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G&ard Daccord
Dowel1 Schlumberger

13-l INTRODUCTION 13-3. At that point a model of sandstoneacidiziig can

Matrix acid&&g is a stimulationtreatmentusedto remove be built. The problem of instabiities occurring during
damagenear the wellbore. It involves the injection of a thesetreatments(k&abilities that appearmainly in car-
reactive fluid (normally an acid) into the porous medium bonate acidizing) is addressedin Section 13-4. Practical
at a pressurebelow the fractoring pressore.The fluid dis- applicationsto sandstoneand carbonateacid?& are dis-
solvessomeof theporous mediom and, consequently,ti- cussedin later sections.
creasesits permeability. In this chapter,physical aspects It is commonfor shorttreatmentssuchasthese(thenor-
of various phenomenainvolved in thesetreatmentsare mal duration is a few hours) to negl&t gravity and any
presentedwith a description of how they are modeled. flow causedby concentrationgradients. The samesim-
A detailed study of chemical hydrodynamics can be plitications are made here.
found in Levich (1962). More general information on
acidiiing appearsin the SPEmonograph(Williams et sl., 13-2 SOLID-LIQUID REACTION UNDER
The design of a treatment requires a basic knowledge A chemical reaction betweenhvo moleculestakes place
of all the phenomenainvolved. These include: when they come in contact and have enough energy to
* a chemicalreactionbetweena fluid and various solids. overcome. the activation barrier. Two extreme casescan
. the flow of a liquid through a porous medium. Its iti- be identified.
tial statemustbe known (composition,permeabilitypro- The activationenergybarrier is very low andevery col-
file, water satoration, wettability). lision success~y resultsin a reaction. The global rate
l possible instabilities; i.e., nonpistonlike displacement of the reaction is then limited only by the number of
of the satmating liquid by the treatment fltid. Well- contacts.
known manifestationsof such instabilities are viscous In the caseof a very high activationenergy,only a small
fmgering and wormholing. They may occur as a result number of moleculesin contact will react. The kinet-
of: ics of the reaction is then directly limited by the ener-
. the natural permeability gradient of the rock (the gy bar&r.
damageis concentratedaround the wellbore),
The first caseis applicablein most gas-phasereactions
. hydrodynamic and/or capillary forces (viscous fin- becausetheBmwnianenergyof themoleculesis very high.
gering of the low-viscosity acid through the high- The molecular diffosion is then controllmg the kinetics
viscosity oil and/or imbibition of the wetting acid andthesereactionsare saidto be diffosion limited or mass
into the water-wet rock), transfer limited.
- the permeabilitygradientinducedby the dissolution. On the otherhand,manychemicalreactionstaking place
l In manycases,a comvmationof the abovephenome- in the liquid phasehave a very high activation energy.
na may occur. Molecular diffision, although it is slowed substantially
Discussedin Section 13-2 is the reaction itself and its in comparisonwith the gasphase,is no longer the limit-
kinetics. Its coupling with flow is presentedin Section ing step. This type of kinetics is called reaction limited.

Heterogeneousreactions(a solid reacting with a fluid) Nernst’s law assumesimplicitly that the concentration
do not display any particular differencesexceptthat only at the interface is equalto zero. The constant6 represents
one of the two reactingmoleculescan mow. The overall the thicknessof the zonesurroundingthe solid where the
kinetics may be either masstransferlimited (whenthe ac- concentrationvaries from C (in the bulk) to zero (at the
tivation energyis small)or reactionlimited. Smcethe reac- interface);i.e., the distancethroughwhich moleculardiffi~-
tion must takeplaceat the interfacebetweenthe solid and sion is the main phenomenon.
the liquid, this secondtype of reaction is often referred Writing the mass conservationequation for the reac-
to as surface reaction limited. tant leads to the diffision equationthat governsthe local
concentration (Levich, 1962):
13-2.1 Surface-Reaction-Limited Kinetics
The rate of the reaction,expressedasthe numberof moles -cac DV’C. (13-3)
of reacting molcculcs per unit of time, qS (in mole. at
see-‘), is
13-2.3 Mixed Kinetics
qs=kjACm (13-l) In a generalizedcase, the concentration is not uniform
where C is the concentrationof the reactantin the liquid nor doesit go down to zero at the solid/liquid interface.
phase(mole/liter), kj is the reactionrate constant[moleYm Both phenomena,molecular diffusion and surfacekinet-
1iP cm-’ set-‘1, A is the area of the solid (cmz), and ics, must then be considered.This caseof intermediate
rn is the order of the reaction (dimensionless). or mixed kinetics can be quantified by a dimensionless
This relation is valid if molecular diffusion is not ins kinetic parameterP, defmed as the ratio of the flux of
portan%i.e., when the concentration is uniform every- moleculesprovided by molecular diffusion (Q) over the
where: Ciactime= CbulkThe simplestreactionshave an flux of moleculesconsumedby tie surfacereaction (qJ:
order rn equalto unity: the rate is simply proportional to
the concentration. Orders different from unity indicate D
p= ~ qd = (13-4)
complexreactionmechanisms,which are outsidethe scope qs
of this writing.
More complex situations occur when the reaction is Mass-transferkinetics correspondsto P - 0, and sur-
reversible; i.e., the conversion of the reactants into face kinetics correspondsto P - OJ.The reciprocal of
products is not complete as a result of the accumulation P is known in chemicalengineeringas the Thiele module.
of theproducts.This is especiallyimportantfor carbonates
and organic acids (e.g., acetic acid): 13-2.4 Actual Rocks
caco3 + x!n~ coon + ca (cl-l2 coo)2 + co2 + n2 0. Acti rocks display a large range of reactivities with
acids. On the other hand, the molecular diffusion con-
Carbon dioxide (COz) is a weak acid in water and pre- stant, D, is always of the same order (around IO-’
vents the complete dissociation of acetic acid, which is cm%ec in water). Thus, P varies dependingon kf Ta-
also a we& acid. Thus, Eq. 13-1, describing the reac-
ble 13-I summarizesP values for common systemsof
tion kinetics, must be modified accordingly.
rock/acid%calculatedfrom m and kj data found in litera-
ture, and for a pore of radius 1 mm fdled with a normal
13-2.2 Mass-Transfer-Liited Kin&a
acidic solution.
Nernst (1904) tirst wrote the equationdescribing the ki- From the resultsshownin Table 13-1, it canbe deduced
netics of mass-transfer-limitedheterogeneousreactions: that:
- the reaction of liiestone is limited by masstransfer (P
< 1);
where qd is the nmber of moles reactingper unit of tie . for dolomite, the kinetics is surface reaction limited,
(mole. SC-‘), C is the concentration of the reactant but an increaseof temperatie switchesit to masstrans-
(mole/liter),D is the diflGion constantof the rea&nt (cm2 fer limited (refer to next subsection);
see-‘), A is the area (cmz)and 8 is a characteristiclength * for claysandquarlz,thekineticsare almostalwayslimit-
constant (cm). ed by surface reaction.

4 References P
Lim&one/HCl 7 x 10-e N&ode and I 0.07
Williams (1973)
9.4 x 10-S. Lund et al. (1973) 0.005

1.25 X lo-’ Lund et al. (1973) 4

3x10-8 Busenberg and 13
Plummer (1982)

1.5 x10-9 Lund et al. (1973) 3Q0

1.5 x 10-10 ** 3000

3.7 x 10-e Williams et al. (1979) 0.13

*Value extrapolated from published data.
**The rea.Uivitv for ouartz is taken as one-v&h that of feldsoar. 1Lund et al., 19731.

Table 13Ml-Exam~le of dimensionless reaction param&r P values for different systems at 25%
with D = 5 x lo- cm%x?c, 6 = 1 mm, and C= 1 N.

13-2.5 Temperature Effects For more complex minerals, suchas mixtares of clays
Temperatore has a dramatic effect on P becauseit is that form various products on reaction with hydrofluoric
proportional to the ratio D/k? Both constantsobey ap- acid, avenge v&es for the stoichiometriccoefficien&are
proximately an Arrhcnius-typerelation. However, the ac- used. For example, the global reaction for kaolin& can
tivation energiesassociatedwith each phenomenonare be written:
very different: for chemical reactions, it is between 10
AlzSiOs(OH)4 + 6 HF + H.&O4 i- 2 AIFY + HzO.
and20 kcal mole-‘; it is muchlower for mok?culardiffw
sion (a few kcal mole-‘). Thus, the ratio D/kj decreases Many other chemical species,such as AlFnc3-“)’ or
strongly when the temperatureincreases:at low ternper- fluorinated silicic acids, are in equiliitium with the
mm, surfacereactionmay limit the kinetics,but at higher productsindicatedby the simple stoichiome&icequation.
temperahuesthe kinetics may becomemasstransferlimit-
ed. The best example is the system dolomiWHC1, for
which P > 1 at room temperatureandP < 1 at high tem- 13-3 SOLDLIQUID REACTION WITH
peratares. A MOVING FLUID
During an actual treatment, the reactive fluid is injected =
13-2.6 Stoichiometry at a finite rate through the porous medium. In the two
Until now, only the kinetic aspectof the reactionhasbeen limiting casesdescribedabove(P = 0 andP = OJ),there
discussed. Stoichiometry describes the number of may be different results in imposing a mean velocity u
moleculesrequired for the dissolution of a given amount becausethe basicphysical mechanismsare different. The
of solid; i.e., the limiting sitaation at equilibrium - the primary effectof the flow is to decreasetheboundarylayer
kinetics describesthe way this equilibrium is reached. thickness[a rough approximation from Levich (1962) is
The stoichiometic coef&ients can be easily obtained 6 - ll- with 0.5 < n < 11. The kinetic parameterP
when the solid andliquid are well defined, asin the reac- is thusallowedto increasein sucha way that systemsobey-
tion behveenlimestoneor dolomiteandhydrochloric acids ing at-rest diffusion-limited kinetics may become con-
CaCOs+ 2 HCl - CaCl* + CO2+ Hz0 trolled by surface reaction.
The latter case is typical of sandstoneacidiiing by
CaMg(CO& -4.4HCl - Car& -I MgCl* + 2 CO2+ 2 HZO. hydrofluoric acid (or mud acid). However, despitethe in-
Knowing that the molecularweightsof CaC03 andHCl creasein P, it may still remain very small and molecular
are 100 and 36.5, respectively, it can easily be calculat- diffusion may sGllbe the limiting phenomenon.This case
ed that 1 ltr of 15% hydrochloric acid (by weight) can is applicableduring carbonateacidiiing and is discussed
dissolve 220 g of pure limestone. later.


13-3.1 Surface-R~ction-L~ted Kim&s . Damkholer numbers (Hekim et al., 1982), Dy>

Experimental shxiies on sandstoneacidizmg with linear describingthe kinetics of the reactionbehveenthe acid
coresdo not showany instabilities. Thus, the flow is con- and the mineralj. This is the ratio of the reaction rate
sideredpiston&e. Since tie kinetics is limited by sur- over the convection rate (with L being a macroscopic
face reaction, the reaction rate constant$ is independent length andtypically equalto the length of the sample):
of the velocity. These two facts enable a macroscopic kjvjCfL
formulation. Daj = ~
Severalmodels consider either a unique reactive spe-
cies (Lund andFogler, 1976, Fogler andMcCune, 1976) l An acid capacitynumber (Hekim et al., 1982),Acj, for
or severalspecieswith different reactivities(H&m et al., eachmineral describing the stoichiometry of the res.c-
1982; Taha et al., 1984). Hii et al. (1981) developedr~ tion between the acid and the mineral j:
different type of model, but resultswere poor when their
prediction was comparedwith experiments.The main ob- Acj = +&-.
1 u
jective of thesefast modelsis to predict the permeability
profile after the treatment. The main assumptionsare: The effect of thesenumbers on the final permeability
profde can be predicted qualitatively. Consider a single
1. The porosity ($) changeslittle and for massconser- reactive mineral deposited inside a nonreactive matrix
vation considerationsit is assumedto be constantand (high reactivity clay inside a low reactivity quartzmatrix).
equal to the initial value, &. The permeabilityvariescontinuouslybetweena maximum
2. Severaldifferent chemical reactionsare considered. value at the wellbore (where Cc&,,= 0) down to the ini-
Theseincludethe reactionof a “fast” reactingmineral tial value far from the wellbore (where Cc@ = Cic+,).
(clays)anda “slow” reactingmineral (quarlzmatrix). Thus, there is a “front” of given thicknessXfiontwith
The kinetics of eachis surfacelimit&, i.e., the rate averageposition.xfim: for x < (xtiW - A&J2), the clay
constantskj are independentof the local velocities. is completely dissolved. For x > (zG~~~~ + A&&2), no
3. The local permeability is related to the local porosi- live acid haspenetrated,only spentacid, s.sshownon Fig.
ty through an empirical relation of the form: 13-I.
F,q. 13-l suggeststhat a contacttime t on the order of
l/kj (for first-order reactions; i.e., m = 1) is required
Or for an almost completedissolution. The distancethe acid
hasadvancedduring this time is ut. This length represents
the front thicknessXfiom (at the beginning of this zone,
where ki is the undamagedpermeability. This last as- most of the mineral is dissolved,while at its tip, the con-
sumptionis relevantfor uniform damages;i.e., when the tact time is zero and the mineral just begins to be
damagingmaterialcoversuniformly the walls of the pores dissolved):
and throats of the porous medium. For other types of Xfio,,c - ut - Da-‘. (13-9)
damages,s&h asthroatsblocked by bridges of particles, Fast reactionrates(high Xkz)result in r~sharptiont, and
it may not be applicable. slow reactionratesproducemore &se ones(Fig. 13-2).
The rate of variation in conceimation resulting from The meanposition of front xfiontis almostindependent
convection and reaction is describedby (Hekim et al., of Da but dependson AC. Considering the sameshnpli-
1982): fied casefor a given Da, a low concentrationacid pene-
ac= - 7 kyjqc
YET (13-6) trateslessthan an acid of high concentration(Fig. 13-2).
In fW J&“t is the most usefnl variable becauseit cor-
where u is the mean velocity (fnnction of .x and t), zj is respondsto the size of the acidiied zone. It is not sensi-
the sum of the reaction rates over all mineralsj, vj is the tive to the pumping rate (Da).
stoichiometriccoefficient for mineralj, and Cj is the con- However, a cl&se front hasadvantageswhenit is relat-
centration of mineral j, which obeys a kinetic equation ed to the gained permeability. Fig. 13-3 displays the
of the form in Eq. 13-l. (Note that the deli&ions of $ permeability profile calculaWi* from the porosity
in Eq. 13-l and 13-6 are different).
All initial quantitiesare subscriptedi. Severaldimen-
sionlessparametersmay then be delined. *Sherwood,J.D.: PersonalComnicaion, 1984



Figure 13-3-Clay concentration profile (solid line) and car-

responding permeability profile (dashed line) for linear flow
with Dq,,,=* = 0, Da&,, = 10, and AL&,, = 1. (After Sher-
Figure 13-l-predicted acid concentration profile for sand- wood, 1984.)
stone acidizing and linear flow with a nonraactiw? matrix
(Dacuam = 0). (After Sherwood, 1984.) profile using Eq. 13-4: the averageposition of the form
er is shifted farther from the wellbore than that of the lat-
ter. Thus, in terms of permeability betweenhw porosity
fronts with the samemeanposition, the more diffose front
is the more efficient
More complex and realistic situations (several miner-
als, radial geomehy)requirethe nmnerical,solutionof Eqs.
13-1, 13-5, and 13-6, but the same qualitative trends

13-3.2 Mass-Transfer-Limited Kinetics

The most interestingoccurrencesof thesephenomenaare
in carbonaterocks that are dissolvedby water at low pH.
Two distinct applications exist:
1. Surfacecarbonaterocks that are dissolvedby ground
water (with a variable samration in COJ produce
caves.This is of prime importanceto hydrogeAogists.
2. The petroleumindustryacid&s carbonateformations.
Molecular diffusion now becomesthe main phenome-
noa. The description of the situation at the solid/liquid
interface is given by the general diffision equation
(Levich, 1962):

+ + uVC = DV*C. (13-10)

Eq. 13-10 neglects the dependenceof the diffusion

coefficientoreconcentration.The key dimensionlessgroup
is now the ratio of the flux of molecules carried by the
Figure 13-Z-Predicted clay and acid concentration profiles flow over the flux of moleculesdiffusedby Brownian mo-
for sandstone acidizing and linear flow, with a nonreactive tion. This is calIed the Peclet number, Npe:
matrix (Daquam = 0). a) Effect of varying the acid capacity
number Acc/aY (Dac[ay = IO); b) Effect of varying the Damk-
h&r number Da+ (Ac~/~~ = 1). (After Sherwood, 1984,)
Npe = -$ (13-11)

This problem has been solved analytically for certain I
specialcases,c.g., cylj&ical capiIlary, singleplate, rotit-
ing disk (Levich, 1962). This last gcomctry is usedas an
example in the following paragraphs.
Rotating Disk Apparam
The rotatingdisk apparatusconsistsof a disk of rock spin-
mng III a large vol~e of reactive fluid at a constantan-
gular velocity u (Fig. 134). The concentrationof products 2
in the bulk is measured,and this concentrationplotted vs
tie gives a global dissolution rate .I (extrapolatedat t
= 0) as a function of u. The analytic solution (Lcvich,
1962) of Eq. 13-10 for this geometry predicts a depen- 1
dence of the form: .7 - u%.

2 4 6 6 10

Reactive Liquid
Figure 13-5-Example of data from the rotating disk appara-
T tus. J is a function of the square root of the speed of rotation
of the electrode for different solutions. The dashed curves
correspond to theoretical prediction for !n = I and m c 0.5,
(From Levich, 1962.)

Porous Media - Qualitative Analysis

Despite.several experimentalstodies(e.g., Hoefncr and
Fogler, 1988),no generaiandconsistentdescription(even
qualitative)of the experimentalresultsexists.In addition,
Figure 13~4-Rotating disk apparatus: a) representation of becauseof the randomnessof porous media, no exact
the apparatus, b) schematic distribution of streamlines at the microscopic description of the solid/liquid interface is
swface of the disk. (After Levich, 1962.) possible.
A model by Schechteret al. (1969)describestheporous
This apparatoshasbeen extensivelyusedin the last 20 medium as representedby a bundle of capillaries with a
yearsfor measuringthe kinetics of dissolution of various given distribution of cross sectionsIV. The model allows
minerals under various conditions, both by hydrogeolo- the pores (capillaries) to grow according to a law that is
gists and researchersin the petroleumindustry (Compton an approximate solution of the diffusion equation @q.
andDaly, 1984; Lund et al., 1973). Of particular interest 13-10) in a straight tube. In addition, two neighboring
are the results for carbonatesin water at different pHs. pores can coalesceif they are sufficiently enlarged. The
Fig. 13-5 displays typical experimental data. The most authors could predict the developmentalbehavior of the
remarkableresult is the very good agreementwith the the port distribution, IV, anddemonstratethe unstablecharac-
vv- w’~) for low, angular velocities. At higher an- ter of the phenomenon:the large pores grow faster than
gular velocities, the dissolution rate tends toward an the small ones, which initiates “catastrophic” behavior.
asymptoticlimit. This deviationis explainedby the cross- This result has been known experimentally for a long
over from mass-transfer-limited kinetics to suface- the (NierodeandWilliams, 1973;Williams et al., 1979):
reaction-limited kinetics. This is discussedin more de- the dissolution of the limestone by hydrochloric acid
tail in the next section. produceslong and empty channelscalled ‘?vormholes”


(Fig. 13-6). This wormholing phenomenonhasboth prac- Consequently,its main effect is to reducethe fracture.
tical advantagesand drawbacks. length, This decreaseiu the fracture length results in a
. In matrix acidizing, the near-wellbore damagecan be significant reduction in the well performancein spite of
bypassedand the “effective” treated zone becomes increasedpermeability of the fractured walls.
much larger thau iu sandstoneacidizing (for the same Wormholes have been shown to be characteristic of
amount of rock dissolved) or in the matrix acidizing mass-transfer-limitedkinetics (Schecteret al., 1969). It
of carbonatesusing slow reacting acids when the ki- was observedexperimentally that their diameter ranges
netics is limited by surface reaction. In addition, from the pore sizeup to macroscopicsizes(severalmm).
problem of nonconsolidationof the near-wellborearea Therefore, a large wormhole is the result of the eularge-
ax. less severe. merit and collapse of seveml initial pores.
l In fmchue acidizing, wormholing is due to the fluid Porous Media - Quantitative Results
loss of the acid (from the fracture into the formation). And Phy.Gcal Explumkm
It is only recentlythat somephysicalandbasicunderstand-
ing of this phenomenonwas achievedthrough a careful
experimentalstudy. DaccordandLenormaud(1987)have
l the pattern formed by the etchedchannelsis a fractal,*
characterizedby a fmctal dimension, u&~,~~;
l when considering the hydraulic properties of this eu-
sembleof wormholes, au “equivalent wellbore radius”
r-L can be defined. This radius is such that, injecting
in a well of radius rw in the presenceof wormholes
leadsto injectivity conditionssimilar to thosethat would
be produced by injecting in a well of radius r;. This
effect is similar to the skiu effect, describedin Chap-
ter 1, where r; = r,,,e?.
A similar quantity can also be defmed for sandstone
acidizing: if the permeability of the acidizedzoneis much
higherthanthat of the damagedmoue,the equivalentradius
is iu the order of the tneanposition of the front xfiOnt,and
then S = ln r&cPOn,
However, the rem&able resultis thatthe s&indecreases
muchquickerunder mass-trausferkineticsthan under sur-
face reaction kinetics (Dxcord et al., 1987). Indeed:

AS -+lV (13-12)

where V is the volume of acid injected and d = dfiaCtai

= 1.6 for mass-transfer-limitedkiuetics and d = 2 for
surface-reactionkinetics (for radial geometries).

*Fractal objectsareinxxiantby changing theirscaleby anyfactor

ID fact, in physics,thisis not possibleandthis
self-similarbehavioris observedonly betweenhvo limits called
cutoffs. They a.% due to other phenomtxawhich become
predominant a.tsmallandlargescales.An importantpropertyof
Figure 13~6-Molding of an experimental three-dimensional fractalobjectsis thatwhenonemeasures themassm of thestrut-
radial wormhole pattern. (After Daccord and Lenormand, turecomprised insidea boxof size1,onegetsnz= Cow &Q@Q~
1987.) with +OcrOllessthantheEuclidiandimension of thespace.


Following an extensiveexperimental study oo differ- Understandingthis behavioris madeeasierby compar-

ent rock/fluid systems,Eq. 13-12 could be transformed ison with recentstatisticalmodelsandexperimentalresults
into a quantitative form: similar to thosedescribedabovebut obtainedin completely
diierent areas@accordandLenormand,1987;Daccord,
As = - -$ In (1 + AC Npe-’ r;wd) (13i3) 1987). This discussionlimits the comparisonto viscous
fingetig of a low-viscosity fluid displacing a more vis-
whereAC is the acid capacitynumber (Eq. 13% Npethe cousone in a porous medium. Viscous fingering appears
Pecletnumber for radial flow (Npe=@z, with CJthe in-
at the interface between the two fluids, and as soon as
jection rate and h the formation height), and rw the well- a perturbation develops,it is enhanced.As the pressure
bore radius. The constantb is equal to 1.7 X 104md-‘.
drop is lessimportant in the low-viscosity fluid, the local
Fig. 13-7 illustrates the effect of changingthe flow rate
velocity increasesat the e*penseof the other parts of the
on the skin andacid penetrationaspredictedby Eq. 13-13.
interface (Fig. 13-8). The same reasoning applies for
The break on the skin curvescorrespondsto the “break-
wormholes exceptthat the high-permeability wormholes
through” of the wormho!.ingpatternthrough the damaged
take the place of the low-viscosity fluid.
zone.Eq. 13-13hasbeenshownto agreewith a&al field
treatments(Lietard and Daccord, 1988).

Volume (gal/ft)


Figure 13-S-Schematic explanation of viscous fingering


Wormholing is a muchmore unstablephenomenonthan

viscousfmgering. This canbe appreciatedby calculating
the permeability ratio betweena pore and a wormhole,
which is roughly proportional to the fourth power of the
ratio of their diameters.A l-mm wormhole is 10stimes
---,a.5 wbl more conductive than a lo-pm pore.
*PM Jn both systems,the fluid velocity obeysDarcy’s law.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 For incompressibleflow, ta!singinto accountthecontinuity
Volume (gal/ft) equation, the pressure must obey the equation:
-a) Predicted skin decreasefor a typical set of
conditions and three different injection rates. The damage
is assumed to be homogeneously distributed around the well-
bore,The lightdotted curve corresponds to the skin decrease
for an undamaged well. The break on the curves corresponds Eq. 13-14 is the we&known Laplace equation. If the
to the penetration reaching the damage radius. b) Acid viscosiw ratio is important (or the permeabiity ratio is
penetration corresponding to the same situation as for a). small), the pressure can be assumedto be constant

throughoutthe low-viscosity fluid (all the dissolvedthan-
nels). III addition, initial perhnbationsin tlx flow veloc-
ities wme from local differencesbetweenadjacentports:
there is a microscopic sourceof perhubation or “noise”
becauseof the local randomnessof the porous medium.
These three elements(the Laplace equation, constant
pressurewithin the flow pattern,andmicroscopicrandom
noise)aretie basicingredientsof a model&led diffasion-
Iiited aggregation(DLA) DLA is a statistical nameri-
cal model that reproducesthe aggregationof randomly
diffusing particles which stick on a “seed” (seeMeakin,
1988, for areview). It is easyto show that the probabili-
ty of findiig a randomly diffusing particle at a given point
and at a given time obeys the Laplace equation. The ir-
reversible sticking of the particles as sooa as they touch
the seedor the growing clusteris equivaIentto the bound-
q condition of constantpressureoa the pattern. The last
ingredient (noise)comesjust from the randomnessof the
Figure 13-9-Dissolution patterns obtained with a network
diffusion (Brownian motion). model. The width of the bonds is plotted proportionally to the
This reasoningis equivalentto that of Paterson(1984) amount of material removed for six orders of magnitude in
who pointed out the similarity behveenviscousfingering N,+ (1 = lowest N,+, 6 = highest). Flow is from top to bot-
and DLA. tom. There is no flow from left to right. (After Hoefner and
Fogler, 1988.)
A breakthroughin the stidy of chaotic stmch~es was
the experimentalverificationandsubsequent understanding Limits Of Ihis Behavior
of the parallelism behveenDLA and viscous fmgering. The cutoffs that limit this fractal behavior correspondto
All thesestructuresare visually very similar and, quan- the caseswhen:
titatively, they are t&t& with a fractal diiension of the . at low velocity, moleculardiffusion is predominantand
order of 1.7 (for radial geometries). the solution becomessaturatedbefore any appreciable
volume can enter the pores (quantitatively, it cor-
respondsto Npe - 1);
Further understandingof wormbolingis provided by com- . at high velocities, the boundary layer thickness6 be-
puter network simulations (Hoefner and Fogler, 1988): comes so small that P approachesunity (the.kinetics
the pc~rousmedium is representedby a two-dimensional crossesover to surface reaction, leadiig to uniform
nehvork of capillaries, In eachpore, the flow obeysKir- etching).
chaff’s laws (local equivalentto the global Laplace law), Thesehvo limiting casesarequalitativelyevidentin Fig.
andthe growth of eachpore is assumedto follow a given 13-9.
function. 13-3.3 Mixed Kinetics
Thesetwo-dimensionalmcdelsare extensiotuof the one-
The tbeoreticaJtreatmentof this intermediatecaseis more
dimensional analytical model of Schechterand Gidley complex than the pure mass-transferlimit, which is pos-
(1969)and Guin and Schechter(1971). Similar resultsare sible under very limited conditions. Analytical or namer-
obtained (Fig. 13-9) with regard to the developmentof ical solutions of the problem are available for the rotat-
unstablepatterns. Their main advantageis that it is easy ing disk apparahu(Levich, 1962)or for the pamllel plates
to changethe dissolution function and the parametersof (Williams et al., 1970).It is thenpossible,with the rotadng
the flow (,4c,Npe,pore sizedistribution) in a much wider disk method, to stidy not only the mass-transferregime
range than experimentally possible. but also the surface-reactionregime as illustiated on Fig.

In porousmedia, it hasbeenshownexperimentallythat turbation (Fig. 13-8). The local growth rate is propor-
this transition is characterizedby complexpatterns,mix- tional to the pressoregradient and, thus, a local lower
ing short and wide wormholes and uniform attack of the viscosiq will causea local increasein velocity. However,
matrix (Williams et al., 1979;HoefnerandFogler, 1988). there could be stabilizing effects counterbalancingthe
This hass@ongimplicationssince,asan example,the reac- destabiiizing ones. They come mainly from the interfa-
tion of dolomiteandHCl obeysthis type of kinetics.Thus, cial tensionbetweenthe displacedandthe displacingfluidz
a more detailed discussionis us&l. a local excessof pressurep arises from the local curva-
The tmnsitionbehveenthe two mechanisms(masstrans- tnre of the interfaceaccordingto Laplace’slaw, p = 2dr,
fer andsurfacereaction)occurswhenthekinetic parameter where u is the interfacial tension and r is the curvatore
P iquals unity. In Eq. 13-4 (whereP is defined), the im- radius. In the absenceof viscousforces (low flow rates),
portant qua& is 6 which is the distance over which this intexfacialeffectis predominantandthe interfacemust
molecular diffision is important; i.e., the boundary lay- have a constantcurvatore. One can understandthat for
er thickness. As this distancechangeswith time (asit does a ftite ratio betweenviscousforces and capillary forces
for growing wormholes where 6 = radius of the worm- (a ratio called the capillary number NcG= ~u/u), there
hole), P also changesand a dissolution initially governed is an eqoilibrimn curvatareleadingto a tite finger width.
by surfacereaction may, becauseof the enlargementof This effect has been stadiedin “Hele-Shaw cells” for
the pores,tarn to masstransferandthusbecomeunstable. a long time, as a simplified model of porous media and
The characteristic distance 6 can vary from place to is ca&d the Saffman-Taylorinstability (SaffmanandTay-
place: at the tip of long wormholes, it is of the order of lor, 1958). It is only very recently that it was completely
the pore size (= lpm); closer to the injection, it has a understood (Combescotet al., 1986).
macroscopicsize (= lmm), severalordersof magnitade. For a porous medium where the distanceof action of
larger. Hence, the local P is also a fanction of the dis- capillary forces is limited to the pore size, no theory can
tance from the wellbore. yet predict the averagefinger width, exceptin the limit-
In smmnary, when trying to identify the rate-limiting ing case (Nca - co), and very high viscosiq ratios. In
stepof the dissolutionof a mineral, rememberthat it may this caseDLA-like patterns are found and are theoreti-
changewith the size, the time, and the temperatare. cally well understood.The finger width here is equal to
the pore diameter.
13-4.2 Instability Cmked To
Severalfactors can causea nonuniform final dissolution
The Dissolution Phenomenon
zone, which leads to nonuniform damageremoval. The
instabilityliied to the dissolutionphenomenonits&, rele- This instability canbe understoodby comparisonwith vis-
vant in carbonateacidizinghasbeendiscussed.However, cousfingering. A more d&led understandingis required
the sametype of instability may occnr in sandstoneacidiz- for predicting the minimum size of theseinstabilities. For
ing, and it will be describedby comparisonwith the car- wormboles, this size is given by the minimum distance
at which the instableprocessacts; e.g., the diffosion lay-
bonatecase.Two other factors linked to the flow condi-
er thickness,6, which is in the order of thepore size.Thus,
tions may alsopromoteinstabiliti~. They are viscousfin-
the minimum size of the wormhole is in the order of the
gering (occurring at high viscosity ratios and high capil-
pore diameter.
lary nmbers) and capillw lingerjng (occurring at low For surfacereactiondissolution,the sameinstabilitymay
capillary numbers,whenthe invading fluid wetsthe rock). arise. The difference is that the minimum size is much
Another causeis the nonuniform initird permeability pro- larger: the distanceacrosswhich an appreciablechange
tile. It is presentedin parallel with viscousfingeriog when of permeability occurs is equal to the front thickness
there is a continuous gradient of viscosity. It is worth- qom Thus, we can also expectit to be the mioimmn size
while to begin with viscousfingering, which is by far the of the instabilities. This idea is supportedby calculations
best known unstable phenomenon. by Sherwood(1987), who found similar results. An im-
portant practical applicationis that qOnr is usually rather
13-4.1 Viscous Fingering large (several centimeters),much larger than laboratoq
The displacementof a high-viscosity fluid by one of low samples.This may explain why no suchinstabilitieshave
viscosity is fundamentallyunstable, and it can be under- been observed experimentally.
stoodby writing Darcy’s law and initiating a small per-


13-4.3 Nonunifcrm Damage Around The Wellbore 13-4.5 Combination Of Several Phenomena
This case may be understood in a way similar to that In a real situation of damage removal, several of the
describedfor ssndstoneacidizing.Considera flow through phenomenacausinginstabilitiesmay appeartogether.Two
a porousmediumwith a gradientof permeabilitysuchthat main questionsarise:
it increaseswith distanceX (for the moment, do not con- * In the case of several unstablephenomenaoccnrring
sider any other causeof instability, dissolution, or vis- together and with eachhaving its own minimum limit,
cousfingeriug). The equationgovemingthe flow is, again, is therea synergisticeffectleadingto larger instabiities?
Darcy’s equation, but now the permeability k is a fnnc~ l If the answer to the first question is yes, what is the
tion of X. This problem is similar to that of viscous fm- minimum size of the instabiities?
gering when the interface betweenthe hvo fluid displays The answerto the fast question is expectedto be yes
a continuouschangein viscosity: p is a continuousfnnc- and that of the secondto be that the minimmn size will
tion of X. This latter case, often called “graded viscosity be smaller or equal to the smallest limit. Experimental
banks” in the enhancedoil recoveryliterature,was stndied or theoreticalverification of thesesuggestionsis awaited.
by Chang and Slattery (1986) and Hickernell and Yort-
sos(1986). They showedthat the displacementis still un- 13-5 PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS IN
stablebut the minimum size of the instabilities is in the SANDSTONE ACIDIZIh’G
order of the width of the transition zone. Thus, here also,
The designof a sandstoneacidizingtreatmentis comprised
expect the minimum size of the instabilities to be in the
of two parts: the selection of the appropriate fluid and
order of the thickness of the zone through which the
the predictionof its efficiency.The modelspresentedearli-
damageis concentrated.If the gradient of permeability
er in this chapterarebasedon the sameapproachandhave
is small or zero (uniform damage),it will not promote
beenvalidatedagainstlaboratory experiments.Thus, they
any instability. On the contrary, a sharppermeabilitygra-
are reliable enoughto be used in the design and the op-
dient (like the onearising from surfacefiltiation) can cause
timization of the efficiency (damageremoval)to costratio.
small-scaleflow instabilities.
Although high flow rates achievethe deepestpenetra-
tion, especially when the reactivity of the quartz cannot
13-4.4 Imbibition Of A Wettkg Fluid be neglected, certain liitations must be kept in mind.
When acid&&g oil reservoirs, the rIow rates in the near- 1. The reactivitiesof all specieshaveto be low (surface-
wellbore area are high and the viscous forces are reaction kinetics); i.e., kj is independentof U. This
predominant (AJc4> 1OK’). As a result of the radial ge- assumptionmay not be valid at high temperataresfor
ometry, the velocity of the displacementfront decreases highly reactive clays if the diiensionless kinetic
and, consequently,the relative importanceof the viscous parameterP becomesclose to unity. In such cases
forces also decreases.For capillary numbers less than moleculardiffnsion must be considered.Qualitatively,
10e4, capillary effectsbecomepredominant.In addition, this results in a decreaseof the effective reactivity
most reservoirsare water wet andthe injectedfluid is nor- and thus a broadening of the front.
mally water based. This type of displacementis called 2. The changein permeability is related to the change
imbibition (Payatakesand Dias, 1984). The geometty of in porosity through a relationship such as shown in
the displacementfront is linked to the heterogeneityof Eq. 13-5. The permeability may display a less con-
the porous medium; high-permeabilityzonesare bypassed.
tinuousbehaviorin the caseof poresblockedby tines,
Theseare filed with oil, which becomescompletely sur-
which makesthe prediction of the behavior extreme-
roundedby the treating fluid. These“ganglia” of oil are ly difficult.
disconnectedfrom the bulk and tray lead to two results:
3. No instabilities take place, althoughthe reservoir can
. a nonuniform acidizing and damageremoval; be heterogeneouslydamaged.If instabilities actually
l a decreaseof the relative permeability in the near we& take place and if their averagesize is Iarge enough
bore area. when comparedwith the sizeof the treatedarea,their
This last point may be of particular importancewhen the effectwill be marginal.The more seriousfactorscaus-
oil in place has a high viscosity. ing theseinstabilitiesinclude a high-viscositysaturat-
Instabilitiesmay alsodevelopunderdrainageconditions; ing oil, high injection rates, high temperatures(high
i.e., when the injected fluid does not wet the reservoir reactivities), and highly heterogeneousrocks.
(Lenonnand and Zarcone, 1985; Lenormand, 1986).

13-6 PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS IN the dramatic increaseof penetrationassociatedwith the
Practically, thereare very few parametersto adjustin car-
bonate acidizing. The fluid is hydrochloric acid, some 13-6.3 Effects Of Fhid Viscosity
times viscositied, and the range of flow rates is techni- In the equationspresentedin this chapter, the fluid vis-
cally limited: low rates may not be economicaland high cosity does not appearexplicidy. In fact, it appearsim-
rates may produce pressureshigher than the fractoring plicitly through:
pressore, especially for low-permeability reservoirs. . the molecular difision constant,D, which is inverse-
Another practical liitation is to keep the near-wellbore ly proportional to the viscosity;
area strong enough; i.e., severeetching will unconsoli- l the implicit assumptionthat the fluid is Newtonian.
date it. This may be especially crucial for low-strength The viscosity may be increasedby dissolving a high
rocks, such as chalks (HartIey and Bosma, 1985; Simon amountof small molecules(i.e., C&l2 or a small amount
et al., 1982). of a polymer. In the former case,the liquid remainsNew-
tonian andD decreasesinverselyandlinearly with the vis-
13-6.1 Effects Of Pumping R&e cosity with the only consequenceof increasingthe Peclet
Experimental studieshave demonstratedthat the highest mnnber. The final effect is then identical to that produced
penetrationis achievedwhen the kinetics is masstrans- by an increase of the flow rate. In the latter case,three
fer limited; i.e., under wormhormg conditions (N&ode. new effects may arise.
and Kruk, 1973; Hoefner and Fogler, 1988; Daccord et
. The molecular diffosion constantremains almost on-
al., 1987). Under theseconditions, the flow rate hasonIy
changed(Muhr and Blanshard, 1982): it is the viscosi-
a marginal effect on the final skin (Fig. 13-7). However,
ty of the solvent that matters.
low flow rates lead to compact dissolution patternsand
then to possible nonconsolidation of the wellbore area, * The liquid may hecome non-Newtonian and, hence,
The ideal etchedpatternconsistsof the smallestamount modify the velocity profile in the pores. The general
of etching close to the wellbore but with the maximum diffision expression,as given by Eq. 13-10, must be
permeabiliv. Thus, a limited nmber of wide wormholes moditied consequently.
is the bestcompromise(for the sameamountof rock dis- Thus, althoughD is unchanged,the masstransfer may
solved, a few large channelspresenta higher permeabil- increase (and thus the overall reaction rate) as a result
ity than several small ones). This is achievedby initiat- of the higher shear rate at the wall, causedby non-
ing the dissolution at low rates (thus creatig only a few Newtonian fltid rheology.
channels)and progressively increasingthe pumping rate l Interactions(mechanical,chemical,or physical)between
to limit their size.close to the wellbore and obtain more the polymer andthe rock may result in a local decrease
homogeneousetcKmg at the tips (Daccord, 1987). of the porous medium permeability since polymer
Cmxntly, the injection rate is increasedcontinuously moleculescan plug small pores adjacentto the worm-
while keepingthebottomholepressurehelowthe fractoring hole walls. The polymer acts as a “fluid-loss agent.”
pressure. The local flow velocities arc deeply affected, and this
results in a very complex behavior that was studiedby
13-6.2 Use Of Microemukions N&ode and Kruk (1973). In their stody, the worm-
Microemulsionshavebeenproposedas a meansof retard- hole growth velocity displays a maximum for a small
ing the acid-rock reaction to increase the penetration concentration of fluid-loss agent.
(Hoefner et al., 1987). This effect is thoughtto takeplace
through the decreaseof the ditision constant.However, 13-7 CONCLUSIONS
there are experimental indications that microemulsions Reservoirrocks are classicallydivided into two categories:
may not behavein porous media as simply as hydroch-
l slow reacting rocks, suchas sandstones,for which the
loric acid, hencemaking a direct comparisonhnpossible.
On the other hand, decreasingD (or increasingN& does reaction kinetics is surface reaction Ytited;
not lead to an hxrease in the penetration if P is initially l fast reacting rocks, such as limestone, for which the
lower thanunity. In other cases(P closeor slightly higher dissolution kinetics is limited by molecular diffusion.
than unity), the decreasein Ll may result in the crossover This distinction is an oversimplification since both
from surface-reaction to mass-traosfer-limitedkineticswith processes may coexist at different places or scales.

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