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Brendan Bush

Equal Employment Opportunity) Federal law prohibiting business

Americans and Disabilities Act) Civil rights law that stops businesses from
hiring people just because of their disabilities in certain skills. Get benefits if
they can’t get work.
Occupational Health and Safety Act) Protect workers from dangerous jobs.
Minimum Wage and Overtime Pay) Federal: $7.25 State: $8.90
Overtime is after a certain # of hours of regular work time. You get paid
time + ½. Ex: $10 hr regular time $15 hr overtime
Unemployment Law) Gives support ($$$) to people who legitimately can
not work or got fired for a reason not their fault.
Child Labor Laws) Restricts the age limit on who can work as to not harm
children in dangerous jobs.
Family and Medical Leave Act) Allows workers to leave a job for
emergency/medical/family reasons without fear of losing their job
Right to Work V.S. Labor Unions)
After many ethical decisions and previous encounters, I have decided to go
with the Right to Work side of the argument. It’s called “land of the free” for
a reason. If they want to have a union, then they can have it. People should
be exposed to a union or explain how a union works in a very detailed
manner. If they still don’t want a union then let them be.
We can’t say “you must have this” otherwise that would be illegal. The 1st
amendment says that they cannot force something on you like health
insurance. You have the right to choose what you want.
(This part is from personal experience and will be based on my opinion)
My dad has worked with a generator company called Cummons
Bridgeaway. He has worked there for over 20 years. Got a good reputation,
nice paychecks, and an all round good employee. In April 2016, he was
carrying oil from a job site at 7 at night. He had 2 options: Go home and
deliver it tomorrow or deliver it to work and come home at 10 pm. He chose
to call the company and said he will deliver it tomorrow, saving the
company overtime they would have paid him if he had to drive it to the
shop. 3 or 4 months later, he gets called into the main office and gets the
pink paper for that incident. With 3 million miles under his belt and no ticket
or violation to fill the gaps, you would think that a union would be begging
for a case like this or have no problem with this problem. BUT NO!!!!!! After
3 nail biting months of waiting for an answer, they said that QUOTE “there
is no legal action we can do on your case” This sent us into what felt like
hell. Thankfully a company named PM technology looked at his 20 years
and reason for hiring and hired him on the spot. This is a personal reason
for why I choose to go against the labor unions, the rest are on Google or
facts from other websites.

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