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troa3r: sDoA.l 33 AGtu(l) 2015-16 iJw( \vuv uJ.&!( vw

udd:d dC,
iod#odr-560 001.
waJUrro. z /- 05_2017.


dOaodd sdto dq,ts (Outcome Based Educationlsdo$ 2017-1Sde

dr{rdd soo0od do{o3d sde a$$ 6de ieDdd Bdedr dd$d:rl$d:o oorrd
mOB{frl$Q e$#Gtsr eld:xodfl.e9ird e^r{.

. ^JOVa Va 9a.J
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aW 046 !3dr! 20t7 2.3oil*oC, Oocd: l5de d.:e 2017.
2. {6:-d- eJ.sc i:3J.:
io 076 AdJE 20t6 eio/-i#oC. Ooecd:2lde erLaC 2016.
--:-- J -^^a 6:rod:23J( rl',ed
J. AOri- OCJ gLJt :;J6J-i
j qCJ 14,3 LS&"a 2015 Ccd#od:, 201-5.

doeo*cd ,i*,o$d xjoDoQtudod, *norigre 2015-16-( d.ddd aoe-cd ocrd =O*E.cdJ

1d€ ilA mtu 2016-t7de mOlcd 3de d:d: 4ir i.::iciiv G-!qi". furyol*q ero{ea](3)
2d€ darAd
d:dI2)dcd frOeecJ- uerod 53m d-?3 (Outcome Based Education) u-.c,t do{d id.dariVa,

d::cCddC 2017-l8d€ dr{dd :neDod otxrd are'Js.r'd9 5.3e -JO 6rj: r*:r1o'
Gdqdo-- dgnrori9Q iu{g ddjilil#.{ s{dG^ie-:: ero9eO(l)dQ nard{ u.'ldr"oedicr.a: i,ra-:.
tOtrg (,gkl-oe!,
^J^J- clUc/tr.l/rY ;J(,.Oo.!/l?J. *r-:r, wOP.J/lV -.J
,f), rdcr u adU:^JuJ! .Ji..\^ :&:J$ r l?,'.

ic:.1ndedriv). i€c t:f -tre6: *;3. -i)-il-i

:--acis. -._g lEvaluation and Assesment) o-.ro

?ir.3u rJ.6rD io;c; --iornVii. ir-ri5li.-o-:; ;a:i,r http://dte.kar.nic.in -u :6lid:nR-.

efztJ6 *io-;;cl uo6n?-.",) )ca:a9 e-r *+ro; -r---3=;-is'il{'j.-iru:-)--;J.
l. Assessment of CIE (Continuous Internal E,valLration) and SE,E (Senrester End Examination) to be
conducted strictly as indicated in Assessrnent and Evaluation chart mentioned in the respective
2. Three Internal Assessments (l.A) of theory coLrrse shall be condr,rcted fbr 20 marl{s each.
The average rrarks of three tests shalI be rounded off to the next higher digit.
3. Trvo practical I.A. tests shallbe conducted as per SEE scherne of valLr4tion, The marl<s
obtainedshall bereducedto 10n-rarks.Theaveragemarksoftrvotestsshallberoundedoffto
the next higher digit.
4. The average marks of all graded exercises in Worl<sliops/Drar,r,ingsiRecord rvriting etc.
shall be rounded oflto the next higher digit.
5. Rubrics to be fi-amed appropriately 5, the concerned course coordinator (faculty) to assess
Assi gnments/Student activities/Mi ni project/Proj ect rvorks.
6. lrlplant Trainirrg nroli bs schedLrled continuousll, lbr a period o1'l0 days conveniently in the
begirtnrng ol 6'l'sernester or 4 hours per rveeh pref'erabli,'on Satr-rrdays. (-52 hoLrrs pel ser.nester).
J'he cotrcerrred coltrse coot'ciinator lthcLrlLy)/ Progran'rrne coorclinator(HOD) shall gLricle ancl assist
the students appropliatell'to iclentifl'the indLrstries/r.vorkshops/site visits and to carry oLrt Inplanl
ttat n lltg.

7. The ttut.nber olsluclents in each batch shall be restlicted to nrarirnun-r of sir (6) students in
Plo.ject work / lnplant'l'raining / Proltssional Practice and the rvorliload of these activities shall
be eclLrally distri bLrted among al Ithe tacLrlties o1'the respective plograrnlne.

8. lo assess cotrlint-tot-ts in'tpt'overrent in students learning oLttcomes, the f-eeclback tiorn tl-re stLtclents
shall be tal<en as ltrentioned in the cLtrriculurn. The appropriate f-eedback fbrmats rnay be sLritably
tiarred b1'the course coorclinator (lacLrlt1,) in consultation with the Programnre cooldinator
(HOD). The stLldents f-eeclback nray be docurnentec'l in soli form and necessar)'care should be
tal<en to avoid nranipulations. The course coordinator (fhcLrlty) shor-rld prepare detailed course
plan rvell in advance lvith speciftc learning outcotres.

9. Clollrse oLltcorne attainlxent analysis shal I be carriecl oLrt by the course coordinator (tacLrlty) at
Lhe ettd oI each l A Test and SEE resu]ts. In order to iurprove acaclernic perfolnrance of the
stltclents. the appropriate lenredial rreasLrres shoLrld be sr-rggestecl by the Internal QLrality
AssrLrance Cell (IQAC) o1'the polytechnic.

iut- G-a-J) ddsdrnv e.tq-i&{ eruqe;J I oo- 3c -6i-o. ri.tJdg €,ir:rd)-

,a*-.-;;6:: {,oid rrg ,}ds.
d{,9 (Or-rtcoure Based E,ducation) ei_c$ iril o"i.riidd /
^.;t;\i::\ -r^r]6
- ^) -cg-J, idti;-3;nn ndJrjr. ? r(&oJi i; d.dJF-driv q6td

:j&ag-d"o.r-er rri'ig gd: dJdro!,e; ude 5:ieiin-. ,-


o"%d oqro iE"ro/ cnb6"0d/ enbooddbd oooeS{oeil$ qaooJ:rod- eddd E*E"+n.

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*r. r. w-:- :.,-,. JUJ (=GSe).. _g.-:.:.r.,,.
Z]Cdt.t^d:- -:.rd 6f,J6:_n.

2.;::: :,-:f56C' ! (/-"oir e

*v. J,. er!.J.:J. !^
-^ --llgJ;dJ- :fi3 d::n h.
l. ::l: a--:-i6o: (; ! --T 1. =:.5.i-. a,-:n;Jic-- -j*:6 En6r_h.
+. ^iiio*
^\r cior"iooC (efpJ), e--c.9.D, ajodg..rad:- frotJr d,l]6En.
u l I ,
5. lde. Jdd: (n:,no) eto.5.l, dcdit"C- -rrr"E *_-:aqn.
ir-::le:-. *e::n. J:J.9.:,. ZllIrV,eoi:- :,6."r-5iltUclc I;=,f--9 {6:fO; u;..5.
.,der-Jr::e;cJ:d ildi,o(d J:ag C-15 (J rrod 6de ri;lncr)drr(g ilJiJdv-,:. !du3ie;:.

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