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(MOS EXCEL 2016)


(Overview 1 sampai dengan Overview 11 Task 1)

Diajukan untuk memenuhi Tugas Besar dalam Rangka Persiapan UTS Genap 2018-2019

Disusun oleh :
Naufal Azmi Dzakir
1 IF 2


Overview 1
You recently opened an online toy store. You have sold products to 116 individual customers. You
evalusting customer data and order data

Task 1
On The “Customers” Worksheet”, format the table so that every other row is shaded.
Use a technique that automatically updates the formatting if you insert a new row
1. Open file Overview 1.xlsx
2. Click Customers Worksheet
3. Block Range A1;J116
4. Click Home Tab, Click Style Group, Click Icon Format as Table, Click Table Style Medium 9
5. Click Icon Save

Task 2
On The “Customers” Worksheet”, sort the table to order the records by the “Country”
field, with customers in the United States first and customers in Canada second.
Then sort the customers in each country alphabetically (from A to Z) by the “City”
Finally, sort the customers in each state or province in ascending order by the
“PostalCode” field
1. Open Customers Worksheet
2. Block Table, Click Data Tab, Click Filter Short
3. First, Sort by Country, Sort on is Values, Order Z to A
4. Then by City, Sort on is Values, Order A to Z
5. Then by PostalCode, Sort on is Values, Order A to Z

Task 3
On The “Customers” Worksheet”, enter a formula in cell N2 that uses an Excel
function to return the average age of the customers based on the values in the
“CurrentAge” column
1. Open Customers Worksheet
2. In the N2 cell write function =average(Table1[CurrentAge])
3. Block Table CurrentAge dari atas sampai bawah

Task 4
On The “Products” Worksheet” apply a number format to display the numbers in the
“Unit Price” column to three decimal places
1. Activate the program worksheet
2. Pilih product worksheet
3. Block Unit Price, Select Home Tab, in Number Group, Click increase Decimal one time
Task 5
On The “Orders” Worksheet”, use an automatic formatting method to format cells in
the “Order Total” column that contain above-average values by applying Green Fill
with Dark Green Text Use a technique that automatically updates the formatting if
the column values change
1. Click Orders Worksheet
2. Block Range Order Total D2;D214
3. Click home tab in style group, click conditional formatting, select top/bottom rules, select
above average, select green fill and dark green, after of all click ok

Task 6
On The “Orders” Worksheet”, enter a formula in cell G2 that uses an Excel function to
return the “Order Total” value of the individual order that has the highest “Order
Total” value.
1. Click Orders Worksheet
2. In the G2 cell write function =MAX(D2;D214)
3. Click enter

Task 7
On The “Customers by Order” Worksheet”, use an Excel data tool to remove all
records eith duplicate “FirstName” values from the table. Do Not remove any other

1. Click Worksheet Customers by Orders

2. Block Table A1;I116
3. Click Data Tab in Data Tools Group, Select Remove Duplicates
4. Click Unselect All, ceklist FirstName, and that show how many duplicates, then Click ok
Overview 2

Task 1
Beginning at cell A5 of the “$5,000 Donors” Worksheet, import the data from the tab delimeted
source file, contributors.txt, located in Z:\180613035-Gifa Alhafiz\(02) Praktikum MOS Excel
2016\Sesi-03_Overview_2&3_180613035_Gifa Alhafiz folder. (Accept all
1. On the windows explorer, in Z:\180613035-Gifa Alhafiz\(02) Praktikum MOS Excel
2016\Sesi-03_Overview_2&3_180613035_Gifa Alhafiz folder.
2. Double click file Overview 2.xlsx
3. Select $ 5,000 worksheet, click A5 cell
4. Click data tab in data external group, click from text, in Z:\180613035-Gifa Alhafiz\(02)
Praktikum MOS Excel 2016\Sesi-03_Overview_2&3_180613035_Gifa Alhafiz folder, select
contributors.txt, and then click import
5. On The Text Wizard (1of 3) Dialog box, click next, click next, click finish, and in The Import
Data Dialog Box, click ok.

Task 2
Navigate to the range named “Oregon”, and remove the contents of the selected cells
1. Open Overview 2 Worksheet
2. Push F5
3. Select Oregon
4. Click Ok
5. And delete cell Oregon

Task 3
Add a new worksheet named “$1,000 Donors” to the workbook.
1. On the worksheet, click new sheet
2. Click right on the new sheet
3. Select rename, and rename new sheet to $1,000 Donors
4. Press Enter

Task 4
On the “$5,000 Donors” Worksheet, hyperlink cell D3 to the email Address
1. Select $,000 Donors worksheet
2. Navigate the cursor to cell D3
3. Select tab insert
4. On the links gourp, select hyperlink
5. Fill email addres john@bellowscollege.com
Task 5
Arrange the Worksheet so that “$5,000 Donors” is first
1. Select $5,000 Donors woeksheet
2. Drag to fisrt and drop there

Overview 3

Task 1
Change the margins to 1.0” (2.54 cm) on the top and bottom, 0.75” (1.90 cm) on the
left and right, with a 0.5” (1.27 cm) header and footer.
1. On the worksheet, select tab Page layout and click margins in Page setup
2. Select Custom Margins
3. Change the margins to 1.0 on the top and bottom, 0.75 on the left and right, and 0.5 on
the header and footer
4. Click ok

Task 2
Hide rows 29 and 30
1. Click the number 29 and 30
2. Click right
3. And select hide

Task 3
Configure the worksheet so that row 8 and the WordArt remain visible as you scroll
1. Click row 9
2. Select tab view
3. On the windows group, select freeze panes

Task 4
Check the spreadsheet for accessibility problems. Correct the error by adding “Tree
Nursery Inventory” as an alternative text title. You do not need to fix the warning.

1. On the worksheet, click file

2. Select check for issues
3. Select check Accessibility
4. Click table. Click right on the table
5. Click alternative text
6. Fill tittle with TreeNursery Inventory
7. Click ok
Overview 4

Task 1
Configure the “Order Details” Worksheet so the column headings in row 9 appear on
all printed pages
1. On the Order Details worksheet, Click Tab Page Layout
2. Click page setup group
3. On the page setup group dialog, click Tab Sheet
4. Click Rows to a Repeat at top, click Row 9
5. Click Ok and Print

Task 2
The Discount price is 95 percent on the price. Modify column F to show the discount
price for each ProductID
1. On the Order Details worksheet, move cursor to column F10
2. Write =SUM(C10*95%
3. Press Enter
4. Drag column F10 to column F222

Task 3
Modify the cell formatting of cell F9 to display the text on two lines
1. On the Order Details worksheet, click cell F9
2. Click tab home
3. On the alignment group, click Wrap Text

Task 4
Simultaneously replace all intances of the text “11079” with the text “11080”
1. On the Order Details worksheet, press ctrl+H
2. Fill 11079 on the find what and 11080 on the replace with

Task 5
On the “Sales By Region” Worksheet, Apply the Rose, Table Style Light 17 to the
“Inventory” table

1. on the worksheet, select Sales by Region worksheet

2. Block all table, click tab home
3. On the style group, click Format as Table
4. Find and click Table Style Light 17
Overview 5

Task 1
On the “Adult Program” Worksheet, Insert a Column Spparklines for each sport that
shows the enrollment for the past five years
Answer :
1. Open Adult Program Worksheet
2. Click Insert Tab, on the Sparklines Group click Column
3. In the Create Sparklines dialog box, on the data range select cell A10-F19
4. On the location range select cell H10-H19
5. Click OK

Task 2
On the “Youth Program” Worksheet, create a table from the cell range A9:G19.
Include row 9 as headers
Answer :
1. Open the Youth Program Worksheet
2. Click insert Tab, in the tables group, click table
3. In the create table dialog box, select cell A9-G19
4. Ceklis on the my table has header
5. Click OK

Task 3
Unhide the “Summary” Worksheet
Answer :
1. Right click Worksheet, select unhide
2. In the unhide dialog box, click OK

Task 4
Add the Alternative Text Title “Adult Enrolment” to the “Adult_Program_New” table
Answer :
1. Press F5 on the worksheet, on the go to dialog box, click Adult_Program_New, Click OK
2. Fill Alternative text Adult Enrolment
3. Click OK
Overview 6

Task 1
In Cell M9 on the “Summer Bookings” worksheet. Insert a function that calculates the
number of groups containing 12 or more people even if the order of the rows is
Answer :
1. Open the Summer Bookings Worksheet
2. Write Function =COUNTIF(Table1[Group Size],”>=12”) in cell M9
3. Press Enter on the Keyboard

Task 2
In Cell M10 on the “Summer Bookings” worksheet. Insert a function that calculates
the total amount of sales from the “Total” Column for groups containing 12 or more
people even if the order of the rows is changed.
Answer :
1. In the Summer Bookings Worksheet
2. Write Function =SUMIF(Table1[Group Size],">=12",Table1[Total]) in cell M10
3. Press Enter

Task 3
In Cell C8 on the “Summer Bookings” worksheet. Insert a function that joins the
customer “Lastname” to the customer “Firstname” separated by a comma and space.
(Example: Campbell, David)
Answer :
1. In the Summer Bookings Worksheet
2. Fill Function =CONCATENATE([@Lastname],”,”,[@Firstname])
3. Press Enter

Task 4
On “Spring Bookings” Worksheet, remove the table functionality from the table.
Retain the cell formatting and location of the data.
Answer :
1. In the Spring Bookings Worksheet
2. Click cell Anywhere
3. Click Design Tab, in the Tools Group, select Convert to Range
4. In the Microsoft Excel dialog box, Click OK

Task 5
Insert page numbering in the center of the footer on the “Spring Bookings” Worksheet
using the format Page 1 of ?

Answer :
1. In the Spring Bookings Worksheet
2. Click page layout tab
3. In the Page setup group, Click Print Tittles
4. On the page setup dialog box, Click Header/Footer
5. select Footer Page 1 of, Click OK
Overview 7
Task 1
On the “Summer Sales” worksheet, use the data in the “Products” and “Total”
columns only to create a 3-D Pie chart. Position the new chart to the right of the
column charts
Answer :
1. Open the summer sales worksheet
2. Block produk ctrl blok total
3. Select insert tab
4. On the chart group, choose pie dan choose 3d pie
5. Place it in the column to the right of the table

Task 2
On the “Spring Sales” Worksheet, add the title “New Products” to the column chart.
Label the vertical axis “Gross Sales” and the horizontal axis “Months”
Answer :

1. select worksheet
2. Click chart, click right axiss title with Gross Sales
3. Horizontal to Monts

Task 3
On the “Spring Sales” Worksheet, apply Style 3 and Monochromatic color 2
(Monochromatic Pallette 2) to the 3-D Pie Chart
Answer :
Karena tidak full dalam activasi ny jadi tidak sesuai
1. Click pie chart
2. Select the brush icon and select colour
3. Select monocromathic

Overview 9 konfigur suatu baris

Task 1
On the “Inventory List” worksheet, configure rows 1 through 3 so they are present
but not visible
answer :
1. On the Inventory List Worksheet
2. Block line 1-3
3. Click right hide
4. block after that press ctrl y
5. in the tab home select style format, select visibility unhide and hide row
6. press ctrl+9
Task 2
Delete column D in the “Inventory List” worksheet
Answer :
1. in the inventory sheet
2. select D column
3. select delete
4. Block D column, open tab home, select group style
5. Select icon delete, select delete column

Task 3
In cell E2 of the “Orders” worksheet, use a function to put a copy of cell D2 so that
only the first letter is capitalized
answer :
1. On the sheet
2. click e2 and write function PROPER(click the destination coumn)
3. double click
4. click in the column, select tab formula, select function library icon fungsi text
5. select proper

Task 4
Configure the “Inventory List” worksheet to display row 2 through row 3 on every
page that is printed

answer :

1. on the sheet
2. Click unhide
3. Select home
4. Select tab page layout , page setup
5. Select print out title
Overview 10
You are a teacher’s aid at the Graphic Design Institute. You are creating a report of test results

Task 1
Add new worksheet named “Microsoft Word” to this workbook
1. Open Overview 10 file excel
2. On the worksheet click icon + (New Sheet)
3. Double click in the Sheet1 and type“Microsoft Word”
4. Press Enter Button

Task 2
Add a function to cell I2 in the “Key Applications” worksheet that will display the word
“Yes” if the value in cell H2 is higher than 719, otherwise, display the word “No”. Fill
the cell in Column I to show whether or not each student passed
1. Open Key Applications Worksheet
2. In the cell I2 write function =IF(H2>719,”Yes”,”No”)
3. Press Enter Button
4. And then drag cell I2 – I30

Task 3
Add a Column Sparkline in the cell J2 in the “Key Applications” Worksheet that will
represent the numbers in cells B2:G2
1. In the Key Applications worksheet
2. Click cell J2
3. In the Insert Tab, on the Sparkline Group, click Column
4. Block B2:G2
5. Click ok

Task 4
Add the cells B32:G32 to the “Test Results” chart in the “Key Applications” worksheet.
Name the series “Average Score”
1. In the Key Applications Worksheet
2. Click Chart Area
3. In the Design Tab, on the Data Group, click Select Data
4. On the dialog box select data source, click add
5. In the dialog box edit series, on the series name type Average series
6. On the series value drag B32:G32
7. Click ok
Task 5
Display the formulas that are in the cells of the “Living Online” worksheet
1. Open Living Online Worksheet
2. Click file
3. Click Options
4. Click Advance
5. On the Display options for this worksheet
6. Ceklis Show formulas in cells instead of their calculated result
7. Click ok

Overview 11
You are a financial advisor and are reviewing a client’s bank statement

Task 1
Add the “2018” to the title property of the document
1. Open Overview 11 file excel
2. Click file
3. On the info, in the properties
4. On the tittle type 2018

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