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Work  Sample  –  ID  


The purpose of this training is to provide time-saving solutions for evaluating and
analyzing student progress. Teachers will be introduced to three response systems that can be
used on Google Chromebooks to efficiently gather and organize data in real-time.

Teachers at the elementary level are expected to teach 5-6 subject areas a day, and
thoroughly monitor student understanding for each one. Between prepping materials,
internalizing the content of lessons, anticipating misconceptions, and managing unexpected
behaviors, a teacher’s schedule does not realistically allow for a proper analysis of student work.

Using student response systems will allow teachers more time to plan and execute
instruction, as they will no longer be spending that time grading and analyzing student exits
tickets, assessments, quizzes, etc. In order to fully implement such a plan, the following steps
will take place.

Teachers will take a survey (examples below) to establish their existing knowledge of
Google Chromebooks, student response systems, and roughly how much time is spent grading.

Following the introductory survey, the course instructor will introduce a training
homepage using Google Classroom. This page will serve as a place for learners to respond to

Brian  Bollinger  
Work  Sample  –  ID  
discussion questions, display their understanding of student response systems, and ask questions
outside of PD. Participants of the course will be expected to create and upload their own SRS
using Google Classroom.

The next steps of the design will be the focal point of the learning. The student response
systems will individually be presented, exemplifying their separate functions, grading capacities,
and examples of how to use each one in the classroom.

As teachers see the many benefits of student response systems, they will be expected to
create and implement one into their own instruction, gather data, and share the results using the
Google Classroom account.

According to the survey results, 25 percent of our teachers in grades 3-5 use Google
Chromebooks to assess student learning. Of that 25 percent, zero teachers are familiar with any
student response systems. In addition to our limited use of technology, 83 percent of grades 3-5
teachers spend over 60 minutes per day grading student work. These twelve teachers are
certainly a dedicated group of educators, and their commitment to student learning is evident.

The learning audience is in need of a solution to allow more time to evaluate students’
success. The contents of this training will provide an in-depth approach to implementing student
response systems using technology resources as a way to analyze student data as it being

SMART Objectives

By the end of this training, all twelve teachers of grades 3-5 will be able create formative
assessments in two subject areas for students to take on Google Chromebooks, using at least two
connected classroom technologies.

As a result of implementing the newly learned resources, all twelve teachers will be able
to analyze and interpret student data, and adjust future instruction in less than thirty minutes.

Brian  Bollinger  
Work  Sample  –  ID  
Throughout the course, teachers will be given opportunities to interact with three student
response systems, and create formative assessments to use in their classroom. As shown above,
the learners will answer a questionnaire to provide a better understanding of existing knowledge
of response systems. The specific systems being implemented include Google Forms, Kahoot,
and Answer Garden. Each of these tools provides immediate results, and displays individual
student understanding, as well as whole group trends. The course instructor will model how each
system works, exemplify their instructional benefits, and instruct the learning audience to engage
with the assessments as their students would.

Brian  Bollinger  
Work  Sample  –  ID  

The delivery of the course will be presented through in-person professional development
trainings, web-based discussions through Google Classroom, and practice sessions creating the
individual student response systems. The PD sessions will take place in a classroom where one
of the learners works everyday. Throughout the presentation of the course, learners will engage
in formative assessments using the same tools they are expected to use in their own classrooms.
Google Chromebooks will be the learning devices that connect all learners to the new student
response systems.

Instructional Strategies
Learners will be evaluated on the assessments they create, and their ability to collect data
using the same technology. Using Google Chromebooks, the teachers will be introduced to the
way in which we will be using Google Classroom as a way to connect students to each student
response system.

As each SRS is introduced, teachers will engage in activities modeling what they’ll be
expected to create at the end of the course. Data will be collected and shared across the class of
students to demonstrate the time saving capacity of each technology.

Outside of the PD, teachers will be instructed to create their own formative assessment
using an SRS, and implement it into their instruction. In addition, each teacher will be expected
to note the time it takes analyzing student work, and adjusting the next day’s instruction.

Using Google Classroom, discussion questions will be answered as a reflective practice

to the course. Data will be brought back to PD the following week, where teachers will have the
opportunity to collaborate and improve their formative assessments


As a way to understand the audience’s learning preference, a PD survey was created to be

completed prior to the course. It’s important to connect with the learners’ needs before teaching a
course, as it will allow for a more relatable and purposeful sense of instruction, ensuring full
engagement and attention. Using a simple Google form, the 12 teachers were asked if they
preferred a fully web-based PD, or a hybrid between in-person and web support.

Instructional Materials

Brian  Bollinger  
Work  Sample  –  ID  
The majority of the teachers decided on a hybrid course, where the instructor will model
the assessment tools in person, following up with support on Google Classroom. In order for the
course to be successful, the teachers need to be familiar with Google Classroom. The first fifteen
minutes of the in-person training will include an overview of Google Classroom, and how we’ll
be using it throughout the course. This overview will include how to join the class, access links,
answer discussion questions, and upload assignments.

Following the homepage overview, the instructor will use the next fifteen minutes of the
training to display the many benefits of using student response systems. The presentation will
focus on student engagement and immediate data tracking.

Brian  Bollinger  
Work  Sample  –  ID  
Feedback Mechanisms

The remaining 60 minutes of the course will be a demonstration of how to use the
specific resources (Forms, Kahoot, Answer Garden), followed up with work time to create their
own. Using a resource from the course, learners will complete a survey to provide feedback
regarding the content of the course itself.

In order to gather feedback about the materials prior to implementation, the technology
survey referred to earlier will be a great help in identifying how much time will be needed
demonstrating each resource.

As the survey results displayed a lack of experience using technology in the classroom,
the time allotted for introductory resources may require an adjustment. Rather than diving right
into the specific resources, the teachers will need more time to practice and apply general skills
using the Google Chromebooks.

Brian  Bollinger  
Work  Sample  –  ID  

Implementation materials are rather simple within this course training. Learners will be
working in a common classroom with access to Internet. 12 Google Chromebooks will be
required to access the response tools, Google Classroom, and a projected laptop. The lesson will
progress according to the 5E lesson format:

• Engage: Learners will watch a video on Student Response Systems to gather attention,
and direct the focus of the instruction. Following the video, learners will access Google
Classroom and answer the discussion question: How do you see yourself using student
response systems in your classroom?

• Explore: Learners will be instructed to interact with one of the SRS’ available. By
clicking on a link in Google Classroom, they will be brought to one of the SRS site for a
5-minute exploratory session. Following the exploration, learners will answer another
discussion question about what they’ve learned or thought was interesting as they
interacted with the tools.

• Explain: The instructor will model the response tools, introduce how they can be used,
and engage learners with interactive assessments throughout instruction.

• Extend: The learners will be able to create their own student response tools using the
resource of their choice. The created assessments will be intended to be used in the
teacher’s own classrooms, gathering data on their own student progress.

• Evaluation: Learners will be formatively assessed Google Form quizzes, Kahoot

quizzes, and an Answer Garden word cloud activity.


The training itself will be evaluated throughout the course. Teachers will have
opportunities to express their concerns and ask any questions they have along the way.

As a formative assessment using Google Classroom, there will be discussion questions

for each phase of the ADDIE model. The questions will require each teacher to share thoughts
and opinions of the course, and according to their responses, I will be able to understand how
well the activities in the course are working.

To evaluate the analysis phase of the instruction, teachers will answer a discussion
question about the way in which they were prepared for the course.

Brian  Bollinger  
Work  Sample  –  ID  
Assessing the design phase will require questions about the way in which the content was
presented, the amount of time allotted for applying the resources, and the pacing of the training.
Similar to the way the design is evaluated, the development will be assessed with learner
feedback on the materials and preparation of the instructor.

The implementation phase will be evaluated with a question regarding the focus of the
course, and if the resources used were directly connected to the goals of the training. In addition
to the relevance of the materials being used, it’s also important to ensure that the learners are
enjoying the training, and not viewing it as a task.

Brian  Bollinger  
Work  Sample  –  ID  
As a summative assessment, the reaction of the learners will be evaluated from a Kahoot
quiz survey. To evaluate my co-workers learning and behavior, they will be asked to complete
the same Google form they completed prior to the training. This will allow me to understand
how much growth has occurred, and if the content was sustainable over time.

Lastly, I will ask the teachers to complete an evaluation on the resources from the course.
This will allow me to adjust the specific response systems according to the needs and interests of
the teachers. The apps will be evaluated according to a rubric to specifically understand the
strengths of the course content, and the areas where growth is needed.

Brian  Bollinger  
Work  Sample  –  ID  

Kievlan, P. (2016, June). Common Sense Review: Formative. Retrieved from


Shirley, M. L., & Irving, K. E. (2015). Connected classroom technology facilitates multiple
components of formative assessment practice. Journal of Science Education and
Technology , 24(1), 56-68. Retrieved from


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