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Appendix 1
Day 1, Grade 3

lake river
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sea pond

Page 3 of 29

hot spring stream

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Appendix 2
Day 1, Grade 4

river water pump

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lake stream

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faucet deep well

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rain falling

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Appendix 3
Day 1, Grade 4

Sources and Kinds of Water

Water comes from different sources. It may come from open or closed sources. It may also come from
small body of water or a big body of water. Rainwater comes from clouds.

There are three main sources of water. The kind of water depends on its source. The three different
kinds of water are seawater, freshwater, and groundwater.

1. Seawater is salty. It contains plenty of salt. It is found in the seas and oceans. Sea water is also called
hard water.
2. Water from rivers and lakes may be soft water. Unlike the sea water, it does not contain salt. This is
found in open but small bodies of water like rivers, lakes, creeks, and ponds. Surface water comes
mostly from rain. Rainwater flows from land into streams and rivers. In cold countries, it also comes
from snow. Great quantities of snow accumulate on highlands and mountains during winter. In spring,
the snow melts and runs off into surface of water.

Groundwater is found beneath the earth’s surface. It comes from underground.

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Appendix 4
Day 1, Grade 3

Rubric for Drawing

Criteria Advanced (20 pts) Proficient (15 pts) Average (10 pts) Below Basic (5 pts)

Overall The overall The overall The overall The overall

Appearance appearance is created appearance was appearance covers appearance lacks
with a lot of thought. created and thought the subject matter. effort.

Pictures The pictures relate The pictures relate to The pictures The pictures do not
extremely well to the the subject, are pretty somewhat relate to relate to the subject,
subject, are well done, well done, and are the subject, are are not well done,
and colored very colored nicely. somewhat well done, and are not colored
nicely. and some of the or colored poorly.
picture or pictures
are colored somewhat

Page 10 of 29

Appendix 5
Day 2, Grade 4
Rubric for Poster

Criteria Advanced (20 pts) Proficient (15 pts) Average (10 pts) Below Basic (5 pts)
Overall The overall The overall The overall appearance The overall
Appearance appearance is created appearance was covers the subject appearance lacks
with a lot of thought. created and thought matter effort.
Handwriting The size and The size and formation The size and formation
The size and
formation of the of the handwriting of the handwriting formation of the
handwriting makes it makes it easy to read makes it somewhat handwriting
very easy to read the the poster. easy to read the makes it hard to
poster. poster. read the poster.
Information The poster is labeled The poster has most of The poster has some of
The poster does
properly with all the the labeling done the labeling done. not have labeling
labels properly. done.
Pictures The pictures relate The pictures relate toThe pictures somewhat The pictures do not
extremely well to the the subject, are prettyrelate to the subject, relate to the
subject, are well well done, and are are somewhat well subject, are not
done, and colored colored nicely. done, and some of the well done, and are
very nicely. picture or pictures are not colored or
colored somewhat colored poorly.
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Appendix 6
Day 2, Grade 3

hot spring pond

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stream cove

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Appendix 7
Day 2, Grade 3


1. A body of water with current, confined with a bed and stream banks. It a. stream
moves to a lower level in a channel on land.
b. river
2. Produced by the emergence of geothermally heated groundwater from the
Earth’s crust c. hot spring

3. Usually freshwater, flowing towards an ocean, a lake, or a sea, or another d. lake

e. sea
4. Localized in a basin and is surrounded by land apart from a river, stream,
or other form of moving water that serves to feed or drain the lake f. oceans

5. A large body of salty water that is connected to an ocean g. coves

h. bay
6. Large than a cove and can refer to any wide indentation of the land
i. gulf

7. Produced by the emergence of geothermally heated groundwater from the

Earth’s crust

Page 14 of 29
Appendix 8
Day 3, Grade 4

Uses of Water

Water is a renewable resource because of the water cycle. But a lot of places in the world and in our
country do not have enough water because there are two problems with water: amount of distribution and
quality or safety.
There are two important sources of water supply: surface water and ground water.

Uses of Freshwater
Freshwater is used for cleaning, washing, bathing, preparing food and other household uses.
Freshwater sustains plant and animal life. It is used to water plants. It is given to animals to drink.
Without water, animals and people will die of thirst.
Freshwater in rivers, lakes and springs is used for recreation. One can go swimming or boating in
these places. Clean rivers and lakes are also a rich source of shrimps, crabs and shellfish.
Rivers and lakes whose water is not very clean may still be useful. They can serve as routes of
transportation for boats like ferry boats in the Pasig River. Water may also be used in farms for irrigation
and livestock watering and in factories.

Uses of Seawater
Scientists say that oceans produce 80% of the oxygen we breathe. This is possible because of planktons,
the tiny organisms that live in the oceans and seas.
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Seawater is the habitat of aquatic plants and animals. The oceans, seas, rivers, lakes and ponds are
habitats of most of the aquatic plants and animals. These plants and animals are used mainly for food and
Seas and oceans are also used for recreation such as swimming, boating and windsurfing. They are
also used as routes for local and international transportation and marine navigation.
Let us do our best in conserving water. Let us use water wisely and properly. If we do not conserve
water, we might be faced with a big problem. Bear in mind that water is an important resource. Let us help
conserve water resources.

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Appendix 9
Day 3, Grade 3

plain plateau

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island peninsula


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Landforms are geographical features that control the ecosystem, weather and climate. It is any shape
of the earth’s surface. The various landforms came into existence due to erosion, wind, air, earthquakes,
and eruption of volcanoes.
1. Plateau-flat topped highland with steep side, also called a tableland. It is basically a high flat land. It is
usually surrounded by steep rock faces called cliffs. It is usually good for growing certain crops. It is
formed when magma pushes up towards the surface of the Earth’s crust.
2. Plains-are areas of flat land. This landform is good for buildings, roads and other structures. These
areas are usualy highly populated.
3. Island-is a piece of land surrounded by water. It is formed due to volcanic activity or due to hot spots in
the lithospehere. A large group of islands formed an archipelago.
4. Isthmus –is a narrow strech of land which joins large land masses.
5. Peninsula-is a piece of land that is surrounded by water from three sides and is joined to land on the
fourth side.
6. Canyon-narrow valleys
7. Hills-are lower than mountains but are higher than their surrounding areas and are usually rounded in
shape. This is good for planting crops.
8. Valleys-are low-lying areas between two mountains or hills. Valleys formed by glaciers are U-shaped
valleys. Valleys formed due to erosion are V-shaped valleys. The climate in valleys is pleasant and
favorable for living because there are rivers flowing making water available for the people. Vegetation is
thick and valleys look green and beautiful.

Delta-is a triangular land area at mouth of a river or inlet.

Page 19 of 29
Appendix 10
Day 3, Grade 4
Rubric for Role-Play

4 3 2 1

Speech was clear with appropriate volume and inflection.

Role was played in a convincing, consistent manner.

Arguments and viewpoints expressed fit role played.

Costumes and props were effectively used.

Role-play was well prepared and organized.

Role-play captured and maintained audience interest.

Page 20 of 29
Rubric for Jingle/Rap
Criteria Advanced (20 pts) Proficient (15 pts) Average (10 pts) Below Basic (5 pts)
Theme Jingle stays on topic Jingle stays on topic. Jingle stays on topic Jingle doesn't stay on
throughout. Topic is Topic is positive and some of the time. topic. Topic is not
positive and appropriate for school Topic is occasionally shown in a positive way
appropriate for advertising. Competent positive and or is not always
school advertising. lyrics to advertise topic. appropriate for school appropriate.
Clever lyrics. advertising. Fine Group has difficulty
lyrics written with and needs much
some teacher support. support to write lyrics.
Melody Melody is simple Melody is simple and Melody is fair, but not Melody requires much
and very "catchy". "catchy". Rhythm and "catchy". Could be improvement, is not
Rhythm and melody melody range appropriate improved rhythmically appealing, or is
range appropriate and appealing. or melodically. Lacks "stolen" from another
and appealing. Is Demonstrates some originality. source.
original. originality.
Group Entire group Entire group involved in All group members are Group does not work
work involved in composition and involved in well together, not
composition and performance, but not all composition and everyone involved in
performance equally. All group performance at times composition and/or
equally. All group members’ ideas are in every class. Teacher performance. Group
members’ ideas are usually valued - respect must mediate falls apart, requires
always valued - is shown most of the occasionally. Respect much teacher
group demonstrates time. often shown. intervention, or does
respect at all times. not finish project
Page 21 of 29

Rubric for Poem/Jazz

Criteria Advanced (20 pts) Proficient (15 pts) Average (10 pts) Below Basic (5 pts)
Meaning Poem is creative and Poem is thoughtful Most of the poem is Poems appear to be
and original. It is evident and creative. A creative, but appears thoughtless or
Originality that the poet put couple of phrases or to be rushed. This is rushed. Work is
thought into their words ideas may be evident in the poet's very repetitive, and
and uniquely conveyed revisited, but the redundancy or use of ideas are
their ideas and overall product is cliches. unoriginal.
emotions. carefully written.
Sensory Vivid, detailed images Clear sensory Some use of image, Difficult to
Details and intensely felt images are used to idea, or emotion visualize image or
emotion make the poem portray ideas or emotion
come alive. emotions
Form The poem is complete The poem is written The poem is The poem is not
and follows its intended in its proper forms somewhat written in written in its
form, in the style of with a few mistakes. its proper form. proper form.
Pablo Neruda.

Page 22 of 29
Appendix 11
Day 4, Grade 3

canyon hill

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delta valley

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Appendix 12
Day 4, Grade 4

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Appendix 13
Day 4, Grade 4

The water part of the earth is called hydrosphere or “water sphere” . This covers three-fourths of its
surface. Therefore, water covers a larger area of its surface than land. That is why the earth is called the
“blue planet”. Water gives the earth its characteristics of blue color as seen from outer space. Water
continuously moved in the earth’ssurface in aprocess called water cycle.

Although there is a continuous cycle of water, you might wonder if there will come a time when we
will run out of water. Do you know that about 97% of the water in the world is salty? Thus, only 3%of this
water is fresh or potable. This very small amount of fresh water is 67% locked in the form of ice mainly
found in Greenland and Antarctic. Therefore, only about 1% of freshwater is found in rivers, lakes, ponds,
and in the atmosphere in the form of water vapor.

Page 26 of 29
Appendix 14
Day 5, Grade 3

I. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. A natural watercourse flowing towards an ocean, lake or sea.

a. lake
b. river
c. ocean
d. sea

2. _______ is a body of still water that is surrounded by land.

a. lake
b. river
c. ocean
d. sea

3. It is produced by the emergence of geothermally-heated groundwater from Earth’s crust.

a. ocean
b. cove
c. stream
d. hot spring

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4. The ultimate bodies of water and refers to the five ______-Atlantic, Pacific, Arctic, Indian and
a. stream
b. sea
c. ocean
d. ponds

5. The smallest indentations of land by a lake, sea, or ocean.

a. ponds
b. lakes
c. river
d. cove

II. Draw and describe the landforms given.

valley plateau

plain hill

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Appendix 15
Day 5, Grade 4
Summative Test

Kinds of Water Sources Description




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