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Pride Sample

Coming up with something that I take pride in for this essay was kinda difficult. I felt like

everything I accomplished was mediocre compared to what my friends and peers around me

have accomplished but taking with a close friend about this had me come to an option that I

haven't considered before. I take pride in finding a balance for my ADHD without the use of


I was diagnosed at the age of five with ADHD. By definition ADHD is a disorder that

makes it difficult for a person to pay attention and control impulsive behaviors. He or she may

also be restless and almost constantly active. ADHD is not just a childhood disorder, although

the symptoms of ADHD begin in childhood, ADHD can continue through adolescence and

adulthood. The doctor suggested that she put me on medication to help relieve some of the

symptoms of ADHD but in the end after trial and error I am highly allergic most drugs used to

treat ADHD. From then on my mom used every other method, like putting me on a highly strict

schedule, having me be active outside of school ect.

These methods carried on into elementary school but to my knowledge they didn’t work.

I was still a very hyperactive rambunctious child. I would pick fights with other students and be a

complete nuisance to everyone. My mom would constantly get calls home about my misconduct.

My teachers would always talk negatively of me and I would know this cause I would over hear

my mom venting to my dad about the teachers calling home again telling her that she needs to

learn how to control my behavior. The teachers would set me aside and separate me from other

kids in my class and put me in a corner to do my work and not bother others around me. I hated
being seperated from others even though I was always being bullied by those who were my peers

I always wanted to please them and befriend them.

This behavior continued into middle school, by this time I had moved to Washington and

everything was suppose to get better but it didn’t and got worse. . The bullying got worse the

way teachers treated me gotten worse and me being able to make friends got harder. Any friends

that I did make I cherished them but then things would happen and they turned on me. I had

started therapy and that some what helped me I learned methods to help me control my impulses,

I learned ways to help me calm down. After 2 months of therapy I stopped going. 3 years flew by

fast but the way my peers viewed me didn’t changed till I moved back to California. I was now

surrounded by old peers and their treatment have changed. I am no longer bullied, talked down to

or gossiped about because when I moved back I was quiet, kept to myself and buried myself in

my phone. High school came and went by quickly I no longer get bullied and keep to myself


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