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Transcript & Attendance Reflection Eva Libby

Everyday for the past four years, my work ethic and intelligence has been determined by

school work, tests, and homework. Every bit has been recorded on my transcript and that

contains grades per semester, attendance rate, and the overall GPA I’ve acquired during my time

at Merced High. In all honesty, I don’t believe that my grades are a true reflection of how hard of

a worker I am. A letter grade shouldn’t represent anyone’s capabilities.

Grades are based off test scores and whether or not you do your homework. And my

sophomore year is what dragged me down due to those “main educational concerns”. My

sophomore year was the worst my grades had ever been but it wasn’t because I couldn’t grasp

what I was being taught. It was just because I couldn’t focus at home. I had too many distractions

that hindered me from getting actual decent work done and turned in on time. It became a matter

of ​I need to finish this work in class or it’ll never get done.​

I’ve tried my hardest to not let my outside life affect what goes on in school but it gets to

be too much sometimes. The amount of stress we are put under during these four years before

adulthood is insane. Even though some of us did reach our full potential and were able to get

what we wanted out of this educational period, the vast majority hasn’t. I’m a quick learner and

never back down unless absolutely necessary but there are times where we all need a break.

I’ve maintained around a 3.0 GPA throughout high school and kept an attendance rate of

above 90% all four years. Most people would say that’s good, that I’m not behind, that I’m just

in the right spot, but I really don’t agree. During this period we are learning so much about who

we are and how we handle things best and applying everything we are learning to every part of
our life is a true challenge. If I could go back I would try even harder knowing what I know now

about myself. But with that in mind I know I still have an amazing drive to get things done.

Because high school is such a messy time I feel like our grades really shouldn’t

determine our ethics. Just because I didn’t turn in my homework sophomore and only passed

tests doesn’t mean I don’t remember everything we went over. It doesn’t mean that I didn’t pay

attention in class; if I didn't want to pay attention I wouldn’t show up at all. I love learning new

things and soaking in what others have to say but a pencil and scantron won’t show you that.

Real life interactions will. Real “people to people” work will. We’re just learning the harsh truths

about life and what we have to prepare ourselves for. It isn’t fair to be put under the pressure of

having an A printed on a piece of paper and mailed to you validating how hard you’ve been


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