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School of Art and Design

Department of Clothing Design




Course CUACE

Question:(a) With the aid of a clearly labelled diagram explain the communication process
demonstrating inter-relationship of the nine components \elements.
Communication process refers to the exchange of information between two or more people for
communication to be succeed both parties must be able to exchange information and understand
each other , if the flow of information is blocked for some reason or the parties are not make
themselves understood the communication fails.

Communication processes are clearly demonstrated on the diagram below

There are nine components of communication these are sender , encoding , noise ,
decoding , receiver , media , message , feedback and communication channel and
there are clearly described below:

(i)The sender or communicator is the person who initiates the conversation and has
conceptualized the idea that he intends to convey it to others for example if a
manager wants to inform his subordinates about the introduction of a new product
,he is the sender and a sender is often called the communicator or source of
information .Therefore this is where the communication process begins.

The sender begins with the encoding process where he/she uses certain words or
non-verbal methods such as symbols, signs , body gestures to translate the
information into a message , The senders knowledge , skills , perception ,
background competencies has a great impact on the success of the message .

(iii) Message
Once the encoding is finished , the sender gets the message that he intends to convey
the message can be written , oral , symbolic or non-verbal such as body , gestures ,
silence , signs , sounds and any other signal that triggers the response of a receiver.
Besides that message can come from feeling, thought, inspiration one can conceive
an idea and want to share it , for example in an advertising that simply writes some
words and put image to convey the public.

(iv)Noise shows the barrier in communication there are chances when the massage
sent by the sender is not received by the recipient, Noise can be a sort of interference
that affects the message being sent , received are understood it can be as literal as
static over a phone line or radio for example the audience or consumer may have
poor TV reception or maybe distracted by family members while watching the

(v) Decoding
Here the receiver interprets the senders message and tries to understand it in the
best possible manner , An effective communication occurs if only the receiver
understands the message in exactly the same way as it was intended by the sender .
The most common example is a firs grader sitting in on a lecture on deferential
equations for instance decoding is impossible if the decoder cannot even understand
the message .

The receiver is the person for whom the message intend or targeted , he/she tries to
comprehend in the best possible manner such that the communication objective is
attained the degree to which the receiver decodes the message depends on his
knowledge of the subject matter , experience , trust and relationship with the
sender .
(vii) Response
It is the reaction of the receiver after being exposed to the message , it is the action
or reaction of the receiver after getting the message the response maybe immediate
or deferred favourable or unfavourable for example the response of advertisement
of lux may be consumer likes lux better and likely to purchase lix soap next time.

It is the manner in which the encoded messages is transmitted , the message may be
transmitted orally or in writing the medium communication includes telephone ,
internet , fax and e-mail the choice of the media is decided by the sender, For
example a manager inform his subordinates about the introduction of a new
product in a meeting through presentation.

It is the final step of the process that ensures the receiver has reived the message and
interpreted it correctly as it was intended by the sender , increases effectiveness of
the communication as it permits the sender to know whether the information is
received by the required person and the response of the receiver can be verbal or
non-verbal The source judge its success based on the feedback it receives for
example if a person delivered a flawless marriage proposal only to receive a look of
a bewilderment and horror .Feedback is the moment of reckoning.

From the above discussion about elements of communication process it can be said
that business communication process is a sequence of some steps or elements and
the communicator or sender must take intiatives to magnify each sequence to make
the communication prom effective and meaningful.
Richard Nordquist (October 18 ,2018)
Bizcom Coach (June 9,2015
Bovee and Thill (1992)
Burnet tt, M.J and Dollar .A . (1989)

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