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Chapter IV


This chapter presents the analysis and interpretation of data gathered

through the questionnaire about the motivational values of CPAs and their


1. Demographic Profile of Certified Public Accountants

Certified public accountants are people who need to deal with their works

and undertakings with high level of professionalism. Sometimes, CPAs were

facing situations or scenarios that cause demotivation and lowering of their level

of professionalism. Hence, they must be equipped with necessary and relevant

knowledge, skills, abilities, trainings and experiences to practice with high level of

independence, objectivity, integrity, confidentiality, competence, professional due

care and behavior on their respective areas of accounting practice. The study

presents the demographic profile of certified public accountants in terms of age,

sex, civil status, monthly income, number of years of working experience and

areas of accounting practice.

4.1.1 Age

Table 4.1.1 presents the distribution of respondents when it comes to age.

Table 4.1.1
Distribution of Respondents in terms of Age

Age bracket Frequency Percentage

22-39 years old 57 81.4
40-64years old 12 17.1
65 years old and above 1 1.4
Total 70 100

Fifty-seven out of 70 respondents were at the age 22-39 which is

equivalent to 81.4 percent of the total sample size. This 22-39 age bracket is

highly composed of young professionals that are at the start of their careers.

Some have already managerial positions on their respective area of accounting

practice. On the other hand, there are 12 respondents who belong at the age

bracket of 40-64 which is equal to 17.1 percent of the total sample size. These

individuals are mostly those who have high managerial positions such

department heads, senior accountants, chief accountant and head of finance.

The least among the respondents is one who is 65 years old and above or 1.4

percent. This shows that even if it is mandated in the Philippines’ Labor Code

that the retirement age for Filipino workers is 65, some of the accountants still

continue to work and serve using their knowledge and expertise casted and

shaped through time and experiences. This conforms with study of Eskildsen

(2008) that found a positive linear relationship between age and work motivation

as well as between age and work satisfaction.

4.1.2 Sex

Table 4.1.2 presents the distribution of respondents in terms of sex.

Table 4.1.2
Distribution of Respondents in terms of Sex

Sex Frequency Percentage

Male 15 21.4
Female 55 78.6
Total 70 100

Most of the respondents were females which constituted 55 out of 70

respondents which covered 78.6 percent of the sample size. On the other hand,

males were constituted of the remaining 15 individuals or 21.4 percent. There is

a great difference with the number of female respondents compared to male.

This shows that there was a scarcity of male certified public accountants in

Batangas City and Lipa City. This kind of result conforms with the study of

Williams (2009), females are moving toward becoming the majority rather than

the minority in accounting practice.

4.1.3 Civil status

Table 4.1.3 presents the distribution of respondents in term of civil status.

Table 4.1.3
Distribution of Respondents in terms of Civil Status

Civil status Frequency Percentage

Single 51 72.9
Married 18 25.7
Widow/Widower 1 1.4
Total 70 100

Out of 70 respondents, the highest number belongs to those who are

single which were constituted of 51 individuals or 72.9 percent of the sample

size. Most of these individuals are those who are at the age bracket of 22-40.

Next, there are 18 married certified public accountants that formed 25.7 of the

total respondents while there is an individual that has been widowed. She

constituted the remaining 1.4 percent. There was no recorded case of an

individual that have been separated. Being a certified public accountant, just like

other professions, requires several drives towards work. One of these drives was

family responsibility. Married individuals have greater responsibility to their family

unlike single individuals. This conforms to the study of Kulik (2010) that said that

single respondents of both sexes were more likely than their married

counterparts to view unemployment as a personal advantage because it gives

them more time to themselves. Moreover, married respondents of both sexes

were more likely to accept job offers because of family responsibilities.

4.1.4 Monthly income

Table 4.1.4 presents the distribution of respondents when it comes to

monthly income.

Table 4.1.4
Distribution of Respondents in terms of Monthly Income

Monthly income Frequency Percentage

Php 10,001-30,000 43 61.4
Php 30,001-70,000 23 32.9
Php 70,001-140,000 4 5.7
Total 70 100

Forty-three of the respondents have an income that is between Php

10,001 and Php 30,000. This is equivalent to 61.4 percent. These individuals are

those who are at the start of their careers. They are the ones who hold lower

positions compared to those who were being paid with higher rates. Next, 23

respondents indicated a salary within the range of Php 30,001-70,000. Those

individuals encompassed 32.9 percent. On the other hand, these individuals are

those CPAs having a high managerial position and usually have a 5 years and

above working experience. There were also some who indicated an income

within the range of Php 70,001-140,000. Those 4 individuals constituted the

remaining 5.7 percent. These individuals are those who hold the highest position

on their respective area of accounting practice. This was related to the study of

Gordon and Kaswin (2010) that indicated that broad-based incentive plans can

be utilized as a means to encourage both employee performance and


4.1.5 Number of Years Working Experience

Table 4.1.5 presents the distribution of the respondents when it comes to

number of years of working experience.

Table 4.1.5
Distribution of Respondents in terms of Number of Years of Working

Years of working experience Frequency Percentage

5 years and below 49 70
6 years and above 21 30
Total 70 100

Majority of the CPAs in Batangas City and Lipa City are at the start of their

accounting careers with a frequency of 49 or 70 percent. It can be gleaned that

majority of the respondents are just new in their accounting careers. The rest are

those 21 individuals that have years of working experience 6 years and above

which formed the remaining 30 percent. According to Gunasti (2010), experience

like the formal and informal training improves the capabilities of accountants to

judge professionally.

4.1.6 Area of Accounting Practice

Table 4.1.6 presents the distribution of respondents in terms of area of

accounting practice.

Table 4.1.6
Distribution of Respondents in terms of Area of Accounting Practice

Area of accounting practice Frequency Percentage

Public practice 21 30
Private practice 21 30
Government 25 35.7
Academe 3 4.3
Total 70 100

Most of the respondents were from the government areas which were

constituted of 25 individuals or 35.7 percent of the total sample size. In addition,

both public practice and private practice forms 60 percent of the sample size.

Both public practice and private practice has a frequency of 21 respondents. In

addition to that, 3 individuals practice their expertise solely in academe area

which is equivalent to 4.3 percent of the respondents. The distribution of

respondents to several areas of accounting practice helped in the observation of

how accounting practices were derive differently between cultures. According to

Young (2013), accounting standards, the written rules of accounting, are formed

by accounting practices, the implied rules of accounting, and conducted in a

particular culture. These implied rules develop differently due to the way in which

business relationships evolve across various cultures. Business relationships

differ due to the environment or culture in which the relationship is formed,

including external factors such as differing laws, economic state and political

climate. Therefore, if accounting standards come from accounting practices and

accounting practices are developed and influenced by culture through business

relationships, then accounting is highly driven by the culture in which it is


2. Extent of Manifestation of Certified Public Accountants’ Motivational


Motivation is the reason for people's actions, desires, and needs. A motive

is what prompts the person to act in a certain way, or at least develop an

inclination for specific behavior. Values guide the selection or evaluation of

actions, policies, people, and events. Values have played an important role not

only in sociology, but in related disciplines as well like accounting. Values are

used to characterize cultural groups, societies, and individuals, to trace change

over time, and to explain the motivational bases of attitudes and behavior. Values

influence the way accountants act in different situations including the judgments

and decisions that they make. The study aimed to evaluate the extent of

manifestation of Certified Public Accountants in terms of universalism,

benevolence, conformity, tradition, security, power, achievement, hedonism,

stimulation and self-direction.

2.1 Universalism

Exhibiting universalism means of incorporating the values of broad-

minded, social justice, equality, world at peace, world of beauty, unity with

nature, wisdom and protecting the environment. In terms of accounting, it also

means safeguarding of public interest which serves as the hallmark of the

accountancy profession. (Schwartz, 1992). Universalism is based on the idea of

common citizenship and social rights. Under universalism, public social welfare

grants and services are available to all citizens without restriction to social class,

income or status (O’Connor, 2009). In general, universalism is a positive norm


where rules are applied equally to all persons and it advocates treating all people

well. Universalism looks at the means and intentions, stating that the end is not

most important but rather the duties and obligations followed in getting there.

Table 4.2.1 presents the assessment of the manifestation of motivational

values of Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) in terms of universalism or

safeguard of public interest.

Table 4.2.1
Extent the CPAs manifest the following Motivational Values in terms of

Universalism Weighted mean Verbal

1. Thinking that every person should
be treated equally and wanting justice
for everybody is important. 3.89 Great Extent
11. Listening to different people and
understanding others even though 3.64 Great Extent
there is a disagreement is important.
21. Believing that people should care
for nature and looking after the 3.70 Great Extent
environment is important.
31. Believing that people should live
in harmony and promoting peace 3.76 Great Extent
among all groups in the world is
36. Wanting everyone to be treated
justly and protecting the weak in the 3.77 Great Extent
society is important.
38. Adapting to nature, fitting into it
and believing people should not 3.41 Moderate Extent
change nature is important.
COMPOSITE MEAN 3.70 Great Extent

The composite mean in the assessment of extent of manifestation of

motivational values by CPAs in terms of universalism was 3.70. This means that

they are very much like of the statements given in the questionnaires and the

result has a verbal interpretation of a great extent. It can be gleaned from the

result that the CPAs of Batangas City and Lipa City greatly understand and

appreciate the protection of the welfare of the people. They also highly believe on

their responsibility to safeguard the interest of the public. This is in conformity

with the study of Fah (2008) which concluded that majority of the respondents

has an affinity toward the understanding, appreciation, tolerance, and protection

for the welfare of all people and for nature.

In the evaluation of the extent of manifestation of motivational values of

CPAs in Batangas City and Lipa City, the statement that states that it is important

that every person in the world be treated equally and justice for everybody, even

for people they do not know is interpreted by the respondents as very much like

them. It achieved the highest weighted mean of 3.89 with a verbal interpretation

of to a great extent.

Moreover, the statement that said that they want everyone to be treated

justly, even for people they do not know and protecting the weak in society is

important to them is very much like by the respondents. It resulted with a

weighted mean of 3.77. In addition to that, the respondents are very much like

the statements where they believe all the worlds’ people should live in harmony

and promoting peace among all groups in the world is important to them which

bring about a weighted mean of 3.76. Also, the statement where they strongly

believe that people should care for nature and looking after the environment is

important is also very much like of the respondents. It gives rise to a weighted

mean of 3.70. Another, the respondents are very much like the statement that

said that listening to people who are different and understanding them though

they are different is important which lead to a weighted mean of 3.70.

All of the foregoing statements have a weighted mean with a verbal

interpretation of to a great extent. This reflects the concern of the CPAs in being

fair and equal to the public and their clients by giving assurance to the public that

they render service without biased. It also means that CPAs in Batangas City and

Lipa City highly give importance to the fairness and just treatment of others. They

did not care only for themselves but also for people around them as well as for

the nature. The high extent of manifestation of CPAs in universalism is mainly

because the distinguishing mark of accountancy profession is acting for the

public interest.

However, the statement that states that adapting to nature and fitting into

it is important is somewhat like the CPAs of Batangas City and Lipa City. It

resulted to a lowest weighted mean of 3.41 with a verbal interpretation of to a

moderate extent. This is because accounting profession are mostly engaged and

dedicated most of their time in office works, thus, they seldom interact with


2.2 Benevolence

. Benevolence is an act of a person or thing to help others with intention of

helping or benefiting others. People have a benevolent attitude towards other

people as well as causes and effects that tie in to the reasoning behind why

someone acts a certain way. Motivational goal of benevolence deals with

preservation and improvement of the interest of one’s family and friends that

includes loyalty, honesty, and helpfulness, and being a true friend and loving in a

mature manner. Benevolence means preserving and enhancing the welfare of

those with whom one is in frequent personal contact. Table 4.2.2 presents the

assessment of the manifestation of motivational values of Certified Public

Accountants (CPAs) in terms of benevolence or protecting organizational


Table 4.2.2
Extent the CPAs manifest the following Motivational Values in terms of

Benevolence Weighted mean Verbal

2. Helping and caring for other people is
important. 3.67 Great Extent
12. Being loyal to friends and devoting
oneself to them is important. 3.71 Great Extent
22. Responding to the needs of others
and supporting them is important. 3.60 Great Extent
32. Forgiving people and trying to see
what is good in them and not holding a 3.43 Moderate Extent
grudge is important.
COMPOSITE MEAN 3.60 Great Extent

The composite mean in the assessment of extent of manifestation of

motivational values of CPAs in terms of benevolence was 3.60. It can be gleaned

from the result that the respondents are very much like the statements given

therefore they manifest benevolence to a great extent. CPAs in Batangas City

and Lipa City extremely value the welfare of the organization they are working

with because as professional accountants, they want to maintain the reputation

of the company they are belonging to.

In the evaluation of the extent of manifestation of motivational values of

CPAs in Batangas City and Lipa City, being loyal to friends and devoting oneself

to people close to them are important are assessed by the respondents as very

much like them. It gathered the highest weighted mean of 3.71 and has a verbal

interpretation of to a great extent which means that the respondents highly

valued their loyalty to their friends. Moreover, the respondents also assessed the

statement that states that it is very important for them to help the people around

them and they want to care for other people as well as the statement saying that

it is important for them to respond to the needs of others trying to support those

they know as very much like them with a weighted mean of 3.67 and 3.60

respectively has a verbal interpretation of to a great extent. The reason is that

professional accountants have a frequent interaction with other people, thus, they

develop the benevolent attitude. Klein (2013) defined benevolences as the

activity of one person or thing helping another with the intention to help or benefit

the other. He also added that there are reasons why people have a benevolent

attitude towards other people as well as causes and effects that tie in to the

reasoning behind why someone acts a certain way.

However, weighted mean of 3.43 is for the statement that says that

forgiving people who might have wronged me is important to them and trying to

see what is good in them and not to hold a grudge and interpreted by the

respondents as somewhat like them therefore they manifest the statement only

to moderate extent. These statements show that CPA’s of Batangas City and

Lipa City attach importance to the welfare of others other than themselves. This

statement has the lowest mean because as professional accountants, whenever

there are conflicts, they make sure that they approach the certain conflict

objectively which is in line with the Code of Ethics of Professional Accountants to

act without bias.

2.3 Conformity

Motivational value of conformity deals about the requirement that

individuals inhibit inclinations that might disrupt and undermine smooth

interaction and group functioning. In accounting, it is the compliance with rules

and conventions (Schwartz, 1992). Table 4.2.3 presents the extent of

manifestation of motivational values of CPAs in Batangas City and Lipa City in

terms of conformity.

Table 4.2.3
Extent the CPAs manifest the following Motivational Values in terms of

Conformity Weighted mean Verbal

3. Believing that people should do what
they’re told and thinking people should 3.36 Moderate Extent
follow rules at all times, even no one is
watching is important.
13. Behaving properly is important and
avoiding doing anything people should 3.40 Moderate Extent
say is wrong.
23. Being obedient and showing respect
to parents and older people is 3.67 Great Extent
33. Being polite to other people all the
time is important and trying not to 3.61 Great Extent
disturb or irritate others.
COMPOSITE MEAN 3.51 Great Extent

The composite mean of the extent of motivational values of CPAs in

Batangas City and Lipa City was 3.51. It can be gleaned that they are very much

like of the statements given which deals with conformity therefore they manifest

conformity to a great extent. This means that respondents believe that there is a

need to meet the expectations of society and not to create unnecessary

disruptions in social interaction. As a result, there is a tendency to follow tradition

and established customs and procedures such as generally accepted accounting

principle. This is in conformity with the study of Fah (2008) that implies that

respondents are generally motivated by the need to follow prescribed rules and

regulations as well as established ways of doing things.

In the evaluation of the extent of manifestation of motivational values of

CPAs in Batangas City and Lipa City, the highest weighted mean in conformity

was 3.67 which believes that being obedient and respecting parents and older

people are important. It is followed by the statement that considers that being

polite to other people is important with a weighted mean of 3.61. The foregoing

statements are assessed by the respondents as very much like them hence, they

manifest conformity to a great extent. Since CPA’s are highly educated

individuals, they highly believe that being respectful and polite to others are very


Meanwhile, the respondents assessed the statement as somewhat like

them which states that avoiding doing anything people would say is wrong which

has a mean of 3.40. The same assessment can be gleaned from the statement

that believes that people should do what they are told and they should follow

rules at all times even if no one is watching which has a verbal interpretation of

3.36. Both the statements were interpreted by the CPAs as somewhat like them

which mean that they manifest the statements to a moderate extent. This is

because accountants follow certain principles such as accounting standards and

generally accepted accounting principle.

2.4 Tradition

Contentment forms a part of the motivational value of tradition. It deals on

how an individual accepts the things he/she does not possess and nourish the

things that he/she has. Contentment forms an influence to a Certified Public

Accountant to act professionally.

Groups everywhere develop practices, symbols, ideas, and beliefs that

represent their shared experience and fate. In accounting sense, it talks about

compliant with general accepted accounting principle. Table 4.2.4 shows the

extent of manifestation of motivational values of CPAs in Batangas City and Lipa

City in terms of tradition.

Table 4.2.4
Extent the CPAs manifest the following Motivational Values in terms of

Tradition Weighted mean Verbal

4. Thinking not to ask for more what
they have is important and believing 3.36 Moderate Extent
that people should be satisfied with
what they have.
14. Thinking that religious belief is
important and trying hard to do what the 3.29 Moderate Extent
religion requires.
24. Believing it is best to do things in
traditional ways and following the 2.83 Moderate Extent
customs learned is important.
34. Thinking that it is important to be
humble and modest and trying not to 3.56 Great Extent
draw attention.
COMPOSITE MEAN 3.26 Moderate Extent

The result reveals that the respondents assessed the statements that deal

about conformity as somewhat like them which has a 3.26 composite mean. This

implies that they manifest conformity to a moderate extent. CPAs in Batangas

City and Lipa City moderately followed the tradition and established customs and

procedures. Moreover, it also indicates that the respondents moderately conform

to generally accepted accounting principles. This is in line with the study of Fah

(2008) that stated that the professional accountants are generally motivated by

the need to follow prescribed rules and regulations as well as established ways

of doing things. This stems from what Schwartz (1992) described as a need to

meet the expectations of society and not to create unnecessary disruptions in

social interaction. As a result, there is a tendency to follow tradition and

established customs and procedures.

In the evaluation of the extent of manifestation of motivational values of

CPAs in Batangas City and Lipa City, the statement that is interpreted by the

respondents as very much like them and has a highest weighted mean of 3.56

believes that being humble and modest is important, thus they manifest this

statement to a great extent. The probable cause is that professional accountants

are highly educated individuals thus they act modestly.

This is followed by the statement that it is important not to ask for more

than what you have and be satisfied with what they have that gathered a

weighted mean of 3.36 that has a response of somewhat like them, the same as

to the statement, having a religious belief and to do what the religion requires is

important andwith a weighted mean of 3.29. Both statements are assessed by


the CPAs as somewhat like them thus, the extents of manifestation by the

respondents are moderate. This is in consistency with the study of Fah (2008)

that entails that the motivational goal of tradition includes the respect,

commitment, and acceptance of the customs and ideas that one’s culture or

religion imposes on the individual.

However, the lowest weighted mean also has a verbal interpretation of to

a moderate extent that said that it is best to do things in traditional ways and to

follow the customs they have learned with a weighted mean of 2. 83. The

statement is assessed by the respondents as somewhat like them thus the

respondents moderately manifest the said statement. This is because

motivational value of tradition deals about conforming with generally accepted

accounting principle.

2.5 Security

According to Fischer and Green (2009),security implies a stable, relatively

predictable environment in which an individual or group may pursue its ends

without disruption or harm and without fear of such disturbance or inquiry.

Furthermore, Craighead (2008) said that the traditional definition of security

maybe the provision of private services in the protection of people, information

and assets for individual safety or community wellness. The motivational goal of

security incorporates the desire for ‘safety, harmony, and stability of society, of

relationships, and of self’. In the study of Schwartz (1992), security values have

been defined as the desire for certainty, stability and integrity in the practice of

accounting and the conduct of the profession. The preference for security values

would result in accountants adopting conservative and prudent attitudes,

practicing due care and diligence as well as placing importance on reliability and


Table 4.2.5 presents the extent of manifestation of motivational values of

CPAs in Batangas City and Lipa City in terms of security.

Table 4.2.5
Extent the CPAs manifest the following Motivational Values in terms of

Security Weighted mean Verbal

5. Living in secure surroundings is
important and avoiding anything that 3.36 Moderate Extent
might endanger safety.
15. The country being safe from threats
from within and without is important. 3.44 Moderate Extent
25. Organizing and cleaning things is
important and not wanting things to be a 3.43 Moderate Extent
35. Trying hard to avoid getting sick and
staying healthy is important. 3.56 Great Extent
39. Having a stable government is
important. 3.47 Moderate Extent
COMPOSITE MEAN 3.45 Moderate Extent

The composite mean in the assessment of extent of manifestation of

motivational values by CPAs in terms of security was 3.45 and assessed by the

CPAs as somewhat like them thus, they manifest security to a moderate extent.

This means that accountants in Batangas City and Lipa City are conservative

and prudent. Moreover, they are practicing due care and diligence as well as

placing importance on reliability and dependability. The findings are in conformity

with the study of Fah (2008) which stated that respondents of the study are

generally educated and trained to exercise due care and diligence in their work,

to place importance on honesty and dependability and to avoid volatility and


In the evaluation of the extent of manifestation of motivational values of

CPAs in Batangas City and Lipa City, the statement that has a highest weighted

mean of 3.56 was they try hard to avoid getting sick and staying healthy is very


It is followed by a weighted mean of 3.47 that states that having a stable

government is important and they are concerned that the social order be

protected. Furthermore, the statement that the country be safe within and without

is important gathered a weighted mean of 3.44. Lastly, the statement that

gathered 3.36 weighted mean was it is important for them to live in secure

surroundings and they avoid anything that might endanger their safety. All of the

forgoing statements were assessed by the respondents as somewhat like them

thus, they manifest the statements to a moderate extent.

2.6 Power

Power refers to the goal of the attainment of social status and prestige,

and control or dominance over people and resources. It includes authority,

wealth, social power, preserving public image and social recognition. In

accounting sense, it means preserving the status of the profession (Schwartz,

2001). Table 4.2.6 presents the extent of manifestation of motivational values of

CPAs in Batangas City and Lipa City in terms of power.


Table 4.2.6
Extent the CPAs manifest the following Motivational Values in terms of

Power Weighted mean Verbal

6. Being rich is important and having a
lot of money and expensive things. 2.30 Some Extent
16. Being in charge and telling others
what to do is important. 2.29 Some Extent
26. Wanting to be the one who makes
the decisions and liking to be the leader. 2.47 Some Extent
COMPOSITE MEAN 2.35 Some Extent

The result of the study concludes that power has the lowest composite

mean of 2.35 which is assessed by the CPAs as a little like them. This means

that CPAs in Batangas City and Lipa City manifest only to some extent the want

for social status and prestige, and control or dominance over people and

resources. This is in accordance with the study of Fah (2008) that concluded that

the respondents of his study rated themselves as only a little or somewhat like

people whose goals are to have power and prestige in society.

In the evaluation of the extent of manifestation of motivational values of

CPAs in Batangas City and Lipa City, the statement with the highest weighted

mean said that they always want to be the one who makes the decisions and

they like to be the leader with 2.47 weighted mean. It is followed by the

statements which believe that it is important for to be rich and to have a lot of

money and expensive things, as well as being in charge and telling others what

to do have a weighted mean of 2.30 and 2.29 respectively. The foregoing

weighted means are assessed by the respondents as a little like them thus they

manifest power to some extent only.


2.7 Achievement

Achievement values refer to demonstrating competence in daily

interaction. It means that the person is motivated because he wants to

accomplish something in his life. In accounting parlance, achievement means the

desire to become recognized for their professional and technical competence.

Table 4.2.7 shows the extent of manifestation of CPAs motivational values in

Batangas City and Lipa City in terms of achievement.

Table 4.2.7
Extent the CPAs manifest the following Motivational Values in terms of

Achievement Weighted mean Verbal

7.Showing abilities is important and
wanting it to be admired by people. 2.96 Moderate Extent
17. Being very successful is important
and impressing other people. 2.64 Moderate Extent
27. Being ambitious is important and
wanting to show capabilities. 2.89 Moderate Extent
37. Getting ahead in life and striving to
do better than others is important. 2.71 Moderate Extent
COMPOSITE MEAN 2.80 Moderate Extent

The table shows a composite mean of 2.80 because they generally

assessed the statements as somewhat like them. This only means that

respondents are moderately demonstrating competence in daily activity

especially in accounting and technical competence. This result is in accordance

with the study of Fah (2008) that revealed that the respondents are somewhat

like people whose goal is to achieve personal success through demonstrating

competence according to social standards.


In the evaluation of the extent of manifestation of motivational values of

CPAs in Batangas City and Lipa City, the statement with the highest weighted

mean said that it is very important for to show their abilities and for people to

admire what they do with 2.96 weighted mean. It is followed by the statement

that says it is important to be ambitious and to show how capable they are with a

weighted mean of 2.89. Moreover, the study revealed a weighted mean of 2.71

for the statement getting ahead in life is important to me. The statement with the

lowest weighted mean of 2.64 was being very successful is important to them

and they like to impress other people has been assessed by the respondents as

somewhat like them thus they moderately manifest this statement.

2.8 Hedonism

The motivational goal of hedonism was explained by Schwartz (1992)

derived from ‘the pleasure associated with satisfying’ physiological needs. The

values that are related to this are pleasure and enjoying life. Things or feelings

may cause or give an individual physical, intellectual and emotional pleasure also

belong to this motivational value. Moreover, according to Schwartz, it does not

appear to have any obvious manifestation in accounting practice either than

obtainment of material enjoyment from challenging work that accountants do.

Table 4.2.8 shows the extent of manifestation of CPAs motivational values in

Batangas City and Lipa City in terms of hedonism.


Table 4.2.8
Extent the CPAs manifest the following Motivational Values in terms of

Hedonism Weighted mean Verbal

8. Seeking every chance to have fun
and doing things that give pleasure is 3.23 Moderate Extent
18. Enjoying life’s pleasures is important
and liking to spoil oneself. 3.04 Moderate Extent
28. Wanting to enjoy life and having a 3.39 Moderate Extent
good time is important.
COMPOSITE MEAN 3.22 Moderate Extent

It resulted to a composite mean of 3.22 and assessed by the respondents

as somewhat like them, thus, they manifest hedonism to a moderate extent. In

this case, it shows that the CPAs in Batangas City and Lipa City moderately

associate their pleasure to physiological needs. The result is associated with the

study of Fah (2008) that revealed that there are only a little people whose goal is

to seek pleasure and enjoyment in life.

In the evaluation of the extent of manifestation of motivational values of

CPAs in Batangas City and Lipa City, the highest weighted mean of 3.39 was a

result of the statement that states that they really want to enjoy life and have a

good time. It is followed by a weighted mean of 3.29 which says that they seek

every chance they can to have fun. Lastly, the statement that said it is important

to enjoy life's pleasures has a weighted mean of 3.04. all of the foregoing

statements were assessed by the respondents as somewhat like them, thus, they

manifest those to moderate extent.


2.9 Stimulation

According to Schwartz (1992), the motivational goal of stimulation includes

values that are derived from the presumed organismic need for variety and

stimulation in order to maintain an optimal level of activation. The accountants’

preference for stimulation values may manifest in the propensity to take on more

risk, for example, in the recognition, measurement and disclosure of financial

information. Table 4.2.9 shows the extent of manifestation of CPAs motivational

values in terms of stimulation.

Table 4.2.9
Extent the CPAs manifest the following Motivational Values in terms of

Stimulation Weighted mean Verbal

9.Thinking it is important to do lots of
different things in life and looking for 3.23 Moderate Extent
new things to try.
19. Liking to take risks and looking for 2.99 Moderate Extent
29. Liking surprises and having an 3.14 Moderate Extent
exciting life is important.
COMPOSITE MEAN 3.12 Moderate Extent

The study revealed a composite mean for stimulation of 3.12 and

assessment of somewhat like them, hence, they manifest stimulation to a

moderate extent. In this case, it clearly shows that the respondents are

manifesting a moderately type of person who wants to take risk. This is in

conformity with the findings of Fah (2008) in his study that accountants have

propensity to avoid risky situations.

In the evaluation of the extent of manifestation of motivational values of

CPAs in Batangas City and Lipa City, the highest weighted mean was 3.23 in the

statement which they think it is important to do lots of different things in life. It is

followed by the 3.14 weighted mean of the statement that said that they like

surprises and to have an exciting life. The lowest weighted mean was 2.99 for

the statement they like to take risks and always look for adventures. The

previous weighted means were assessed by the respondents as somewhat like

them, thus, they manifest it to a moderate extent.

2.10 Self- direction

Values in the self-direction domain refer to reliance on and gratification

from one’s independent capacities for decision-making, creativity, and action. It

provides the opportunity to make decisions about what supports and services

you need to help you enjoy meaningful relationships. Self-direction values in

accounting can refer to the desire of accountants to exercise their professional

judgment in carrying out their duties without being restricted by rules and

regulations. In making these professional judgments, accountants would be able

to satisfy their need for independence of thought and action. Table 4.2.10 shows

the extent of manifestation of CPAs motivational values in Batangas City and

Lipa City in terms of self-direction. Self -direction provides you the opportunity to

make decisions about what supports and services you need to help you enjoy

meaningful relationships with friends, family and others in your lives, experience

personal health and growth, live in the home and community you choose, and

work, volunteer, or do recreational activities you enjoy with others in your


Table 4.2.10
Extent the CPAs manifest the following Motivational Values in terms of

Self-direction Weighted mean Verbal

10. Thinking up new ideas and being
creative is important and liking to do 3.34 Moderate Extent
things in own original way.
20. Making own decisions about what
to do is important and liking to be free 3.33 Moderate Extent
to plan and to choose activities for
30. Being interested in things is
important. Liking to be curious and 3.44 Moderate Extent
trying to understand all sorts of things.
40. Being independent is important and
liking to rely on oneself. 3.30 Moderate Extent
COMPOSITE MEAN 3.35 Moderate Extent

The statements that deal with self-direction has a composite mean of 3.35

which were interpreted by the respondents as somewhat like them which mean

that they manifest the motivational values to a moderate extent. It can be

gleaned that CPAs in Batangas City and Lipa City moderately exercise their

professional judgment in carrying out their duties without being restricted by rules

and regulations. This finding is in accordance with the study of Fah (2008) which

indicated that accountants place a lot of importance on the ability to exercise

their professional judgment so that they can satisfy their need for independent

thought and action.

In the evaluation of the extent of manifestation of motivational values of

CPAs in Batangas City and Lipa City, the statement with the highest weighted

mean of 3.44 says that it is important to be interested in things and they like to be

curious and to try to understand all sorts of things. It is followed by the statement

that place important on thinking up new ideas and being creative is important

with 3.34 weighted mean. The foregoing statements were assessed by the CPAs

as somewhat like them hence they manifest it to a moderate extent. As CPAs, it

is important to know every detail of the procedures provided by the standard

because it is important in making professional judgment.

Moreover, the statement that says that it is important to make own

decisions about what they do has 3.33 weighted mean. Meanwhile, the

statement that gives importance on being independent and relying to them has a

mean of 3.30.

3. Assessment on the Level of Professionalism of Certified Public


Professionalism plays an important role as it causes the respondents to

act in accordance with relevant laws and guidelines, morals, standards and as

well as call of conscience. Professionalism is defined as those strategies and

rhetoric employed by members of an occupation in seeking to improve status,

salary and conditions and this is a term used to describe enhancement of the

quality of service and it consists of the attitudes and behavioral orientation that

individual possess toward their occupations (Linda, 2008). It requires those

working as professionals to be worthy of trust, to put client first, to maintain

confidentiality and not use their knowledge for fraudulent purposes

Table 4.4 presents the assessment on the level of professionalism of the


Table 4.3
Assessment on the Manifestation of Professionalism of the Respondents

Professionalism Weighted Verbal

mean Interpretation
1. Committing to be straightforward and being honest in 3.74 Great Extent
all professional engagements.
2. Behaving fairly in all professional engagements and 3.71 Great Extent
3. Avoiding any significant misleading or fake 3.71 Great Extent
4. Not violating or penetrating the integrity principle. 3.61 Great Extent
5. Obligating not to expose objectivity to case of
bargaining and compromise, as a result of bias and 3.66 Great Extent
conflict of interest.
6. Protecting objectivity from exaggerate influence of
others, and avoiding all circumstances and cases which 3.61 Great Extent
may weaken it.
7. Studying all cases and conditions that may negatively 3.54 Great Extent
influence objectivity.
8. Introducing skilled services that are not connected to 3.46 Moderate
bias conditions or relations. Extent
9. Preserving and developing excellent knowledge and 3.57 Great Extent
skills with high levels.
10. Practicing judgment in a sound way. 3.59 Great Extent
11. Obligating necessary due care, according to the 3.64 Great Extent
task requirements, at the correct time.
12. Obligating professional behavior, in obeying to laws. 3.66 Great Extent
13. Avoiding to disgrace the professional reputation 3.69 Great Extent
when marketing and publicizing the job.
14. Abiding with truth, honest and not exaggerating, 3.74 Great Extent
concerning the marketing of services or qualifications,
or experiences, or the overstating fees.
15. Obligating not to use special information either for 3.57 Great Extent
self-utilization, or for third party benefit.
16. Preserving confidentiality within the social 3.63 Great Extent
environment, either for relatives or other parties.
17. Obligating the confidentiality concept even after the Great Extent
end of the work to the client. 3.67
COMPOSITE MEAN 3.64 Great Extent

The composite mean in the assessment of the extent of manifestation of

CPAs' professionalism is 3. 64 which shows that the respondents strongly agreed


with the given questionnaires which illustrates situations where a certified public

accountant acts professionally, thus they manifest professionalism to a great

extent. The result of the study is in conformity with the study of Degracia,

Capuyan and Vizcarra (2015) which found out that the level of professionalism in

perception of the Licensed Customs Brokers and their respective clients were the

same which was said to be high.

On the questions given, those who got the highest computed weighted

mean are those who says that they commit themselves to be straight forward and

honest in all of their professional engagements, they avoid misleading

information, they behave fairly in all their professional engagements and they

avoid disgracing their professional reputation which has a weighted mean of

3.74, 3.71 and 3.69 respectively. The statements mostly deal about integrity and

independence because this is the trademark of accountancy profession. This is

in conformity with Jaber and Fadda (2016) that said that integrity must be the

cornerstone of the professional accountant’s mind, and serious percussions must

be taken in advance to build a solid protection wall against threats, which may

endanger his independence and job if the case they take place occurred.

In the assessment of extent of manifestation of professionalism by the

respondents, the statements that state that they introduced skilled services that

are not connected to bias conditions, studying all cases that may negatively

affect objectivity and presentation and development of excellent knowledge and

skills at high levels got the lowest mean. The statements mostly deal about the

professional competence of CPAs because in preserving professional


competence, CPAS are required to undergo Continuing Professional Education

which includes attending seminars and trainings. this is in conformity with the

study of Mendoza (2016).

4. Comparison on the Motivational Values of the Respondents in terms of

their Profile Variables.

4.4.1 Age

Table 4.3.1 illustrates the comparison on the motivational values of the

respondents in terms of age.

Table 4.4.1
Comparison on the Motivational Values of the Respondents in terms of Age

Motivational Values Young

Adulthood Maturity
(40-65 years old) (Above 65 years old)
(22-39 years old)
Mean VI Mean VI Mean VI
Universalism 3.68 GE 3.75 GE 4.00 GE
Benevolence 3.60 GE 3.58 GE 4.00 GE
Conformity 3.51 GE 3.46 ME 4.00 GE
Tradition 3.35 ME 3.21 ME 4.00 GE
Security 3.45 ME 3.40 ME 4.00 GE
Power 2.40 SE 2.06 SE 3.33 ME
Achievement 2.92 ME 2.15 SE 3.75 GE
Hedonism 3.21 ME 2.81 ME 1.33 NM
Stimulation 3.35 ME 2.78 ME 1.0 NM
Self-direction 3.41 ME 3.04 ME 4.00 GE
Legend: GE= Great Extent ME= Moderate Extent SE= Some Extent

The table shows that in terms of age, in universalism, the age of 65 years

old and above has the highest mean of 4.00, followed by the age ranging 40-64

years old with a mean of 3.75 and the age ranging 22-39 years old has the

lowest mean of 3.67. It shows that the age of 65 years old and above has the

highest manifestation of universalism, followed by the age ranging 40-64 years

old and the age ranging 22-39 years old has the lowest manifestation of

universalism. Because at maturity stage, as people grow older, they do their jobs

to help others in the society and to safeguard the public interest. It is similar to

the study conducted by Warr (2008) that showed older and younger workers

similarly valued having a responsible and respectable job aligned with one’s

abilities, but older workers were more likely than younger workers to value having

a job that contributes to the society. According to Erik Erikson’s psychoanalytic

theory of psychosocial development, during adulthood, people give back to

society through raising children, being productive at work, and becoming involved

in community activities and organizations. Occurring in young adulthood, people

begin to share themselves more with others.

In benevolence, the age of 65 years old and above has the highest mean

of 4.00, followed by the age ranging 22-39 years old with a mean of 3.60 and the

age ranging 40-64 years old has the lowest mean of 3.58. People at the maturity

stage have the highest manifestation of benevolence because they tend to be

more responsible and dedicated to their work; they are more concerned on the

interest and for the welfare of the organization they belong. According to

Tourigny and Pulich (2006), most employers view older workers as mature and

stable contributors to their organizations. Older workers are perceived as having

lower absenteeism rates than younger workers and as possessing good work

ethics. According to the psychoanalytic theory of psychosocial development, in

young adulthood, people explore relationships leading toward commitments in

the organization. And during adulthood, people start establishing their careers

through an organization.

In achievement, the age of 65 years old and above has the highest mean

of 3.75, followed by the age ranging 22-39 years old with a mean of 2.92 and the

age ranging 40-64 years old has the lowest mean of 2.14. People at the maturity

stage have the highest manifestation of achievement because they tend to be

more competent and have integrity in a fast, growing and changing corporate

world. According to Grube and Hertel (2012), older workers have a higher striving

for career advancement than younger workers. During maturity stage, people

contemplate their accomplishments.

In power, the age of 65 years old and above has the highest mean of 3.33,

followed by the age ranging 22-39 years old with a mean of 2.39 and the age

ranging 41-65 years old has the lowest mean of 2.05. People at the maturity

stage have the highest manifestation of power because they lead and direct the

younger ones on the organization preserving their status of profession. According

to Arnett (2005), those at old age employees are all about knowing they were

pulling clear and starting to feel responsible and accountable in what will go

through with their career. According to the psychoanalytic theory of psychosocial

development, in adulthood, people start establishing their career and develop a

sense of being a part of the bigger picture.

In security, the age of 65 years old and above has the highest mean of

4.00, followed by the age ranging 22-39 years old with a mean of 3.45 and the

age ranging 40-64 years old has the lowest mean of 3.40. People at the maturity

stage have the highest manifestation of security because they can be expected

to exhibit integrity in the workplace. According to John Hein (2012), honesty is


common among older workers, whose values as a group include personal

integrity and a devotion to the truth.

In self-direction, the age of 65 years old and above has the highest mean

of 4.00, followed by the age ranging 22-39 years old with a mean of 3.40 and the

age ranging 40-64 years old has the lowest mean of 3.04. People at the maturity

stage have the highest manifestation of self-direction because they are well

experienced and they already encountered different challenges in order for them

to have a good and independent professional judgment. According to Cabanyes-

Truffino and Brand (2014), advantageous decision-making was associated with

increasing age.

In conformity, the age of 65 years old has the highest mean of 4.00,

followed by the age ranging 22-39 years old with a mean of 3.51 and the age

ranging 40-64 years old has the lowest mean of 3.45. In tradition, the age of 65

years old and above has the highest mean of 4.00, followed by the age ranging

22-39 years old with a mean of 3.25 and the age ranging 40-64 years old has the

lowest mean of 3.20. People at the maturity stage have the highest manifestation

of conformity and tradition because they are used on following Generally

Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and the work rules of the organization

honed by their experience. According to Oliver (2017), older workers are

motivated, willing to participate in training and career development.

In stimulation, the range of 22-39 years old has the highest mean of 3.21,

followed by the age ranging 40-64 years old with a mean of 2.80 and the age of

65 years old and above has the lowest mean of 1.33. People in young adulthood

have the highest manifestation of stimulation because they prefer a challenging

work environment and tend to explore and learn new things. According to Fah

(2008) older accountants prefer a more secure environment and will try to avoid

uncertain and risky situations.

In hedonism, the range of 22-39 years old has the highest mean of 3.35,

followed by the age ranging 40-64 years old with a mean of 2.77 and the age of

65 years old and above has the lowest mean of 1.00. People in young adulthood

have the highest manifestation of hedonism because they live to have a happy

life and find a way to enjoy life despite the workloads. According to Fah (2008),

younger accountants have a tendency to enjoy life more than the older ones.

4.4.2 Sex

Table 4.3.2 illustrates the comparison on the motivational values of the

respondents in terms of sex.

Table 4.4.2
Comparison on the Motivational Values of the Respondents in terms of Sex

Motivational Values Female Male

Mean VI Mean VI
Universalism 3.74 GE 3.68 GE
Benevolence 3.67 GE 3.59 GE
Conformity 3.53 GE 3.50 GE
Tradition 3.22 ME 3.27 ME
Security 3.56 GE 3.42 ME
Power 2.44 SE 2.33 SE
Achievement 2.85 ME 2.79 ME
Hedonism 3.33 ME 3.19 ME
Stimulation 3.29 ME 3.07 ME
Self-direction 3.65 GE 3.27 ME
Legend: GE= Great Extent ME= Moderate Extent SE= Some Extent

The table shows that in terms of sex, in universalism, males have a higher

mean of 3.66 than on females with a mean of 3.68. In benevolence, males have

a higher mean of 3.66 than on females with a mean of 3.58. In achievement,

males have a higher mean of 2.85 than on females with a mean of 2.78. In

power, males have a higher mean of 2.44 than on females with a mean of 1.04.

In security, males have a higher mean of 3.56 than on females with a mean of

3.42. In self-direction, males have a higher mean of 3.65 than on females with a

mean of 3.27. In conformity, males have a higher mean of 3.53 than on females

with a mean of 3.50. In tradition, females have a higher mean of 3.26 than on

males with a mean of 3.21. In hedonism, males have a higher mean of 3.28 than

on females with a mean of 3.07. In conformity, males have a higher mean of 3.33

than on females with a mean of 3.18.

The researchers found out that males have a higher manifestation of

universalism, benevolence, achievement, power, security, self-direction,

conformity, stimulation and hedonism than on females, while females have a

higher manifestation of tradition than on males.

Males have a higher manifestation of universalism because they tend to

value the work that could help people in the society. Males have a higher

manifestation of benevolence because in achieving the corporate goal, they are

protecting organizational interest for the welfare of the same. Males have a

higher achievement and power because of their ego of wanting to be ahead or

above than females. Males have a high manifestation of self-direction because

they tend to have an independent professional judgment. Males have a higher

manifestation of conformity because according to Fah (2008), males tend to

place relatively more importance on maintaining high standards of professional


competence to meet the increasing demands by society on the profession. Males

have a higher manifestation of stimulation because they tend to be risk takers.

According to Kogan and Wallach (2003), males are greater risk takers than


Males are also more concerned with the status and prestige of the

profession (Fah, 2008). Men tended to be more ambitious and inclined to plan for

career success. Women were more likely to express a willingness to forego

career success for happiness in a balanced life (Morley, 2007).

4.4.3 Civil Status

Table 4.3.3 illustrates the comparison on the motivational values of the

respondents in terms of civil status.

Table 4.4.3
Comparison on the Motivational Values of the Respondents in terms of
Civil Status

Motivational Values Single Married Widow/Widower

Mean VI Mean VI Mean VI
Universalism 3.70 GE 3.69 GE 3.83 GE
Benevolence 3.61 GE 3.61 GE 3.25 ME
Conformity 3.53 GE 3.44 ME 3.50 GE
Tradition 3.26 ME 3.25 ME 3.00 ME
Security 3.46 ME 3.42 ME 3.40 ME
Power 2.39 SE 2.26 SE 2.00 SE
Achievement 2.90 ME 2.51 ME 2.75 ME
Hedonism 3.38 ME 2.80 ME 2.67 ME
Stimulation 3.24 ME 2.80 ME 2.67 ME
Self-direction 3.43 ME 3.17 ME 3.00 ME
Legend: GE= Great Extent ME= Moderate Extent SE= Some Extent

The table shows that in terms of sex, in universalism, males have a higher

mean of 3.66 than on females with a mean of 3.68. It shows that males have a

higher manifestation of universalism because they tend to value the work that

could help people in the society. According to Andy Oram (2010), men place a

higher value on people/society-oriented job than females.

In benevolence, males have a higher mean of 3.66 than on females with a

mean of 3.58. It shows that males have a higher manifestation of benevolence

because in achieving the corporate goal, they are protecting organizational

interest for the welfare of the same. According to Rutherford (2011), males use

whatever sources they have available to protect the organizational interest.

In achievement, males have a higher mean of 2.85 than on females with a

mean of 2.78. It shows that males have a higher manifestation of achievement

because males exhibit higher priorities for the competence values of imaginative

and logical while females exhibit higher priority for the moral value of loving.

According to Cynthia Jeffrey (2012), males prefer competence values and

females have higher preference for moral values.

In power, males have a higher mean of 2.44 than on females with a mean

of 1.04. Men tended to be more ambitious and inclined to plan for career

success. It shows that males have a higher manifestation of power because of

their ego of wanting more to lead than on females by exercising their authority.

According to Garry Powell (2003), men are more likely than woman to value

intrinsic (e.g., solitude, autonomy, opportunity to lead and exercise authority) and

extrinsic (e.g., promotion, opportunities and earnings) attributes that confer

independence, power, prestige and money. According to Fah (2008) males are

more concerned with the status and prestige of the profession.


In security, males have a higher mean of 3.56 than on females with a

mean of 3.42. It shows that males have a higher manifestation of security than on

females because males exhibit integrity in the workplace than on females.

According to Stephen Gilliland (2007), females generally demonstrate higher

levels of self-serving biases than on males.

In self-direction, males have a higher mean of 3.65 than on females with a

mean of 3.27. It shows that males have a higher manifestation of self-direction

because they tend to have an independent professional judgment than on

females. According to Joan Smith (2013), a woman’s professional judgment is at

risk of being influenced by her emotions.

In conformity, males have a higher mean of 3.53 than on females with a

mean of 3.50. It shows that males have a higher manifestation of conformity

because they comply with the rules of the workplace since most of the time,

males make the rules. According to Li –fang Zhang (2012), men were expected

to come up with new ideas and make the rules and decisions.

In stimulation, males have a higher mean of 3.33 than on females with a

mean of 3.18. Males have a higher manifestation of stimulation because they

tend to be risk takers. According to Kogan and Wallach (2003), males are greater

risk takers than females.

In hedonism, males have a higher mean of 3.28 than on females with a

mean of 3.07. It shows that males have a higher manifestation of hedonism

because females are more emotional than males, males tend to enjoy life.

According to John DeLamater (2006), women feel sad, demoralized, lonely,


worried. Tense, anxious, angry, annoyed, run down, tired and unable to

concentrate or to sleep than to feel happy, hopeful about the future than on men.

In tradition, females have a higher mean of 3.26 than on males with a

mean of 3.21. It shows that females comply more with the generally accepted

accounting principles than on males. According to Christian Smith (2014),

women tend not to cook up illegal schemes themselves, but were drawn by men

with whom they have strong relationships or because they occupied key

positions in accounting or compliance and so were necessary players to recruit

into the crimes.

4.4.4 Monthly Income

Table 4.3.4 illustrates the comparison on the motivational values of the

respondents in terms of income.

Table 4.4.4
Comparison on the Motivational Values of the Respondents in terms of
Monthly Income

Motivational Values Php 10, 001- Php 30 001- Php 70, 001-
30,000 70, 000 140,000
Mean VI Mean VI Mean VI
Universalism 3.66 GE 3.75 GE 3.75 GE
Benevolence 3.60 GE 3.63 GE 3.50 GE
Conformity 3.52 GE 3.49 ME 3.50 GE
Tradition 3.22 ME 3.34 ME 3.25 ME
Security 3.40 ME 3.52 GE 3.55 GE
Power 2.38 SE 2.26 SE 2.58 ME
Achievement 2.92 ME 2.62 ME 2.56 ME
Hedonism 3.41 ME 2.97 ME 2.58 ME
Stimulation 3.29 ME 2.90 ME 2.58 ME
Self-direction 3.44 ME 3.20 ME 3.31 ME
Legend: GE= Great Extent ME= Moderate Extent SE= Some Extent

The table shows that in terms of income, in universalism, those who are

earning an income ranging 30,001-70,000 have the highest mean of 3.753,


followed by those who are earning an income of 70,001-140,000 with a mean of

3.75 and those who are earning an income of 10,001-30,000 have the lowest

mean of 3.65.

In tradition, those who are earning an income ranging 30,001-70,000 have

the highest mean of 3.33, followed by those who are earning an income of

70,001-140,000 with a mean of 3.25 and those who are earning an income of

10,001-30,000 have the lowest mean of 3.21.

The researchers found out that those who are earning income ranging

30,001-70,000 have the highest manifestation of universalism and tradition while

those who are earning income ranging 10,001-30,000 have the lowest

manifestation of universalism and tradition.

In benevolence, those who are earning 30,001-70,000 have the highest

mean of 3.63, followed by those who are earning 10,001-30,000 with a mean of

3.59 and those who are earning 70,001-140,000 have the lowest mean of 3.50.

The researchers found out that those who are earning an income ranging

30,001-70,000 have the highest manifestation of benevolence while those who

are earning 70,001-140,000 have the lowest manifestation of benevolence.

In achievement, those who are earning an income ranging 10,001-30,000

have the highest mean of 2.91, followed by those who are earning an income

ranging 30,001-70,000 with a mean of 2.61 and those who are earning an

income ranging 70,001-140,000 have the lowest mean of 3.50.

In stimulation, those who are earning an income ranging 10,001-30,000

have the highest mean of 3.28, followed by those who are earning an income

ranging 30,001-70,000 with a mean of 2.89 and those who are earning an

income ranging 70,001-140,000 have the lowest mean of 2.58. In hedonism,

those who are earning an income ranging 10,001-30,000 have the highest mean

of 3.41, followed by those who are earning an income ranging 30,001-70,000

with a mean of 2.97 and those who are earning an income ranging 70,001-

140,000 have the lowest mean of 2.58.

The researchers found out that those who are earning an income ranging

10,001-30,000 have the highest manifestation of achievement, stimulation and

hedonism while those who are earning income ranging 70,001-140,000 have the

lowest manifestation of achievement, stimulation and hedonism.

In power, those who are earning an income ranging 70,001-140,000 have

the highest mean of 2.58, followed by those who earning an income ranging

10,001-30,000 with a mean of 2.37 and those who are earning an income

ranging 30,001-70,000 have the lowest mean of 2.26.

The researchers found out that those who are earning an income ranging

70,001-140,000 have the highest manifestation of power while those who are

earning an income ranging 30,001-70,000 have the lowest manifestation of


In security, those who are earning an income ranging 70,001-140,000

have the highest mean of 3.55, followed by those who are earning an income of

30,001-70,000 with a mean of 3.52 and those who are earning an income

ranging 10,001-30,000 have the lowest mean of 3.40.


The researchers found out that those who are earning an income ranging

70,001-140,000 have the highest manifestation of security while those who are

earning an income ranging 10,001-30,000 have the lowest manifestation of


In self-direction, those who are earning an income ranging 10,001-30,000

have the highest mean of 3.44, followed by those who are earning an income

ranging 70,001-140,000 with a mean of 3.31 and those who are earning an

income ranging 30,001-70,000 have the lowest mean of 3.19.

In conformity, those who are earning an income ranging 10,001-30,000

have the highest mean of 3.52, followed by those who are earning an income

ranging 70,001-140,000 with a mean of 3.50 and those who are earning an

income ranging 30,001-70,000 have the lowest mean of 3.48.

The researchers found out that those who are earning an income 10,001-

30,000 have the highest manifestation of self-direction and conformity while

those who are earning an income ranging 30,001-70,000 have the lowest

manifestation of self-direction and conformity.

According to Gordon and Kaswin (2010), broad-based incentive plans can

be utilized as a means to encourage both employee performance and

productivity. Salary is often enough motivation to keep employees working for an

organization, but it is not always enough to push them to fulfil their full potential.

For Universalism, the income scale that got the highest mean was Php

30,001-70,000. Certified Public Accountants having a monthly income of Php

30,001-70,000 have something to deal with the high level of universalism. The

higher an accountant gets paid, the more they become touched to public. The

mere fact that they become close to public, the more they were required to

protect the interest of the public.

For Benevolence, Php 10,001-30,000 income scale got the highest mean.

CPAs, being paid at this kind of rate, highly safeguard the organizational interest.

The more an accountant gets paid, the more trust is given to him by the

management requiring him to have a high concern on the organization’s interest.

For Conformity, Php 30,001-70,000 income scale got the highest mean

followed by Php 70,001-140,000 income scale. CPAs, having this range of

income, highly conforms to the rules and regulation of the organization. A high

level of income requires an accountant to highly follow rules and regulations as

they become high positioned individuals in the organization.

For Tradition and Security, the income scale that got the highest mean

was Php 70,001-140,000. CPAs being paid at this rate highly comply with the

organization’s rules and regulations and also highly manifest the values of

uniformity, conservatism, prudence and integrity. A high level of income

compared to others requires an accountant to act with uniformity, conservatism,

prudence and integrity being respectable individuals. Also, high salary indicates

that a CPA has high position in his organization making him knowledgeable of

the generally accounting principles.

For Power, Achievement and Hedonism, the highest mean belong to Php

10,001-30,000 income scale. CPAs, being paid at this range, highly preserve

their status of profession and competence and also are highly pleasured from

their works. The higher the salary, the more an employee gets satisfied towards

his work. Also, the higher an accountant gets paid, the more money he can use

to sustain his continuing professional competence. According to Painter (2003),

extrinsic rewards of salary, career advancement and organizational trust were

the most significant predictors of overall job satisfaction.

For Stimulation, CPAs, being paid at a range of Php 30,001-70,000 got

the highest mean. With these results, the researchers concluded that CPAs paid

at Php 30,001-70,000 income range highly take risks toward their works. The

higher the income of an accountant, the more he is given the chance to take risk

in his respective area of accounting practice.

For Self-direction, the income scale that got the highest mean was Php

10,001 -30,000. These results indicate that CPAs that are paid at this range have

a high level of professional judgment. The higher an accountant gets paid, the

more he is given the drive to work with high professional judgment. This drive

caused by high salary enables a CPA to apply all of his knowledge to provide

reliable outputs.

4.4.5 Number of years employed

Table 4.3.5 illustrates the comparison on the motivational values of the

respondents in terms of income.


Table 4.4.5
Comparison on the Motivational Values of the Respondents in terms of
Number of Years of Working Experience

Motivational Values Beginners Experienced

(5 years and below) (6 years and above)
Mean VI Mean VI
Universalism 3.72 GE 3.63 GE
Benevolence 3.66 GE 3.48 ME
Conformity 3.57 GE 3.38 ME
Tradition 3.31 ME 3.13 ME
Security 3.49 ME 3.36 ME
Power 2.52 ME 1.97 SE
Achievement 3.01 ME 2.31 SE
Hedonism 3.39 ME 2.83 ME
Stimulation 2.75 ME 3.29 ME
Self-direction 3.46 ME 3.10 ME
Legend: GE= Great Extent ME= Moderate Extent SE= Some Extent

The table shows that the respondents, who are beginners in their

respective jobs, highly manifest the motivational values with computed means of

3.72 for universalism, 3.65 for benevolence, 3.01 for achievement, 2.51 for

power, 3.48 for security, 3.46 for self- direction, 3.56 for conformity, 3.31 for

tradition, 3.27 for stimulation, and 3.38 for hedonism. The data show that the

individuals who are working 5 years and below manifest the motivational values

more than those who are experienced. With the result, the researchers

concluded that those who have less years of experience are more competent in

accounting profession.

Generally, the researchers concluded that in terms of years of working

experience, the group that has the least number of experiences which is 5 years

and below manifests most all of the individual motivational values. This is

because most of the accountants that fall under this range have skills that are a

lot different than what others manifest before. According to Bullock (2017),

accounting graduates of modern times are not like of what others used to be

because they are defined by a completely different infrastructure than the

generation before.

According to Gunasti (2010), experience like the formal and informal

training improves the capabilities of accountants to judge professionally.

4.4.6 Area of Accounting Practice

Table 4.3.6 illustrates the comparison on the motivational values of the

respondents in terms of income.

Table 4.4.6
Comparison on the Motivational Values of the Respondents in terms of
Area of Accounting Practice

Motivational Public Private Academe Government

Values Practice Practice
Mean VI Mean VI Mean VI Mean VI
Universalism 3.75 GE 3.68 GE 3.69 GE 3.39 ME
Benevolence 3.65 GE 3.65 GE 3.59 GE 3.00 ME
Conformity 3.56 GE 3.65 GE 3.33 ME 3.67 GE
Tradition 3.26 ME 3.31 ME 3.23 ME 3.08 ME
Security 3.54 GE 3.47 ME 3.37 ME 3.40 ME
Power 2.60 ME 2.48 SE 2.07 SE 2.11 SE
Achievement 3.06 ME 2.81 ME 2.57 ME 2.83 ME
Hedonism 3.48 ME 3.14 ME 3.09 ME 3.00 ME
Stimulation 3.37 ME 3.11 ME 2.95 ME 2.89 ME
Self-direction 3.60 GE 3.32 ME 3.17 ME 3.42 ME
Legend: GE= Great Extent ME= Moderate Extent SE= Some Extent

In universalism, public practice has the highest mean of 3.75, followed by

the government with a mean of 3.69, and next is the private practice with a mean

of 3.68, and then those who are employed on both academe and public practice

with a mean of 3.50 and the academe has the lowest mean of 3.16. In Table

4.4.6, it can be inferred in the table that the mean scores of the respondents in

universalism in terms of area of accounting practice are closely related and all

has verbal interpretation of to a great extent except in academe that has a verbal

interpretation of to a moderate extent. Public accountants are concerned in

protecting the interest of the public because they serve as the front runners in

business when it comes to upholding the quality of financial reporting and

providing the broader public with reliable financial information. This is in

conformity with Mintz (2013) that says accountants who are working in public

practice are explicitly charged to work on the public interest. Demand for

transparency in corporate reporting is evolving in response to investor and

creditor concerns about corporate social and environmental accounting as part of

the publicly available corporate report with assurance or attestation of

professional accountants.

In benevolence, public practice and private practice have both the highest

mean of 3.65, followed by the government with a mean of 3.59, next is those that

work both in academe and public practice with a mean of 3.12, and the academe

has the lowest mean of 2.75. It can be inferred in the result that the mean scores

of the respondents in benevolence in terms of area of accounting practice are

closely related and all has verbal interpretation of to a great extent except in

academe and those that work in both academe and public practice that has a

verbal interpretation of to a moderate extent. It can also have inferred in the

result that public accountants are concerned with the welfare of close others in

everyday interaction such as co-workers. This is in conformity with the study of

Balitaan, Hernandez and Pagcaliwagan (2017) which found out that employees

in an accounting firm consider the interest of all people involve in the firm.

Moreover, according to them, an employee does not only view decision in his/her

own perspective rather, he considers all aspects as to what the company and co-

employees will get in the decisions made.

In conformity, those who are working in both academe and public practice

has the highest mean of 4.00, followed by the private practice with a mean of

3.65, next is the public practice with a mean of 3.55, then the government with a

mean of 3.33 and the academe has the lowest mean of 3.00. With that, the

researchers inferred that accountants who are employed both in academe and

public practice manifest most conformity because being accounting educators

and practitioners at the same time will make them enrich their knowledge about

the rules and regulations provided by the standards on the books, which in turn

will be applied in practice which will make their output to conform more in

accounting standards. This is in accordance with that viewed accounting as a

learned professional occupation on which the greater public good is the central

concern (Evans, Juchau and Wilson, 2014).

Meanwhile, in tradition, private practice has the highest mean of 3.30,

followed by the public practice with a mean of 3.26, and next is the government

with a mean of 3.23, and then the academe and public practice with a mean of

3.12 and the academe has the lowest mean of 3.00. As shown in Table 4.4.6, it

can be inferred that the mean scores of the respondents are quite close to each

other with a verbal interpretation of to a moderate extent. Private practice got the

highest mean because professional accountants who are engaged in this type of

service are more concerned in making sure that financial statements


presentation and reporting are accurate by complying to rules and regulations

provided by the standard.

In security, public practice has the highest mean of 3.54, followed by the

academe and public practice with a mean of 3.50, next is the private practice with

a mean of 3.46, then the government with a mean of 3.36 and the academe has

the lowest mean of 3.20. As shown in Table 4.4.6, it can be inferred that the

mean scores of the respondents are quite close to each other with a verbal

interpretation of to a moderate extent.

In power, public practice has the highest mean of 2.60, followed by the

private practice with a mean of 2.47, next is the academe and public practice with

a mean of 2.16, then the government with a mean of 2.06 and the academe has

the lowest mean of 2.00. It can be gleaned from the table that most of the CPAs

manifest the value of preserving the status of the profession to some extent only

except to public practice that has a highest mean with a verbal interpretation of to

a moderate extent. Public practice has the highest mean because accountants

who are involved in this are expected to maintain the public’s trust at all times

because that is the hall mark of their profession. Baros, Cutler and Fortin (2009)

stated that the public accountant’s profession is built upon the collective

reputation of its practitioners and their role is to serve as the guardian of publics’

interest and trust.

In achievement, public practice has the highest mean of 3.05, followed by

the academe and public practice with a mean of 2.87, next is the private practice

with a mean of 2.80, then the academe with a mean of 2.75 and the government

has the lowest mean of 2.57. The result shows that CPAs in different area of

accounting practice in terms of professional competence does not vary that much

the extent of their manifestation. All of the responses got the verbal interpretation

of moderate extent. Meanwhile, public practice has the highest mean because

maintaining professional competence is really a must in public practice in order to

maintain the quality of service that they need to provide. Engaging in audit works

with different nature of business requires higher ability and knowledge in order to

perform obligation in relation with what is expected to them. This is in conformant

to Glusman and Cianciolo (2008) who said that every member of public practice

should observe the professions’ technical and ethical standards, strive

continually to improve competence and the quality of service, and discharge

professional responsibility to the best of their ability. Furthermore, public practice

also establishes the limitations of members’ capabilities by dictating the

consultation required when a professional engagement exceeds the personal

competence of each member. Each member is responsible for assessing his or

her own competence- of evaluating whether education, experience and judgment

are adequate for the responsibility to be assumed.

In hedonism, public practice has the highest mean of 3.47, followed by the

academe and public practice with a mean of 3.16, next is the private practice with

a mean of 3.14, then the government with a mean of 3.09 and the academe has

the lowest mean of 2.66.The result shows that hedonism in different area of

accounting practices are all interpreted as to a moderate extent, however, public

practice has the highest value of mean because they are usually engaged in

works that have extensive piled up of paper works and uncompromising

deadlines. With that, every leisure time that they have, they tend to spend it to

experiences where they can relax and please themselves. According to Arnold,

public accounting is a service industry with an environment that often includes

inflexible deadlines and constrained work budgets, which frequently requires

accounting professionals to work overtime. Moreover, Che, Emen, Legaspi and

Palayo (2009) found out that the dimensions of work-life balance are necessary

factors that could affect overall job satisfaction of the accountants engaged in

public practice.

In stimulation, public practice has the highest mean of 3.36, followed by

the academe and public practice with a mean of 3.33, next is the private practice

with a mean of 3.11, then the government with a mean of 2.94 and the academe

has the lowest mean of 2.00. The public practice has the highest extent of

stimulation because they are usually faced in deciding whether to accept or not

the engagement assigned to him/her.

In self-direction, public practice has the highest mean of 3.60, followed by

next is the private practice with a mean of 3.32, then the government with a

mean of 3.17 and the academe has the lowest mean of 3.00. Based on the

result, it can be inferred that those who are employed in both academe and

public practice and solely in public practice have means that are closely related

with each other with a verbal interpretation of to a great extent and the rest are

manifesting independent professional judgment in a moderate extent.


5. Relationship of Professionalism and Motivational Values of Certified

Public Accountants.

Table 4.5 shows the relationship between professionalism and

motivational values of CPA’s.

Table 4.5
Correlation between the Professionalism and Motivational Values of
the Respondents

Variables p-values Computed r- Verbal Interpretation

Universalism .001 .38 Strong positive linear
Benevolence < .001 .52 Strong positive linear
Conformity < .001 .50 Strong positive linear
Tradition < .001 .44 Strong positive linear
Security < .001 .53 Strong positive linear
Power .002 .37 Strong positive linear
Achievement .004 .25 Weak positive linear
Hedonism .002 .37 Strong positive linear
Stimulation < .001 .45 Strong positive linear
Self-direction < .001 .60 Strong positive linear

In the assessment of the relationship between motivational value of

universalism and professionalism, it can be gleaned that the p-value of 0.001

which is less than 0.05 indicates that the null hypothesis is rejected. This shows

that there is a significant relationship between universalism and professionalism.

The computed r-value of 0.38 indicates that there is a strong positive linear

relationship between universalism and professionalism. This is because

universalism is concerned with the interest of the public which is related to the

integrity component of professionalism that deals with being straight forward and

honest (Schwartz, 1992).

Moreover, the relationship between motivational value of benevolence and

professionalism has a p-value of less than 0.001 which is less than 0.05 and it

also indicates that the null hypothesis is rejected. The result shows that there is a

significant relationship between benevolence and professionalism. The computed

r-value of 0.52 means that there is a strong positive linear relationship between

benevolence and professionalism. This is because benevolence is concerned in

acting on behalf of the organizational interest which is inclined with the objectivity

of professional accountant where as they should not allow bias, conflict of

interest or undue influence of others to override professional or business

judgments (Schwartz, 1992).

In the assessment of the relationship between motivational value of

conformity and professionalism, it can be gleaned that the computed p- value is

less than 0.001 which is also less than 0.05 and it indicates that the null

hypothesis is rejected. This shows that there is a significant relationship between

conformity and professionalism. The computed r-value of 0.5 indicates that there

is a strong positive linear relationship between conformity and professionalism.

IFAC provides that a professional accountant should act diligently and in

accordance with applicable technical and professional standards when providing

professional services.

In the assessment of the relationship between motivational value of

tradition and professionalism, it can be gleaned that the p-value of 0.001 which is

less than 0.05 indicates that the null hypothesis is rejected. This shows that there

is a significant relationship between tradition and professionalism. The computed

r-value of 0.44 indicates that there is a strong positive linear relationship between

tradition and professionalism. IFAC provides that a professional accountant

should act diligently and in accordance with applicable technical and professional

standards when providing professional services.

In the assessment of the relationship between motivational value of

security and professionalism, it can be gleaned that the p-value of less than

0.001 which is less than 0.05 indicates that the null hypothesis is rejected. This

shows that there is a significant relationship between security and

professionalism. The computed r-value of 0.53 indicates that there is a strong

positive linear relationship between security and professionalism. In the context

of accounting, security would incorporate the desire for certainty, stability and

integrity in the practice of accounting and the conduct of the profession and the

preference for security values would result in accountants adopting conservative

and prudent attitudes, practicing due care and diligence as well as placing

importance on reliability and dependability (Schwartz, 1992). This is in line with

the definition of professionalism by IFAC which states that professional

accountant should act diligently and in accordance with applicable technical and

professional standards when providing professional services.


Furthermore, in the assessment of the relationship between motivational

value of power and professionalism, it resulted to a p-value of 0.002 which is less

than 0.05 suggest that the null hypothesis is rejected. This shows that there is a

significant relationship between power and professionalism. The computed r-

value of 0.37 indicates that there is a strong positive linear relationship between

power and professionalism. This is because professionalism is defined by Linda

(2008) as those strategies and rhetoric employed by members of an occupation

in seeking to improve status. This is in line with the definition of power that refers

to the goal of the attainment of social status and prestige, and control or

dominance over people and resources (Schwartz, 1992).

In addition to that, the assessment of the relationship between

motivational value of achievement and professionalism, it indicates a p-value of

0.024 which is less than 0.05, with that, that the null hypothesis is rejected. This

shows that there is a significant relationship between achievement and

professionalism. The computed r-value of 0.25 indicates that there is a weak

positive linear relationship between achievement and professionalism. This is

mainly because professional competence and due care means that professional

accountant has a continuing duty to maintain professional knowledge and skill at

the level required to ensure that a client or employer receives competent

professional service based on current developments in practice, legislation and

techniques which the professional accountants find it hard to abide. This is in

conformity with the study of Mendoza which concluded that despite the mandate

and the campaign to disseminate the Continuous Professional Development

requirements, a number of CPAs still find it hard to comply.

In the assessment of the relationship between motivational value of

hedonism and professionalism, it can be gleaned that the p-value of 0.002 which

is less than 0.05 indicates that the null hypothesis is rejected. This shows that

there is a significant relationship between hedonism and professionalism. The

computed r-value of 0.37 indicates that there is a strong positive linear

relationship between hedonism and professionalism .This is because as CPAs,

they are commonly engaged in stressful work scenarios, with that, they tend to

use their leisure time in activities that give them relaxation and pleasure in order

to achieve a work-life balance. This is in conformity with the study of Che, Emen,

Legaspi and Palayo (2009) that work-life balance is necessary factor that could

affect overall job performance.

In the assessment of the relationship between motivational value of

stimulation and professionalism, it can be gleaned that the p-value of less than

0.001 which is less than 0.05 indicates that the null hypothesis is rejected. This

shows that there is a significant relationship between stimulation and

professionalism. The computed r-value of 0.45 indicates that there is a strong

positive linear relationship between stimulation and professionalism. Schwartz

interpreted stimulation as the accountants’ propensity to take on more risk, for

example, in the recognition, measurement and disclosure of financial information

which is in line with the professionalism of the accountants that they should act

diligently and in accordance with applicable technical and professional standards

when providing professional services.

In addition, the assessment of the relationship between motivational value

of self-direction and professionalism resulted with a p-value of less than 0.001

which is less than 0.05 and it indicates that the null hypothesis is rejected. This

shows that there is a significant relationship between self-direction and

professionalism. The computed r-value of 0.60 indicates that there is a strong

positive linear relationship between self-direction and professionalism. Schwartz

refers self-direction values in accounting to the desire of accountants to exercise

their professional judgment in carrying out their duties without being restricted by

rules and regulations. This is in line with the requirements of the IFAC that a

professional accountant should not allow bias, conflict of interest or undue

influence of others to override professional or business judgments.

6. Proposed Strategies to Enhance the Extent of Manifestation of

Professionalism of Certified Public Accountants

Based on the results of this study, it was found out that there is a strong

correlation between motivational values and professionalism of Certified Public

Accountants in Batangas City and Lipa City, thus, if the respondents highly

manifest motivational values, they would also manifest professionalism in a great

extent. Table 4.6 shows the recommended strategies and methods that the

researchers came up with to sustain their extent of manifestation of


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