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Good evening Ellines and Ellinides.

It is a great honour to be here

tonight and to be able to share these truths with you!!!
The first thing I have to say is not to believe anything we are saying.
Beliefs have led us to the troubles of today. Do your own research and
see the facts for yourselves. Questioning everything is something we
have innate within us as Ellines.
I will start my introduction with the actual word ΕΛ ΛΗΝ. The
etymology of the word ELLIN firstly contains the word EL, which means
“light”, and secondly the word LIN, which means laos etc. In essence,
the deeper meaning of the word describes “he who will see the
eternal light” or “one who is enlightened”.
This is something we should all be immensely proud of. Throughout
antiquity, Ellenism has shown its MAGNIFICENCE “ΜΕΓΑΛΟΠΡΕΠΕΙΑ”,
(one of our principles in our Ellene protocols), and this is inscribed
within our Ellene culture and inheritance all over the planet. And in all
parts of the globe.
However, this is not something to express with vanity, but is
something that demands great responsibility.
Unfortunately, over the many years up until recent years, this
“MAGNIFICENCE” has been deviously overshadowed, making us
forget our “EUDAIMONIA” which is one of our 12 values.
EUDAIMONIA defines: who we are, where we are going and our true
purpose as Ellene human beings. Unfortunately, instead of
“EUDAIMONIA” we have come to the point of facing extinction around
the planet and even within our own homeland “ELLAS”!!!!!
Unfortunately, from proud Ellenes who always looked up towards the
Cosmos, our true origin, today we are looking down towards oblivion
in embarrassment of who we are and what we have become!!! From
an “ABUNDANCE” of wealth, to looking in garbage for scraps of
Although the problem starts thousands of years ago, I will briefly
analyse a specific and important historical point. This is our
“apparent”, war of independence of 1821. And I say apparent,
because unfortunately, we never achieved independence. Although
we had very worthy and Ellene freedom fighters such as kolokotronis,
nikitaras, karaiskakis and thousands more Ellanies psihes, the larger
powers of the time, deviously planned our transfer from Ottoman
occupation, to the Bavarian and banking elite of the time.
This scheme happened because we couldn’t fund our own war efforts
and relied on the foreign banking regimes who would later take full
control of Ellas, our lives and our sovereignty. The word SOVEREIGNTY
is very important to remember.
However, during this war effort, we had a great leader and true Ellene
president. His name was IOANNIS KAPODISTRIAS and in fact, he
would be the last true Ellene president up until today.
His greatest achievement was the unification of Greece’s divided
municipalities “dimous” and the general unification of Ellene souls to
fight against the Ottoman occupation. His governance would focus on
the “power of the municipalities” “kratein tou dimou” and their
unification. The power of municipalities is what “democracy” truly is.
Keep the word MUNICIPALITY in mind. It is one of the most important
concepts regarding Ellinon Synelevsis.
He also accomplished 3 Ellene assemblies "Εθνοσυνελέυσεις”. (Εllenic
assembly is the name given to the act where Ellenes unite as a whole
to make decisions about governance and politics and decisions for the
prosperity of their future. Through the ethnosinelevsi we established
a true Ellene bank. The actual owners of this bank would be the Ellene
public, the polites themselves.
It is also important to mention, that the first political parties (ta
kommata) of the time were the following:
The Russian party
the French party
the English party
I’ll say it again!!!!
So from 1821, we have the establishment of 3 kommata with foreign
interests within our own homeland!!!! Much like the parties today
(DIVIDE AND CONQUER has always been their main method).
So after these huge achievements by Kapodistrias, the powers were
successful in creating the event that would lead to the assasination of
Kapodistrias and paralyse all of Ellas.
He was assassinated on 9th October 1831.
And this is the crucial point that you need to pay attention to. This is
the point where we lose our identity and SOVEREIGNTY as Ellenes.
After Kapodistrias’ assasination it was planned for a 16 year-old to be
the King of Greece. His name was King Otto. He undertook governance
and with the help of the 3 kommata, established the private
corporation named “KINGDOM OF GREECE”.
And since we always speak with evidences, we will show you the first
government gazzette (fek) of 1833. (every law passed by
This fek basically turns us from sovereign Ellenes to slaves and
subordinates of the private company called the “Kingdom of Greece”.
This was not only for the Ellenes living during this time, but also
applied to future generations. Every Ellene had to give an oath of
subordinacy to King Otto and his laws and in the name of the HOLY
The National Bank of Greece would be created in 1841 and from this
point, Greece would go through 3 bankruptcies, the first in 1843, the
second in 1893 and the third in 1932. Greece would face the Asia
Minor catastrophe and the genocide of 4 million souls, Greece would
face 2 World Wars and a Civil War (brother against brother), Cyprus
and its Ellene people would face another occupation by the Turks.
Greece would face division in every aspect of their lives, politically,
geographically, economically, within their own households, with
poverty reaching unimaginable heights and huge numbers of low birth
It seems as though every time the people would finally get back on
their feet, their whole world would come crumbling down as a result
of these systematic bankruptcies by the private banking elite!!
Ellines, this is because, as I mentioned, we never had another Ellene
leader after Kapodistrias. If we search their family trees, none of them
are truly Ellene. And every one of them to today, including all the
political parties, serve the interests of the bankers and are pawn
pieces of a much bigger scheme with the purpose of our extinction.
The political parties have achieved this and have managed to divide
us, they are the source of the problem. (it is in the word itself
Kommata-Kommatia, dividing society up.
Now let’s go to the failed bankruptcy of 2012. And you are all probably
wondering, what failed bankruptcy of 2012???
If you were listening to the Greek media and in general the global
media during the presidency of Papandreou, they were saying that
Greece would face bankruptcy. That was the plan, however, just when
they were about to execute this plan, and when everything seemed
grim, along comes ARTEMIS SORRAS to put a halt to their plans.
At this point it is important to remember that there are 3 economical
tools Artemis has brought that can solve every problem Ellas is facing.
The first, In October 2012, Artemis Sorras deposits $600 billion US in
the form of international bills of exchange (IBOE’s) in a custodial
account in favour of the SOVEREIGN Ellene democracy. Put simply the
“Ellene Nation” the people themselves.
It was deposited for the purpose of paying off the public and private
The $600 bil are a lawful debt of the United States of America, and
more specifically, the treasury department named “US Treasury”.
The bonds are validated by UCC the “Uniform Commercial Code” for
those of you who don’t know what UCC is, it is recognised as a
payment receipt which validates the 600 bil and they are considered
indisputable. UCC is the strongest proof of evidence that exists
regarding the 600bil.
Absolutely every important mechanism both within Ellas and abroad
is notified of this transaction!!
The US Treasury, the IMF, the World Bank and the entire Greek
government are just a few.
There was absolutely no objection or protest, the legal amount of
time was given and since there was no objection, the funds were
confirmed and processed.
Even though the proposal was more than enough to solve Greece’s
apparent debt problem, the government continued its commitment
to the memorandums and the further deterioration of society and the
Their stance and their submittal to the bankers has led to thousands
of suicides!!!!!
Who will account for all these lives lost!!! When we clearly have a
proven solution??
One of the main problems they had with the proposal was the two
conditions that were attached:
1. A legal audit of the debt to find the true amount owed
2. And accountability for those held responsible
The Greek government tried to use informal documents and
illegitimate “experts” to defame the whole proposal through clever
use of the media. The media as I’m sure you all know, is totally
controlled, especially in Greece.
All documents that the government and their mechanisms have
brought out to defame the 600 bil, have absolutely no legal validity.
Many attempts were made by Artemis Sorras to remind them of their
obligation to check its validity before rejecting or defaming it. And to
put a stop to the unnecessary signing of new memorandums,
measures and the signing away of people’s lives, but to no avail.
Artemis charges the whole government for high treason, violation of
their duties and criminal malpractice.
Apart from the facts mentioned, we also have two court cases against
Artemis Sorras,
1. One in June 2013 by Adonis Georgiadis for a) spreading false
news, b) concerning the people, and c) the abolition of the
state!!!: Which are very serious crimes.
2. And one more recently in 2017
Artemis Sorras is acquitted of all charges in both court cases!!!! He
was found not guilty because the evidences were too strong and
If this isn’t enough evidence, from 2015 up to today, the 600bil
appears in every balance sheet of the government. Let’s see these on
Keep in mind these are in euros, and if we exchange these amounts to
dollars of their respective dates, they will equal 600bil!!!
2015: only 94 bil
2016: 532bil
2017: 563 bil
2018: 552 bil
2019: exactly 600 bil which includes the interest as well.
Yianis varoufaki, high ranking economic advisors and the current
economic minister Tsakalotos himself (who by the way has signed two
of these balance sheets) have been publicly questioned and none of
them can give an answer.
Varoufakis dared to say that it was a fake document!!!
That concludes our first economical tool 600 bil, I’m sure there are
enough evidences.
Let’s move to the second economic tool which involves the shares of
the bank of Anatolia (trapeza anatolis) we will travel a little back to
the 1900s and the Asia-minor Catastrophe.
The bank of the Orient (Trapeza tis Anatolis) was established in 1904
by the National Bank of Greece and the National bank of
Deutschland. Both are private banks.
Remember that after 1833, nothing established after the “Kingdom of
Greece” ever belonged to the Greek people. This includes the National
Bank of Greece.
Until 1922, the bank of Anatolia had 90% of the wealth of Ellenes living
in Asia minor, Alexandria, Smyrni, Constantinople and Thessaloniki.
In order to understand how wealthy that geographic region was,
Ellenes in Smyrny had 5800 industrial factories while in Greece, they
only had 450.
When the slaughter and genocide was occurring in Smyrni, all the
Ellenes deposited their title deeds of their factories and homes within
the bank of Anatolia, thinking it was a Greek bank. Basically all their
In 1931, the national bank tried to perform a takeover with the bank
of Anatolia.
This was impossible because they could never gather above 50% of
the shareholders to legally validate this merger. The majority were
In the balance sheets of the bank of Anatolia during its operation, we
see amounts of 83.5 million Gold francs. Now this today in euros,
passes quadrillion amounts.
Can you see now Ellines how much wealth actually belongs to the
Ellene nation!!!
This means that the Bank of Anatolia has never closed and still exists
today. It actually operates within a small section inside the National
Bank in Athens.
We actually have last year’s FEK which states that the company
“Trapeza Anatolis”, performed a general meeting in 2018!!!.
In other words Ellines, the genocide of 4 million of our great
grandparents, was strategically conspired for the theft of their assets
and gold!!!!!
The Bank of Anatolia had 280,000 shares and the shareholders were
the Ellene people. These shares were backed by gold and in golden
francs. The guarantor or payee of these is the then Central Bank of
France. What do you think the name of that bank is today??? THE
CENTRAL EUROPEAN BANK!!!! They will have a lot to answer for when
we all unite!!!
Artemis Sorras possesses 40 validated shares of the bank of Anatolia,
which are stamped by the French embassy.
They have passed through a parliamentary control, which is the
highest control mechanism of government.
Their value has been validated at 678 billion each share!!
Artemis Sorras deposits 8 shares, 4 in one non-profit organisation and
4 in another for the same purpose of paying off the Greek debt.
The tax he has to pay for the shares amounts to 27.2 billion euros.
The tax department does not collect the tax forcing Artemis to
possibly be the only person on the planet who has sued the tax
department for not collecting his tax.
He also offered one share to the HOLY SYNOD to help pay off the debt
and help the Ellenes struggling in such difficult circumstances. They
refused the offer.
The last and 3RD ECONOMICAL TOOL refers to the structuring and
financing of the municipalities and for Ellenism ABROAD.
As a result of the Bretton woods agreement, 198 countries have a
huge amount of wealth in accounts within their banking corporations.
These accounts were kept hidden until Artemis Sorras provided us
with the 2007 world bank balance sheet. It lists the enormous wealth
of all these countries that rightfully belong to the people.
According to the world balance sheet, Greece has $115 trillion. Even
Australia has a huge amount.
The document contains the signatures of every Minister of Finance,
Prime-Minister and UN representative of each country.
It also has the signatures of global judges, the UN, the international
criminal court, Interpol, CIA and many more.
It is important to also know that the municipality “Dimos” constitutes
the first degree of local self-government. It has more power than the
parliament itself.
Therefore, the dimos has every right and power to structure financing
from these accounts in order to create development projects for their
district. Hence why the majority of councils and their mayors are
affiliated with a political party, so it is guaranteed that this won’t
Artemis Sorras has 5 power of attorneys from 5 different
municipalities who have given him the power to download funds for
restructuring and developing projects in all of Ellas and for Ellinismos
abroad. This means for us Ellenes in Australia!!!
He has undertaken all legal procedures in order to structure the
financing of $2.3 trillion from these heritage accounts for 49,000
projects in Ellas, Cyprus and Ellinism abroad.
He has also committed his personal guarantees so no burden will
come upon any municipality.
This is one reason ELLINON SYNELEYSIS was created, and it has been
created by the fundamental part of society, which is the people
themselves. We currently have 400 offices in Ellas and globally. In
Germany, Australia, America, Canada. Our strength and presence is
huge, even though the media don’t show us.
Each one is independent, but in total harmony with all other offices.
This is because the 33 protocols and the value system is at the core of
every decision we make. We are the only organisation that has true
and defined human values and puts the human being at the centre of
every decision.
We have every right to structure projects around the globe for the
benefit of Ellenism and the people.
Some important objectives of Ellinon Syneleysis are the following:
1. The evaluation, promotion and demand for a full audit of the
total debt
2. The cancellation of all the memorandums and loan agreements
deemed as illegal
3. Demand the punishing of abusers of public money and the
confiscation of their assets.
4. To declare and demand the immediate withdrawal of all
contrary international agreements that converts Ellas into an
inhumane European concentration camp for illegal immigrants
and protectorate of foreign power manipulation.
5. Demand all intellectual copyrights everywhere globally,
wherever there is a Hellenic cultural element, heritage, temple,
monument, symbols. Basically everything Hellenic that is only
the heritage of the Ellenes.
6. To promote, support and bring forth the true history of the
Ellenes, the sciences, culture, and pursue all legal means to
punish and convict anyone who fraudulently reproduced
fabrication and treason against Hellenism worldwide.
7. Replacing the Central Bank of Greece with one of purely Ellene
And these are just a few of the 27 objectives of Ellinon Syneleysis.
As Ellenes living in Australia, through our NPO Organisations “Ellinon
Syneleysis”, we can play an active role in completing these objectives
especially ones regarding Ellenic intellectual property and
Just like MAKEDONIA is ours by right of inheritance, there is
absolutely no Makedonia issue, THEY have the issue, Makedonia WAS,
IS and will ALWAYS BE ELLAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Our founding declaration (ιδρυτικη διακηριξη) is based on the
inheritance we legally have as ancestors of Alexander the Great, not
just land but the enormous wealth and every plouto that comes with
his name for the Ellene Nation and Ethnos.
In addition to everything else Artemis has open headedly given us, he
has also revealed that there is not even ONE government gazette (fek)
that legally forms the greek government!!!!
Ellinon Syneleysis is the LEGAL representation of the nation. The
sovereignty we lost from the Kingdom of Greece, is now being legally
Our ultimate goal is the 5th Ethnosinelevsi, continuing on from
Kapodistria and continuing on from the 1st ever Ethnosinelevsi which
was achieved by Alexander the Great’s father Phillipos.
This can only be achieved if we all unite, and Ellinon Synelevsis paves
the way for this to be achieved. And establish a true Ellinon Politeia
with our 33 protocols consisting of 12 values, 18 principles and 3 State
Laws as its foundation, the human himself.
It’s time to take back the control of our wealth and plouto. The
SOVEREIGN Ellene has awoken and is growing rapidly.

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