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Year 2018

Class 1st - 5th

Based on the findings of NAS 2017 and the suggestions received from the field teachers and other stake
holders, the State Institute of Education Kashmir has conducted five-day workshop to review the existing
unitization of syllabi for class 1st – 9th. The workshop was attended by the reputed pedagogues of the valley.
Among different activities and programmes of SIE, the development of syllabi-cum-unitization is aimed at working
out an academic schedule for the schools. The schedule facilitates the schools to plan their activities with an eye
on main learning objectives so that the academic calendar is meaningfully utilised in teaching and learning
throughout the session.
The objectives highlighted are aimed at facilitating the teachers to plan their class room activities in a
meaningful and productive manner. The teachers while planning for the class room transactions must keep in
mind the learning outcomes as the new trend of assessment of students under CCE. The assessment (internal or
external) is done mainly on the basis of Learning Outcomes. The National Achievement Survey 2017 was also
based on LOs, the result of which has come recently in the form of District Report Cards. This is also to bring
in the element of accountability and facilitation for effective monitoring.
The text book development as per National Curriculum Framework 2005, being under process at J & K
Board of School Education, requires the revision and updating of the existing document. Therefore, SIE welcomes
any constructive suggestions from all the stake holders to make this exercise more effective in future.
I am thankful to faculty members of SIE , DIETs and the Field subject experts especially the ones who were
practically involved in getting this document set and wish all the best to my teachers and students in all

Mehboob Hussain
Joint Director/Principal SIE
Guiding Principles of Curriculum Development
❖ Connecting knowledge to life outside school.
❖ Ensure that learning is shifted away from note methods.
❖ Enriching the curriculum for overall development of children rather
remain text book centric.
❖ Making Examination more flexible and integrated with classroom life.
❖ Nurturing and overriding identity informing by caring concern
within the democratic polity of the country NCF 2005
Diagonal Linkage
Class 1st – 5th

Load Unit 1 Unit 2 Term 1 Unit 3 Term 2

Unit 1=10% 6% … 4% … …

Unit 2=20% … 14% 6% … …

Term 1=20% … … 20% … …

Unit 3=15% … … … 10% 5%

Term 2=35% … … … … 35%

Total= 100% 6% 14% 30% 10% 40%

Class 1st English (Tulip Series Book I)
achieved TEACHING.

Learners will be able to . . . Note: While assessing the

1. Prepare flash cards in upper case learners in U1, U2, T1, U3 and
1. Recognition of letters and their
and lower case of the alphabet and T2, the teacher is suggested to
display them to the learners. Point to adopt the following strategies or
Unit I 10% 1.Introduction each case of the letter and call out its any innovative practice best
2. Associate letters with pictures.
to Letters name along with the case in which it suited to his/her context.
is written. For example:
3. Name familiar objects in the
M this is capital M Listening: The teacher will say
m this is small m any three words to each student
from unit-I and ask the student to
4. Differentiate between capital
repeat them correctly.
and small letters. 2. Name common objects, such as,
man, dog, tree etc, when pictures are
Speaking: The teacher will
display pictures from the unit-I
and ask the students to recognize
3. Use familiar and simple words
them and say them aloud.
(bat, pen etc) to produce the initial
sound of a particular word. E.g. /b/,
Reading: The teacher will display
some pictures and ask the students
to match the given letters with a
4. Develop phonic awareness through
particular picture.
Writing: the teacher will write
words with one missing letter
(initial, middle or final) in each
word and ask the students to fill
the missing letters.
Unit II 20% 1. Learning 1. Developing Listening and 1. The teacher will draw/display a Listening: The teacher will say
about the speaking skills. clock in the class and will teach them any five words to each learner
Time about the functions of the arms of the from a particular lesson and ask
2. Talk about self and family clock. the learners to repeat them
2. My Family members in English, like I am. . . correctly.
2. Enrich vocabulary in English about
3. Thumb 3. Recite poems/rhymes with the family and relations, like, father, Speaking: The teacher will ask
King action. mother, brother etc. the learners to sing the poem
Thumb King.
4. To recognize the size and 3. Sing/recite poem/rhyme with
function of different arms of the actions. Reading: The teacher will
clock. prepare flash cards of family
members, pictures and words
separately, and ask the learners to
match the particular picture with
the corresponding word.

Writing: The teacher will write

some words with two missing
letters (initial, middle or final) in
each word and ask the students to
fill the missing letters.

Term I 20% 1. Our Chinar 1. To know about the parts of a 1. Listen to stories and interact in
tree tree. English/home language.

2. Good 2. Learning of good manners. 2. Use greetings, like, “Good

Habits Morning”, “Good Afternoon”,
3. Developing good habits: “Thank you” etc.
3. Going on a brushing of teeth, bathing daily
Picnic and combing of hair etc. 3. Say two/three sentences describing
familiar objects in the parks.
4. Understanding of Nature
through fun.
1. Call the learners to stand in a
Unit III 15% 1. If I were an 1. Vocabulary building regarding circle. Instruct them about the activity
Apple fruits. about vocabulary building regarding
fruits. The first learner will say the
2. Our Tree 2. Respond orally (in any name of a fruit and the second learner
language including sign has to repeat the name said by the
3. A kite language) to comprehension first learner and add the name of
questions related to the topic. another fruit.
2. Ask the learners to imagine what
3. To express his/her imagination would they do if they were
in any language. birds/teachers/animals etc. and speak
about it in one or two sentences in
home language/broken English.

1. to identify nouns, like, Raja, 1. Call the learners to stand in a

Term II 35% 1. Raja’s mango, children etc . circle. Instruct them about the activity
Mango tree about vocabulary building regarding
2. Language learning through fun nouns. The first learner will say a
2. Sundari because toys and kites are the noun from the lesson and the second
things children love and talk to learner has to repeat the noun said by
3. Flying-Man them and consider them having the first learner and add another noun
life. from the lesson.
4.The Tailor 2. Ask the learners to draw a kite on
and his Friend 3. To sing the poem/rhyme with the notebooks and colour it.
actions. 3. Respond in home
4. Language learning through language, what the learner has
interesting stories. word understood in the story/poem.
categories/people and their
professions :

Note: ‘’The teachers shall apply different methods and materials to enable children to develop the understanding of concepts embedded in the themes
wherein multilingual approach has also a role. Moreover, the activity oriented textual exercises are important for the linguistic development of students
and these should be transacted through variety of activities viz games, puzzles, jigsaw, matching, questioning, debating, discussing, role playing and
dramatizing etc. The project work and art integrated learning are also the foremost strategies of teaching.’’
Class: 2nd Sub: English (Tulip Series Book II)


Learners will be able to . .
Unit I 10% 1. Health and . 1. Sing/recite songs/poems/rhymes The teacher is suggested to
Hygiene with action, like: test all the four skills of
1. To use simple adjectives Brush your teeth, Brush your language viz. listening,
2. Monkeys are related to cleanliness, health teeth, brush them everyday . . . speaking, reading and
not litter bug and hygiene. Father, mother . . . writing of the learners. It is
Brush them every day. recommended to lay more
2. Speak/talk about healthy emphasis in Unit Tests on
habits, e.g. washing hands, 2. Prepare charts/pictures/flash cards listening and speaking
brushing etc. and display them in the classroom. skills of the learners as by
Ask the learner to identify the and large these skills are
3. To identify nouns by pictures and say about them in often ignored while testing.
looking at the pictures. English/home language. Reading and writing may
be tested in term exams on
Unit II 20% 1. The Months 1. To know about seasons— 1. Enrich vocabulary particularly the basis of Constructivist
Climate and weather about the months of the year mainly approach where emphasis
2. Snowfall patterns. through. is laid on comprehension
and application of
3. Animals are 2. To know about months of 2. Instruct the learners to draw the knowledge rather than
our friends a year and days of a week. picture of the snowman. Ask them in memory.
which month they see snow.
3. To respond orally in
home language/English 3. Participate in role play, enactment
about the experiences of of skills about different sounds of
winter. animals.

4. To develop vocabulary
related to animal sounds.

5. To have the concept of

Term I 20% 1. Abu Ali 1. Express opinion verbally 1. Ask learners verbally in home
Counts his about the characters, story language/English verbally simple
Donkeys line etc in English or home questions, like,
language. What did you see in your school?
2. First Day at Did you enjoy your first day at
School 2. To develop the value of school?
honesty among learners. How do you go to school?
3. Haldi’s
Adventure 3. To develop school related 2. Use ABL method to develop the
vocabulary. concept of noun.

4. To name different

5. To identify nouns in the


Unit III 15% 1. I am lucky 1. To use facial expressions. 1. Ask learners to sing a beautiful
poem with actions.
2. I Want 2. Listen to polite forms of
expression, like, 2. Use role play in order to develop
3. The Wind If I were a ______, I would vocabulary among learners.
and the Sun fly.
If I were a ______, I would 3. Divide the learners into groups and
teach. ask each group to play role as per the
instructions, like:
3. To identify the characters Groups Roles
and the sequence of events First Teachers
in a story. Group
Second Birds
4. Use pronouns, like, he, Group
she, It, I, you etc. Third Medical
Group Staff
Fourth Animals
e.g. If I were a horse I would run
Term II 35% 1. A Smile 1. Learning through fun and 1. Ask the learners anything they are
action. interested in.
2. On my
Blackboard I 2. To draw something 2. Ask them in English or home
can Draw related to the poem. language what happens when you
smile at someone.
3. The Mouse 3. To say different rhyming
and the Pencil words. 3. Ask learners to say at least
words/sentences about their
4. Granny, 4. To develop value of love, grandparents in English/home
Granny, Please parental care and affection. language.
my Hair 5. Narration of folk tales.

5. The Magic

Note: ‘’The teachers shall apply different methods and materials to enable children develop the understanding of concepts embedded in the themes
wherein multilingual approach has also a role. Moreover, the activity oriented textual exercises are important for the linguistic development of students
and these should be transacted through variety of activities viz games, puzzles, jigsaw, matching, questioning, debating, discussing, role playing and
dramatizing etc etc. The project work and art integrated learning are also the foremost strategies of teaching.’’
Class: 3rd Sub: English (Tulip Series Book III)

1. To know about the importance of 1. Ask the learners to play the
Unit I 10% 1. Happy trees trees. role of a tree, wood cutter and The teacher is suggested to
2. To realize the importance of inter gardener. test all the four skills of
2. Nina and the dependence. 2. Divide the learners into four language viz. listening,
baby Sparrow 3. To identify main idea and draw groups and ask each group to act speaking, reading and
conclusion in English/home as different professionals. So writing of the learners. It is
language. that they come to know the recommended to lay more
importance of interdependence. emphasis in Unit Tests on
1. To develop vocabulary related to 1. Give the idea of two leg/four listening and speaking
Unit II 20% 1. How creatures movement of various creatures. legged animals and reptiles. skills of the learners as by
move 2. To understand the importance of 2. Narrate the stories about the and large these skills are
existence of living beings. importance of different often ignored while
2. The Ship of the 3. To introduce pronoun. creatures. testing. Reading and
Desert 4. To understand the concept of 3. Ask the learners to draw and writing may be tested in
sweet home. colour the picture of their home. term exams on the basis of
3. My Home Constructivist approach
where emphasis is laid on
comprehension and
Term I 20% 1. Where there a 1. To understand that hard work 1. The teacher will ask questions application of knowledge
will, there is a way brings success. that the learners have read in the rather than memory.
2. Rain of the 2. To develop the concept of
Night rhyming words. 2. Divide the class into pairs and
ask them to produce different
3. The Story of the 3. Enrich the vocabulary of sounds of birds, like, kaw kaw,
Road vegetables. Chirp chirp etc.

4. To give the knowledge of sound

Unit III 15% 1. Don’t tell 1. To listen and read the poem 1. Listen to and communicate
independently. oral/written texts.
2. He is my
brother 2. Express orally her/his 2. Collect books for independent
opinion/understanding about the reading in English and other
3. Sea Song story and characters of the story in languages.
English/home language.
3. Recite poems in English with
3. To identify rhyming words, like, proper intonation.
sand—hand, air—clear, two—true.

Term II 35% 1. A little Fish 1. Read small texts, short stories in 1. Participate in role play,
Story English with comprehension, that enactment of skits.
is, identifies main idea, details and
2. The Balloon sequence and draws conclusion in 2. Recite poem in English with
Man English. intonation and gestures.

3. The Yellow 2. Recite poems individually/ in 3. Take the learners in a garden

Butterfly groups with correct pronunciation and aware them about the
ad intonation. conservation of nature.
4. What’s in the
Mail box 3. Use jumbled letters to make 4. Use nouns, pronouns and
meaningful words. adjectives in speech and writing.
5. My Silly Sister 4. Listen and speak briefly on
burning issues like, conservation of

5. Listen with comprehension, a

story in English.

6. To develop the concept of


Note: “The teachers shall apply different methods and materials to enable children develop the understanding of concepts embedded in the themes
wherein multilingual approach has also a role. Moreover, the activity oriented textual exercises are important for the linguistic development of students
and these should be transacted through variety of activities viz games, puzzles, jigsaw, matching, Questioning, debating, discussing, role pla ying and
dramatizing etc etc. The project work and art integrated learning are also the foremost strategies of teaching.’’
Class: 4th Sub: English (Tulip Series Book IV)

Course Contents LEARNING OUTCOMES Suggested Pedagogical Processes

and Tips for teaching Scheme of Assessment

(Note: the teacher is suggested to

adopt any of the following
pedagogical approaches to achieve
the given learning outcomes or any
other innovative approach best suited
to his/her contest.)

Unit I 1. Budsha- The The learner – The learner may be provided The teacher is suggested to test all the
Great opportunities in pairs/groups/ four skills of language viz. listening,
• participates in role play, enactment, individually and encouraged to – speaking, reading and writing of the
2. The Blind Boy dialogue and dramatisation of stories learners. It is recommended to lay
read and heard • participate in role play, more emphasis in Unit Tests on
enactment, dialogue and listening and speaking skills of the
• listens to simple instructions, dramatisation of stories read and learners as by and large these skills are
announcements in English made in heard often ignored while testing. Reading
class/school and act Accordingly and writing may be tested in terminal
• listen to simple instructions, exams on the basis of Constructivist
• enrich vocabulary in English mainly announcements in English made in approach where emphasis is laid on
through telling and re-telling class/school and act accordingly comprehension and application of
stories/folk tales knowledge rather than memory.
• participate in classroom
• writes/types dictation of short discussions on questions based on
paragraphs (7-8 sentences) the day today life and texts he/she
already read or heard abo
• Use of punctuation marks/ use of link
• learn English through posters,
charts, etc., in addition to books and
children’s literature
Unit II 1. Mansar Lake • participate in classroom discussions
on questions based on the day to day
• read independently and silently in
2. All Things life and texts he/she already read or
English/ Braille, adventure stories,
Bright and heard
travelogues, folk/fairy tales etc.
• be sensitive to social and
3. Ladakh, the environmental issues such as gender • understand different forms of
Land of Passes equality, conservation of natural writing (informal letters, lists,
resources, etc stories, diary entry etc.)

• Listens and speaks briefly on a • learn grammar in a contextual and

familiar issues like conservation of integrated manner and frame
water; and experiences of day to day grammatically correct sentences
life like visit to a zoo; going to a mela
or a hill station • notice the use of nouns, pronouns,
adjectives, prepositions and verbs
• learn English through posters, charts, in speech and writing and in
etc., in addition to books and different language activities.
children’s literature
• notice categories and word clines
•start using dictionary to find out
spelling and meaning • enrich vocabulary in English
mainly through telling and re-
• Corrects sentences having telling stories/folk tales
grammatical errors
• start using dictionary to find
out spelling and meaning
Term I 1. Resting on a • read independently and silently in
Bridge English/ Braille, adventure stories, • practise reading aloud with pause
travelogues, folk/ fairy tales etc. and intonation, with an awareness
2.With A Little Bit of punctuation (full stop, comma,
of Luck • shares riddles and tongue-twisters in question mark); also use
English punctuation appropriately in writing
3. An Evening
Prayer • expresses orally her/his opinion/ • infer the meaning of unfamiliar
understanding about the story and words from the context
characters in the story, in English/
home language. • take dictation of words /phrases /
sentences/ short paragraphs from
• recites poems individually/ in groups known and unknown texts
with correct pronunciation and
intonation • be sensitive to social and
environmental issues such as
• understand different forms of writing gender equality, conservation
(informal letters, lists, stories, diary of natural resources, etc.
entry etc.)
• look at cartoons/pictures/comic
• learn grammar in a contextual and strips with or without words and
integrated manner and frame interpret them
grammatically correct Sentences
• enrich vocabulary through
• notice the use of nouns, pronouns, crossword puzzles, word chain, etc.
adjectives, prepositions and verbs in
speech and writing and in different • appreciates verbally and in
language activities writing the variety in food, dresses
and festivals as read/heard in
• take dictation of words/phrases/ his/her day to day life and
sentences/ short paragraphs from story book, seen in videos, films,
known and unknown texts etc

Unit III 1. Tom and his • practise reading aloud with pause
New Medicine and intonation, with an awareness of
punctuation (full stop, comma,
2. The Naughty question mark); also use punctuation
Boy appropriately in writing

3. Against Idleness • infer the meaning of unfamiliar

and Mischief words from the context

• develops imagination/creativity
through story telling.

• recites poems (Clearly and Fluently)

Term II 1. From Alice in • look at cartoons/pictures/comic strips

Wonderland with or without words and interpret
2.Robin Hood them
3. Foreign Lands • enrich vocabulary through crossword
4. Be Adventures puzzles, word chain, etc.
5. What Animals • appreciates verbally and in writing
Do the variety in food, dresses and
festivals as read/heard in his/her day
to day life and story book, seen in
videos, films, etc.
• uses punctuation marks appropriately
in writing such as question mark,
comma, full stop and capital letters
• develops language through
conversation and storytelling

Note: “The teachers shall apply different methods and materials to enable children develop the understanding of concepts embedded in the themes
wherein multilingual approach has also a role. Moreover, the activity oriented textual exercises are important for the linguistic development of students
and these should be transacted through variety of activities viz games, puzzles, jigsaw, matching, Questioning, debating, discussing, role playing and
dramatizing etc etc. The project work and art integrated learning are also the foremost strategies of teaching.’’
Class: 5th Sub: English (Tulip Series Book V)
Course Contents LEARNING OUTCOMES Suggested Pedagogical Processes
and Tips for teaching Scheme of Assessment

Unit I 1. The Fowler end The learner – The learner may be provided
the Quails • answers coherently in written or oral form opportunities in pairs/groups/ The teacher is suggested to test all
2. The Idiot Box to questions in English based on day-today individually and encouraged to– the four skills of language viz.
life experiences, unfamiliar story, poem • discuss and present orally, and then listening, speaking, reading and
heard or read. write answers to text-based questions, writing of the learners. It is
short descriptive paragraphs
• recites and shares English songs, poems, • participate in activities which involve recommended to lay more
games, riddles, stories, tongue twisters etc, English language use, such as role play, emphasis in Unit Tests on listening
recites and shares with peers and family enactment, dialogue and dramatisation of and speaking skills of the learners
members. stories read as by and large these skills are
• uses the dictionary for reference and heard often ignored while testing.
• look at print-rich environment such as
newspapers, signs and directions in public Reading and writing may be tested
Moral, Unity/harmony ---- day to day places, pamphlets, and suggested in term exams on the basis of
conversation, Pairs of words websites Constructivist approach where
Substitution, imperative sentences. for language learning emphasis is laid on comprehension
Modern craze for television: humour, fun, • prepare speech for morning assembly, and application of knowledge
group discussions, debates on selected
wisdom, presence of mind. topics, etc. rather than memory.
Animals and their homes, phrasal verbs, • infer the meaning of unfamiliar words
simple past ,narration ( wh questions) from the context while reading a variety
Unit II 1. Birbal, the wise • reads independently in English storybooks, of texts
2. The Shadow news items/ headlines, advertisements • refer to the dictionary, for spelling,
meaning and to find out synonyms and
3. Gulliver among etc. talks about it, and composes short antonyms
the Lilliput paragraphs • understand the use of synonyms, such as
• attempts to write creatively (stories, poems, ‘big/large’, ‘shut/ close’, and antonyms
posters, etc) like inside/outside, light/dark from clues
Child’s inner spirit, rhyming words, in context
• relate ideas, proverbs and expressions in
recitation of poem with proper tone the stories that they have heard, to those
pronunciation, opposite words. in their mother tongue/surroundings/
Satire on society with an element of humour/ cultural context
Synonyms, reflexive pronouns Language • read independently and silently in
through fun and laughter . English/ Braille, adventure stories,
travelogues, folk/
Term I 1. From The Pied • conducts short interviews of people around fairy tales etc.
Piper of Hamelin him e.g interviewing grandparents, teachers, • find out different forms of writing
2. The Man Who school librarian, gardener etc. (informal letters, lists, stories leave
Swallowed a • uses meaningful grammatically correct application, notice
Snake sentences to describe and narrate incidents; etc.)
3.You are Old, and for framing questions • learn grammar in a context and
integrated manner ( such as use of nouns,
Father William • writes and speaks on peace, equality etc adverbs; differentiates between simple
suggesting personal views past and
• writes paragraphs in English from verbal, simple present verbs.)
visual clues, with appropriate punctuation • use linkers to indicate connections
marks and linkers between words and sentences such as
‘Then’, ‘After
• writes informal letters, messages and e- that’, etc.
mails • take dictation of sort texts such as lists,
paragraphs and dialogues.
wisdom and intelligence use of had, might • enrich vocabulary through crossword
have, irregular verbs , narration puzzles, word chain etc.
• look at cartoons/ pictures/comic strips
( yes/ no type questions) with or without words and speak/write a
Language through pleasure and fun , making few sentences about them.
of compound words Sense • write a ‘mini biography’ and ‘mini
of inclusiveness ----- use of would.....& used autobiography
Unit III 1. The Man Who • reads text with comprehension, locates
Empowered the details and sequence of events
Blind • connects ideas that he/she has inferred,
2. The Eagle through reading and interaction, with his/
3. The Prodigal her personal experiences Love of birds ---
Son rhyming words
Love and forgiveness of parents
Prepositions ---for ,to, about, at, on etc
Sense of pleasure --, rhyming words
Term II 1. The Fountain • takes dictation for different purposes, such
2. The Cat’s as lists, paragraphs, dialogues etc.
Paradise • identifies kinds of nouns, adverbs;
3. Paper Boats differentiates between simple past and
4. Pangong Tso simple present verbs
5. This Land of • writes paragraphs in English from verbal,
Ours visual clues, with appropriate punctuation
marks and linkers
• writes a ‘mini biography’ and ‘mini
• reads print in the surroundings
(advertisements, directions, names of places
etc), understands and answers queries
• appreciates either verbally / in writing the
variety in food, dress, customs and festivals
as read/heard in his/her day-to day life, in
storybooks/ heard in narratives/ seen in
videos, films etc

Animal story ------concept of clause

Childhood memories (Innocence)
Love for country
Dialogue learning (short form of words) --
won’t , shan’t, etc

Note: “The teachers shall apply different methods and materials to enable children develop the understanding of concepts embedded in the themes
wherein multilingual approach has also a role. Moreover, the activity oriented textual exercises are important for the linguistic development of students
and these should be transacted through variety of activities viz games, puzzles, jigsaw, matching, Questioning, debating, discussing, role playing and
dramatizing etc etc. The project work and art integrated learning are also the foremost strategies of teaching.’’
Class: 5th Sub: Mathematics
Course Contents Learning Goals
Unit I Shapes and Angles To have Concept of shape, size and the angles.
To have the concept of line segments and parts of angle.
How Many Squares To have Understanding of perimeter.
To be able to calculate the perimeter of rectangle, square etc..
How Many Squares To have the concept of area.
Parts and Wholes, To be able to calculate the area of rectangle and square using geoboard.
Unit II To have Understanding of the parts of the whole.
To have Understanding of Equivalent fractions and their graphical interpretation.
Does it Look Same
To have the concept of mirror images of different English Alphabet.
To be able to Add, Subtract and multiply the fractional numbers.
To have the understanding of the similar figures.
Be My Multiple I will be To have the understanding of multiples and factors
Term I your factor To have the understanding of Common factors.
Can you see the pattern To have the understanding of patterns (Number patterns and picture patterns)
Tenths and Hundredths To have the understanding of decimals.
To be able to compare decimals and fractions,
To be able to represent fractional graphically.
Unit III Area and its Boundary To be able to understand the different dimensions of the figure by using different scales.
To be able to measure length, breadth and height by different activities.
Boxes and Sketches To have concrete concept of area. (Geo board may also help)
To be able to construct the cube, cuboid, cone, cylinder using charts/ papers
Term II Smart Charts To have the understanding of different charts,
Way to multiply and To be able to frame different charts from the environment.
Divide To be able to divide a number by another numbers.
To have the conceptual understanding of weight and volume of the different objects.
How Big how Heavy
Class: 4th Sub: Mathematics
Course Contents Learning Goals
Unit I Long and Short To be able to estimate the distance between the objects
To have the understanding of different units of length and their use.
Unit II To have the understanding of time,
Tick Tick Tick To be able to both analogue and Digital clocks.
To be able to compare 12 and 24-hour clock.
To have the concept of Morning, Mid-Day, Evening, Night, After Noon, Before Noon
The Junk Seller To be able to multiply; One digit by one digit, Two digit by one/two-digit, Three digit by one/two/three-digit numbers
To understand the terms Buying, Selling, Profit, loss, costly, cheap etc
Term I Jugs and Mugs To have the understanding of volume.
To have the understanding of litre and millilitre.
To be able to measure the liquid quantities through different measuring vessels.
Charts and To have the understanding of circular shapes.
Wheels To be able to identify radius, diameter, circumference in different circular objects.
To be able to find the centre of circular objects through different activities
To be able to identify circular objects from the environment and the estimation of their radii and circumference.
Unit III Halves and To have the conceptual understanding of fractions.
Quarters To be able to divide different objects into two/three/four/……. equal parts.
Conceptional understanding of multiplication through activities.
Tables and To be able to use multiplication in different problems.
Shares To have the concept of division.
To be able to divide a two-digit number by a single digit n umber.
Term II How Heavy How To have the concept of mass.
light Units of Mass.
To be able to weigh different quantities using different measuring units.
To be able to compare heavier and lighter objects using different activities.
Fields and Fences To have the understanding of perimeter.
To be able to calculate the perimeter of table top, wall, floor, book, etc
Concept of area and its estimation using geoboard/square grid paper
Smart Charts To have the understanding of data.
To be able to collect data and be able to organise the same in tabular form.
Class: 3rd Sub: Mathematics
Course Contents Learning Goals
To develop the concept of Estimation.
Unit I Fun with Numbers To be able to write numbers in descending and ascending order.
To be able to express the numbers in expanded form such no. of hundreds, no. of tens and no. of ones
To be able to add two/ three-digit numbers.
Give and take
To be able to use addition in the given situation
Unit II To have the understanding of subtraction.
Fun with give and To be able to subtract two/three-digit numbers.
Take To be able to add/subtract small amounts of money with or without regrouping.
To be able to use addition and subtraction in different mathematical problems.
Time goes on To have the understanding of time
To be able to identify the particular day and date from the colander.
To be able to read the clock/watch
To be able to relate their experience with time.
To be able to recognise basic 2D shapes such as Rectangle, square, circle, triangle etc
Term I
To have the competence of relating different familiar objects with geometrical shapes.
Geometrical Shapes
To have concept of curved and straight lines
Formation of shapes with the help of objects.
How many times To develop the concept of multiplication from repeated addition.
To be able to count the objects without actual counting which are put in rectangular form.
To be able to measure the objects using nonstandard units such figure, handspan, cubit, foot.
Length-Mass or To have the competence of measuring different objects with the help of tape and scale
Unit III
Weight and capacity To be able to weigh the objects using standard units.
To be able to measure the capacity of different containers using standard capacity containers
Can we Share To be able to share the objects equally among given number.
To be able to divide two-digit number by a single digit number.
Rupees and Paisa To be able to identify various notes and coins.
To have the skill of calculating the amount to be paid for the purchase of different things.
Term II To be able to frame cash memo
To have the idea of parts of the whole.
Fractional Numbers To be able to divide the objects in different desirable parts.
To be able to represent the fractional parts in terms of fractional numbers.
Class:- 2nd Subject:- Mathematics
Course Content Learning Goals
To develop the concept of counting by arranging the objects in groups.

Concept of counting by 2s, 3s, 4s … to lay the foundation of multiplication and division.
Unit I Counting in Groups
To develop the concept of sequence of numbers.

To develop the concept of ascending and descending order and the number in between.

To develop understand of the concept of weight (heavy and light).

How Much Can You To compare weights of different things by holding them in their hands.

Carry To be able to use simple balance to compare heavier and lighter objects.

To develop the understanding and observation skill about the things in the surroundings by comparing their weights.

To develop the concept of grouping things in 2's ,3's,4's,5's etc.

To develop the concept of counting by grouping things in tens.

Counting in Tens
To develop the concept of skip counting in 2’s, 3’s, and 4’s, 5’s etc., by using number line, tables and patterns.
Unit II
To develop the concept of regrouping the numbers from ones to tens.

Tens and ones To develop the concept of tens (place value) by using currency (play money)

To develop the concept of grouping of numbers as tens and ones.

Use place value in writing and comparing two-digit numbers.

To develop the knowledge about days of week and months of year.
Concept of today, yesterday and tomorrow.
My Funday
To have the knowledge about calendar with emphasis on sequence of days and months.
To have the Knowledge about the month and the climate & fruits grown in that month (Hot, Cold & Rain/Snow)
To understand the concept of Volume.
Term I
Jugs and Mugs To be able to measure the capacity of containers available in and outside the school using cup, spoon, Mug, etc
To have a reasonable idea of volume of different liquids used in day to day life.
To develop the concept of addition orally (mental calculation).
Add Our Points
To develop the concept of addition of numbers less than 9 by suitable rearrangement.
Unit III Lines and Lines To distinguish between straight line and curved lines.
To develop the concept of horizontal, vertical and slanting lines.
To be able to draw lines and pictures.
The Longest Step To be able to measure the length/ distance using uniform non-standard units like a rod, pencil etc.
Comparing the lengths of different objects.
Give and Take To develop the concept of addition and subtraction by grouping things into tens and ones
To develop the concept of addition and subtraction through money transaction while shopping.
To develop the concept of addition and subtraction in columns.
To solve the daily life problems based on addition and subtraction.
Term II
Birds Come Birds To develop the concept of addition and subtraction using the concept of tens and ones

Go To develop the concept of breaking a number into the sum or difference of two numbers.

How many Ponytails To develop the concept of multiplication by using the things in your surroundings.
To develop the multiplication tables by using numbers and patterns.
Class: 1st Sub: Mathematics
Course Contents Learning Goals
To develop the understanding of the shapes and spatial relationship.
To develop the organizational understanding of the things around a child in and outside the school.
To develop language vocabulary related to the mathematical concepts used in day to day life viz inside-outside,
bigger-smaller, biggest-smallest, top-bottom, nearer-father, nearest-farthest, above- below, on-under
Unit I Shapes & Space
To identify different objects and their distinguishable features.
Three dimensional shapes: visual recognition of a spherical, cylindrical, cuboids and conical shapes.
Ideas of rolling and sliding. Two dimensional shapes: visual recognition of circle, square, rectangle and triangle.
To be able to colour different shapes for development of writing Skill.
Matching, sorting, classifying and ordering concrete objects.
Conceptual understanding of numbers one to nine and zero.
Number One to Nine Compare the things on the basis of their number.
Develop the vocabulary: more, less, as many as, the same number.
To be able to write the numbers 1-9.
Unit II
Addition To develop the concept of putting (combining) collections together where attention is focused on the number of
objects in the collection.
To learn the commutative aspect of addition.
Verbal problems related to addition.
Verbal problems related to addition.
Term I Subtraction To develop the three aspects of the concept of subtraction viz: taking away, comparison and complementary addition.
Verbal problems related to subtraction.
Number from Ten to twenty The concept of grouping the objects in groups of ten (10) by concretization.
The conceptual understanding of Numbers Ten to Twenty.
To be able to add and Subtract the numbers up to twenty.
To be familiarized with certain time-based activities that help them to understand the concept of time ( day, night,
Time morning, evening etc) and meaning of terms like earlier-later.
Unit (III) To be able to compare two objects on the basis of their length.
To be able to compare two objects on the basis of their weight.
Measurement Ordering three or more objects according to length.
Ordering three or more objects according to weight.
Development of vocabulary: as long as, as tall as as thick as, as heavy as, as light as, ……..
Number from Twenty-one Group the things in tens and ones. Use of abacus is important for the concept of tens
to fifty To b able to write numbers from 21 to 50 along with their conceptional understanding.
Term II Pattern Development observation relationships to find connections and to make deductions, generalizations and predictions.

Numbers To group the number up to 100 in Tens and ones and add. Representation of Numbers.
To be able to write the numbers up to 100.
Money To provide children experiences in dealing with collections of Coins and notes.
Differentiate the currency as per their value.
Class: 3rd Subject: EVS
Sequence of chapters: Family & Friends(Friends include animals and plants)-> Food->Shelter->Water->Travel->Work

Unit/ Key Concepts
Chapter Title Learning Outcomes Resources Assignments/
Term (Syllabus)
4. Our First Concept of a family; Family as Family as a support system – Child’s daily life Observation, enquiry about family
School a support system, Ideas about Values and habits, skills learnt experience; Family relations from adults, discussion.
relationships; roles in a family at homes, relationships, roles members.
in a family, family etiquettes
10. Sharing our Sensitivity to the old and Sharing things and feeling
feelings physically challenged; with some particular family “Meri bahen sun Reading and discussion; Making
Introduction to the sense of nahin sakti’ a book different kinds of sounds and
member, Feelings, Empathy
U1 hearing and sight; by Bharat Vigyan
sensitization to the fact that and Compassion for the old Samiti or any expressing likes and dislikes about
the body ages, also that some and physically challenged – other material on them.; blindfold act, visiting any
children may not hear /see at Basic idea about Braille differently abled local institution that deals with the
all or may be partially children blind or any other institution.
affected. Basic idea about
Exploring children’s ideas of Exploring children’s ideas of Child’s daily life . Observation of diversity of animals
1. an ‘animal’. animals –their living places – experience, around you, listing, Discussion about
Exploring children’s ideas of observation,
Poonam’s crawling animals, flyers and eating habits-common stories/ poems on what they eat, were they live relative
day out insects. features, sounds, movements animals size of animals they have seen,
Exploring children’s ideas of pictures in books, animals heard
U2 birds-their living places, eating about. Drawing pictures of favourite
habits, common features like
feathers and sounds produced animals.
by them. Observation, of ants, flies, spiders,
crickets, cockroaches, earthworms,
lizards and other animals
The Plant Fairy Exploring children’s ideas Exploring children’s ideas Child’s daily life On scrap book paste at least 10
about a ‘plant’. Plant about a ‘plant’-Leaf diversity- experience, animals; 10 colours and 10 Leaves;
diversity; size, where they observation,
grow, shape, colour, aroma, colour, shape, texture aroma information from also 10 trees with local and
etc.; dependence on plants etc. Plants at present & Extinct grandparents/ beautiful names.
for everyday life Plants ( Brief idea),importance elders, a Observation of different plants
Identifies simple observable of trees, compassion for plants. sample/picture of around, compare and classification
features (e.g. shape, colour, a plant which is
texture, aroma) of leaves, unusual in the based on simple characters;
trunk and bark of plants in local Discussion about things made of
immediate surroundings surroundings. plants, pencil prints of barks, leaf
5. Foods we eat Food , basic ideas about Food , Types of food and tastes Songs/poems on Listing and discussing about food
various plant used as food; , its significance, balanced food or lack of we do or do not eat; tabulating food
food from animals. Different food;
tastes. food, food habits, we take from different plants and
Appreciation of cultural regional/cultural differences animals. Observing and drawing
diversity in food; in food habits ; different parts of plants eaten.

7. What is What do you eat that is not Types of food. Food may be Songs/poems on Listing raw and cooked food;
cooking cooked? What is eaten only eaten raw or cooked - steamed food or lack of discussion on cooking methods /
when cooked? How do you food;
cook food? What do you cook ,boiled, fried etc Different materials.
it on? What are the different fuels, types of stoves; Types of Ask mother how to cook your
kinds of vessels used for vessels used in cooking, favorite dish .
cooking? What are they made different shapes (regional/
of? Is water used in all forms
of cooking? Which food is traditional), different
cooked without using water? materials, etc. ,
14. A house like Different types of houses Houses/shelters are built & Pictures of Draw a picture of your house
this Need for shelter, need for decorated in different ways in different types of Project: Prepare model of different
living together. Need for houses; easily
T1 shelter to provide protection different cultures & climate, available materials types of houses.
from heat, cold, rain and diversity for model making.
problems faced.
3. Water O Availability of water and use Water, Uses of water. Water Child’s daily life Listing the sources of water,
water of water at home and sources, Water bodies, clean experience, local Exploring by asking questions from
surroundings, Local sources of knowledge
water. Plants too need water. water for drinking, Water for elders or people around,
Use of water in different plants and animals. Use of Discussion.
activities water in different activities
8. From here to Need for travel, travel within Different modes of transport- Pictures of modes Collect pictures of different modes
There the locality and beyond Journey by trains-Scenes; of transport; of transport; classify them into
Different modes of transport;
short distance, long distance, Sounds,noise etc. Different different types of transport;
newer ways of traveling. vehicle we travel, emergency
9. Work we do To meet basic needs human Different occupations, local knowledge Discussion on different kinds of
beings make things; , important buildings and their works and buildings.
important buildings and their role idea of working time and
role e.g. Shop, Hospital etc , leisure time ,
clock and time , activities we
do at a particular time.
The Story of food roles in the family, Cooking Family members and the work Everyday discussion. Listing of food items
and gender/ caste they do, cooking food, experience, local bought from the market/grown at
different types of food home.

Families can be Who all live with you at Concept of a family; diversity Child’s daily life Observation, enquiry about family
different home? How are they related in family types; Ideas about experience; Family relations from adults, discussion.
to each other? Do you have members.
U3 relatives who do not live with relationships; Activities done
you? Have they always been together in the family, Simple
there? family tree (three generations).
Our friends- Exploring children’s ideas of Animals as our friends- Child’s daily life Observation of diversity of animals around
Animals an ‘animal, Human-animal Compassion for animals, experience, you, listing, Discussion about what they eat,
relation, pet animals observation,
Sensitivity about cruelty to stories/ poems on were they live relative size of animals they
animals ,pet Animals. Different animals have seen, pictures in books, animals heard
modes of feeding of Animals about. Drawing pictures of favourite animals.
Drop by Drop Measurement of volume in terms Water scarcity-wastage and Child’s daily life Drawings of different containers.
of non-standard units such as recycling- Water harvesting, experience, Measurement activities;
buckets, pots, etc. bottles of
Estimates of quantities used for judicious use of water different demonstration to help the
different domestic activities; safe shapes/sizes/ understanding of conservation of
handling of water. Containers made materials volume. Touching different
of different shapes and materials to containers and discussing about
store water for different purposes;
Conceptual development of their material.
conservation of volume.
Flying high Exploring children’s ideas of Birds and their sounds; Beaks; Child’s daily life Drawings of birds; mimicking
birds-their living places, eating eggs; food or Feeding habits. experience, different neck movements and
habits, common features like observation,
feathers and sounds produced stories/ poems on sounds of birds, collecting feathers.
by them. birds
Games we Play Leisure; games in school and Leisure- games in school and Traditional and Listing, classifying indoor and
outside, past and present; for outside-past and present-for local games; folk outdoor games.
some play is work toys
some play is work,Traditional
games ( brief idea)
Left- Right Introduction to the concept of Concept of Directions- Local map /chart Roadmap from home to school
giving directions with respect to of the school and
any landmark; also a preliminary
mapping-Symbols and Signs.
its neighborhood.
mapping process, further use of
use of symbols, use of a scale
Here comes a Communication, Communication-Letters- Letter, mobile etc Assignment: To ask students to
letter communicating with someone people associated with post enlist modern means and ways of
who is away from home.
technology office- uses of telephone communication
A beautiful Cloth Cloth , designs on cloth, Diversity in types of clothing Local dresses Ask questions regarding dresses
colours of cloth, effect of we wear, designs on cloth, students wear on the days of
culture and weather on cloth
cloth having different colours festivals.

Web of life Interdependence of things in Man surrounded by Daily Experience List the things we get from animals,
the environment. environment, Day: sun, light, plants, water and soil.
water, animals, plants
Night: moon, stars, rats, house
Class: 4th Subject: EVS
Unit/ Key Concepts
Chapter Title Learning Outcomes Resources Assignments/
Term (Syllabus)
Going to School Concept of different roads. Why going to school, Child’s daily life Make different paths by using
Different types of bridges. Different modes of experience; bricks and stones and then walk
Use of animals for transport; reaching school, difficulties on them.
sensitivity towards faced in different terrains.
animals.Using Shikara, horse-
cart, bullock-cart or bicycle to
go near places like school.
Roads in different seasons like
in rainy season or in winter.
U1 Chuskit Goes to differently abled/ children Chuskit is a differently
School with special needs ,Sensitivity abled girl, wheel-chair, “Meri bahen sun nahin visiting any local institution that
sakti’ a book by Bharat deals with the differently abled
to people who are differently eager to go to school, Vigyan Samiti or any
abled/ children with special Sensitivity to people who other material on children
needs ,Empathy with them are differently abled/ differently abled
children with special needs children
,Empathy with them
Living and Non- Living and Non-living Things, Characteristics of living and Daily experience Project: List living and non-living
living Things recognizing Living and Non- non-living things plant things and look outside the class
movements ,preparing of for them
living Things, features of food by plants
Living and Non-living Things
Exploring children’s ideas of Some animals have Child’s daily life Activity : Collect pictures of
Ear to Ear an ‘animal’. external ears, hair on their experience, animals with/ without hair .
U2 Exploring children’s to observation, stories/
different body parts of animals body,animals laying poems on animals Observation of diversity of
. Animal body features: eggs,animals giving birth animals around you, listing,
animals have external ears, to young ones, Drawing pictures of favourite
hair on their body,animals animals.
laying eggs,animals giving
birth to young ones,
From the Different land forms, Travel by train- its Travelogue describing Reading and listening, discussion,
Window languages, clothing, food description, different the place they have writing about a traveling
habits come from; description
people, their clothing of a train/ship/plane experience of oneself or visiting
,language, train crossing journey relatives
tunnel, river etc
Changing Change with time in people Relationships change with Kya tum meri amma ho? Discussion: Equal importance of
Families residing together. changes in time – Family tree, (NBT story baby girl and boy, Social evil of
family (e.g. due to birth,
marriage, transfer, etc.). different events in family early marriages
Family tree today.
From the mother’s body;
mother-child relationship;
Discussion: Equal importance
of baby girl and boy, Social
evil of early marriages
Safe Drinking Natural sources; inland water Natural sources, inland Film, photographs of Campaign: Awareness through
Water and sea water; potable water; and sea water-Safe dams/canals/tanks/ rallies by students for safe
diarrhoea and other common ponds etc., local
water borne diseases, safe handling and use of water- knowledge. drinking water. Discussion, and
handling of water, purification purification of water writing letters/making posters
T1 of water. Different public Activity: Observe sources highlighting the misuse of the
activities at water bodies; of water in your vicinity. water body.
protection of water bodies.
Water fit for drinking
A Busy Month Birds, Birds make nests for Birds make nests for laying eggs- Child’s observation; Activity: Collect details including
laying eggs. Nesting habits of Nesting habits of different birds visuals; nest of any bird pictures of birds found around us
different birds vary. Different vary-different material are used
materials are used for nests. for nest- birds have different
teeth, beaks, claws and feet for
different needs

A visit to J & K Socio-cultural background of J Life and culture of Jammu Local knowledge Activity: Write sentences on
&K and Kashmir State. culture of J & K.
U3 How Days and Planet-Earth, rotation, Formation of days and Pictures , models etc Experiment : formation of days
Nights are revolution, Formation of days nights, movement of earth . and nights using a torch/candle
Formed and nights, and a ball/globe

Abdul in the Plants need water; roots Roots hold plants to the Child’s observation, Observation, collection, drawing
Garden absorb water and hold it to ground-Roots like carrot, information about the of roots of different types,
the ground. Roots eaten roots eaten by people;
normally by people like radish eaten by people- pictures/specimes of Observing trees/plants whose
carrots, radish, sweet potato, Aerial roots of some plants roots. roots are affected by activities like
and during famine. Aerial , Plants need water. construction/paving/ plastering.
roots of some plants

Eating Together Community eating; Mid day Community eating-Mid Everyday experience, Discussion on occasions at which
meal (where applicable). day Meal-Cultural local knowledge. there is community eating;
Cultural diversity in foods
associated with special diversity in foods Activity: List foods we use on
occasions like festivals, family associated with special different occasions and festivals
celebrations/ ceremonies etc. occasions like festivals,
Boarding school concept of togetherness

Food and Fun Taste, tongue; foods rich in Food-taste and nutrients , Child’s daily life Observe cooking of mid-day
minerals and vitamins. Raw cooked food experience; Family meals
food , cooked food, boiling, members.
steaming, roasting, , frying,
The World in My Exploring children to good and Family as a microcosm- Stories, religion etc Debate : like Is stealing ice cream
T2 Home bad. Shaking hands with family values-decision in your home without permission
children is good but no one
can touch your chest or legs making-caste, religion good or bad.
etc except your mother, it is a perceptions etc-emotional
bad thing. Never take response to a caress/slap,
advantage of anybody’s ‘good’ and ‘bad’ touch
Home and Different land forms, Different land forms Travelogue describing Reading and listening, discussion,
Abroad languages, clothing, food ,languages, clothing, food the place they have writing about a traveling
habits,currency, some idea of come from; description
another country habits, currency, some idea of a train/ship/plane experience of oneself or visiting
of another country journey. relatives

Defence Officer: When you dream big, you act High ambition needs Stories, videos Discussion on My aim in life
Wahida big and when you act big , you rigorous hard work-
become big.
Nature of job in armed
From Home to How parents work to earn for Journey of food from field Daily experience. Make a rate list of different food
Market your studies, journey of food to market, then to house- items.
fruits, vegetables, cereals,
pulses ,oil seeds, spices
grown by farmers
Class: 5th Subject: EVS
Unit/ Key Concepts
Chapter Title Learning Outcomes Resources Assignments/
Term (Syllabus)
Super Senses Sense, Sense organs, Sense organs-Comparison with Child’s daily life observe animals for the
Explain the super senses humans-activities such as eating, experience; unique/unusual sense of sight, smell,
and unusual features (sight, sleeping, seeing, hearing, hear, sleep, and respond for etc., and
smell, hear, sleep, sound, smelling etc. their response to light, heat, sound
etc.) of animals and their etc.
responses to light, sound,
food etc.
From Tasting to Tasting food; chappati/ rice Tasting food becomes sweeter on Child’s experience;
Digesting becomes sweeter on chewing-Digestion begins in the some samples of Discussion; importance of proper
chewing; digestion begins in food items; story chewing of food, improper food
the mouth; glucose is a mouthGlucose is a sugar; of someone on a
sugar. Proper food-every Proper/Balanced food, glucose drip habits
child’s right.
Seeds and Seed germination, root and Seed germination, root and shoot Seeds, germinated Activity” Detect condition suitable
Seeds shoot axis, baby plant, axis, baby plant, storage of food in seeds for germination. Assignment :
storage of food in the seed;
seed dispersal. the seed, seed dispersal, germinating Students to collect different seeds.
time for different seeds Activity: “Chana germination
Experiments Basic observations and Basic observation and Various materials Hands-on activity to observe
with Water classification related to classification related to floating to experiment solubility in water, floatation;
floatation and solubility in with, such as,
water; oil and water are and Sinking… solubility in sugar, stone, oil, discussion, interpretation.
liquids that do not mix; basic water-oil and water are liquids salt, sand etc.
concepts about liquids; litre that do not mix, basic concepts Story of the
as unit of measurement of about liquids. donkey and the
volume salt/cotton bag.
Our Health Health Mela, Red Cross Community health services-its Pictures etc. Request your BMO to send a team of
Services Society, Blood Bank, mobile different types. Activities on doctors for general checkup of
van, diseases, vaccination
Health awareness to be done, students.
U2 Vaccination
A Treat for Stagnant and flowing water; Malaria-causes-detection and Health worker or a Interaction with a community
Mosquitoes mosquitoes and malaria. preventive measures, Anaemia doctor. Newspaper doctor; observation of site of
Blood test, Anaemia, bad articles on malaria
habits invite mosquitoes and etc. stagnant/flowing water.
mosquitoes invite diseases
First Aid First Aid, Cuts and burns, First Aid kit Check the various components of
heat stroke, bleeding nose First aid, its components – First Aid and memorise them.
,insect bite : Do’s and
Don’ts, situations necessitating first aid
Rocks and Rock, main types of rocks: Rocks, types-minerals and Local knowledge Collect different types of rocks
Minerals igneous, sedimentary, metals
rocks,minerals, minerals
contained in rocks,
Up You Go! Mountains, expeditions Mountains, expeditions and the Excerpt from the Climbing a nearest hill
and the spirit of adventure; spirit of adventure-some idea of autobiography of
some idea of training for Bachendri Pal
high altitude training for high altitude

A Shelter so Variation in shelter: regional Variation in shelter -regional Different houses in Assignment : Collecting cut outs of
High difference, difference due to difference-difference due to different climates different houses from newspapers,
climate and materials and regions.
available, economic status, climate and material available, Pictures of villages, pasting them on charts and
etc. economic status colonies etc. discussing them .
Need for living close to Write and draw the area you live in,
others, the idea of find out about people who work for
The Earth Earth, formation of Earth, Earth-its structure-earth quakes, videos Activity : Making a model of earth
Layers of Earth, how its causes-Formation of days and showing crust, mantle and core
mountains are formed?
Volcano, earthquake, nights, seasons-its effects on us- inside the earth.
Formation of days and Solar and lunar eclipses
nights, seasons-its effects on
us-Solar and lunar eclipses
When the Difficult times, Disaster and Disasters and trauma of losing one’s Newspaper Discussion, finding out about the
Earth Shook! trauma of losing one’s home-community help; Relief and clippings hospital, police station, fire station,
home; community help;
Hospitals, police stations, Rehabilitation; Preventive and etc.
ambulance, shelters, fire precautionary measures to adopt
station, first aid. during disasters.

importance of team spirit in Importance of team spirit, some national and Prepare your team and organize a
Across the Wall games, gender stereotyping. obedience -gender, class international cricket tournament in our school
U3 Some idea of other players
countries and national stereotyping in play different
teams. Gender, class types of games
stereotyping in play.
Like Father, family influences (traits/ Relationships-Impact of larger Local examples , List some traits and habits that you
Like Daughter features /habits / practices), socio economic forces are twins got from your mother and father.
need for living together,
changing family structure,
resemblances in the family, traits
A Seed Tells a germination of seeds, Improvements and changes in Child’s daily life Activity :
Farmer’s Story conditions suitable for growing crops-over use of experience, Study germination of seeds,
germination, grains to roti, observation,
natural resources stories/ poems on experiment to determine conditions
Improvements and changes
birds suitable for germination;
in growing crops-over use
Observations in any farm
of natural resources
Discussion with farmers on crop
yields from different seed varieties
Whose Forests Forest, Right to forest act, Tribal life-effects of Poetry regarding survey and identify any ‘green belt’
T2 Public/private ownership of deforestation-communities forests in your neighbourhood.
trees/forests. Sacred groves;
people’s movements to dependent on forest produce. Discussion: Timber smuggling ,a
protect their forests. curse for J&K forests
On the Move On different types of Shifts in habitation-migration- Story of a child Discussion : e.g. job for which father
Again farmers. Hardships faced by Associated difficulties missing school stays away from family for months.
subsistence farming, because of his/her
including seasonal family’s seasonal
migration. Need for migration.
irrigation, fertilizers How to
overcome difficulties
associated with migration
Many have to stay away
from their families to feed
their families.
Who will do Dignity of Labour Dignity of labour-dependence of Sayings of great Activity: Encouraging children for
this Work Dependence of society on society on such essential people self help.
such essential services.
Choice of work as a societal services. Do cleaning in your school.
Sunita in Space The sky in the day and night. The sky in the day and night- Story of Rakesh Imagine yourself in a spacecraft
Basic exposure to the aerial basic exposure to the aerial view Sharma/ Kalpana giving an interview about what you
view of the earth, sunrise, Chawla.
moonset, moonrise, of the earth. see from there!
spaceship, living in space
Air: Its Uses Air, Importance of air, Air, composition, uses-Pollution, Newspaper . Project: Enlist the Sources of Air
and Pollution pressure, constituents of air, sources, effects, measures to cuttings, daily life Pollution in the surroundings
air pollution , Sources of Air experience
check it

Clothing and Developing sensitivity Diversity in culture- pictures ; Discussion: Respecting cultural
Culture amoung students towards environment effects culture diversity
their culture, Cultural
diversity of India
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                   
         
    (10-18) 
  
  
      
                       
            
 
               (19-28)   
 
   
  

         
          
         
                    
  
 
  

  
 
           
  
           
    
     
          (29-44) 
 
  
          
 
                            
 
    
 
     
  
 
  
  
  
  
  
 
    Learning Outcome Content Course/Period

              

 (1-6) 
 
               

            
    
                         
    
  
     (7-10) 
 
 
 
   
 
   
      
      
    
                        
  (11-18) 
  
   
         
          
            
     (19-27)   
       
 
             
                
      
         
          
 
     
  
    
          
         
          (28-36)  
     
       
  
        
         
       
   
  
   
  
  

    Learning Outcome Content Course/Period

 
    
      
  
   
  
  
      
       
  
    /  
            
   
  
                     

   
         
       
   
      
    
       
        
          
           
 
          
        
       

     
           
          
  

  
        
       
           
  
  
  
          
          
        
       
    

                      
                
          
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