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3–1 What Is Ecology?

Section 3–1

“F loods hit Texas!” “Wildfires char three states!” “Drought
withers Florida!” Such news often flashes across television
screens, newspapers, and the Internet. We are fascinated and Key Concepts
3.1.1 Identify the levels of organi-
zation that ecologists study.
frightened by these natural events, but there are other stories, • What different levels of
organization do ecologists 3.1.2 Describe the methods used to
as well. Some tell of projects to restore wetlands in southern
Florida and along the Mississippi River for the purpose of study? study ecology.
• What methods are used to
controlling floods and droughts. Others report on improvements study ecology?
in air and water quality as a result of changes in the gasoline
that we put in our cars. Like all organisms, we interact with our Vocabulary
environment. To understand these interactions better and to ecology
biosphere Reading Strategy
learn how to control them, we turn to the science called ecology. species Before students begin their outlines,
population point out that one major topic below
Interactions and Interdependence ecosystem each heading is identified by bold
Ecology (ee-KAHL-uh-jee) is the scientific study of interactions biome type preceded by the key symbol.
among organisms and between organisms and their environ- Encourage students to rephrase the
Reading Strategy:
ment, or surroundings. The word ecology was coined in 1866 by Asking Questions Before Key Concepts in their own words. Also
the German biologist Ernst Haeckel. Haeckel based this term you read, rewrite the headings point out the highlighted, boldface
on the Greek word oikos, meaning house, which is also the root in this section as how, what, or Vocabulary terms and their definitions.
of the word economy. Haeckel saw the living world as a house- why questions about ecology.
Then, as you read, write brief
hold with an economy in which each organism plays a role.
Nature’s “houses” come in many sizes—from single cells to
answers to your questions. 2 INSTRUCT
the entire planet. The largest of these houses is called the bio-
sphere. The biosphere contains the combined portions of the
planet in which all of life exists, including land, water, and air, or
Interactions and
atmosphere. It extends from about 8 kilometers above Earth’s Interdependence
surface to as far as 11 kilometers below the surface of the ocean.
Interactions within the biosphere produce a web of inter- Make Connections
dependence between organisms and the environment in which Earth Science Call on a volunteer
they live. Whether it occurs on top of a glacier, in a forest like the to read the definition of ecology
one in Figure 3–1, or deep within an ocean trench, the interdepend- aloud. Ask: What nonliving things
ence of life on Earth contributes to an ever-changing, or dynamic, in their environment do organisms
biosphere. interact with? (Sunlight, air, water,
soil, rocks) In what ways are these
nonliving things essential to organ-
isms? (Accept all reasonable
descriptions of how abiotic factors meet
왘 Figure 3–1 Organisms and their organisms’ needs.)
environment are interdependent. This
giant land snail could not survive
without plants and algae to eat, and the Build Science Skills
plants and algae could not grow unless
bacteria and other organisms helped
Applying Concepts Point out that
recycle nutrients in the water and soil. no organism exists in isolation but
Classifying List the organisms that you that all types of organisms on Earth
see in the photograph. Then, list the non- depend on one another for their sur-
living parts of the environment with
which the organisms interact.
vival. Ask: What evidence do you see
that people in our society today
are aware of the interdependence
of living things? (Laws have been
SECTION RESOURCES enacted to reduce air, water, and land
pollution and to protect endangered
Print: Technology: species. People are encouraged to con-
• Teaching Resources, Section Review 3–1 • iText, Section 3–1 serve natural resources through
• Reading and Study Workbook A, • Transparencies Plus, Section 3–1 recycling and in other ways.)
Section 3–1 Save
Answer to . . .

• Adapted Reading and Study Workbook B,

Section 3–1
Figure 3–1 The snail, ferns, mosses,
• Lesson Plans, Section 3–1
and other plants are organisms. They
interact with the rocks, water, air, and

The Biosphere 63
3–1 (continued)
Levels of
Use Visuals Biome
Figure 3–2 As the class looks at the
figure, call on students at random to
define the term that identifies each
level of organization: population,
community, ecosystem, biome, and Ecosystem
biosphere. Then, ask: Can a group of
rabbits and a group of field mice
make up the same population in an
ecosystem? (No, because individuals Community
that make up a population must be of
the same species) Could a biome in
Brazil near the equator be the
same as a biome in northern
Canada? Explain. (No, because those
two biomes would have different cli-
mates and different dominant Population

Build Science Skills

Applying Concepts To reinforce
왖 Figure 3–2 The study of
levels of organization, have students
ecology ranges from the study of Levels of Organization
make posters or bulletin-board dis- an individual organism to popula- To understand relationships within the biosphere,
plays similar to the illustration in tions, communities, ecosystems,
biomes—and, finally, to the entire
ecologists ask questions about events and organisms that
Figure 3–2, but with different exam-
biosphere. The information that range in complexity from a single individual to the
ples of the six levels of organization. entire biosphere. The many levels of organization that ecolo-
ecologists gain at each level
Students can draw the illustrations contributes to our understanding gists study are shown in Figure 3–2.
themselves or use pictures they have of natural systems. Some ecologists study interactions between a particular
cut or photocopied from magazines kind of organism and its surroundings. Such studies focus on
and books. Have students work in the species level. A species is a group of organisms so similar
small groups, and encourage each to one another that they can breed and produce fertile offspring.
group to focus on a different biome. Other ecologists study populations, or groups of individuals
Have students scan Section 4–3 to that belong to the same species and live in the same area. Still
identify major biomes. other ecologists study communities, or assemblages of differ-
ent populations that live together in a defined area.
Ecologists may study a particular ecosystem. An ecosystem
is a collection of all the organisms that live in a particular place,
together with their nonliving, or physical, environment. Larger
systems called biomes are also studied by teams of ecologists.
A biome is a group of ecosystems that have the same climate
and similar dominant communities. The highest level of organi-
zation that ecologists study is the entire biosphere itself.

What is an ecosystem?


Vocabulary: Word Analysis

Beginning Draw a circle labeled Earth on the Intermediate Extend the beginning-level
board. Shade the outer portion of the circle and activity by having the students list other words
an area surrounding the circle, and label the that use the prefix bio-. Possible answers
shaded circle biosphere. Write biosphere on the include biology, the study of life, and biography,
board, and draw boxes around the prefix bio- a book about someone’s life.
and the base word sphere. Point out that bio-
means “life” and sphere means “ball or circle.”
Have students write biosphere on their paper
and define the term using short phrases, single
words, or pictures.
64 Chapter 3
Ecological Methods
Ecological Methods Build Science Skills
Ecologists use a wide range of tools and techniques to study the
living world. Some, like the scientists in Figure 3–3, use binocu-
Figure 3-3 Classifying Divide the class into
groups of three, and have each
lars and field guides to assess changes in plant and wildlife
communities. Others use studies of DNA to identify bacteria in
group list one specific example of
the mud of coastal marshes. Still others use radio tags to track each ecological method, with all
migrating wildlife or use data gathered by satellites. three examples relating to the same
Regardless of the tools they use, scientists con- type of ecosystem. Then, let groups
duct modern ecological research using three basic exchange lists and identify the eco-
approaches: observing, experimenting, and modeling. All logical method that each example
of these approaches rely on the application of scientific represents.
methods to guide ecological inquiry.

Observing Observing is often the first step in asking ecologi- 3 ASSESS

cal questions. Some observations are simple: What species live
here? How many individuals of each species are there? Other Evaluate Understanding
observations are more complex and may form the first step in Using the diagrams they drew for the
designing experiments and models. Inquiry Activity on page 62, have stu-
dents write a paragraph describing
Experimenting Experiments can be used to test hypotheses. 왖 Figure 3–3 The three
fundamental approaches to ecologi- how the organisms shown in the dia-
An ecologist may set up an artificial environment in a laboratory
cal research involve observing, gram depend on one another and on
to imitate and manipulate conditions that organisms would experimenting, and modeling. nonliving things in their environment.
encounter in the natural world. Other experiments are con- These ecologists are studying a rain
ducted within natural ecosystems. forest ecosystem in Sri Lanka. They are
using field observations to collect data Reteach
Modeling Many ecological phenomena occur over long peri- on vines and other plants.
Call on one student to name an indi-
ods of time or on such large spatial scales that they are difficult vidual organism, a second student to
to study. Ecologists make models to gain insight into complex
identify the population to which the
phenomena such as the effects of global warming on ecosystems.
organism belongs, a third student to
Many ecological models consist of mathematical formulas based
on data collected through observation and experimentation. The
describe the community of which the
predictions made by ecological models are often tested by further population is a part, and a fourth stu-
observations and experiments. dent to describe the community’s
ecosystem. Repeat this procedure
until every student has had at least
one turn.
3–1 Section Assessment
Creating a Table
Refer to Figure 3–2, which
1. Key Concept List the six 4. Critical Thinking Applying
shows the various levels of The information in students’ tables
different levels of organization Concepts Suppose you wanted
organization that ecologists
that ecologists study, in order to know if the water in a certain may vary, because students may
study. In a table, provide
from smallest to largest. stream is safe to drink. Which choose to include any of the popu-
examples of the ecological
2. Key Concept Describe the ecological method(s) would you lations common in the ecosystems
levels where you live—
three basic methods of ecological choose, and why?
individuals, populations, in the area where they live. Each
research. 5. Critical Thinking Applying communities, and table should include columns for
3. Identify two ways in which you Concepts Give an example of ecosystems—that could be individuals, populations, communi-
interact every day with each of an ecological phenomenon that studied by ecologists. Hint:
could be studied by modeling. ties, and ecosystems. Library
the three parts of the bio- You may wish to use library
sphere—land, water, and air. Explain why modeling would be resources or the Internet could pro-
resources or the Internet.
useful. vide students with specific examples
of populations that live in the types
of ecosystems in their area.

3–1 Section Assessment

1. Individual, population, community, ecosys- 4. Most students will choose experimenting, If your class subscribes to the
tem, biome, biosphere which would involve testing a hypothesis iText, use it to review the Key
2. Observing involves using the senses to gather about whether the water is safe to drink. Concepts in Section 3–1.
information. Experimenting involves testing Some students might choose modeling,
hypotheses in a laboratory or natural ecosys- which would involve using a model to investi-
Answer to . . .
tem. Modeling involves making representa- gate whether pollutants or organisms could
tions of ecological phenomena. enter the water. A collection of all the
5. Answers may vary. A typical response might organisms that live in a particular
3. Student answers should give examples of
suggest using a mathematical model to study place, together with their nonliving, or
interactions with land, water, and air.
the effects of global warming on an ecosystem. physical, environment

The Biosphere 65
Exploring Ecology
After students have read this feature, From Space
you might want to discuss one or
more of the following:
• From their previous learning, stu-
dents may know how the
destruction of forests affects the M odern research in global ecology would
not be possible if all its tools were earth-
bound. Studies on a planetary scale require
global carbon-oxygen cycle and
water cycle. Have them share this enormous data-gathering networks. Through
information in a class discussion. a process called remote sensing, satellites
Then, ask: Why is it important for extend the range of information that ecolo-
gists can collect within the biosphere.
ecologists to be aware of forest
destruction? How do you think Remote-sensing satellites are fitted with
optical sensors that can scan several bands
they would use this information?
of the electromagnetic spectrum and convert 9.7 km 9.7 km
• Discuss the role of phytoplankton (6 mi) (6 mi)
those bands into electrical signals. The sig- 1975 2001
in the carbon-oxygen cycle. (You nals are run through a computer and con-
may want to have students preview verted into digital values, which are used to
Energy From the Sun on page 68.) construct an image. Rain Forest Destruction
Remote sensing provides detailed images of Satellite images that show the presence or absence
essentially every square meter of Earth’s surface. of vegetation are useful in studying the effects of
Research and Decide How else could scientists view all the world’s lakes human activity on natural ecosystems. The two
and oceans to see where concentrations of algae are images above, taken 26 years apart, show the
Have students write a report on what
the highest? Or view areas of destroyed forests in same tract of land in a Brazilian rain forest. Red
they found in their research on satel-
places like the Amazon Basin or northern Russia? areas show undisturbed forest, and whitish areas
lite use in ecological studies. Ask
show places where trees have been cut and
students to expand on the discussion cleared. Note the “fishbone” pattern of vegetation
in this feature about such use by Global Change clearing. This pattern occurs because cutting of
ecologists and then propose ways The false-color image below was assembled from forests typically begins along existing roads and
governments might use the data col- data gathered by NASA’s Sea-viewing Wide Field- rivers and then spreads out as new roads and
lected. For example, a local of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS) Project. The project’s goal paths are cut.
government might study satellite is to study factors that affect global change and to Data in images such as these, especially when
images over time to find out about assess the oceans’ role in the global carbon cycle, as taken over time, help ecologists estimate the rate
wetlands in order to make sure devel- well as other chemical cycles. The different ocean
at which rain forests are being cut down. These
opment doesn’t destroy important colors indicate varying concentrations of micro-
data are also valuable in discussing the effects of
natural areas. scopic algae. Blue represents the least amount of
development with local governments.
algae, and red represents the highest amount. On
land, the dark green areas have the most vegeta-
tion, and gold land areas have the least. Research and Decide
Use library or Internet resources to learn more
about the use of satellites in ecological studies.
Decide how ecologists and local governments
Students can research the use of might use the data in their discussion.
satellites in ecology on the site
developed by authors Ken Miller
and Joe Levine.
For: Links from the
Visit: PHSchool.com
Web Code: cbe-2031


Terra in space equator at 10:30 AM each day, when cloud

Launched in 1999, the school-bus-sized Terra— cover over Earth’s landmasses is minimal. The
the “flagship” spacecraft in NASA’s Earth Orbiting satellite’s five instruments monitor Earth’s radia-
System—has been described as “a sort of Hubble tion balance, sea surface temperatures, levels of
Space Telescope aimed at Earth.” The amount of greenhouse gases and changes in land cover
data that Terra collects each day—about 100,000 use, ice sheet volume, and atmospheric chem-
encyclopedia volumes’ worth—roughly equals istry. Data from Terra also may have practical
the amount of data collected by the Hubble applications, such as managing crops and
telescope in one year. coastal fisheries and assessing natural hazards
Terra circles 705 kilometers above Earth’s such as volcanic activity, earthquakes, floods,
surface in a polar orbit that carries it past the and fires.
66 Chapter 3

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