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What Analytics means and explain the framework and predictive management model that
consists of four phases.
2. If knowledge is power, then foresight is the lever to take advantage of that
Knowledge .this is where predictive management enters. And is able to
foretell what is likely to happen with a high degree of probability that
depends on four things: discuss all those categories in detail
3. which are the five ways that measure anything in business and also five steps of analytics.
4. explain the five ways to measure anything in business that comes from
Knowledge of things that matter. and what matters is a business question
and not an HR question
5. Discuss how we segment the workforce into four groups for investment purpose and from
this categorization and how we can make cost effective investment decisions regarding
development, retention and recognition.
6. Justify the Model for Predictive Management HCM:21 is the broad strategy that provides
the framework for analysing an organization’s data
7. Explain HCM:21 model .The model for predictive management which
Provides the framework for analyzing an organizational data.
8.Explain how we segment the workforce into four groups for investment purpose and from
this categorization and how we can make cost effective investment decisions regarding
development, retention and recognition
9. What is the importance of Risk assessment and explain the steps involved in risk
10. Discuss the hierarchy of needs that has five levels which was developed by American
psychologist Abraham Maslow.
11. HCM implementation can also depend on HR managers’ involvement in developing the
company’s strategy discuss The Role and Perspective of the HR Function
12. Discuss how. Hackett’s research found a strong correlation between improved financial
Performance and top-quartile performance in four key talent management areas
13. Explain how the companies customized employment programs in food service industry.
14. Which re the human resources strategies and best practices to attract. maintain, develop
and retain people to strengthen attitudes and behaviours aligned to company strategy
15. Explain the strength and limitations of scenario planning
16 Understanding the capability planning that starts with skills segmentation how the division
is made on workforce into four categories in terms of valued capabilities
17).Discuss The Process for Creating a Playbook which recommends developing a playbook
in three phases:
18. Explain strategic planning approaches embody several fundamental assumptions that are
patently false in the current business environment
19. Explain strategic planning approaches embody several fundamental assumptions that are
patently false in the current business environment
20. How to develop an advanced succession planning system built around four imperatives
21. Quantitative and qualitative data can generate value or create confusion
and miscommunication. Simply collecting a mass of data not only has no
value, it can lead to frustration and poor decisions. Which are the common
mistakes made concerning metrics include
22. Which are the common mistakes made concerning metrics to avoid common metrics
23 Discuss with neat diagram the degree of analysis and business intelligence: Third
generation metrics.
24. Discuss with neat diagram the progression from basic metric reporting through analytics
to predictability and optimization.
25. Using Chi-Square automatic interaction detector (CHAID) and Classification and
Regression techniques (CART) for decision tree analysis to predict how people fall into the
highest category of employee performance
2 What are the techniques used to see how things relate to each other (or
group together) when there is no direction to one’s hypothesis or assumption.6.

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