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ugliest animal
in the world

science behind
Alfred Yan, IV 1
Michael Gao (II) Layout Editor:
TABLE OF curiosity
Yinyu Ji (III)
Task Manager: Layout Associates:
William Gao (II) John (Hanjin) Kim (II) What comes to mind when one hears
Hayden Codiga (IV)
Content Editors: Fahad Anwar (V)
3 the word “Mars”? Some people would think of
Ocean green aliens, while others would be reminded
Jiayi Chen (II) Annie Tsan (V) 2 Acidification of a copper-red desert. Clearly, Mars is a very notable
Spirit and Opportunity. For these two rovers, it could take
Kevin Yang (II) 1 The water planet for many reasons. It is also the second closest
days to make just one single composition analysis. By using
Content Associates: Treasurer: Curiosity CRISIS ChemCam, a laser could simply zap right through the
celestial satellite to Earth besides the Moon, which is
Randy Chen (III) Daniel Sherman (II) Rover dust and outer layers, completely ridding the need to even
why the National Aeronautics and Space Administration
William Ho (III) make contact with the sample. With this quick process,
(NASA) has sent probes there such as the Curiosity.
Ashley Chou (V) Website Coordinator: about a dozen mineral analyses could be made in one day.
The Curiosity rover was launched in November
Zhaoyang (Tim) Liu (V) Michael Lee (II) 5 2011 and landed on Mars in August 2012. Upon landing
So where is Curiosity now? Currently, it is at a
mountain on Mars: Aeolis Mons. This mountain, about
Copy Editor: Faculty Advisor:
4 The
onto Mars’s surface, Curiosity was able to utilize many
the size of Mt. Rainier in Washington State, is situated in
WHITE advanced technologies. One of these was ChemCam, a
Neil Sun (I) Ms. Bateman RHINOS the middle of Gale Crater in the equatorial region. There,
new innovation built on the rover that could analyze the
Copy Associates: NASA is having Curiosity scale and analyze parts of the
properties of the rocks and minerals on Mars from up to
Elisabeth Kotsalidis (II) Special Thanks: mountain. They believe that Aeolis Mons is made of
seven meters away. ChemCam, which stands for Chemistry
Nena Kotsalidis (IV) Mr. Smith many different layers of rock piled over time, which will
and Camera instrument, is composed of two parts: the
Alfred Yan (IV) 9 Remote Micro Imager (RMI) and the Laser-Induced
provide clues to the geologic and climatic history of Mars’s
MATH AND surface. They are also investigating any evidence of water,
8 art Breakdown Spectrometer (LIBS). When ChemCam makes
such as the presence of clay or sulfate. Hopefully, NASA
6-7 Sixie Science an analysis, the RMI first employs a high-tech camera
will continue to make more technological advancements
Importance of Projects that provides a close-up image of the area that is being
as it continues to explore our neighboring red planet.
Coral Reefs
sampled, which gives information on the sampled area’s
geological surroundings. Next, the LIBS fires a laser at
the rock, causing it to produce a plasma that is visible to

Science behind

the naked eye. After the laser is fired, a built-in telescope
captures the light from the plasma and transfers it to three
spectrometers in the rover’s body. These spectrometers
We hope you enjoyed February break and all the elephants and
the ivory then analyze the wavelengths of the atoms from the plasma
snow days! Here is the Winter Issue of Catapulta, trade and thus are able to determine what the rock is made of.
the school’s science magazine! In this issue there are
ChemCam is useful because it makes the process of
many exciting things from seventh grade science
taking rock samples less complicated and time-consuming.
fair experiments to articles concerning endangered
Previously, sampling minerals on Mars meant having to do
species, spacecrafts, and the oceans. This issue in-
many laborious tasks such as grinding and brushing away
volved the hard work of students from all grades, and 14-15 the rock’s outer layers, as with the other rovers on Mars,
includes articles written by a wide array of students. New Antibiotic
History of the
We hope you enjoy the articles: there are a lot of Intervet
cool scientific facts you might not have known,
and fun and challenging puzzles at the end. Also,
So where is
if you are interested in contributing (writing ar-
ticles, working with the publication crew), feel free
curiosity now?
to contact us at catapultasciencebls@gmail.com.
back inside
THE CANNY A Mountain on
2 Masha leyfer, V Randy Chen, III 31
Around the nineteenth century, the British, Nitrogen emissions, similar to car-
hungry for power, set out overseas in an attempt to es- bon dioxide emissions, are both greenhouse gases and
Every minute, at least one child dies from improper sanitation. Water has a direct link
to education and gender equality. Water related illnesses have taken more lives than wars. A tablish themselves in the Americas to acquire wealth. catalysts in ocean acidification. N2O, or nitrous oxide,
simple tap can change the lives of an entire community. More people in the world have access What resulted was the Industrial Revolution, an event which some people know as “laughing gas,” is a green-
to a mobile phone than to a toilet. Which would you choose? The water crisis is a very real and whose consequences are insidious and grow worse as house gas stronger than carbon dioxide. According to
often underrated world issue. time progresses. Pollutants, such as sulfur dioxide and the EPA, one pound of nitrous oxide has 300 times
About 72% of Earth is covered in water, but only 1% of that is available for human use. nitrogen oxide, are released in massive amounts, caus- more of an impact on global warming than one pound
To put that into perspective, if 100 liters represents the Earth’s water, only half of a tablespoon ing seemingly irreparable damage to the ocean, an en- of carbon dioxide. Additionally, it lasts an average of
would be available to use. For this reason, six hundred million people, almost a tenth of the vironment which provides sustenance for many di- 120 years in the atmosphere before finally being con-
world’s population, suffer from water shortages daily and one out of every eight people lacks verse life forms. Carbon and nitrogen emissions have sumed by chemical reactions. The Environmental Pro-
clean water. an especially detrimental effect on the environment. tection Agency (EPA) also notes that roughly seventy-
Many people who have access to tap water, a toilet, and proper filtration The carbon emission that everyone is most famil- five percent of N2O emissions comes from agricultural
often do not understand how serious the issue is: water is taken for granted, iar with is CO2, or carbon dioxide. When large amounts of soil management. This is because most fertilizers con-
when in fact, it is a precious resource, and one that we are wasting. Others carbon dioxide are released into the atmosphere, some of tain nitrogen, which reacts with oxygen, forming N2O.
do not acknowledge parts of this crisis because it simply sounds ridiculous: it is absorbed by the ocean. The water molecules and car- Another type of nitrogen emission is nitrogen
how can having a toilet change somebody’s life? The impact is incredible. For bonate ions (CO32-) in the ocean react with the absorbed oxide (NO), which is released by fossil fuel power plants.
example, girls without toilets are significantly less likely to get a full education carbon dioxide, forming bicarbonate ions. This poses This is also, however, released by tobacco smoke. Mol-
than those who have access. How does this tie into science? This issue an issue to many organisms, such as coral, clams, and ecules of nitrogen oxide rise into the atmosphere and
is relevant to multiple areas of science such as climatology and health. sea urchins, that rely on carbonate ions. They are called react with water molecules in clouds to form nitric acid
Water in a region has both direct and indirect effects on the economy “calcifying organisms” because they use carbonate ions (HNO3). Nitric acid is a component of acid rain that
and people’s access to water has a direct effect on how they are and calcium ions to create their shells. With less carbon- precipitates into the ocean and onto land, killing off life.
treated and how they stand in society. The consequences and ate ions available, calcification becomes more difficult. Despite the extraordinary amounts of these pol-

repercussions of this issue are very serious, and this problem Carbon dioxide not only harms calcifying organ- lutants that are being emitted into the atmosphere, there
must no longer be ignored. isms, but also decreases the ocean’s pH, creating a po- are simple things ordinary people can do to help: Car-
tentially harmful environment for almost all aquatic life. pooling and taking public transportation result in less

CRISIS According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric

Administration (NOAA), the pH of water on the ocean
surface has decreased by 0.1 pH units, which is a thirty
percent increase in acidity. NOAA also notes that more
emission of pollutants, and abstaining from egregious
actions such as smoking prevents causing harm not only
from oneself, but also from the environment and every-
one else. Though problems like ocean acidification and
than a billion people around the world rely on seafood global warming seem impossible to overcome, like being
as their main source of protein. trapped in the dark, there is always a solution, and there
Without aquatic life, biodiversity will always be a shining light.
would evidently decrease,

resulting in the decline
of many economies
that depend on the
seafood industry.

4 Carol Cao, V Kevin S. Qi, V 5


Conservancy. Suni was likely the last male capable of
breeding. More recently in December of 2014, Angalifu,
another white rhino, died of old age at 44 years old in the

This majestic creature is the blobfish. Yes, it is a adorable. With the aid of extreme water pressure, the
real animal. Just take it in. blobfish appears plump and small.
its square- San Diego Zoo. The Psychrolutes marcidus, also known as the Sadly, the blobfish is endangered due to fishing
shaped lips There is another northern white rhino in San blobfish, is a deep-sea fish that lives off of the coast of trawlers. These fishermen drag nets along the bottom of
and huge head, Diego Zoo, one in Czech Dvur Kralove Zoo, and two Australia. Its body is composed of a muscleless jellylike the ocean, damaging the ocean floor and its inhabitants.
the northern white females and one male in Ol Pejeta Conservancy. The only mass. It is so gelatinous because it lives around 2000 to The blobfish is not the intended catch, and therefore is
white rhinoceros, or slim chance of their reproduction is artificial breeding. 4000 feet below the ocean’s surface. There, the water abandoned when it reaches the surface. Some fishermen
Ceratotherium simum, is With only one infertile male and four females left of this pressure is so much higher that, if the blobfish were not mistake blobfish for lobsters, which also contributes to
known, like all other rhinos, species, however, the northern white rhino is virtually so blobby, it would instantly be crushed. their declining number. Hopefully, by increasing awareness
for its two notorious horns on doomed to extinction. One would think that not having any muscles about the blobfish and their plight, we can ensure that
its forehead. Could these horns be What we have learned from the white rhino is would make it difficult for the blobfish to acquire nutrients these fish, however unattractive they may be, will continue
the northern white rhino’s downfall? that our actions can have negative consequences and can through food. Fortunately for the blobfish, its body is less to roam the world’s oceans.
Even with its 11-13.75 feet body be harmful for a species. As we lose more northern white dense than water, which allows it to float above the ocean
and 20-27.5 inch tail, the white giant’s horns rhinos every year, the number will soon drop to zero. As
are sought after in many Asian countries to be the old saying goes, you never know what you have until
floor, where it waits for food to swim straight into its
mouth. Yes, it is a real
sold in the black market. It is especially demanded
in Vietnam, and it is also used in traditional Chinese
it’s gone. All we can do is hope that this beautiful rare
species will not become extinct.
To be fair, this picture of the blobfish was taken
above sea level. Its body is not suited for this
medicine. The horn symbolizes wealth and prestige low pressure. The high pressure of the
and thus is highly sought after, despite the fact that the deep sea is what keeps the blobfish’s
poaching of these rhino horns is heavily discouraged. As jelly-like body together. Without
more and more rhinos are poached before they are able pressure, the blobfish simply
to breed, sooner or later, the species will come to an end. falls apart, resulting in what is
There are now only five living northern white seen here.
rhinos that are in custody of humans in zoos and wildlife A blobfish
protection centers. In October 2014, Suni, one of the two in its natural
male white rhinos at that time, died in Kenya’s Ol Pejeta habitat actually
looks quite

Only five living

6 William Ho, III William Ho, III 7


The oceans are filled with many different as many as 169 species in the genus Acropora, necrosis, which can turn all of the flesh on the However, the oceans also have an even more
forms of life. One of the most essential, most the most abundant genus of SPS coral, while coral into looming, putrid-smelling masses of significant effect on the entire planet: many
overlooked, and now most endangered types brown jelly; Acropora eating flatworms, which chemical reactions which occur in the ocean have
of sea life is coral. Corals are essential to the
existence of life in the oceans, primarily in the “Most essential, most eat corals from the inside out; and white-band
coral disease, which has devastated Caribbean
a great impact on every life form on the planet.
In order to prevent the catastrophe that
coral reefs, because nearly all act as primary
producers in marine reef ecosystems. The overlooked, most endangered” reefs. Further, the locals in the underdeveloped
countries which house some of the largest reefs
might come about with massive coral die offs,
many governments are limiting the harvest of
idea that an animal can act as a primary in the world—including the Philippines, Indonesia, coral. Additionally, many organizations across
producer may seem like heresy to many Biology the Australian government lists 184 different and the Maldives—do not fully understand the the world, both private and government-
1 students. The justification for this is symbiosis. species in this genus. Since these fragile value of coral to their lives, and have even sponsored, are taking the initiative to asexually
Corals, sea anemones, and giant clams all have creatures make up the majority of reef-building used them in cement. For this variety of propagate coral in captivity, where they will
mutualistic relationships with a special type of corals, when they are affected by climate reasons, the stony coral population has been be safe from predation and coral diseases.
photosynthetic algae known as zooxanthellae. change, the reefs and oceans suffer. Therefore, greatly depleted throughout the world, leading However, while these efforts certainly produce
These zooxanthellae give corals energy as well as it is not surprising how much of an effect the to nearly every species of stony coral being results, they are rather small compared to
their unique, fascinating coloration. Indeed, the thousands of species of coral have on the planet. listed as endangered by the IUCN Red List of the natural sexual reproduction of coral in the
complexity of corals and their associates makes Given how important corals are to the Threatened Species. oceans.
them especially susceptible to numerous threats environment, it is concerning that they are on The loss of coral is detrimental even to In December 2014 on the Great
nowadays, with climate change and human the brink of extinction. How might that be? terrestrial ecosystems. As primary producers, Barrier Reef in Australia, a multitude of coral,
interactions with the environment among them. Most animals are extremely resilient and adept corals supply energy to every reef ecosystem influenced by numerous factors, among which
In order to understand how corals could at maintaining homeostasis; Unfortunately, in the world. Corals are an essential part of were the tides and temperature, underwent
be so greatly affected by all of these factors, one corals are not so hardy. While coral are the diet of many reef fish, some of which are sexual reproduction. This process was so vital
must have a basic understanding of how corals animals, they are extremely fragile—one slight known as obligate corallivores due to their sole to the environment that the government of
work. Photosynthetic corals as a whole are change to the water chemistry in the ocean dependence on corals as food. Through multiple Australia prohibited diving and the harvesting
classified into numerous subsets. There are two could cause every single one in a given area to trophic levels, the reef ecosystem affects the of marine life during the coral spawning
large subsets that comprise all photosynthetic perish within days. In addition, SPS coral are sharks and whales of the open ocean as well season. Last year’s coral spawning was
corals—soft corals and stony corals. Most entirely reliant on their zooxanthellae to live; as terrestrial organisms, such as humans, especially unique, since the weather allowed for
scientific literature and government bodies without zooxanthellae, the coral would not be through food. thousands of eggs to successfully be released
refer to stony corals when they say coral, but it is able to obtain energy and therefore perish. and since the reef was in great health at the
important to recognize the distinction between Temperature changes, pH drops, chlorine leaks, time. This spectacular occurrence will have
these two types of coral: soft corals do not salinity changes, and disruptions in the nitrogen incredible effects on the coral population
have calcium skeletons and are generally more cycle are only some of the numerous water in Australia, and hopefully this will allow the
tolerant of a wider range of conditions than parameter factors which can kill stony corals reefs make a comeback in the near future.
stony corals. For this reason, most literature and their symbiotic zooxanthellae. In addition,
involving massive coral die offs in the oceans are there are a number of infectious coral diseases Want to learn in depth about corals
concerning stony corals, not soft corals. Within that have incredible potential to cause damage. and the oceans in general? Did you know
the stony corals, there are two more divisions: Notably among these are rapid tissue BLS has its own aquarium? Do you own
small polyp stony corals (SPS) and large polyp an aquarium and want to connect with
stony corals (LPS). Small polyp stony corals other BLS aquarists? Visit the BLS Marine
are much more demanding than large polyp science club (blsmsac@gmail.com)!
stony corals in terms of environment, and they Meetings are every other Monday in
constitute the majority of coral species. The Mr Smith’s room.
IUCN Red List of Threatened Species lists
Annie Jackson, VI
8 Lienna peng, VI MICHAEL LEE, II 9
Every year, students in Class VI work on science fair projects in the Fall. These projects Durer’s Innsbruck
Mathematics and art have a long historical relationship;
allow them to learn the scientific method and hone their abilities in 21st century Castle Courtyard
without mathematics, how would the Greeks have constructed such
learning expectations in speaking, presenting, researching, and problem solving. Here elegant works of architecture like the Parthenon, and how would (1494)
are two examples of what Mr. Smith’s students explored in their Earth Science class. the Arabs have woven intricate patterns of interlocking shapes? But
without art, mathematics would be stale, reduced to algorithms of
I did my science fair on weathering.
After researching some ideas, I chose to do my How Water and Ice parsing set theory, and would have never been able to visualize and
experiment on this because one can see the effect
weathering has on everyday life. But before I
Change Back describe in concrete terms the beauty of modern algebra.
Here are two famous examples of the intimacy between the
discuss my science fair project, what is weathering? Annie Jackson two seemingly unrelated fields: Albrecht Durer (d. 1528 in Nuremberg)
and Maurits Cornelis Escher (d. 1972 Holland). Both were originally Escher’s Fish
Weathering is the various physical and chemical processes that cause exposed rock to decompose. Weathering is
a broad concept, so I first had to find whether the weathering was mechanical or chemical. After conducting a mathematicians by trade, but decided to try their hand at making a No. 107 (1960)
lot of research, I figured out that my project, focusing on frost wedging, fell into the physical weathering. living as artists. They both became extremely successful artists.
In nature, when water seeps into the cracks of a rock and the temperature drops, the water freezes To most 21st century citizens, both images seem The other notable artist is Escher. His painting
and expanded, in the process cracking the rock. In my experiment, a water balloon demonstrated the ordinary, but to the people at the time of their debut, these of fish seems almost modern, and the reason for this is
water that had seeped through the cracks and hardened dough covering the water balloon represented the works of art added a certain intellectual liveliness to the because the mathematical techniques he had introduced
rock. Once I froze the “rock” in the freezer, the water froze and expanded causing the dough to crack. monotony of style and technique. If we were restricted to art inspired further artistic application of the field of
My project, therefore, serves a model of the natural phenomenon of frost weathering. to drawing stick figures with only perfect straight lines Abstract Algebra. In the painting, we see a school of
Frost weathering is the fracturing of rock due to the expansionary pressure associated and perfect circles, we could not “admire” paintings fish swimming in what seems to be blue water, but upon
with the freezing of water in planes of weakness or pore spaces. One can see signs of because they would have no distinguishing features. further inspection, the water is another school of fish,
the many changes that weathering has caused in a lot of places. One example is To counter the stagnating wealth of artistic just hiding behind our perceptual biases. He is most noted
the sidewalk. Somewhere just outside one’s house, one might see expanded cracks techniques, mathematicians such as Durer and Escher for his use of Symmetrical Space Filling Curves. Whereas
because of rain and snow. Other large rocks such the ones in big parks also have introduced techniques of the abstract science, known most mathematicians preferred to use polygons, Escher
signs of frost wedging. Even though nobody “noble” has ever completed my as “Mathematics,” to the concrete world of visual art. used plants, animals, and even people to demonstrate the

Math & Art

experiment, that did not stop me from completing it, and I am glad that I did!

Biodiesel: The Energy

of the Future fat. Biodiesel
What is biodiesel? Biodiesel is a fuel based vegetable oil or animal

The Abstract Humanities

is made from triglycerides, methyl alcohol, and either
Lienna Peng potassium or sodium hydroxide (lye). The lye acts as a catalyst, and it
strips away the glycerin molecules found in triglycerides. By striping away
the glycerin molecules, the three fatty acids in triglycerides are freed, First, there is Durer, born into a time when paintings beautiful symmetry of mathematical art. This technique
and they join with methyl esters in the methyl alcohol to form biodiesel. depicting people were drawn with no dimensionality and produces the disorienting still motion of the fish: the fish
Due to its renewability, sustainability, and environmental-friendliness, had no semblance to the reality they claimed to reflect are positioned so that if any fish were close, they would
biodiesel is becoming more and more used throughout the world. (see medieval art). Durer took the flatness of the pre- produce the same animal, just rotated, and the fish are
There are many ways to create biodiesel. One could mix it Renaissance, crumpled it to a ball, and added some kind bound by well-defined strokes. When the surface that
with petroleum, gasoline, or another solvent, and then use the oil as it of dimensionality to his art. His Castle Courtyard, from the fish glide on is also flatly bounded by the same lines
is (straight vegetable oil) or convert it to biodiesel. All these methods the viewer’s perspective, has some objects that seem to but unbounded by the space between fish, this creates
have problems, but the first two have the more significant problems. be closer and larger and others that seem to be a mass of the effect of still motion and the recreation of the fish
Strait vegetable oils (SVO) require a SVO engine and are very viscous, color in the distance. This is done by drawing a system shape on the surface only disorients the viewer more.
which makes them inconvenient to use during the winter. Mixing oil with of similar triangles, where shapes are projected into the Whether or not one appreciates the art or the art’s
gasoline, though not hugely problematic, still poses a serious problem; distance while retaining their inherent shape. In his time as history, one has to appreciate the abstract geometrical and
this process is heavily reliant on fossil fuels. Converting SVO is probably an artist, this technique of geometric projection has been algebraic manipulations which the human mind perceives
the best method because it does not require a modification to the engine, widely used in the works of Italian Renaissance artists, intuitively. Art borrows techniques from math, and math
and it has better cold weather properties, due to the methyl alcohol in it. but Durer’s mathematical curiosity led him to draw with also borrows from art and if all math were abstract, the
Overall, biodiesel is becoming more and more commonly used projections not based on straight lines but curved lines, discipline would lack the human intuition that defines
worldwide because fossil fuels are running out. Diesel is now available in as if it were reflected from a concave or convex mirror mathematics. Mathematics is only a refinement of
many gas stations, and there is no doubt that biodiesel will be the energy to to mimic the natural perception of the human eye. This common sense in the abstract sense, and art is only a
power the future. resulted in his work on multiview orthographic projections. visualization of abstract reasoning in a concrete sense.
10 Jacqueline Kam, III Liane Xu, V 11
Ivory is used to create items like piano especially on orphaned babies. Elephants
keys, jewelry, and religious artifacts, live in very complex social structures Every Valentine’s Day, many people a defect that cannot be overcome.
and is known for its sheer white color. and create relationships with each other, begin to think, “Who am I going to ask Additionally, a low waist-to-hip ratio for
The process in which ivory is obtained, just as humans do. They can remember out? Do I look cute enough in this dress, or women and men is seen as “sexy” by many.
however, is violent and ruthless. This individuals and places for years, and also should I get another one?” Neither love nor Animals with an ideal amount of sexual
prized luxury item is taken mostly from mourn their dead and remember where attractiveness seems to be scientific at first hormones called estrogen for females and
Earth’s largest land animal, the elephant. they died. Organizations like the David glance. However, your relationship with that testosterone for males tend to have waists
The African elephant is the main target Sheldrick Wildlife Trust and WildAid kid in your science class is just as scientific as 70% the width of their hips, and usually have
of the trade, and despite efforts to have attempted to save injured and dying what your teacher is teaching. an easier time conceiving and giving birth.
protect it, thousands are illegally elephants, and they serve as centers for Evolutionary biologist Charles Darwin Why are you and your friends
killed every year. In fact, over 25,000 traumatized victims. Foundations like suggested that animals obtain traits based attracted to different people? Part of the
African elephants were killed in 2012 these aim to nurse elephants whose tusks on how well the traits can help them survive, answer lies in pheromones, an odorless
alone. have been cut off back to health, and which is a process called natural selection. chemical that we subconsciously expel, which
These magnificent creatures have also to ease their trauma, especially with But male peacocks do not need all those triggers reactions from the opposite sex.
not only been poached to endangerment, the young orphans. pretty feathers to survive, do they? Darwin Studies have shown that women are more
but are also killed in the most gruesome Elephants are not the only therefore proposed a process called sexual attracted to men with a dissimilar major
and inhumane ways. Most of them are victims of the ivory trade. Animals such selection, in which traits develop in an animal histocompatibility complex (MHC), the part of
shot to the point where they can no as hippos, walruses, and narwhals are also to beat out others of the same gender for the immune system that recognizes foreign
longer walk or protect themselves. Then, hunted for their horns, although they a better mate. In most cases, like with the substances. Similar genes can also attract
completely vulnerable, their tusks are have not created as much controversy as peacock, these traits show that the animal people to each other.
cut off so deeply that, even if they the elephants killed in Africa and Asia. is strong and healthy enough to reproduce. But at the end of the day, let us just
were to survive, their tusks could not Rhinos have also fallen victim to trade We humans admire bilateral symmetry say we all have our own interests.
grow back. A great percentage of the because of their horns. Their horns are because an asymmetrical face shows
poached elephants bleed to death. made of keratin, the same protein that
Their tusks are then taken to major makes up our fingernails and hair, and
participants in the ivory trade, it is believed by some to have medical
“OWN ?

such as Southern Africa and Asia;
70% of the ivory is smuggled
benefits. Because of this, the rhino
population is decreasing unsettlingly fast.
R E S T S”
into China. A smuggler earns
around 3,600 dollars for
In 1960, there were more than 2,000
northern white rhinos in the world, and
carrying ivory, giving the now due to poaching, there remain only
middleman a strong four.

incentive to obtain and To help beautiful animals such as
trade. elephants, you can support organizations
There were about 26,000,000 like the International Elephant
elephants in Africa in 1800, and today Foundation, Elephant Care International,
there remain only 600,000, with their The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust,
numbers decreasing. The killing itself African Wildlife Foundation, Amboseli

has detrimental effects on the mental Elephant Research Project, WildAid, and
state of the surrounding elephants, more.

Elephants and the

Ivory Trade
12 Duy Nguyen, II Duy Nguyen, II 13
The Construction of the Internet
a brief history of
the internet
In the 1960s, Dwight D. Eisenhower’s to link together four mainframes. The mainframes were
administration established an agency tasked with to be linked to an Interface Message Processor (IMP),
competing against the Soviet Union in the field of then from this to the phone line and to the other IMPs.
technology. Initially, the main focuses were on computer BBN was tasked with creating the first IMP. These
and space, and the research organization associated with machines were due nine months after the start of the
them was the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA). project, the first day of 1969. On August 30, 1969,
In 2014, the Internet turned 45, and its child, the World Wide Web, turned 25. The Internet is a technology that most of us take for Today, it is referred to with “Defense” in front as DARPA. the first IMP was delivered and connected to Leonard
granted by not recognizing its ubiquitous presence. Later on, the space division branched out and became the Kleinrock at University of California, Los Angeles
Before the Internet National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).
Computer researching continued without much media
(UCLA). By December of that year, the four mainframes
at UCLA, Stanford University, University of California,
attention. Santa Barbara, and University of Utah, were connected
The world was very different before the Internet. Since its invention, During the late 1960s, ARPA began working on to the network.
our lives have changed greatly, in ways that are and are not noticeable. a distributed network, partly to improve better use of the Gradually, the ARPANET expanded. A year after,
Before the Internet, a server was a person who served another, mainframes by connecting them together, and to also fix there were 13 nodes (points) on the network. The main
a surfer was one who went to the beach, and a browser was the aforementioned problem with the communication use of the network was to send files and commands to
a person who browsed through books. Computers infrastructure of America. This new network was to be mainframes. Since no one had done this type of network
used to be gigantic machines sitting alone in book called the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network before, most of the technologies around the Internet
rooms that made an incredible amount of noise (ARPANET), the mother of today’s Internet. were created during this time period. Telnet was created
and heat. If one wanted to use them, he or she In 1968, the project became available for in 1969; the first email was sent in 1971; the TCP/IP
had to sit in the same room or connect his or contractors to bid on. However, most of the major protocol was created by Vinton Cerf in 1973.
her computer terminals to larger computers, telecommunication companies ridiculed this project. To During the 1970s and 1980s, the speed of
called mainframes. The greatest change brought them, the current telephone communication system was Internet development picked up. As more mainframes
by the Internet was in communication. Before the perfect and the companies did not have the time and were connected to the Internet, the technologies were
Internet, if one wanted to send a message across a long resources to tinker with it. Thus a small company, situated standardized by the International Organization for
distance, he or she had to use a telephone to call the person on the other side. At that time, the telephone and the in Cambridge, MA, won the bid: BBN Technologies Standardization. The Internet seemed to be headed for
telegraph seemed like the fastest methods of communication. However, there were still many problems with them. (BBN), which is currently a subsidiary of Raytheon, a bright future. In 1989, the networks around the world
In the 1960s, the United States was involved in the war with the Soviet Union. The Americans worried another Massachusetts company. were connected together and thus the Internet was
that the NORAD system (North American Aerospace Defense Command) would fail and that the United States The project’s initial goal was to create a network officially born.
would be nuked. The Cuban Missile Crisis (1962) further heightened this fear. One of the United States’ fears,
besides being nuked, was that the communication system would be heavily damaged and deleterious to American
cities. After all, the telephone of the 1960s was quite different from today’s. In the 1960s, phones connected two
After the Internet
people. When one picked up the phone, he or she would need to connect it to the operator and then request At the start of the 1990s, the price of comput- CERN, had an idea. He proposed a way to use the In-
connection to the phone number he or she wished to reach. The operator sitting at the telephone exchange would ers plummeted. More households owned computers, ternet as a backbone to serve up and link together docu-
then connect him or her through telephone switchboards to the other phone number. Until modern times, this such as small PCs from IBM or Apple. The Internet ments. He coded a simple program to access these docu-
process was done manually. But this system had a huge flaw: if the connection between two phones was cut, the was still, however, reserved for military and academic ments. This was the founding of the World Wide Web.
communication was broken. Given the destructive nature of nuclear devices, a nuke use. Connecting to the Internet was a tremendous has- With the invention of the Web, the presence of the In-
on United States would have disabled communication for a long time, impairing sle. In the 1990s, there was no Google, no Firefox, no ternet became ubiquitous. Today, it is easy for tech-sav-
any response from the military. Therefore, there was an urgent need for a better There was Facebook, or any other websites. To do something like vy teenagers to surf the web. Companies such as Ama-
communication system. Much research was done to alleviate this problem, but an urgent need sending emails, one had to sit at the computer and type zon, Microsoft, Google, and Yahoo have been formed
telephone companies would not spend money to upgrade this system. Thankfully, lines and lines of command and code through the system. to take advantage of the lucrative Internet business.
modern telephones have advanced to digital switching, and the flaw that would for a better In 1989, Sir Tim Berners-Lee, a researcher in
have destroyed the United States’ communication system is now forgotten. communication
The Internet is still very young, and its history is still relatively short. However, the Internet certainly has one of
system the most important roles in the functioning of our society and enables us to maintain the lifestyle we have now.
Therefore, let us celebrate the anniversary of the very young Internet and its even younger son, the World Wide
14 Elisabeth Kotsalidis, II Elisabeth Kotsalidis, II 15
Antibiotics have been used for nearly three quar- mutations close up the entry points that allow antibiotics Patients sometimes take antibiotics unnecessarily, to treat laboratory conditions to study them.
ters of a century to treat people who have infectious dis- to enter the cell, and others make pumps that export the viral illnesses like the common cold.” However, recently, the scientists at Northeastern
eases. Antibiotics are drugs that reduce illness and death antibiotic back outside the cell so that it does not harm The World Health Organization is very concerned University, led by Dr. Kim Lewis, have been able to solve
from infectious bacterial diseases. These drugs, however, the bacterium. Bacteria that acquire any of these antibi- about the issue of drug-resistant infections and consid- this laboratory growth problem of soil bacteria with a new
have been used so frequently and for so long that the otic resistance genes are able to multiply in the presence ers antibiotic resistance “an increasingly serious threat to technology that the scientists have developed. The tech-
infectious microorganisms they are designed to kill have of therapeutic levels of antibiotic. Since those bacteria global public health that requires action across all govern- nology is called the iChip, and it could bring about the dis-
adapted to them. In fact, antibiotic-resistant bacteria do without the resistance genes are killed, the frequency of ment sectors and society.” Fortunately, there are many sci- covery of even more new antibiotics in the future. In fact,
not respond to the drugs developed to kill them. the resistant bacteria increases dramatically in the gene entists around the globe working hard, trying to stay one scientists are even calling this new technology “promising
The growing number of bacteria that have be- pool, which often renders antibiotics ineffective. step ahead of these microorganisms that threaten to take and exciting” because it will allow them to scour ordi-
come unresponsive to treatment with antibiotics is alarm- Bacteria may develop resistance to a single while us back to a time when a minor cut could kill. For the first nary soil samples for new bacteria. This includes the 99%
ing. According to the Centers for Disease Control and others develop resistance to several different kinds of an- time in 25 years, a major new antibiotic discovery has been of soil bacteria that do not grow in a laboratory dish.
Prevention, “every year at least 2 million people in the tibiotics. In some cases, there are no available antibiotics made by researchers at Northeastern University in Boston. Teixobactin has been shown to kill bac-
United States become infected with bacteria that are re- that are effective against these multidrug resistant bacteria. Using soil from a field in Maine, these sci- teria that cause tuberculosis, methicillin-resistant
sistant to antibiotics and at least 23,000 people die each According to the Alliance for the Prudent Use of entists have isolated a previously uncultured
year as a direct result of these infections.”
How do bacteria become resistant to antibiot-
Antibiotics website, “the current higher-levels of antibi-
otic-resistant bacteria are attributed to the overuse and
strain of bacteria called Eleftheria terrae, which
makes the new antibiotic called teixobactin.
ics? Antibiotic resistance is a natural and unavoidable
phenomenon, because bacteria evolve. Evolution occurs
abuse of antibiotics. In some countries and over the In-
ternet, antibiotics can be purchased without a doctor’s
So right now you may be asking yourself, “Bac-
teria make antibiotics? I thought you said antibiotics kill
due to spontaneous mutations in the bacterial genome prescription. bacteria. So, why are they making antibiotics and how staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), as well as other deadly
which occur in approximately 1:1x106 to does that make sense?” Bacteria and fungi do in fact make bacteria that can not be killed by even the most pow-
1x107 bacterial cells. Some of these antibiotics. They do so to help them kill other bacteria erful antibiotics currently available. Although teixo-
mutations are beneficial and en- in their environment that are competing with them for bactin has yet to be tested on humans, scientists have
able a bacterium to synthesize food and water and other limited resources in the soil. tested it on mice and have gotten positive results. The
enzymes that inactivate the This poses the question of why scientists have not been clinical trials on humans will take another year or two.
antibiotics, while other looking in the soil for new ones all along, since this The scientific article describing this new technol-
could solve the current critical need for ogy as well as the new antibiotic was pub-
new antibiotics. The reason for this lished in the journal Nature, on
is because it is has been very dif- January 7, 2015.
ficult to grow soil bacteria under

16 Daniel Sherman, II JOHN KIM, II
The three small raised beds, which comprise the In exchange for the legumes’ sugars, the bacteria provide the
Boston Latin School garden, have produced a myriad legumes with nitrogen , which is incorporated into the soil,
Although last year’s marijuana legal- Vaporized cannabis still contains two
number and variety of vegetables including tomatoes, thus promoting the growth of neighboring plants as well.
ization has been moving forward, in hopes of times more THC than the regular marijuana
carrots, radishes, peppers, chives, garlic, kale, lettuce, rose- To attract pollinators that fertilize the crops’ seeds,
reducing the issue of illegal smoking of weed, joint. When the vaporized cannabis is inhaled
mary, mint, basil, endive, beans, and cantaloupe. These the garden uses marigolds and nasturtiums, two plants that
some people seem to have found ways to often, propylene glycol can maximize the dan-
vegetables are given for free to BLS students and people are usually planted ornamentally. These ornamental plants
abuse the legality of the dangerous drug. Fol- ger of intoxicating one’s body. In addition, no
in the Longwood area who walk down Avenue Louis Pas- also attract predatory insects, such as hoverflies, whose lar-
lowing the trend of the infamous E-cigarettes, one knows for sure what the consequences
teur. Through the effective use of the minimal land avail- vae eat aphids. Thus, the crops themselves are pollinated
some savvy people who are bent on pot-usage are for inhaling constant doses of this chemi-
able, the garden has cultivated this great variety of foods and also protected for most of the year from insect damage.
have experimented with smoking it discreetly in cal and what else is included in the vaporized
without the use of pesticides and artificial fertilizers. One Regarding the topographical layout of the gar-
public. People who have done this use a hand- cannabis. This can be a major concern toward
technique often employed is to sow rows of vegetable den, tall plants of the Solanaceae (Nightshade) family,
held vaporizer, or a vape pen which looks iden- teenagers, who often smoke E-cigarettes. The
seeds and allow them to grow for several weeks. Then, such as tomatoes and peppers (and in one year eggplant),
tical to the E-cigarettes which people use in combination of this very widely-used drug and
rows of an additional vegetable are planted in between are planted in the same bed and are separated from the
public. Instead of vaporizing nicotine in a liquid the growing popularity of vape pens proves a
the half-matured plants, so that both may develop at the smaller crops. As these plants are of the same family, they
form, the vape pen that is used for smoking pot great issue especially because they are wide-
same time, without either inhibiting the other’s growth. require similar conditions, which are easier to provide
is modified to vaporize the molecules in con- ly used by young adults and precipitate po-
This technique was used predominantly for lettuce and when grouped together. This arrangement also prevents
centrated marijuana oil. tentially negative effects. Understanding the
garlic. Furthermore, vegetables are planted according to other plants from being outcompeted, as might occur if
Some companies, including JuJu Joint, myriad of negative health and social effects
the season in which they are most hardy. As the months the taller Nightshades were combined with smaller let-
have started selling vape pens. The products that any type of marijuana smoking has, we,
pass, vegetables that are no longer highly productive tuces and herbs. In addition, certain herbs of the gar-
of JuJu Joints have an average of 40% to 50% as teenagers, must not smoke this deleterious
are removed and composted, creating more den, which tend to survive over the winter, are planted
tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) which compared drug.
space for new vegetables. For example, in such a way that annual (living for less than a year) veg-
to homemade vape pens, have advantages
when the beans went out of season etables may be situated around them. For example, mint
such as not having to charge batteries, having
and all the bean pods had already
been collected, these plants were re-
and rosemary, both of which are of the Lamiaceae (Mint)
family, have become well-established perennials (living
no smell, and having no visible smoke. However, a MAJOR
moved and replaced with peppers.
The use of beans also provided nu-
for more than two years) in the garden, which week af-
ter week provide an almost continuous yield. This year,
this inconspicuous approach cannot serve as
an excuse to smoke weed, as a vaporized con-
centrate is proven to be lethal to one’s health.
trients to the soil, for legumes share a endive, kale, and marigolds were planted around these
symbiotic relationship with soil bac- herbs to maximize use of the land. Chives are another
teria known as Rhizobium, which is example or perennial vegetables that also offer produce
found in the root nodules of legumes. almost every week after the winter. The garden also uses
the strategy of locating most plants of the same species DelEterious DRUG
in the same area, not only to standardize the conditions
they receive, but also to facilitate natural reseeding of
the plants. In this garden, marigolds, tomatoes, and
chives are the most efficient reproducers by seed.
The garden currently is dormant due to

the winter. Many seeds and bulbs, how-
ever, have already been sown, and
green leaves will soon emerge

when Massachusetts itself
emerges from the cold and
snow of the winter.

- Give the sec-
ond-to-last letter have taken more lives than.
of the current location - Give the fifth letter in the name of
(full name) of Curiosity. the protein from which fingernails,
For each puzzle, those who - Give the ninth let- hair, and rhino horns are made.
correctly solve it will be put ter of the genus name of - Give the sixth letter in the first
into a raffle for a ten dollar the new bacteria which makes name of the scientist who proposed
gift card! Email responses to an antibiotic called teixobactin. a process explaining the beautiful
catapultasciencebls@gmail. - Give the first letter of the genus name feathers of a male peacock.
of the northern white rhinoceros. - Give the sixth letter of the type of
Read - Give the second letter of the pressure associated with freezing wa-
the ar- written-out age of the Inter- ter that causes frost weathering.
ticles to de- net as of 2014. (e.g., 23 would - Give the third letter of the word
code the name be written out as twenty three). which the “P” in “SPS” stands for.
of a famous sci- - Give the third letter of the word de- - Give the second letter of the word
entist and inventor. noting the literary device found in the that would complete this sentence:
When submitting your title of the article of the previous page. “without art, mathematics would
answer, give the full answer - Give the second letter of the be stale, reduced to an algorithm of
and bold the letter specified. event(s) which water-related illnesses _______ set theory”

Though it may be surprising, natural languages are often modeled on several rules that can
be observed from a computational viewpoint. The field of computational linguistics deals
with determining patterns in languages with the aid of computers and computer science.

THE Here is a scenario between two friends, Alice

and Ben, who live in the planet Kwarzul. Both
of them know nine different languages.
A language family is a group of languages which 1. A: gödok selam burinhi sahkul
share a common root. For instance, languages 2. B: gaesu jelam laeku perum sejil
like Spanish, French, and Italian are part of a
language group called the “Romance Languages.”
In Alice and Ben’s ten-lined conversation, there 3. A: gäsihl sihtak sehkul jilä
are nine different languages, and three language kumunhbha
groups. 4. A: Shazil kevan latokje laov
i. There are ten different sentences, 5. B: Gaesu julaem gaeku juran
but only nine different languages. Which two serajukisarekuji
numbered sentences are in the same language?
6. A: Guräillumpal supar kural pujak
ii. Now, of the nine different languages, sort
them into three language groups. Each language 7. B: Lariva shzaol jiolra
group has exactly three different languages. raenvokovon!
N.B. Umlauts, as seen in the “o” in “gödok,” are 8. A: Junchai lunkai saijan feiran?
important. Since you do not know what these 9. B: Jaeol shaeol rarajok
words mean, it is important to look for patterns. rarataeshik
10. B: Saelam Pujai zelan kaufei

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