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setting up 9K in GNS3 .

here i have taken GNS3 1.2.3 and VM BOX 4.3.28

step 1 : import IOS XR 5.2.2.ova with VM box by open with option by right click on the file .

2: check "reinitialize mac " and change name to XR1 or any as per your requirement .
3: once imported , go to XR1 ,right click on it , go to setting now . below box will appear .
4: now follow below snap and its configuration .
next : open GNS3 now , edit==>preference==>VirtualBox VMs==>VM list==>XR1

select XR1. and then finish .

next : click on XR1 , then ==>edit==>general setting==>check enable remote console

network ==>adaptors==>8

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