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Volume 9, Number 12, 1994

Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., Publishers

Bone-Forming Ability of 24R ,25Dihydroxyvitamin D, in the

Hypophosphatemic Mouse




To determine whether 24R,25-dihydroxyvitamin D, [24R,25(OH),D3] exerts unique biologic effects on bone, we

examined the effects of the vitamin D metabolites, 24R,25(OH),D3 and la,25-dihydroxyvitamin D,
[la,25(OH),D3], on the hypophosphatemic (Hyp) mouse, a model for X-linked hypophosphatemic rickets in
humans. The Hyp mice were administered 1-10,000 pg/kg/day of 24R,25(OH),D3, 0.01-10 pg/kg/day of
la,25(OH),D3, or vehicle alone, given daily for 28 days by intraperitoneal injection. 24R,25(OH),D3 at doses of
1-1000 pg/kg/day had dose-dependent effects in increasing bone size, dry bone weight, and bone mineral
content without causing hypercalcemia. la,25(OH),D3 a t doses of 1 or 10 pglkglday, which we considered to
have activity similar to that of 1000 pg/kg/day of 24R,25(OH),D3 with respect to cell differentiation activity,
caused severe bone resorption and hypercalcemia. At 0.1 pg/kg/day, la,25(OH),D3 increased bone size,
similarly to a dose of 1000 pg/kg/day of 24R,25(OH),D3, without significantly affecting dry bone weight o r bone
mineral content, as did 1000 pg/kg/day of 24R,25(OH),D3. These findings suggest that 24R,25(OH),D3 exerts
unique activity in the Hyp mouse rather than merely mimicking the activity of la,25(OH),D3.

INTRODUCTION ovariectomized dogs.'20' It is interesting that 24R,25(OH),D3

had these effects on bone formation without inducing hypercal-

T HE BIOLOGIC ROLE played by 24R,25-dihydroxyvitamin D,

[24R,25(OH),D3] is a matter of continuing controversy,"'
although it has been established that another vitamin D metabo-
cemia even when given at high d o s e ~ . ( ' ~ - ' ~ '
The hypophosphatemic (Hyp) mouse is a model for familial
X-linked hypophosphatemic rickets in humans.'") It manifests
lite, la-25-dihydroxyvitamin D, [ la,25(OH),D3], facilitates hypophosphatemia, elevated serum alkaline phosphatase activ-
the intestinal absorption of calcium and phosphorus and en- ity, reduced renal phosphate reabsorption, and abnormal vita-
hances renal mineral reabsorption.'2.3' However, recently it was min D metab~lism.'~*-*~' Bes'ides these biochemical abnormal-
reported that 24R,25(OH),D3, alone or together with ities, the mutant animals display growth retardation resulting
la,25(OH),D3, has physiologic effects, especially in bone,'4' from rickets and skeletal deformities associated with histologic
on calcium and phosphorus homeo~tasis.'~' Some reports have evidence of osteomalacia. Besides the abnormal regulation of
suggested that 24R,25(OH),D3 is important and necessary for la-hydroxylase activity in Hyp mice,'25,26' Seino et aI.'22'
chondrocyte function, demonstrating that it increases the syn- demonstrated elevated vitamin D catabolism, which was later
thesis of DNA'" and pr~teoglycan'~' and increases alkaline found to be caused by increased renal 24-hydroxylase activi-
phosphatase activity."," Takigawa et al.""' demonstrated that tY .(27-2y' These findings indicate that 24R,25(OH),D3, may
24R, 25(OH),D, induced chondrocyte differentiation. More- play some physiologic role in Hyp mice, and this prompted us to
over, some investigators have shown that 24R,25(OH),D3 examine the effects of this vitamin D metabolite on this mutant
increases bone formation'' ' - I y ) and prevents bone atrophy in strain. Glorieux et a ~ " ~reported
' that in Hyp mice, the subcu-

'Department of Pediatrics, Okayama University Medical School, Okayama. Japan.

'Kureha Chemical Industry. Tokyo, Japan.
'Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Faculty of Medicine. University of Occupational and Environmental Health, Kitakyushu, Japan.


taneous injection of 24R,25(OH),D3 at a dose of 0.5 pg/kg/day 272-21801 (Wako Pure Chemical Industries, Ltd., Osaka Japan)
for 18 days was not effective in improving bone mineralization. and the p-methylaminophenol reduction method using Wako kit
However, Nakamura et a1.“s.16)found that the oral administra- 270-49801, respectively.
tion of 24R,25(OH),D3 at a dose of 500 pg/kg/day for 2 years Assay ofvitamin D metabolites: The serum levels of three
increased bone mineral content and the mechanical strength of vitamin D metabolites, la,25(OH),D, 24R,25(OH),D, and
bone in vitamin D-replete rats. In light of these findings, we 25-hydroxyvitamin D, [25(OH)D,], were assayed in four
decided to use very high doses of 24R,25(OH),D3 (1-10,OOO groups of animals: those administered vehicle, t h a e adminis-
kg/kg/day) to examine the effect of this agent. tered 0.1 pg/kg/day of 1a,25(OH),D3, and those administered
10 and 1000 pg/kg/day of 24R,25(OH),D3. For the assay,
0.3-0.5 ml serum from two mice in the same group were used.
Vitamin D metabolites were extracted by the dropwise addition
MATERIALS AND METHODS of acetonitrile. The extract was then applied directly to a
C 18/OH cartridge (Analytichem International, Harbor City,
Animals CA) to separate the two fractions containing either
Inbred Hyp mice were initially provided by the Jackson la,25(OH),D3 or 24R,25(OH),D3 and 25(OH)D3.‘”~”2.”4’ The
Laboratory (Bar Harbor, ME). We then established a homozy- residues containing 24R,25(OH),D3 and 25(OH)D, were ap-
gous Hyp strain: the males were all C57BL16J Hyp/Y, and the plied to a Gilson high-performance liquid chromatography
females were all C57BL/6J Hyp/Hyp. For more than 4 years (HPLC) system to obtain genuine 24R,25(OH),D3 and
since then we have raised only the homozygous Hyp mice in our 25(OH)D, separated residues. The residues containing
experimental animal facility, and we have not had any pheno- la,25(OH),D3 were also applied to the same HPLC system to
type other than homozygous Hyp mice. The 4-week-old male obtain a genuine separated residue.‘”) The radioreceptor assay
Hyp mice (CSBL/6JHyp/Y) and control male mice (C57BL/ for la,25(OH),D was conducted with a receptor for
6J+/Y) of the same age, purchased from Japan SLC (Shizuoka, la,25(OH),D3 obtained from bovine mammary t i ~ s u e . ” ~The ’
Japan), were used in these experiments. The animals were competitive binding assay for 25(OH)D, and 24R,25(OH),D3
housed in plastic cages under a 12 h light and I2 h dark cycle and was performed similarly with a vitamin D binding protein
were maintained throughout the experimental period on Oriental obtained from the serum of normal rats.‘”)
MF (Oriental Yeast Co., Ltd., Tokyo, Japan), containing 1.2% Assay of urinary cAMP and creatinine: Urinary cAMP
calcium, 0.91% phosphorus, and 80 IU/lOO g of vitamin D. was determined by radioimmunoassay using a Yamasa kit
Food and tap water were available ad libitum to all mice. (Yamasa Shoyu Company, Ltd., Chiba Japan). Creatinine
concentration was determined by the Jaffe method using Wako
kit 277-1050.
Experimental protocol Bone analysis: The lengths of the tibia and femur in all
A total of 157 Hyp mice and 1 13 control mice, all 4 weeks old, animals were measured with a micrometer. Then, with the
were divided into I0 groups: 5 groups of animals were adrninis- specimen laid directly on soft x-ray film, radiographs were taken
tered doses of 1, 10, 100, 1000, and 10,OOO pg/kg/day, at 25 kVp, 20 mA, for 2 minutes with a soft x-ray apparatus
respectively, of 24R,2S(OH),D3; 4 groups were administered (Type SRO-MSO;Sofron, Tokyo, Japan). The femur specimens
doses of 0.01, 0.1, 1, and 10 kg/kg/day, respectively, of were defatted in acetone for 7 days and then dried with a vacuum
la,25(OH),D3; and 1 group was administered the vitamin D drier overnight, after which they were weighed. The dried tissue
solvent alone (0.75% ethanol and 0.1% Tween 80). The was then baked at 600°C for 48 h in an electric furnace (Model
24R,25(OH),D3 was donated by Kureha Chemical Industry FA-21 ;Yamato, Tokyo, Japan). The bone ash thus obtained was
Co., Ltd. (Tokyo, Japan), and la,25(OH),D3 was purchased weighed and dissolved in 3 N HCI; the calcium concentration
from Roussel Uclaf (Paris, France). All animals were treated was measured by the OCPC method, phosphorus by the method
with 0.1 ml intraperitoneal injections of the vitamin D metabo- of Fiske and Subbarow, and magnesium by the xylydyl blue
lites or the solvent every day for 28 days. The mortality rate of method using Wako kit 274-83901.
the animals during the experimental period was less than 1%,
which was not different from their natural mortality rate. All Statistical analysis
mice except those in the groups administered I and 10 pg/kg/day Differences between the treatment groups and control groups
of la,25(OH),D3 (which were all killed by exsanguination in were tested for significance using one-way analysis of variance.
the second week of the experiment because they were dying at
this time) were killed at the end of the experiment (12 h after the
last injection) after exsanguination by cardiac puncture. Before RESULTS
exsanguination, fresh urine was collected with Pasteur pipettes.
The tibiae and femora were then obtained for study. In Hyp mice, 24R,25(OH),D3 did not induce hypercalcemia
of over 10 mg/dl at any dose except that of 10,000 pglkglday,
whereas la,25(OH),D3 induced hypercalcemia at doses of 1
Analytic procedure
and 10 pg/kg/day (Table 1). Hypercalcemia of more than I0
Assay of serum calcium and phosphorus: Serum calcium mg/dl was observed in four groups of control mice: those that
and phosphorus concentrations were determined by the or- had received 10,000 pg/kg/day of 24R,25(OH),D3 and those
thocresolfthalein complexone (OCPC) method using Wako kit that had received 0. I , 1, and 10 pg/kg/day of 1a,25(OH),D3.


24R. 250, ( p g l k g ) la,250, (pglkgl

Vehicle I I0 Id Id 104 10-2 10-1 I I0
Hyp mouse
Ca, mg/dl 7.0 6.2 9.7’ 8.8’ 7.4 12.5’ 7. I 8.7 12.0’ 14.3’
(SEW (0.3) (0.2) (0.4) (0.2) (0.5) (1.0) (0.3) (0.5) (0.4) (1.2)
P, mg/dl 5.0 7.2‘ 6.2 5.8 8.2‘ 11.8’ 8.3‘ 9.4d 9.2d 7.9‘
(SEW (0.2) (1.1) (0.9) (0.4) (0.6) (0.5) (0.7) (0.7) (0.4) (0.5)
Control mouse
Ca, mg/dl 9.1 8.7 9.5 10.0‘ 8.8 13.7’ 9.3 11.3d 15.2’ 17.2’
(SEW (1.6) (0.5) (0.6) (0.3) (0.4) (0.8) (0.2) (0.5) (0.4) (0.4)
P, mg/dl 12.2 11.3 10.I 9.8 11.2 9.4 12.1 11.6 8.1 8.0
(SEW (1.3) (1.0) (0.8) (1.0) (0.8) (0.5) (1.1) (1.0) (0.4) (0.7)
“Data are presented as mean ? standard error of the mean (SEM). Serum calcium and phophorus concentrations were determined
by the orthocrestolfthalein complex (OCPC) method and the p-methylaminophenol reduction method, respectively. Indicated values
are significantly different from vehicle group.
’ p < 0.001.
‘ p < 0.05.
dp < 0.01,

Serum phosphorus levels were increased in all experimental Radiographic examination showed a marked increase in bone
groups of Hyp mice treated with 24R,25(OH),D3 or density, especially in the tibial metaphysis, in Hyp mice treated
la,25(OH),D3. with 1000 pg/kg/day of 24R,25(OH),D3, but not in those
Serum 24R,25(OH),D3, levels in the groups administered 10 treated with 0.1 pg/kg/day of la,25(OH),D3 (Fig. 4).
or lo00 pg/kg/day of 24R,25(OH),D3 were about 10 or 100 Dry bone weight, ash weight, and the ratio of ash to dry bone
times greater, respectively, than those in the group administered weight in Hyp mice (right femur) were all increased significantly
vehicle alone, but the serum 24R,25(OH),D3 levels of those by the administration of 1000 and 10,OOO pg/kg/day of
animals administered 0.1 pgikglday of la,25(OH),D3 were 24R,25(OH),D3, but they were not increased significantly by
approximately one-half those in the animals administered vehi- the administration of 0. I pg/kg/day of la,25(OH),D3. In these
cle alone (Fig. IA). The serum la,25(OH),D, levels in the three groups, the calcium and phosphorus content in bone ash
group administered 0.1 pg/kg/day of la,25(OH),D3 were about was also increased. However, the increase in the groups treated
1.5 times greater than those in the group administered vehicle with 24R,25(OH),D3 was greater than that in the group treated
alone, but the serum la,25(OH),D3 levels in the group admin- with la,25(OH),D3. The ratio of calcium to phosphorus in bone
istered lo00 pg/kg/day of 24R,25(OH),D3 were significantly ash was equally improved in these three groups (Table 3).
less than those in the group administered vehicle alone (Fig.
IB). The 25(OH)D, level did not differ significantly among the
four groups (Fig. IC). DISCUSSION
The urinary cAMP/creatinine ratio was significantly reduced
compared with controls in the groups administered both vitamin The administration of 24R,25(OH),D3, even in large doses,
D metabolites, being reduced to a greater extent in the group has been reported to be free of any adverse effects, including
administered la,25(OH),D, than in that administered hypercaIcemia.(”) We administered 24R,25(OH),D3, in mas-
24R,25(OH),D3 (Fig. 2). sive doses to Hyp mice, a model for X-linked hypophosphatemic
The bones of all animals that were treated with 1 or 10 rickets in humans. The agent was administered daily for 28 days
pg/kg/day of la,25(OH),D, were so brittle that we could not and induced increases in bone size, dry bone weight, and bone
extract them intact. The length of the tibia in the Hyp mice mineral content and normalized bone shape, the ratio of ash to
increased dose dependently with the administration of dry bone weight, and the ratio of calcium to phosphorus in the
24R,25(OH),D3. The length of the tibia in Hyp mice treated bone. These effects of 24R,25(OH),D3 were dose dependent.
with 0.1 pg/kg/day of la,25(OH),D3 was similar to that in Importantly, no sign of toxicity, including hypercalcemia, was
animals treated with 10oO pglkglday of 24R,25(OH),D3. Not observed in any animals administered less than 10oO pglkglday
only the length but also the shape of the tibia was improved by of 24R.25(OH),D3 during the experimental period. However, 1
the administration of the vitamin D metabolites, as demonstrated or 10 pg/kg/day of la,25(OH),D3, which we considered to have
by the clear appearance of the tibial tubercles (Fig. 3). In the Hyp activity similar to that of 1000 pg/kg/day of 24R,25(OH),D3
mice, the length of the femur was also increased dose depen- with respect to cell differentiati~n,‘~~.~’)
induced severe bone
dently by the administration of the vitamin D metabolites (Table resorption and marked hypercalcemia. At a dose of 0.1 pg/kg/
2); 24R,25(OH),D3 had no effect on bone formation in control day, la,25(OH),D3 also increased bone length and normalized
mice. bone shape similarly to a dose of 1OOO pg/kg/day of


= @Serum 24R,25(OH)2D level I Pc0.05

(nrnol/rng cr)
5 10' 80

-f 70
Y 10'
0 50
8g 10'
a 20
$ 10' 10
8 Vehicle 103pg/kg/day lO-'pg/kg/day

1 24R, 25m l a , 25b

@ Serum 1a,25(OH)2D level (mean f SEM)

1 *O
FIG. 2. Urinary cAMP/Cr (creatinine) ratio in Hyp mice.
Data are presented as mean 2 SEM. Urinary CAMPwas deter-
-f 60
mined by radioimmunoassay. Creatinine concentration was
Q) determined by the Jaffe method.
0 40
5d pg/kg/day of 24R,25(OH),D3, shown by radiography, was
compatible with the chemical analysis of the bone. At least in
20 this experiment, we could not find any points on the two
8 dose-response curves of 24R,25(OH),D3 and 1a,25(OH),D3 at
which the biochemical and skeletal effects of the two vitamin D
0 '

25. a Serum 25(OH)D level

metabolites intersected. These findings suggest that the effects
of 24R,25(OH),D3 did not merely mimic those of
la,25(OH),D3. We therefore believe that the action of the two
=5 20. vitamin D metabolites is qualitatively different.
- We confirmed that a massive dose of 24R,25(OH),D3 re-
15. duced the serum level of la,25(OH),D3 in both Hyp and control
mice (data not shown). Matsumoto et al. ,'38' who reported the
s same result in calcium-deficient rats, suggested that 24R,25
lo' (OH),D, enhances the degradation of 1a,25(OH),D3. In this
experiment, however, we were unable to elucidate the mecha-
i 5. nism underlying this phenomenon. Norman et al.'39,40' demon-
strated that 24R,25(OH),D3 acted as an allosteric effector and
Vehicle lo
10' 2[pg/kg/c 1 diminished the affinity of la,25(OH),D3 for its receptor. Yam-
24R.25Dx ln.25D1
*: pe0.05
ato et demonstrated that 24R,25(OH),D3 had a specific
**: P'O.01 inhibitory effect on the formation and function of osteoclastic
***: p<o.o01 cells stimulated by la,25(OH),D3. 24R,25(OH),D3 may act by
diminishing the effects of la,25(OH),D3. We also found that
FIG. 1. Concentration of vitamin D metabolites in Hyp mice. la,25(OH),D, reduced serum 24R,25(OH),D3 concentrations
Data are presented as mean ? SEM. For assay, 0 . 3 4 . 5 ml in Hyp mice. Further study is essential to elucidate this interac-
serum from two mice in the same group was used. Vitamin D tion of vitamin D metabolites.
metabolites were extracted with acetonitrile, and the extract was The urinary cAMP/Cr ratio in the group administered 0.1
applied to a C 18/OH cartridge to separate the two fractions. The pg/kg/day of la,25(OH),D, was reduced to a greater extent
residues were applied to a Gilson HPLC system to obtain than that in the group administered 1000 p,g/kg/day of 24R3,25
genuine 24R,25(OH),D3-, 25(OH),D,-, and la,25(OH),D3-
(OH),D,. This suggests that hyperparathyroidism was not rele-
separated residues. 24R,25(OH),D3 and 25(OH)D, were as-
sayed by competitive protein binding assay. la,25(OH),D3 was vant to the experimental findings.
assayed by radioreceptor assay. Glorieux et al.'30' demonstrated that 24R,25(OH),D3 admin-
istered with phosphorus did not improve bone mineralization in
Hyp mice, but bone mineralization was corrected by
24R,25(OH),D3; however, it did not significantly increased dry la,25(OH),D,.'42' However, the dose of 24R,25(OH),D3 they
bone weight, ash or the ratio of ash to dry bone weight, and it did used in their experimental protocol was 0.5 pg/kg/day, far less
not increased calcium, phosphorus, or magnesium content in the than the doses we used in this experiment (I-10,OOOpglkgl
bone in Hyp mice to the same extent as lo00 pg/kg/day of day).
24R,25(OH),D3. The marked increase in bone density, particu- Nakamura et a1."','6' showed that 24R,25(OH),D3 had
larly in the tibia1 metaphysis, in Hyp mice treated with 1000 bone-forming ability (increase in bone mineral density and

FIG. 3. Right tibia. The bones of all animals treated with I or 10 pg/kg/day of la,25(OH),D3 were so brittle that they could not
be extracted intact.

mechanical strength) in normal Wistar rats. In our experiments cannot exclude the possibility that results may have been
here, we found that 24R,25(OH),D3 had no definite effects on different if the vitamin D metabolites had been given by a
bone formation in control mice. This discrepancy in findings different route.
may be a result of differences in the experimental period. Our It is thought that 24R,25(OH),D3 acts after being converted
experimental period (4 weeks) was much shorter than theirs (2 into la, 24R, 25(OH),D, by renal la-hydr~xylase.'~"Further
years), and it is possible, therefore, that the bone-forming ability studies are essential to elucidate the bone-forming effects of la,
of 24R,25(OH),D3 in control mice may not have been mani- 24R, 25(OH),D, and other vitamin D metabolites derived from
fested in the shorter period. The effects of this agent may have 24R. 25(OH),D,.
been more apparent in the Hyp mice, in which 24K,25(OH),D3 In conclusion, 24R,25(OH),D3 at doses of 1-1ooO pg/kg/day
plays a significant role. These results were obtained only by the had dose-dependent effects in increasing bone formation and
intraperitoneal injection of vitamin D metabolites. However, we bone mineralization without inducing hypercalcemia in Hyp


Hyp mouse

24R, 2 5 4 (pglkg) la,2 5 4 ( ~ d k g )

vehicle Vehicle 1 10 lo2 Id 104 l o- , 10-1

Femur, mm 14.89' 10.15 10.55 10.70' 10.70' 11.61' 12.03' 10.74' 1 1 .26d
(0.14) (0.16) (0.18) (0.18) (0.18) (0.22) (0.22) (0.19) (0.26)
Tibia, mm 17.58' 11.94 12.71' 12.80d 12.61 13.56" 14.16' 12.34 13.56'
(0.07) (0.23) (0.18) (0.18) (0.09) (0.24) (0.16) (0.20) (0.25)
aData are presented as mean ? SEM. Lengths of the tibia and femur were measured with a micrometer. The bones of all animals
treated with 1 and 10 p.g/kg/day of la, 25 (OH),D, were so brittle that they could not be extracted intact. Indicated values are
significantly different from Hyp mouse vehicle group values.
bp < 0.001.
'p < 0.05.
dp < 0.01.

Hyp mouse

FIG. 4. Radiography of tibia1 metaphysis. The right tibiae were laid directly on soft x-ray film and radiographs were taken at 25
kVp, 20 mA, for 2 minutes with a soft x-ray apparatus.


Hyp mouse

24R, 2503 ( P g l k g )
vehicle Vehicle 1 10 Id Id 104 lop2 lo-'

Dry bone weight, mg 38.9' 19.3 21.1 22.8 23.2' 28.8* 27.6d 21.1 23.3
(2.2) (1.5) (0.7) (1.7) (0.7) (1.6) (1.6) (0.8) (1.5)
Ash, mg 22.6b 8.6 9. I 10.0 9.8 14.7d 15.1d 8.5 10.8
(1 .O) (1.0) (0.7) (1.0) (0.5) (1.0) (0.4) (0.5) (0.8)
AsWdry bone weight, % 53.3' 44.0 43.1 45.0 42.2 50.9' 51.8' 40.4 46.2
(1.2) (2.3) (1.9) (1.5) (1.2) (1.0) (0.5) (2.3) (1.0)
Bone Ca content, mg 8.53* 2.19 3.05' 3.45* 3.4@ 4.93' 5.68' 2.82 4.12d
(0.41) (0.28) (0.11) (0.22) (0.13) (0.19) (0.26) (0.14) (0.41)
Bone P content, mg 4.6Ib I .59 1.73' 1.95 1.92 2.87' 2.70d 1.68 2.26'
(0.23) (0.15) (0.06) (0.15) (0.06) (0.20) (0.21) (0.07) (0.20)
Bone Mg content, mg 0.23d 0.10 0. I 1 0.12 0.12 0.16d 0.18' 0.09 0.14
(0.02) (0.01) (0.00) (0.01) (0.01) (0.01) (0.00) (0.01) (0.02)
Ca/P 1 .90d 1.54 1.76 1.78 1.81' 1.82' 1.93' 1.68 1.82'
(0.02) (0.09) (0.04) (0.04) (0.04) (0.03) (0.02) (0.05) (0.03)

"Data are presented as mean ? SEM. After being defatted in acetone for 7 days, femur specimens were dried with a vacuum drier
overnight and then weighed. The dry tissues was then baked at 600°C for 48 h in an electric furnace. Bone ash thus obtained was
weighed and dissolved in 3 N HCI; the concentration of calcium was measured by the orthocresolfthalein complex (OCPC) method,
phosphorus by the method of Fiske and Subbarow, and magnesium by the xylydyl blue method. Indicated values are significantly
different from values in Hyp mouse vehicle group.
bp < 0.001.
' p < 0.05.
dp < 0.01.

mice. We suggest that 24R,25(OH),D3 possesses a unique We thank Professor Anthony W. Norman for his constructive
bone-forming activity rather than merely mimicking the effects suggestions and comments. We also thank Rumi Abe-Nojima
of la,25(OH),D3. for her technical assistance.

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