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1154505 GREEN ARROW: ESCAPE FROM SUPERMAX in original screenplay by ia _ ee 3/5/08 MI Phantom Four Films (424) 204-0700 © FADE IN Sounds of water lapping against a hull. Endlessly, rhythmically, peacefully. And then- ‘SPLASH! ‘EXT. CARTBBRAN OCEAN - NIGHT --- 12 YEARS AGO YOUNG OLIVER QUEEN (20s), in a soaking wet tuxedo, struggling to stay afloat in a raging ocean. Behind him a YACHT cruises away. We can still hear DISTANT MUSIC from the party on-board. queen, stunned sober by the Impact, tries to yell out but only Swallows seawater. The yacht’ disappears into the fog. HACKETT (0.8. What I remember are two Oliver Queens. ANT, OPULENT DINING HALL - NIGHT --- ToDAT The fully grown OLIVER QUEEW (early 305). Strong features, light complexion, thin goatee. This guy’s got if together. HACKETT (0.C.) Taere was the wild trust fund brat. First te the party, last to leave, never without a gozgeous model on his arm... WIDER TO REVEAL an enormous ballroom full of high society patrons, Queen sitting front and center. HACKETT (0.¢.) “ (cont'd) And ‘then there wes the trust fund brac who fell off hie own yacht and resurfaced three years later. Standing at a podium delivering the speech is WILL HACKETT Gos), refined Englishman. Queen's childhood best friend. HACKETT (cont'd) ‘That vasa different Ollie. Focused, full of principles and vision. The man whe sits before us today. Queen smiles graciously; lifts his glass as a “thank you." Behind Hackett, SLIDES flash on a projection screen, showing Queen doing social work in various comere of the world. A man with nis sleeves perpetually rolled up.

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