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360 Langmuir 1992,8, 360-365

Cross-Sectional Areas of Adsorbed N2, Ar, Kr, and 0 2 on

Carbons and Fumed Silicas at Liquid Nitrogen Temperature
Ismail M. K. Ismail
University of Dayton Research Institute, c/o Phillips LabIRKFC, Edwards Air Force Base,
California 93523- 5000
Received November 1,1990. In Final Form: November 26, 1991

Adsorption of Nz, Ar, Kr, and 0 2 at 76.6 K was investigated on Aerosil samples and three different
categories of carbons: graphitized, ungraphitized, and activated graphitized substrates. With the BET
equation, the appropriate ranges of relative pressure are defined and the corresponding experimental
cross-sectional areas, u (nm2/adsorbedspecies), are reported, based on u(N2) = 0.162. Values of u on the
carbons were fitted to physical models illustrating possible arrangements of adsorbed species on the
surface. With graphitized carbons, ~ ( 0 2=) 0.147 and u(Ar) = 0.138. With ungraphitized or activated
carbons, values of u are 0.157 for Ar, 0.214 for Kr (at P / P = 0.02-0.25), and 0.148 for 0 2 . With Aerosils,
however,the value of u(Ar) = 0.186, obtained by the calibration, is high and could not be fitted to a model.
An alternative approach has been considered. When comparing the present data with those reported in
the literature, the recommended new values on Aerosils (and other silicas) are u(Nz) = 0.143,~(02)= 0.147
and u(Ar) = 0.165 nm2/mol. The present results indicate that oxygen could be considered as the standard
gas for adsorption on carbons and silicas, provided that it does not change the carbon structure or its
surface characteristics when adsorbed at 77 K.

Introduction When the "apparent" BET value of Vm is computed at

Gas adsorption has been used for several decades to PIP" of 0.05-0.21, the product of Vm and the "apparent"
estimate surface area of materials, to define type of value of a(Nz), 0.162 nm2/mol,or a(Kr), 0.214 nm2/atom,
porosity, to compute pore volumes, and to calculate pore gives the same "true" surface area.14 This procedure is
size distributions. The most common adsorbates are especiallyconvenient with graphitic carbons whose Nz and
simple gases such as N2, Kr, Ar, 02, and C02. With the Kr isotherms a t 77 K do not have a distinct kink near the
adsorption isotherm of an adsorbate, X, the Brunauer- completion of mon01ayer.l~
Emmett-Teller (BET) equation' is normally used at 1, or a(Kr) on other forms of
Values of ~(0.2u(Ar),
relative pressure, PIP", of 0.05-0.35 to estimate the mono- carbons, e.g., ungraphitized and activated carbons as well
layer volume, Vm. Multiplying Vm by the appropriate as coals and chars, and the limits of the BET equation,
cross-sectionalarea, u(X),along with other proportionality have not been clearly defined. The literature indicates
constants, yields the BET surface area. that u(X) may vary from one substrate to another. The
limits of the BET equation could cover a P/P" range as
With graphitized carbons, this procedure has limitations. narrow as 0.0001-0.03815or as wide as 0.05-0.35,' and there
For example, the adsorbed Kr atoms or N2 molecules near is a considerable scatter in a(X) values reported for
the completion of the first monolayer undergo several different adsorbates on carbons. For example, the liter-
phase changes2including a change from commensurate to ature cross-sectional areas (nm2/adsorbed species) are
incommensurate structure, and the isotherms exhibit a 0.1432and 0.23516 for Kr, 0.11117J8to 0.15119 for Ar, and
kink2+ which may affect the linearity of the BET plot. 0.135 and 0.15918*20 for 0 2 . The most popular ones are
Since on graphitized carbons, the true area of an adsorbed u(Ar) on graphitized carbons, 0.138, which has been
N2 molecule or Kr atom at 77 K near the monolayer recommended by several investigator^,'^*^^-^^ and a(Kr) =
coverage, as determined by other experimental 0.195.25 The 0.138 is commonly used with ungraphitized
techniques,'-13 is equivalent to the area of three graphitic and microporous carbons,15but as it will be shown here,
hexagons, 0.157 nm2, the true surface area is the product this value is not applicable to these classes of carbon.
of 0.157 and the volume of gas taken by the sample at the The objectivesof this article are to determine the reliable
beginning of the isotherm kink which represents the true or most reasonable values of 4021, u(Ar), and a(Kr) on
monolayer coverage. Nevertheless, the BET equation is different carbon and silica substrates at 77 K, and to report
still useful to yield the same answer in a different way. the corresponding BET limits. The substrates examined
(1) Brunauer, S.; Emmett, P. H.; Teller, E. J.Am. Chem. SOC.1938, (14) Ismail, I. M. K. Carbon 1990,28, 423.
60, 309. (15) Fernandez-Colinas, J.; Denoyel, R.; Grillet, Y.; Rouquerol, F.; Rou-
(2) Thomy, A.; Duval, X.; Regnier, J. Surf. Sci. Rep. 1981, 1 , 1. querol, J. Langmuir 1989,5, 1205.
(3) Thomy, A.; Duval, X. J. Chim.Phys. 1970, 67, 286. (16) Deitz, V. R.; Berlin, E. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 1973, 44, 57.
(4) Rouquerol, J.; Partyka, S.; Rouquerol, F. J. Chem. SOC.Faraday (17) Singleton, J. H.; Halsey, G. D., Jr. J.Phys. Chem. 1954,58, 330.
Trans. 1 1977, 73, 306. (18) McClellan, A. L.; Harnsberger, H. F. J. Colloid Interface Sci.
(5) Grillet, Y.; Rouquerol, F.; Rouquerol, J. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 1967, 23, 577.
1979, 70, 239. (19) Smith, W. R.; Ford, D. G. J. Phys. Chem. 1965,69, 3587.
( 6 ) Larher, Y. J. Chem. Phys. 1978, 68, 2257. (20) Razouk, R. I.; EIGobeily, M. A. J. Phys. Chem. 1950, 54, 1087.
(7) Kjems, J. K.; Passel, L.; Taub, H.; Dash, J. G. Phys. Rev. Lett. (21) Gregg, S. J.; Sing, K. S. W. Adsorption, Surface Area and Porosity,
1974, 32, 724. 2nd ed.; Academic Press: New York, 1982; p 76.
(8) Chinn, M. D.; Fain, S. C., Jr. Phys. Rev. Lett. 1977, 39, 146. (22) Walker, P. L., Jr.; Foresti, R. J.; Wright, C. C. Ind. Eng. Chem.
(9) Frenkel, D.; McTague, J. P. Annu. Rev. Phys. Chem. 1980,31,491. 1953,45, 1703.
(10) Diehl, R. D.; Fain, S. C., Jr. Phys. Rev. B: Condens. Matter 1982, (23) Aristov, B. G.; Kiselev, A. V. Russ. J.Phys. Chem. (Engl. Traml.)
26, 4785. .- - -, .. , - - -.
1963.37.1359. .
(11) Stephens, P. W.; Heiney, P. A.; Birgeneau, R. J.; Horn, P. M.; (24) Berezkina, Yu. F.; Dubinin, M. M.; Sarakhov, A. I. Akad. Nauk
Moncton, D. E.; Brown, G. S. Phys. Rev. E Condens. Matter 1984,29, SSSR, Ser. Khim. 1969, 2653; Bull. Akad. Sei. USSR, Diu. Chem. Sci.
3512. (Engl. Transl.) 1969, 2495.
(12) Fain, S. C., Jr. Carbon 1987, 25, 19. (25) Beebe, R. A.; Beckwith, J. B.; Honig, J. M. J. Am. Chem. SOC.
(13) Bojan, M. J.; Steele, W. A. Langmuir 1987, 3, 116. 1945, 67, 1554.

0743-7463/92/2408-0360$03.00/0 0 1992 American Chemical Society

Letters Langmuir, Vol. 8,No. 2,1992 361
Table I. Cross-Sectional Areas of Oxygen and Argon on Different Carbons and Silicas at 76.6 K
nitrogen BET U(O2), O(Ar),
sample area: m2/g nm2/mol BET limit nm2/atom BET limit*
Ungraphitized Carbons (UGC)
N990 7.32 0.145 0.02-0.28 0.161 0.02-0.28
ST MT 8.82 0.149 0.02-0.28 0.158 0.02-0.25
N762 25.55 0.148 0.02-0.28 0.159 0.02-0.25
N550 37.02 0.145 0.03-0.27 0.160 0.02-0.28
v3 73.2 0.143 0.02-0.28 0.158 0.02-0.25
N330 80.4 0.145 0.02-0.28 0.159 0.02-0.28
average ~ ( 0 2=)0.146 average u(Ar) = 0.159
Graphitized Carbons (GC)
SP-1 2.01c 0.145 0.01-0.10 0.136 0.01-0.1
V3G 59.3c 0.148 0.01-0.10 0.137 0.01-0.1
GCC 74.1c 0.148 0.01-0.10 0.138 0.01-0.1
Graphon 83.3' 0.148 0.01-0.10 0.139 0.01-0.1
average ~ ( 0 20.147
) average u(Ar) = 0.138
Activated Graphitized Carbons (AGC)
GCC, 9.7% BO 114.2 0.148 0.001-0.10 0.153 0-0.1
GCC, 19.8% BO 120.2 0.147 0.01-0.10 0.154 0-0.1
GCC, 30.0% BO 119.2 0.149 0.01-0.10 0.156 0-0.1
GCC, 50.0% BO 113.8 0.149 0.01-0.10 0.158 04.1
average ~ ( 0 2 =) 0.148 average u(Ar) = 0.155
Fumed Silica
Aerosil-50 73.3 0.163 0.05-0.30 0.183 0.04-0.3
Aerosil-150 131.6 0.168 0.05-0.30 0.189 0.04-0.3
Aerosil-200 184.3 0.166 0.05-0.30 0.187 0.04-0.3
average 4 0 2 ) = 0.166 average a(Ar) = 0.186
Based on u(N2) = 0.162 nm2/mol.* Using PO of supercooled Ar. Based on a(N2) = 0.157 nmZ/mol.

here have been used extensively in this laboratory as between their work and the present study would only be possible
candidates for deposition of pyrolytic carbon26and silica27 with the same assumption. Second, most of the currently
on their surfaces. At some point during the investigation, available automated adsorption instruments are using PO of
there was a need to know precisely the a(X) of these supercooled Ar in their operating software; it is convenient for
adsorbates, especially when the surface characteristics the users to simply change the value of a(Ar) at the end of
calculations (whenever needed) instead of changing the entire
change, for example,from non-graphitic to graphitic after isotherm and computations from supercooledto solid Ar. Third,
the deposition of pyrolytic carbon,26or from graphitic or whether PO of solid or supercooledAr is chosen for the calibration,
non-graphitic to a silica-coated surface after the deposition the correspondingproduct of u(Ar) and V,yields the same surface
of Si02.27 area regardless of the chosen value of a(Ar) and the actual state
of Ar in the adsorbed layer.
Experimental Section The samples examined and their nitrogen BET surface areas
are listed in the first and second columns of Table I. The ranges
The adsorption isotherms of N2, 0 2 , Ar, and Kr at 76.6 K were of PIP" were 0.05-0.21 for graphitized carbons and 0.024.28 for
obtained by a Digisorb2600 volumetric apparatus manufactured the other materials. The table has four groups of materiale: the
by the Micromeritics Instrument Co., Atlanta, GA. The samples first includes six ungraphitized carbon blacks, UGC, the second
were initially outgassed at 573 K for 24 h and then flushed with includes four graphitized carbons, GC (three carbon blacks and
He. This process was repeated twice at 3 h evacuation with natural SP-1graphite), the third includes four activated graph-
intermediate adsorption runs of N2 at 76.6 K. By the end of this itized Columbian carbon (GCC),AGC, and the fourth has three
treatment, the surface of substrates, especially the ungraphi-
tized and activated carbons, became stable and clean; they gave Aerosils (fumed silica supplied by Degussa Co.). The AGC
reproducible results. For each carbon, the same sample was used samples were prepared by oxidation of the original GCC in air
at 773 K to different levels of burn-off (BO). This process has
for the adsorption of Nz,02,or Ar at random. However, to obtain developedmicroporosity.For example,a GCC samplewith 19.8%
the Kr isotherms, separate smaller samples (50-80 mg) were BO has ita micropore surface area accounting for 39.1% of the
examined. The number of experimental data points on each
isotherm varied between 40 and 85; they covered a relative total BET area.%
pressure range of 0.0014.95, depending on the adsorbate/ Results
adsorbent system. Since the time taken for a single isotherm
was 20 h to 8 days, the saturation pressure of adsorbate was The third column lists values of a(O2) and the corre-
updated every 6 h. Data analyses were performed using, when sponding P/P"ranges for the BET best fit. The range is
appropriate, the saturation pressure of liquid Nz, liquid 02,solid 0.014.1 for GC and AGC samples and is higher for the
Kr, or supercooled Ar. It is admitted that since the adsorption other materials, 0.02-0.28 for UGC and 0.05-0.30for Aero-
temperature (76.6 K)is lower than the triple point of Ar (83.8 sils. The limits of best fit were based on the highest
K), the saturation pressure of solid rather than supercooled Ar correlation coefficient computed with each r u n at different
should have been used in the analysis. However, there are three P / P ranges. Changing these limits has little effect on
main reasons for adopting the supercooled state of Ar. First, monolayer volumes. For example, when the upper PIP"
since the development of the BET theory, most investigators limit was extended from 0.1 to 0.3,V , of GC increased by
have used the supercooled state;1J5~22-24~2*33a direct comparison 0.5-1.0% in 02 but decreased by 1-4% in Ar. This means
(26) Ismail, I. M. K.; Rose, M. M.; Mahowald, M. A. Carbon 1991,29, (30) Payne, D. A.; Sing,K. S. W.; Turk, D. H. J. Colloid Interface Sci.
575. 1973, 43, 287.
(27) Hoffman, W. P.; Phan, H. T. In Fundamental Issues in Control (31) Rouquerol, J.; Rouquerol, F.; Peres, C.; Grillet, Y.;Boudellal, M.
of Carbon Gasification Reactiuity; Lahaye and Ehrburger,Eds.; Kluwer Characterization of Porous Solids: Societyof Chemical Industrv: Letch-
Academic Publishing: The Netherlands, 1990. work, U.K., 1979; p 107.
(28) Pace, E. L.; Siebert, A. R. J. Phys. Chem. 1960,64, 961. (32)Ali, S.; McEnaney, B. J. Colloid. Interface Sci. 1984, 107, 355.
(29) Brown, C. E.; Hall, P. G. Trans. Faraday SOC.1971,67, 3558. (33) McEnaney, B. Carbon 1987,25, 69.
362 Langmuir, Vol. 8, No. 2, 1992 Letters
Table 11. Apparent Cross-Sectional Area of Kra on

- 1
Carbons at 76.6 K Using Po of Solid Kr
,23 b- Average value
relative pressure range
sample 0.02-0.1 0.02-0.2 0.024.3
ungraphitized carbons
N990 0.200 0.209 0.226
ST MT 0.190 0.199 0.211
N762 0.191 0.203 0.222
N550 0.194 0.203 0.223
v3 0.200 0.210 0.224
N330 0.201 0.210 0.222
average u(Kr)
graphitized carbonsb

.I9 -

0.2706 NIA ,
Aerosil-50, -150,-2W6 N/A
a Values of u(Kr)are expressed in nmzlatom. 6 From ref 14between
relative pressures of 0.05 and 0.21.

that by extending the BET limits, the computed value of

) lowered by 1% from 0.147 and 0.145 nm2/molecule,
~ ( 0 2is
but a(Ar) is raised by as much as 4% from 0.138 to 0.143 different size distribution and, hence, yield a slightly
for GC or from 0.155 to 0.162 nm2/atom for AGC. The different V , than the corresponding larger samples used
important point in the table is that the average value of for N2, 02,and Ar analysis. Earlier tests revealed that
4 0 2 ) on the three categories of carbons is the same; 0.147 changing the sample caused V , to fluctuate by fl-4%.
f 0,001 nm2/mol. On Aerosils, 4 0 2 ) is higher, 0.166 nm2/
Based on these two reasons, the maximum error in
mol. estimating u(Kr), from one sample to another, could be as
high as 8 % ;this explains the scatter in a(Kr)values shown
With argon (fourth column), the average value of a(Ar)
on silica, 0.186 nm2/atom, is also higher than on all other in Figure 1and listed in Table 11. In spite of this scatter,
carbons. However, a(Ar) is influenced by the type of the average values of a(Kr) can be used for other Kr/
carbon surface under consideration, 0.138 f 0.002 nm2/ ungraphitized carbon systems at 77 K to estimate the
atom on GC, and averages to 0.157 f 0.002 nm2/atom on surface area. First, the BET analysis is performed at any
UGC and AGC. Unlike 02,the packing density of Ar is selected relative pressure range to yield an "apparentn
dependent on surface characteristics. The value of 0.138 V,. Then, with the corresponding "apparent" value of
nm2/atom is in excellent agreement with values that have a(Kr) taken from the figure, the true surface area can be
been reported by previous i n v e s t i g a t o r ~ ~ Jand computed.
~ - ~ ~ - ~of
~ ~cr(Kr)
~ ~ is0.214However, since with GC the apparent value
observed experimentally using neutron ~ c a t t e r i n g .It~ is
~ nm2/atom,14the same value may arbitrarily
interesting to note that the value of 0.157 nm2/atom on be recommended (for the sake of simplicity) for UGC and
UGC and AGC happened to be exactly equivalent to the AGC, provided that the BET analyses are executed at a
area of three graphitic hexagons. This fortuity does not P/PO range of 0.02-0.25, as illustrated with the dotted line
necessarily mean the adsorbed Ar atoms are in registry in Figure 1. As mentioned earlier, this analysis is based
with the carbon surface. on PO of solid Kr.
With Kr adsorption on UGC, the BET plots were never
linear at any PlPO range; instead, they showed a curvature Discussion
through the entire range, 0.01-0.35. Thus, for the Kr/ u(X) on Graphitized Carbons. It is now established,
UGC system, the BET theory deviates. The plots were from neutron diffraction,"^^^ X-ray ~ c a t t e r i n gand , ~ low-
slightly convexto the pressure axis; as the relative pressure energy electron diffraction experiments38-39 that on graph-
increased, the slope increased but the intercept decreased. itized carbons, a(N2) = a(Kr) = area of three graphitic
Since the increase in slope exceeded the decrease in hexagons = 0.157 nm2/adsorbed species. In oxygen, the
intercept, the net effect was a lowering in the apparent monolayer density varies with coverage and adsorption
value of V, with increasing Kr relative pressure (Table t e m p e r a t ~ r e . For
~ ~ oxygen the 2-D phase diagram on
11). The calculated "apparent" value of a(Kr) on each graphitized carbons is complicated, it has 9 monolayer
carbon increased by extending the range from 0.02-0.1 to phases and 6 triple points. At 10-50 K, the density is
0.02-0.2 and finally to 0.02-0.3. Dependence of the 0.065-0.085 molecule/A2,which corresponds to a(Od values
"apparent" average a(Kr) on PIP" is displayed in Figure of 0.154-0.118 nm2/molecule.40 From the computer sim-
1,which can be utilized to select the proper value of a(Kr) ulation at 30-70 K,4l a condensed layer is formed first on
according to the upper relative pressure range chosen for carbons with a density of 0.074molecule/A2which can be
the BET analysis. compressed to 0.112 molecule/A2. A t liquid nitrogen tem-
It is noted in the table that with each column, a(Kr) is perature, the density may be taken as 0.074 molecule/A2,
scattered around an average value. The scatter is attrib-
uted to two main reasons: weight of the samples and (35) Eckert, J.; Ellenson, W . D.; Hastings, J. B.; Passel, L. Phys. Rev.
inconsistency of the carbon batch. First, to perform the Lett. 1979, 43, 1329.
Kr analysis in a reasonable length of time, the weight of (36)Horn, P. M.; Birgeneau, R. J.; Heiney, P.; Hammonds, E. M. Phys.
the samples whose surface areas are high had to be reduced Rev. Lett. 1978, 41,96i.
(37)Specht, E. D.; Sutton, M.;Birgeneau, R. J.; Moncton, D. E.; Hom,
to 50-80 mg. A fluctuation of f l mg in sample weight P. M.Phys. Reo. €3: Condens. Matter 1984,30, 1589.
yields as high as 2 7% error in V,. Second, each lot of the (38) Diehl, R. D.; Samuel, M. F.; Fain, S. C., Jr. Phys. Reu. Lett. 1982,
UGC has some range of particle size distribution. The 48, 177.
(39)Diehl, R. D.; Fain, S. C., Jr. J. Phys. Chem. 1982, 77, 5065.
small samples used for Kr analysis could have a slightly (40) Toney, M. F.; Fain, S. C., Jr. Phys. Reu. E Condens.Matter 1987,
36, 1248.
(34)Taub, H.; Carneiro, K.; Kjems, J. K.; Passell, L.; McTague, J. P. (41) Bhethanabotla, V. R.;Steele, W.A.Phys.Reu.B: Condens.Matter
Phys. Reu. E S o l d State 1977,16, 4551. 1990,41, 9480.
Letters Langmuir,Vol. 8, No. 2, 1992 363
Table 111. ComDarison between Theoretical and Exmrimental Cross-sectional Areas
~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~

theoretical experimental a(X);nm2/species

adsorbate dtda o w GCC UGCd AGCe silicas silicas/GC
NZ(liquid) 0.162 0.153 0.162 0.162 0.162 0.162 1.OOO
Nz (solid) 0.138
Ar (liquid) 0.138 0.135 0.138 0.159 0.155 0.186 1.348
Ar (solid) 0.128
Kr (liquid) 0.150 0.155 0.18w N/A 0.234 1.300
Kr (solid) 0.143 0.21d 0.214 NIA 0.270 1.262
02 (liquid) 0.136 0.136 0.148 0.146 0.148 0.166 1.121
02 (solid) 0.121
a d t d = 1.091 ( M / O N ) ~nm2/adsorbed
/~: mecies. d t 2 ) = 0.06354(TJPc)2/3;
nm2/adsorbedspecies. Graphitized carbons. Ungraphitized
carbons. e Activated graphitized carbons. f From ref 14.-

which yields ~ ( 0 2 =
) 0.135 nm2/mo1ecule.4l This value is adsorbate and its molecular (or atomic) weight, M,are
slightly lower than the "apparent" value of 0.147nm2/mol used
listed in Table I. The discrepancy between the two values
(-8%) indicates that the BET equation is not perfectly a(t,) = 1.091(M/pN)2/3
adequate to define the true values of Vm for 02 adsorption
on GC. where N is Avogadro's number and 1.091 is the "tradi-
In the case of Ar, there is some controversy in the tional" hexagonal packing factor. If the adsorbed species
literature. The reported values of a(Ar) in nm2/atom are exhibit a different packing configuraton, the value of u(t1)
0.132 from volumetric adsorption measurements: 0.125 will change accordingly. In the second method, the critical
from adsorption calorimetric measurements: and 0.134 temperature, Tc (in K), and critical pressure, P, (in bar),
from neutron ~ c a t t e r i n g . ~
~ the recent work of are used to estimate the van der Waals cross-sectional
DAmico et al.42at 44-50 K and 0.81 monolayer coverage, a(t2), using
the computed value is 0.19. It is possible that with
increasing adsorption temperature to 77 K and at Vm = u(t,) = 6.354 ( T c / P c ) 2 / 3
1, a(Ar) decreases to the neighborhood of -0.14 nm2/ As shown in Table 111,the agreement between a(t1) and
atom. Apart from D'Amico's work, there is an overall a&) is satisfactory which means that regardless of the
good agreement between the experimental BET value type of physical parameters used, there is practically one
obtained here (0.138nm2/atom) and most of the other theoretical value for each gas which may or may not agree
values either reported in the literature on GC or computed with the value obtained by the calibration. However, by
theoretically using the bulk properties of supercooled Ar. adjusting the packing factor in eq 1 from the "traditional"
Therefore, the BET model is presumably adequate enough hexagonal configuration to others, u(t1) could be altered
to define a true value of V, for Ar on GC. until it agrees with, or becomes closer to, the value
u(X) on Ungraphitized a n d Activated Graphitized computed in this study. For example, the average value
Carbons. This class of carbons has a heterogeneous of u(O2) on UGC and AGC is 0.147nm2/mol;a few percent
surface composed of basal planes and active sites whose higher than u(t1). If the adsorbed oxygen molecules were
population is 5-15 % of the totalsurface depending packed with only four nearest molecules on the surface
on the sample and its level of BO. From Table I, each and eight in the liquid, the packing factor raises from 1,091
average value of ~ ( 0 2 or
) a(Ar) on the two classes of carbon to 1.192,44and a(t1) increases from 0.136 to 0.148 nm2/
is practically the same regardless of the extent of surface mol. The agreement between the latter value and the
heterogeneity. The average values are 0.147 nm2/02 0.147 listed in Table I suggests that the adsorbed oxygen
molecule and 0.157f 0.002nm2/Ar atom. This finding is molecules on UGC and AGC are arranged in a square (not
somewhat surprising because the active surface area of hexagonal) two-dimensional packing. That is, the increase
the UGC and, hence, the degree of heterogeneity were in 402)may be due to a decrease in coordination number
found to increase with increasing the starting surface area on the surface. The experimental values of u(Ar) on these
of the carbon.26 It is possible that the contribution of carbons average to 0.157 f 0.002 nm2/atom, which is
active surface area to the overall isotherm takes place at smaller than the 0.138found on GC. Once again, the ad-
the early stages of adsorption, i.e., at very low P/P"values sorbed Ar atoms are packed looser on the heterogeneous
(<0.01).The effect probably diminishes at PlP" > 0.01. than the homogeneous (graphitic) carbon surfaces. In
On these classes of carbon, there is no direct experi- conclusion, the surface heterogeneity of carbons, or the
mental technique to determine ~ ( 0 2or) a(Ar) as has been presence of a high population of active sites, tends, on the
the case with GC. Therefore, the values listed in Table average, to spread out the Ar atoms or 02 molecules ad-
I, which were obtained through the BET calibration with sorbed on the entire surface (active sites and basal planes).
a large number of experimental data points, are probably As mentioned earlier, the BET plots for Kr on UGC
accurate and reasonable enough to estimate the surface were convex to the relative pressure axis. The deviation
areas of UGC and AGC as well as coal chars. from linearity is a result of the assumptions used in deriving
In order to fit ~ ( 0 2and
) a(Ar) to physical models, let the BET equation. That is, the heat of adsorption during
us first compare the experimental cross-sectional areas monolayer formation is constant, and the lateral inter-
against the theoreticalvalues, u(t1) and a&), listed inTable action between the adsorbed species is negligible. UGC
111. There are two methods to calculate the theoretical have a high degree of surface heterogeneity, the heat of
values. In the first one, the liquid (or solid) density, p, of adsorption should decrease with coverage yielding BET
(42)DAmico, K.L.;Bohr, J.; Moncton, D.E.;Gibbs, D.Phys. Reu. (43)Hill, T.L.J. Chem. Phys. 1948,16, 181.
B: Condens. Matter 1990,4I,4368. (44)Livingston, H. K.J. Colloid. Interface Sci. 1949,4 , 447,
364 Langmuir, Vol. 8,No. 2, 1992 Letters

t\ N762
4-v 3

-p 50
0 40



0 ' 1 1 1 1 / 1 1 1 1 " " 1 1 " I " 1 1 1 1 ~ I I ( " ~ " " " " in
018 023 028 033 038 043 048 053 058 .I6 .I8 .2 .22 .24 .26 .28 .3
Figure 2. Variation of C with relative pressure below 0.06. Figure 3. Variation of C with relative pressure at 0.15-0.30.

plots concave to the relative pressure axis. On the other Zoo00

hand, the lateral interactions between Kr atoms adsorbed
on graphitic surfaces are well documented in the literature;
there is no reason to believe that these interactions do not -+ v3
4 N330
exist on UGC. If the first few Kr atoms are merely ad-
sorbed on the active sites a t low relative pressures below
0.01, as with the GC,2,3then the first point on the isotherm
is reached where Kr on UGC is adsorbed essentially on 2 10000
the remaining (uncovered) graphitic surface. In this case,
the role of lateral interactions becomes important, the
heat of adsorption tends to increase to a maximum near
monolayer completion, and the BET plots becomes convex
to the relative pressure axis. Evidently, during mono-
layer formation of Kr on UGC, the offset caused by the
lateral interactions far exceeds that caused by surface .05 .06 .07 .OS .09 .I .I 1 .I2 .I3 .I4 . I5
heterogeneity; the net effect through the entire P I P range P P
would be an increase in heat of adsorption. To confirm Figure 4. Variation of C with relative pressure at 0.05-0.15.
this point, the heats of adsorption have to be measured
experimentally using, for example, an adsorption calo- P I P , C is low in the latter case (<loo)and keeps decreasing
rimeter. They can also be computed if the experimental with increasing P I P ; the drop in C occurs gradually over
isotherms were measured at two temperatures. Unfor- a considerably wide relative pressure range. At moderate
tunately, both capabilities are not available to the author P I P , 0.05-0.15, the monolayer builds up apparently to a
at the present time. However, the following attempt was completion, the value of C abruptly attains a maximum
made to support the previous discussion. (whose value could be as high as 20 OOO), then it quickly
The values of C in the BET equation were examined at falls down as shown in Figure 4. The relative position of
different P I P values up to 0.30. The term C is expressed the maximum with respect to P I P axis depends on how
as exp(qi- qL)IRT,where qi is the isoteric heat of adsorption fast the measurements are taken and how far the exper-
and q L is the latent heat of condensation. When the curved imental points are spread apart. The value of C at
BET plots are convex to the relative pressure axes, then maximum,,, C correlates neither to the nature of sample
as PIP" increases, the slope of the tangent progressively nor to its surface area. However, it is evident from the
increases, and the value of C is elevated. That is, (qi- QL) figures that there are continuous changes in C or heats of
increases with P I P . This could be satisfied by one or adsorption (qi-qL) as the measurements were progressing.
more of the following combinations: (1)qi increases but This is probably the main reason for obtaining a curvature
QL is constant; (2) qi increases but QL decreases; (3) qi in the BET plots.
increases at a faster rate than q L ; (4) qi decreases at a o(X) on Aerosil Samples. With Aerosils, the value of
smaller rate than QL. The assumption that QL remains a(Ar) = 0.186 nm2/atom is believed to be high, especially
constant cannot be easilyjustified with Kr on UGC because because it could not be justified with a reasonable physical
it is not valid for GC where several phase transitions occur, model. The Aerosil samples have a high population of
and different amounts of heat are supplied to or given by functional groups, mainly silanols (Si-OH).45p46 These
the system during the buildup of the mon0layer.~83 groups did not decompose appreciably by heating to 573
Further, it is not a simple experimental task to separate K, i.e., before performing the gas adsorption experiments.
the effect of qi from the net heat of adsorption if q L is Therefore, the adsorbed N2 molecules, because of their
changing. However, for the current purpose, an exami- high quadrupole moment, could interact with the silanol
nation of overall trend given by the C values can shed groups and become localized on the surface with the mo-
more light on the reasons for observing the convex BET lecular axis of N2 perpendicular to the surface. In this
plots. The assumption is made here that the C value in case, the rotation of adsorbed molecules is probably
the BET equation does, indeed, have some merit. restricted. The N2 molecular width (0.33 nm) is smaller
Figures 2 and 3 illustrate the variations of C with P I P ~ ~~ ~~~

during monolayer buildup ( P I P < 0.06) and after its (45) Technical Bulletin Pigments. Report #11 (Basic Characteristics),
Degussa Co., 1981.
completion (PIP = 0.15-0.30). While in the former case (46) Valencia, E.; Maldonado, A. J. Chem. SOC.,
Faraday Trans. 1990,
the value of C is high (100-550) and slightly increases with 86, 539.
Letters Langmuir, Vol. 8, No. 2, 1992 365
than the length (0.44 nm); when the adsorbed molecules in a square two-dimensional packing with four nearest
are localized on the surface in a stand-up position, the neighbors on the surface and six in the liquid; that is, with
value of a on Aerosils is expected to be smaller than 0.162 a packing factor = Second, with a(Ar) = 0.165
nm2/mol, and there is enough evidence in the literature nm2/mol,the adsorbed atoms are present in a square two-
to support this p 0 i n t . 4 ~ ~ ~ dimensional packing with 4 nearest neighbors on the
To propose a physical model, it was also anticipated surface and 12 in the liquid (packing factor = 1.26). This
that the adsorbed Ar atoms could be in registry with the value of 0.165 is highly supported by other investigators
underlying surface forming, for example, a square lattice who performed N2 adsorption on Aerosils and other silica
configuration, as it has been noted for the adsorption of samples.18*23.4649 Third, lowering a(N2) from 0.162 to0.143
methane on MgO s u r f a ~ e s Yet, . ~ ~ this
~ ~ ~concept is not nm2/mol requires a proportionality factor of 0.89. From
applicable to the Aerosil samples because they are amor- the adsorption of neopentane on GC and a factor
p h o ~with
s ~ no
~ specificcrystallographicstructure or lattice of 0.87 could easily be computed. Thus, by performing
parameter. This situation leaves us with one remaining the calibration using other hydrocarbon adsorbates,
option; justifying a smaller value for a(Ar) on Aerosils. a(N2)had to be lowered. Fourth, the proposed new values
There are three possible ways to achieve this goal. First, of ~ ( N z )~, ( O Zand) , a(Ar) on Aerosils, and probably on
assume a(Ar) on Aerosils = 0.138 nm2/atom as given by other forms of silica, conform to one pattern. With the
eq 1 and as noted for the GC. In this case, a(N2)and a(O2) three gases, the adsorbed molecules in the monolayer are
are reduced to 0.120 and 0.123 nm2/mol, respectively. all arranged in a square two-dimensional packing with
Second, assume a(Ar) = 0.157 nm2/atom as noted for the four adsorbed species on the surface and 6 (for Nz) 8 (for
UGC and AGC, in this case, a(N2) and 4 0 2 ) become 0.137 0 2 1 , or 12 (for Ar) in the liquid. Thus, there is a consistency
and 0.140 nm2/mol,respectively. Third, assume ~(02) has in the packing pattern on the surface which is essentially
a universal value on all surfaces, 0.147 nm2/mol as noted dictated by the silanol groups rather than the adsorbate.
for all different classes of carbon. With this assumption,
the corresponding values of a(Ar) and a(Nz) on Aerosils Conclusions
become 0.165 and 0.143 nm2/mol, respectively. With all 1. It appears that oxygen is another universal adsorbate
three assumptions, the proposed or computed values of at 77 K with 4 0 2 ) = 0.147 nm2/mol on GC, UGC, and
a(X) could be fitted to physical models describing the AGC. The present work suggests that this value could
arrangement of adsorbed species on the surface. There- also be applicable to Aerosil samples.
fore, physical modeling in itself cannot be used as the only 2. a(Ar) is 0.138 nm2/atom on nonporous graphitized
criteria for justifying one configuration over the other. I t carbons and 0.157 nm2/atom on all other forms of carbons
may also be added that regardless of the criteria used to (porous and nonporous); however, a(Ar) is different on
qualify one of the three possibilities, there is no direct the Aerosil samples examined.
experimental technique for measuring a(X) on Aerosils; 3. For adsorption of Kr on ungraphitized carbons, the
thus all values are relative. BET plot is not linear; however, if the data were analyzed
The third possibility can, however, be more substan- at P/PO of 0.02-0.25, using PO of solid Kr, then u(Kr) is
tiated than the other two. First, for ~ ( N z=) 0.143 nm2/ 0.214 nm2/atom. This value is also valid for GC.
mol, the packing factor in eq 1 has to be lowered from 1.09 4. The followingvalues are recommended for adsorption
to 0.97, suggesting that most of the NZmolecules in the of gases on silica surfaces at 77 K: a(N2) = 0.143, ~ ( O Z ) ,
monolayers of Aerosils are adsorbed in the solid form whose = 0.147, and a(Ar) = 0.165 nm2/adsorbed species.
a value is 0.138 nm2/mol (Table 111). Alternatively, the
adsorbed N2 molecules may be present in the liquid form Acknowledgment. The financial support of Air Force
~ ~ ~~~~
Office of Scientific Research under Contract Number
(47) Gregg, S. J.; Sing, K. S.W. AdsorptionSurface AreaandPorosity; F04611-83-C-0046with the Phillips Laboratory is highly
Academic Press: New York, 1982; pp 76-77. appreciated. I thank Professor William Steele for his
(48) Kiselev, A. V. Discuss. Faraday SOC.1965, 40, 205. technical advise during the preparation of this manuscript
(49) Furlong, D. N.; Rouquerol, F.; Rouquerol, J.; Sing, K. S. W. J.
Chem. SOC.,Faraday Trans. 1980, 76, 774. and Dr.Rodney Taylor (Columbian Chemicals Co.) for
(50) Coulobm, J. P.; Madih, K.; Croset, B.; Lauter, H. J. Phys. Rev. providing most of the unactivated carbon samples.
Lett. 1985,54, 1536.
(51) Jung, D. R.; Cui, J.; Franke, D. R.; Ihm, G.; Kim, H. Y.; Cole, M. (52) Carrott, P. J. M.; Roberta, R. A.; Sing, K. S.W. Langmuir 1988,
D. Phys. Reu. B: Condem. Matter 1989, 40, 11893. 4, 740.

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