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How to make your own reading plan

The writing format of reading plan source is similar to the ​yet file format​. The file extension is
The file consists of lines, and each line consists of fields (columns) separated by tabs, one tab
for each field. ​Make sure you use tabs and not spaces. Do not use multiple tabs as a separator
between a pair of fields​.

You have to create the ​info section​ and ​days section​ in your .rpa file.

Info section

info ​version 1
info ​title M'Cheyne Bible Reading Plan
info ​description Daily Old Testament, New Testament, and Psalms or Gospels
info ​duration 365

It always starts with "info", then a tab, a key (see below), another tab, and a value (see below).


key example value description

version 1 File format version. Currently,

it is always 1.

title M'Cheyne Bible Reading Title of this reading plan


description Daily Old Testament, New Description of this reading

Testament, and Psalms or plan. It can be as long as
Gospels needed, but it must be
contained within one line.

duration 365 Number of days required to

finish this plan.

Days section

day 1 Gen.1.1-Gen.1.10 Matt.1
day 2 Gen.1.11-Gen.1.20 Matt.2

The first line means that the first day's plan consist of ​2​ readings:
● Genesis 1:1 to Genesis 1:10
● Matthew 1 (the whole chapter)

The second day also has 2 readings: Genesis 1:11-20, and Matthew 2.


day day_number range range …

day_number​ is 1 to the last day as specified in duration on the header.

Each of the ​range​ is separated by a tab (not spaces).

range​ is indicated by one of the following:


start​ is a ​verse_spec​.
end​ is a ​verse_spec​.

In case that range has a ​start​ but no ​end​, the ​end​ is assumed to be the same as the ​start​. This
only makes sense for verse 0 (see below).

verse_spec​ is one of:

ari decimal number (e.g. ​256​, ​131072​)
ari hex number (e.g. ​0x000100​)
lid number prefixed by "lid:" (e.g. ​lid:1​, ​lid:31102​)
OSIS id with optional verse (e.g. ​Gen.1​, ​Ps.119.1​)

In case of ari, the verse number 0 means the first verse for ​start​, and the last verse for ​end​.

In case of osis id, omitted verse means the first verse for ​start​, and the last verse for ​end​. How
to write OSIS ids is shown below.

Writing OSIS ids

The book names needs to be written as following. Please make sure that it is exactly the same,
for example, Exodus is "Exod", not "Ex" or "Exo".

Old Testament books

Gen Exod Lev Num Deut Josh Judg Ruth 1Sam 2Sam 1Kgs 2Kgs 1Chr 2Chr Ezra Neh Esth Job
Ps Prov Eccl Song Isa Jer Lam Ezek Dan Hos Joel Amos Obad Jonah Mic Nah Hab Zeph Hag
Zech Mal
New Testament books
Matt Mark Luke John Acts Rom 1Cor 2Cor Gal Eph Phil Col 1Thess 2Thess 1Tim 2Tim Titus
Phlm Heb Jas 1Pet 2Pet 1John 2John 3John Jude Rev

Single chapter books

For books with one chapter, like Obadiah, Philemon, 2 John, 3 John, and Jude, make sure that
a chapter number (which is always 1) is written. For example, the first verse of Jude must be
written as ​Jude.1.1​, and the last verse of Jude must be written as ​Jude.1.25​. Writing it as
Jude.25 ​would not work. Hence, if you want a reading to be the whole book of Jude, you can
write it either as ​Jude.1​ or ​Jude.1.1-Jude.1.25

Multiple chapters
Make sure that when a reading spans multiple chapters, such as Matthew 1 to Matthew 3, it is
written like ​Matt.1-Matt.3​, i.e. with ​Matt​ repeated. It is incorrect to write it as ​Matt.1-3​.

When you’ve finished, upload your ​.rpa​ file at ​www.bibleforandroid.com/rp/upload​ to use that on
the Bible for Android app.

If you have any questions, or you need to delete/replace/edit some of the submitted entries,
please contact help@bibleforandroid.com.

Common mistakes
If you get an error when uploading the .rpa file, please check for the following.

Tabs are used to separate fields (columns) and not spaces. If you use Sublime Text to edit the
.rpa file, you can select all text and visually examine it to know whether a character is a space or
a tab. A tab looks like a horizontal line, as follows:

The value of ​duration​ on the ​info section​ must match the number of days in the ​days section​.

When writing verse ranges, you must mention the end of a range in complete form. For
example, Ecclesiastes chapter 1 to chapter 3 is not written as ​Eccl.1-3​, but ​Eccl.1-Eccl.3​. To
spot for this mistake, if your text editor supports regular expressions, search for ​-\d+\b​. ​Update
2016-04-26: For convenience, now you can mention only ​verse​ or ​chapter.​ ​verse​ for the end of
the range​.

Separate book name and chapter number with a period, like ​Zeph.3​ instead of ​Zeph3​. To spot for
this mistake, if your text editor supports regular expressions, search for ​[a-z]\d​.

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