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M.Iech. (Sem ll) (lilaidsack) Ercm nalian, June/July - 2012
lMax mLm Nra&s. 100
lMLn Pass ng Marks:33

ALtenDL ar fiv questiaB.

Morhs.f.tl€rLiarB are tnhcoled aEaiast eo.h questian
Dmu neat dld .\r pEhelsite slLeLcifs uth.tra neasvu.r ta
|\s nte n)Etnr dota etiLabl! if r4 dtui spccilr tne sanc.
rlse ol iorownq supponng maLeda/ s pemtted durng eramnauon.
lMentianed in tan No. 2o5)

(a) D\rlarn lbe enect ot valatron ol the lolo\lrng laraDeters

on spccd.rorque .haractedsri.s ol ll(l shnnt
(r) Sulply voltase 'rror .
(it r[m.rue lvindirs nesista.ce

(b) Ernla,n r}lc drJleront typcs ol brakjrg m.lhods rDpljcabte

for rhree !h.se rnducrion notor

!' la) nxplain th.Iour quadrant operahor ofa drivryirh sur.Ue


(l) ExDlain ihe .liferent componenrs oflord torques Nsd sve

the {llfererce betsccn active and lassive load rorques.
DILllar! vbat do you urderstand by steady srare slabitiry
D.rlvc th. condidor of stabrhty.

,nr101l tj l I lllllll l
for nnnor d load
0t r\ dcire l]ls folowns 'qnanons

T= l-2$i,,ddT!
.nd d.iernnno $r'i steady
Obianl tbe equnibnnd loinLs

of seraratety eaclbd DC
nolor in
Descrloe thc cholner conLrol
ihe lbllorvDc r$o lrod's '

0, Reseneraillo rode

(r) !r.ld control tor g'lri rg

b onplol'd
rrtcil in L iloJture loltisP 'unr
spe.ds l.ss fiD rared Wlt

r, \ /-() \ 8ii 90i l:O { dp01 olt F\' t4 d r'10

';'.-.'.' i'!p'p ''rrol'
'dono rn
conrrotlcd rerri6'r wi]I
3c volhee
*t"'-"i"'" tot
l|* ii u,io n' assumng cor.unro(s 'or.nction
?50 mM
(1) fiinc rnsle tor ralcd nolor iolqne .nd
( 500) RlM
(it l'indg aaFl' for rateil moior torque ard
raLcd iorque
(rn) Moior sleed lor d = 160'r ard 4x3=12

ror varialle AeqnercY cortrol oI fdlciron notor erplajn

sFeeds belo* tase speed N^) Iatio is naintailed

t) Fd
ndal vollage $
I r L' :Pe*t' ab NP bdse \Pe"'l t}P te
n nlarncLt constdtrt xhr 5+5=10

'.iE'40'r :
(l) Wlai do yo! mean by strr Fower recov€ry
schche ? Ea"lain
my one herlod us;s rnis schene for spee.i
conrrot of r}Fe
pbas. rnducrion lroror

-\,1'y a syDchronous Dotor d.es nor havc

siarrins torque,
. Hov do !.u start a srmch.onous ho|or ?

Lne coostlucr,o. a.d qor}Ds

Wirat dr rrs ad\Jnraees ovp-

W4te a snofl not€s on tuy r{o nr

l-he Iolotrlns .

la)- Load Equaliza tion

O) Srepper noror Ddve
(c) Dnere], eEdenr olerarion ot
/@ ImpEveD€lr of poFe. ta.i., dd qualty of sulDL.

'?E'104 l ll4 tl]lll]llllt]]l|Il I 140

.l '""''..","","'E
li. Tech. (Sem ll) (Main/Back) Examinalion, Jun€/July - 2012
.| 2MPS2 Adv. Power System Proleclion

Attentpt drL! fitc questi. s

Mnths af q estbtts aE nrdicnLed aea,6t edeh qtpsti.t.
Dnt! nenl .rn.] .onFt.lt rte sAet.ltus uhercLer ne.essotr to
.\eq ! tlLLs/tate )aut d stel
1e tLissnLs dda Ltdbb )f dn) natl ve.ih dE snrtc
LlsD ol lolowng supp.n,nq male a 5 permitled durno examnaLon.
(MPntianed in tom Na 205)

(a) ElTldD nol Dnase con,paiison n done usnrs d anrhlxde

comprrntor a.d vre versa.
(ti) Explau llre circutadng nDon| ly0e l)nase splittnr!. tB,e
aDDLilndc comrauk'r

(r) Descrlbo ihc ste.dy sla{. Lario .n(l rhase arsla errors ,n
CTs .Dd PTs N,th ne,t rolevant diagtanE
(1,) $,th tbe help or drasra,! crDlmn the \orliins ol deFnrte
time ovcrcurrcnt rPlar
3., (a) [.rn]o.r. ,.stmrnt rercentas. dJlerenrral rela]'
ExDlain ihe
Ior n.nslou.r nrotechon.
(b) Discuss ho* tle
rcadtanco ftlar d,a.act0ristics arc real,zed
usiig a samphne oonLrJaralor

,rr4rr llllllllll lll lllllllll

I .Mererce behyecn lol'rzed MHO and sinllc
? Whal arc s.ll rolansed ,rd cross Dolaris.d

Dhasc .onparson ncthod ol canier currert

(rl $tarN oniofstep iriplms ) Drscuss |nc operahncpircipto

of an otri of sbr tnlpirs relay.
(1,) Exrrlain $c efro.t ol Dawer smncs and soucc imDeddnce
or tho lerformarce of rho distance relays

6 (a) wLt! the help ol a diaeld) erlrlain rhe p{recrior ot rn

,ndn.tior notor asanrst slnsle pl.sLng (phasc bnnre).

O) Disr,nsursh betwecn overloail protectron, Dercontrge

{IlTerentral Drotocdon and eardr fadr prorechon ot an

7 (.) Draw ard exrJlani th€ block diaelrm ol disltat relry Also
rbsolbe lhe L0$i error squrred Lechnque
(h) Briefly explanr dre Fouier analr/srs ol tbe aDalo$e and

\llte short noles on (anrr two)

(!) Quadilaler!] an.l e[phcal rela]'s

(,n) Drfferential prolecho. 1br screrdtor ard lransfo, mer

,rrr0!l Illllllll|I|| |I llI llll [ 4r0


pol$a.: I tat t1!.t4 *,"*"""*, tl

14. Tech. (sem. ll) (llaini Back) Examination June/July . 2012

2ttlPs3 EHV AC/BC nansmrssron

AtenipL 04 l\e .!Lenia6.

lqa s af qrcsti.. s ate nt|i.dted asat6t e@h qtEstio .
Druu neot and can4,elE si@ shetch.s uheNtet rEEsa.! ta
.!eatL! Lllustrate laur arcbet.
rnE ne .tata intubu Lf anr ant sptih Lhc sone.
use or lolowng slppod'nc malena s pemlled dudng €mm'nalon
(Mentioned in tam Na 205)

', Ll" "d of \ 1. ...o-ni"roo
1 ur'\a. n{0ta'-
6) Conlde Etlv AC and rn/DC in the f4[o\Eng aslerts

(D) Rea.trYe Power Oonpensadon


(a) Discuss dre advantase ofusine buile.t corductors in EHV

overlead lra tusson lrnes
(n) Giv€ the compdison of maxinm surtace elechic fields for
budled ard sinsle coDdlctor lires.
(a) wny s lme compensahon required 1 Erpbin seies
conpensation of Line, its advdiases dd disadvmtascs.
(n) Exllain usins diaeran lov TCR llc drd TSC TCR systens
scno as static VAA compensators. 10

,Er4o3r lllllllllll llllllllllllll

(a) Bicfly disctrss lhe adrantases aDn dre orcmrion.l probtems
of H\I])C transmissiotr.
(L) Classi{y the trDes ol inDC nnts. Disctrss the applicarions
of er.h .f i}cs. l,nls

(.) Wilh a surrable diagram expldr the },oljiinc of l2Dntse

(t) rvhat are ure dra\baclis ot lalnonics .ause(l by conrcfio
opcratior in a H\DC lransnissi.r hne , EoN can rhese
hdnodcs be flbred ont ?

(i) Exr,lan usins a blo& {Lagrarh the P\ls€ Frequenc! Cortrol

("FC) $hene ol controllins ile 6nns anslc of converler in
a HIDC siatio!.
O) Descnbe tho ctrrenl nargrn nethod ofcontrolhns a parallel


(a) \Vhat are ihe €qurnenls t!!t snDlly reactive !o*er b

H\rDC corverter sl,hoft ? Explain cach of rhem in bief
O) Explajn the phenooena of slb syDchron
sar.ies.ca!aciror comremaied lines

Wlite sholl mles on any tyo of

(a) Dflecr of elecLrostatic 6elds on humins, antuals and Dlants.
o) staric vAr sysrens
(c) Grourd retun md $ourd elRtrcde
(il) Cotrhol of D\rDC lnh.

t Tfll[]rl l 4,r0 l

Bo|N6.: tl, Al P\ 6oL r.dP."@pq*,ftl

M. Tech. (Sem. ll) (MairtBack) Examinarion, JundJuty - zot2

2MPS4.'| OpeElion and Conlrot of Power Syslems

lMn Passins'\,ra*s:100
Attemrn dlt lire qrestioLs
Mdrhs af qrestiore drc intJ.icated acdnsr each au4/i.t.
Dlau nedt ard 9nlpreh.nslle shetches u)lleteuet neesnry Lo
cleatl! i1h6t,.ate lout atBrrer.
AssunB ntlas;tc daLa sunablr if an! ald sle.il! thp same.

use ot Jo ownq suppoding haL€rial s pem'tred dunnq €xamnaLon

(Mentaned th tam Na. 2as)

De6ne ure fouowins cNes :

(r) I!!\t Ourpur cu$e
(!t Inoe erral rrt€ cuw€

(b) A colstant load of 225 MW rs sulpLied by iwo 250 MW

sener,hngnnts I dd2 lor *bich thc respecrirc indenrertal


where tt and 12 arc thc poNe} Cenerated ty uD I aDd

2 nr MWi Cr .nd C" are nrel cosrs for nnlrs r and z rn
RsAr. Delerdne .
(i) thc most €coromical drusior of load between re
(ii) the saens in Rs/day thcreby olhnned cohpared ro
. eqnal load shaing between racnmes.

:Err04 ru[ l]llllll t

lll t
2 lvo !.{er llarts de connect€d throustr a trasissron treh,orh
to a Dnnber ofloads. Using arpropriate assumntroN to srmrrMy
the !rob1eD, comrrlctcly ilenve the trarsmision loss fornula Dit

Pt=PCi B, + PG:. E:: + 2P.t. Pa..8,1

rhere P|r I12 are poNer generated by sendnhns uDrs B|,
tsrr, B,r ac loss coeficietrts.
rllso crtcrd d1e aboye fornula for 'p' seneratilq uliis.

WhaL a& coodination equahons ? Explain wjlh thc l,elp of a

llowclarf, urc proceddr for ihe solrLror ofcoordrnaiion eqnariors
shen thc aclrve ros,el senerahors Lave lover .nd rpper Inirs
tuloscd on ile.r. Exltdn rvtr ae rle lower and \prer liDits
inrosed on thc aclive aril reacrive powcr seneraL,ons.

I Dd' t. rhD,od!dd hlo.I,ti,s"am oito^o heou

nn $olatcd Dorvpr system and djscuss ns drDanx, respoNe

(a) \that is ortin,l nDrt conDiLbenr 1 Wlar arc rhe difiir.nr

nctho.Lr to solvc optimal nnit.onnilnrenr. problen?

6) ErllaDr ihc Drnanic prosranmnrs Derhod ro arnle at the

nn)t conmndenr rablc wnar ara the advanrages of $xrs
dJnrnxc ljrog1annmng nethod ?

(a) wlar arc Go advaDrases aDd Limrnrions ot mterconnecre.l

,Dr4o.rt lllllllrlll Illllllll

(b) Two genemrinr powd llmls tue inrenonnected
rbroustr a
tralsmssior line. power $ bcins llasbftted
ilom ole plalt
to Ae otl€r hrh ioads connecred ,r borh tte
cnds rrnvc
rvd,l u! io! ha$p-o rlP5d
sirtions, indemcnrai ratc ,t lhe sendDg cnd 'tro
B cqual ro
the p{du.r of tncr.ne,ral iate at de
receivinq end an,l
ircremental efEoeDcy of LranshissrDn

(a) Explain tbe folowinc :

(i) Ilar tcquencr corrrol

(n) Flar he.hne rower corhol
(in) TieliDe bas lreqrency coDrol

(b) Rh.t de iho dul,es !.rrbrhe.l by arbn^hc

legxlaLors ? Ur.w ard exDtain rhe scherahc
of a slitrc rasr
actrng voiragc rcgalator sJ,stcm

Wrte slod notes on .

(i) TubiDs slecd soveminc srstern an(l its nathonahirl


I llt tlllull fliut l lr0oJ
I=l ; r"rl
M Tech.lS€n lD (Main)E amrnation'
1! -'e,n (Full lir€ / Padrc"n"ot
iipll ul'" olun' a t'"i'
It4 flora!Mads 100
IM i. iassnq Marrs 33

n itat) ac''
' .- :1o ' v,ac
qs..Ja- Fsino
.i,. ,.,,.,:lu ..;..^. .- - sc'r"'€4"
'';it t ant'FtA
pemilred dunng esmoation
Ls. .t lollovii! s rpooltino @t€tu1 is
l$,-ntian& h ta@
NL 2a5)

(r) V,'hrr d rhe ldldra(os of Eldklc div€s

parts ol el&n1. driles

A has iollo@s PauDet€rs


Pa$iv. load tdlque

?, =0 05N (N h)



fl{$fl'JlFulgqs '
(b) fhe srred of i IIJ lu 2i0 \ 1:o \)I se]ra.itclJ e\crt€d
DC nobr N contnnl,rd trr a .in-gl. phas.lullrarerolrenrr.
1'hE amar8e ..sl:rare ol(he bo6. Ls 0.j l).:u!p[ 1ol,ase
rs:60 \ Aa. moio. o|s,.. /aA F o rrr \rT
n'd' r'nriJrni,r u rn allloJo
ol30 ,1. EDd Droror r.rqne. ine roed of doio. and

-{$nmc rhe Ele^al fl I]oldre ot rhp

sb.n mninr,. m.r4-ns .i.'-,,- ,r^,.*1.,, ..
le lrap tho nor.r cur.nr nt iltJ !

It lrirr rn dD(Nion fo
.o.rrol for a .bopr,"- rcd rp,r,(Al).^ur.n Dr .ido;
A-220 \i, ;il ,\
DC s€ns Doi.r h* ,".,r,"":
ur:]lTrura.rbad,t0l2., t-,,tu," "-t,-"d
s,1. ,adn ti
ih.o ficld Ddut @i.tr6rE*l!
r! !+r,u_lrp lulrt]l ltf{!E-
:t"r,,,..'if hr,,-/,+'"f;5i;."r1+f----------------J1 t"*1.:..r.
r'J 1,"-;;
!U .10

t'ertttal oltole(V) 6{

Motor r..trftolled by a chopler qrth soNe rol.: s€ o1230 \i.

G) ltlotor Eond for z 4'g -r',r+ ^r 66 .n; ni i" .ri]snr

(n) Torqle for 1 sFeerl of 4oo rpD md d!tr Fho oI O 5

rf a..nablt chDlpei providF a vdiarion m nnq iattri
Fom 0l ro 09 and Dolor G corrrottpd tn drn.rnrc
brea}inF th.D aL.ulare
(nl The brcahls resi-t"urq so rbat DaIDlm breahrg
sp€ed at amarue.urLctri oI i0 A *1tl be 600 .pn
{nt rri;nn,,, ""ir i.n1 .\n.irrl:'r,i
*ith breal'n( rsGi.lrt aj .?1cutai.d rn nhJ

{a) Sho* ,Iat ibr an indoclroD nr0io. !r\rs Destigibre sraLor

ristale dd lotrd l!.qn,". |r dc.eleraron L,me (.) norr
.r1 r .rill h t,, aouor.. g ..rrp\.oD
,Ee404 lq$Irug|[[Jr

'' 1tG.[r.:
T Lrr
-r""" -51

noior has iouoa paranfr€rs
R" .0.0;trl /d - 0 tif). x. j xo o i !!
- _* 4 ..,F 4qr4 -
*, ."!,,r 1-1.; .a
a€ {!1F-1{tu' r,d LrLrgi dt.Dorrr rr
{artoB. a <'tu - ,-
K-;- t a1' -rrn.-:]
,o I
(a) Di*us stzlo. voltage corllol bv semicoDducl' controlcrs'
\\ y sbior roltags cau[o] ri tDihnle for qn*d control of
induction motlr rn fu and PMF load ?
(Ll A zS l\t 4Ol] \', tO Il2. 4 lole 1:l?O mm. A conncctcd
squirrel cns€ rlducrrotr rolo. nas fouoq-ilq earalrelers
.elerred to rhe si.tor :
at,=2qn;=5(2.x5=x = 50. xa = 8oo-
MoLe.sp€d F controUed by stator voltage contrcl. luben
dNrng a fan load it lus ar Et€d +eed at ratad volirge.

(i) Mor& iem al voLLase, cEeottud torqxe at 1200 rrD

(D) Motor sr*d. curent and tdque tor t€.minal voltaB€

(a) For varinble lrequency conhol ot indlctior noto. €r?l r

(i rinr ster rpr.{ r,,r.p lrpp,r (v//) ri,, is rrr ra,r"l
U r$5rJ{-ft6vt ll l[rrl LL+ L,uU,] \u1r,ts, ,1
2E'.rorl ill ulll ff[[clll 3
925 r'n'
O) .\ 3ph$e a @nn<ted 6!0l€- io ltz '100 \'p'ramer€rs;
sdunFl qg€ indu.iio; mordr l* ih' lollonans
Rs=0.2O. E =0.3O
Thc mot r is l€d hou s roltage souEe
ilrFdel \it! A
-". r.- or"50 Hz rnd cnns'nnr \olLase or
,1o0 V abor€ 50 llz fr€qtrelcr' '
oFe' dosr rorq"e or a tH-eltr 't
", o"*-,-" a. rh"r f?no af trs ralup .i' sO .l/
_oO H/
(D Obtajn the torque 't the 'al'it tuot'r 'xrrent dd
iJ ll, r'i moo of rate! tulr lodd brqu'
(rn) CalhdaLe the 30 iiz and r shrp or
60 rDb.

1al Dsibe tlP opdatron

$i 2nh6 bdt!@ ab
.lc mot r ? \\tat arc ils adva

a' vor E E" bat" diEeFn(" beRaI N" *dchrooo s od'

" :"T;;;;;;i;-";;ro' vdlab'" rr.eq"escL 'o'ror or
l*"-*;;;--" \+pn op"rauE n mp $-Lr*ou'
'il::';;:-n*."..' {ii", F hd'cd,, d"u r"e: rE

?lD @trhlror
c"ortl "f oC dotornnw E\Tlar
-, cr.* l"oP
alPu*not for curFot l0
tt):f' tcd srnolF(ous ootor
,*t wnu !t lo,d .tot"''kd sp€crt and Hrgh uuN€r
" qutalle lor hl_uu
dnv€ rs fouDd
dovflr ddhqd for slced Nnirol
(c) Explain sradc slip poser

2E9.1oll tmmnrqmilill
t 6t RorLNo i o n e'1Ret A ol '." ".,'",..".. tl l
$ 2t],9102
M.Tech. (Sem. ll) (lvlain) Examination, October - 2009
ta PowerSystem (FuTlTrme)
6l 2MPS2 Advanced Power Syslem Protection

ITota Marks. 100

l[iin Fassng Marks 33

Attenpt any live quesnons l,llaks af questions a.e htlicaled

aganst each qoestion. Dtaw neat and canptehenslve sketches
whetevet necessaty La clealy rllusuate yaur answet.
Assune nissing .)ata sutably I any and spect1l the sane

Use ol folow'nq supOo.L.q mare.iaL is oermrled dunna examinari.n

lMe.tia.ed in latn N.. 205)

(a) (t D.s.ribc ll,e d€Derls ol sLnr. relars lt.r thcs. ar.

suD.ior t0 el€ch onechanL.al relars ?
(ii) D.s.rib. 1le crrculatrns crDe.l lrpe anDlilude
(b) Descibe ihe transi.rr. er&rs rn CT atrd C\iT clllanms
lhe related equrtions ard iLanrtrs th. neat trgurcs
(a) ErrldD lhc vlrous ov.r.ur&nt r€lal clducrersh.s by
iL.vrns ncat slioL.h.s a.d descrrbrtrs rher olerairns
o(luahons Also mcnri.r rlr. iurl.atro. .!eas ol crcl ol

O) lrlDl r lhe lrdvDh.s. difl.rcnl;al Droicclion sclrcme Xlxlie
dre Lha$an for diI]il.ilial l)rotccrLoD lor eeDararor and
l nsifnrrr xnii
(x) l.]\|bnr lh. l"'rdDle ol
r.hi. Ilo{ rlir i trcdr (.
.dd jrhns. c.rDI aL0s.


\\'l,at rs neant }r. Dolarrzed ollsel mho rchls ) D\pla,n

Nrlh charactcrislics \alh r.sard to distrnG DNt..Lron Io'


(r) lirDlain lhe carrer arded drstarc. |.oicclior dra\rns ncat

d'ngrams, Drn.Dle ol the nredrod and arrjilraLro! ar.as

nt \fhat ,rc otrf ol slcD lilrrnrs and lrloctnrg rel.\s ? $r[aL

.l1i.rs ol drc resislarcc ard DoNer sNilss o rlsl..fcc


(.) \\'hal arevariotrs ahrorral orera li ng cotrduob N indn{io,r

NIoLors ( [f) t \Vhai arc fhe ]rrolcctror rsarnsl !nbihn..
strDDly voltag. rn.l r.chrnicil tulor fanls u llL )

(L) fiorv ihe Dcr.cDl.gc difitrcDlial ard liarlh la\lL uotecLro!
nr IN{ aro r)ro\,jded )N[! Degarivp sequ.trcc rol{ase rc]ays
.r. nsPd in TM 1


(a) Cive lioch diasra.r ol . l]!'cal dr$Lal rclar D.sdibc rli.

l.isl .ror sqnareil lecn.ique.
(}) llor d,Fhl traDsfoDrer dr1]^ r.trtlal and lraNNssron hnc
ihstaroc Drotu.rion Dc )ro\-id.d t

2Fre402l llll l lllillllllll

(a) Desdib€ ilre dreltal Eltelng .{Dhnrnlg [Drlc mt)ulsc
rcsDonsc lill.N. flox' !'ourcr aM\'sis ol discrcte srenals is

Dcsoibo the sready sl.ale ralio ard phas€.atrelc errors

wrt€ shorr nores 04 ary two our ot foUoving .

(a) Vecl,oi product typ€ phase coDraralor

O) Qua.Lilalcrar aDd e]lill.cal t)hase relays

(c) lte$stance bmperatuE dclector relal.s nr ltrduclor notor
aDd srnsle thasns
,d' Samt,Lng rh4or." cnJ .n4Idr'on I I' a n Iprprr, !d\,

:]i94031 |ilililtilililuililrillil [ 900

[.rl.Tech. (Sem. ll) (Main) Exa nination, October - ?009
Power Sysrem {FullTime/ Parl Time)
2MPS3 EHV AC/DC Transmrsrion

IToralMarks :100
fMin. Fassing Marks.33

Attempt any five qLestons. tllatus at quest@ns ate indicaled

against each qoestian. Draw near and conuehensive sketches
\|hetever necessaty to cteatty tlt\sttale yad answet
Assune nissihg data suitably I any and spe.ity the sane.

Use ollolowng supportrq maLenal6 permiLled during eramna[on

(Mentianert in fDm No. 2a5)

(a) Desorbe the necd of EH\, traDsnission sysren. Wtr.[ are

the problcNs rnvolved il rransDrissroD of lower usins EH\i
AC st'steh djscrss nr dcrail ard strt. tow tbesc probt.ms
are lexrs solued ?
(b) What is snrg. inrpedance loadjDe ? tr\rrlain rlre rol. of SII
to latr.Ue Do\ro iransler .apabitiry of transnissiod Lnes

(., E\Dlaln tle r&r)ertrcs oI lj. Lurlen .ond,,.kn\
IluY clNrrr*rrl. ft rrl il !i r,

DelrF n!l P.rl."n nar, rt!. nF^n ra.li!s of h,,nnle

i. t0. 5

De,.culIr vr)ious rrt)." of L!.isiors.(l strri( \r \n

r.l ,re corr'!L ItI\ rraF!,,5:ur
ru9l0 u Ii iII I
O) A1 a 3.1 kV s bslaliotr ol lJ-phase 50 Hz !o\cr systcm,
3 nn/-\R rercLi!. po\,er g€rerntion is requrred duug honvy
loadng l,o nrcrease tlle rolrlge ro l,he d€suedlevol Cal.nlalc
caDacihnce to Lie coDnectld il each rrhase lo satisly th.

(c) Desdrbe vano\s €qurments used m a conrertcr st.tioD of

O) Wh,t is sloud rehuD ? Why E uscd ? Wh.r are the

rroblcns associated sldr the usc c1olDd as tlc relrrD

10, l0

(D What are the dilTererr tyres of

h.ns ssion svsren\i t lt\Dlain each
(rD DFcnss the senes and Darallel colncction of ihy srors in

(") Drscnss bach to b^ck H\IIC lnhs

wlal are tle di$prent itind of DC lnlrs 2 D.saihp ihp

pnnople of DC tin! con ol.
(r, Discuss the .iruit b_rcakiDs nech.nism f.r DC cnuent at

10, t0

(a) Explain t}€ conreter cortrol claracterisiics and also e$lain

firing anel€ 0onfol ,nd exl1idloD ansle corllol for invort.r

(I) What is dilfereice betwee, conrnut^tron narsin and

extDchon argle ?
!V l! \i'u'l tnP. u', (1rJ !i,'cs)
(.) Seies aDd shul con\).n;aLro! lbr DIIV
\,i,L.rin i. H\ D-
Ia\rnnnn sniace roltase 9.d).trts of bu. .d coulnclors
(,n Lrslil achnled tlrr.tor

iEtrr0Sl I ti l l Ir0o!
For Nd .dr l3qPc A .l ". ,-,"," E
- 2F,9lil4
M.Tech. {Sem. ll) (il4ain) Examination, Ocrober - 2009
e Power system (FulrTime)
6| 2lMPS4.1 (Electivell)Operaiion &Conlrot ol powerSyslems

lTotalMarks 100
IrMi. Fassng Marks 33

AltDnpt any live qteslD.s Ma s af.luestio.s ate ndtateC

againsl each queslton Daw neal ancJ conlpt-Fhensrve sketches
||hetevet necessary b cleatty tllosttule you answet
Assune n6tn9 .tata sutably n any end specny te sane

!s. .r lorown! supponnq maLeras !s penrrrred dunn!l eramtnaljon

i^1.nto.ed n l.4 Na 205)

(r) Disd'sr or)bm.l orr.raLio, or rcD.ratus on r ,trs l,rr

(bl for a cerlaN s.ncutrnq u,i,1 ol x lh.rmal Dor.r flni'1, tll.
ln.l r.Dn( m Dnh..s ol Lilocdlorcs t).r lou.rn b.
exDFss.d rs a hnctror ol fo\.r ouiliut Pr ir neea\irLs
lrj lhe equalrotr
0 oool /',1 + 0 oir 4: r 12 0,D,, + r50

Itnd thc.\nr.fion 1or ucFntunal lucl corr nr r,rrcs l,(jr

Negavatts hour as a ftn on ofpoNer oulpLLrnr .r.gdr..atrs
Also ]i',d a pod hn.nr ir'i,o\ima[otr ro thc rnoc .nlal
c.sl .s a lL,n.Lio': ot ll; ,\s.un. Iuel corl !. ltr :.C0/nntLi..

2 (a) $;hai dillii. r constraDLs ir..dN,dDdrD f rir qs,nrrrcrtL
tirol,lor 1 lls.trss cdch
2l]e.!0.11 lllllll ll ll llillill r
() A l\olNs sysl..nr is nI Fie l Il 100 MW is
xansnnlLcd Ionr plani ] ro rh. lord . lraFmss,or loss
of l0 MlV rs nrcurr.d lnrd ll'e tcqurcd generahon Lr cacL
L,Lanl aDd the DoNer received bv load \ien ihc svstcn I
ir Rs 2slM\Vh'thc rrcrcmental luel.osrs ol tlr(i tro planl,s

:19)- = o oz ?l rL + 16.0 RSAINIL

lL-, + 20 0 RsA4\{h

trjc 1 1\o_bN stslcnl

(a) DisNss LlIe transnDssion Ioss fomrula

Calcnlale De loss folNula coeltrcierls of thc syste nr p n

\\,hich consists of l{o !l rls and r\'. l.,ds \il.li lour
Iranc\es as shoND j. Fis. 2 Thc Ir.n.I .frrenl tdd

1,, =2- ir 5 pu, I"=1 j02n Pu

Ib =Iti t01 pu. l r = 16 - io.q Pr

2,, :0 0r5 + rrl0r, p, Z,=n0t+ j004 prr

Z, =0 01i + j0 06l, Zt=0.O1+ t0A\ t

2De404r ll l Llllllllllllllllllll lll

Flg. 2 Four BraDch SYslenr

(t Discuss op hnal scheduhn C rlolleD ofhydrorhernal svstem


(1,) D,scnss lhe sohtlo! r-"chrlque ol oDirDal scledulirsnrobl€n.


(a) Dccuss dyDmr re$onse of ALIC loop.

(1, Detemine thc pnnary AIFC loo! Dardrcle$ of a control
alea [avDg the tolovi4 data

Toral ul.d capacrly 4 =2000 Mw

Nomal operating loadins P/l=1000 Mw

Inrcrha consi.nl E-5.0 sm

Resrlarion R =2..10 1{2/lrLMIrl/ (an a.ea Feneralors)

Normal -Sequency f =60112


,Dr1olr l llll lllLllllllllLl llll

6 {a) D€u!€ a lircrr nDdel ol a l,e LDc conno.t.ing rwo cortrot

O) Discuss rolc of area control arca in hvo alea sysren and
also draw a Deal transld function block dragran oI a l$,o
dea s'€tem

? (a) Drsclss the enrer-sency .otrirol aclicns usedrn potrcr systan

O) ObtaiD expressioD lor s{,alic r.iel,ne rro*,er now in hvo area
control systeF havrg dilferent area control respoDsc
chamcre$trc (0 an.l0/1.


I trrnl! shori nolts on any tno ol the foloqing .

(a) l'atton's securrty fuDclrtr

(lt OpDatine sbtcs .f ro$.r srsieD

G) RcLiabirry anl sccuirt' colceDts in DoNer systcnr

,E%04r lfifillllillllllllll llll 1 r 200 |

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