at the end of the paper should be edited based on the following:

[1] B. Klaus and P. Horn, Robot Vision. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1986.
[2] L. Stein, “Random patterns,” in Computers and You, J. S. Brake, Ed. New York: Wiley, 1994, pp. 55-70.
[3] J. P. Wilkinson, “Nonlinear resonant circuit devices,” U.S. Patent 3 624 125, July 16, 1990.
[4] J. O. Williams, “Narrow-band analyzer,” Ph.D. dissertation, Dept. Elect. Eng., Harvard Univ., Cambridge, MA.
[5] U. V. Koc and K. R. Liu, “Discrete-cosine/sine-transform based motion estimation,” in Proceedings of the IEEE
International Conference on Image Processing, Austin, TX, 1994, vol. 3, pp. 771-775.
[6] R. E. Kalman, “New results in linear filtering and prediction theory,” J. Basic Eng., vol. 83, no. 4, pp. 95-108, 1961.
[7] K. Author. (2015, May 10). Facility Greenhouse Gas Reporting (2nd ed.) [Online]. Available: http://www.ec.gc.ca/ges-

Grupo: XXX -3
Para realizar el método de jet grouting se necesita la instalación de tubería hincada o perforada, que es el método más usado,
la perforación e instalación con revestimiento o sin revestimiento e instalación de perforación y obturadores en roca
(bloqueando los agujeros que se generan en la perforación). Para poder diseñar debemos de considerar algunos pasos:
 Identificar el problema
 Establecer los objetivos
 Realizar estudios geotécnicos específicos
 Elaborar un plan inicial
 Evaluar un modelo predictivo
 Comparar con otras soluciones
 Refinar y preparar programa de inyecciones
Proceso constructivo de las columnas de jet grouting, primero se lleva una maquinaria que introduce un varillaje realizando
una perforación al terreno hasta una profundidad requerida o el punto donde se va a iniciar el tratamiento sin inyectar cemento
en este proceso, una vez obtenida el punto de interés a trabajar debemos de fijarnos que la varilla se encuentre limpia para
no obstruir los agujeros de salida del fluido a continuación se inicia la inyección y en la parte inferior empieza a rotar para
poder formar el cuerpo de suelo tratado, mediante el desplazamiento vertical ascendentemente el monitor va girando ( la
columna va cambiando de diámetro según como llega a la superficie ),las velocidades de rotación y extracción son
controladas por censores y se predeterminan para lograr las columnas. El jet rompe el terreno que es desplazado parcialmente
hacia el exterior por el espacio anular que queda disponible entre el varillaje y la perforación.
La inyección de cemento se mezcla con el terreno y también parte de esta es expulsada. El monitor se extrae con una
velocidad de ascenso y una velocidad de rotación por lo que las formas constructivas habituales son columnas. Al ejecutar
estas columnas juntas que se solapan con las anteriores se obtiene un muro o panel continuo de jet.

Grupo: XXX -4
Imagen 1. Proceso de ejecución del jet grouting

Existe dos formas de ascenso de monitor, una en forma discontinua con

etapas de permanencia en cada escalón de ascenso y otra continúa formando, en conjunto con la rotación, un espinal. Las
instalaciones para el equipamiento consisten habitualmente en: silos de cemento, plantas automáticas especialmente
diseñadas para facilitar una mezcla vigorosa de las partículas coloidales, con proporciones exactas y con una producción
suficiente, bombas hidráulicas capaces de suministrar los fluidos en los volúmenes y presiones apropiados, perforadora
hidráulica, varillaje y herramienta adecuadas tanto de perforación como de inyección, mangueras de alta presión.
El método de perforación se elige de acuerdo a las condiciones del terreno, los rasgos característicos del sitio de la obra y las
especificaciones del diseño con relación a la longitud e inclinación de inyección. Los diámetros mas habituales del varillaje
del tratamiento oscilan entre los 60 y 114 mm, y los de los útiles de perforación entre 90 y 150mm.

Grupo: XXX -5

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