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Final Version of Team Project

November 13th, 2017

Staci, Matt, Hajdi, Melissa, and Ashley

Identified Problem:
There is an overwhelming need for all teachers to instruct students on how to be
digitally literate. This means being digital citizens when online, evaluating sources for
accuracy and use, understanding their digital footprint, Internet safety, and more.

Provide teachers with helpful and meaningful PD so that they can teach and
model an understanding of digital literacy.

Importance of the project:

This project is extremely important because it addresses a serious issue that all
students K-12 and beyond must face in our changing digital world. According to the
Horizon Report, our students have gaps in technology in terms of their digital knowledge
versus their digital skills.

Specify the Audience:

K-12 classroom teachers.

Project Plans/Content:
During a full day learning of professional development, teachers will be given a
Padlet ​broken down into separate columns. They will have completed a jigsaw to split
them into groups. Using a Blended Learning approach, teachers will choose several
options (linked articles, videos, blogs, games, etc.) within each column to research
digital literacy. They must also explore the “What is a Breakout Edu” column. Teachers
will have time on their own to complete these tasks.
When we come back together as a staff, teachers will be split into 3 different
groups to complete a​ ​Breakout EDU​. The Breakout EDU will focus on the research
and knowledge gained from the Padlet as well as previously reviewed ISTE Standards
for Students. Teachers will have to use the knowledge they learned to be successful
and break out of their room.

Team Snapshots:
Ashley Lyng: ​https://about.me/ashleywalsh
Staci Novak: ​https://about.me/stacinovak
Math Oliphant: ​https://about.me/mattoliphant
Hajdi Zulic: ​https://about.me/hajdizulic
Melissa Oberembt: ​https://about.me/melissa.oberembt
What you have accomplished so far?:
● Researched articles, videos, blogs, etc. about what is digital literacy and
how to best teach students digital literacy.
● Created a blended learning activity
● Created a Padlet
● Created a Breakout EDU
● Had a group complete and give feedback on BreakoutEDU

Who has tested your project draft? What is the feedback?

Several K-5 teachers at Johnson STEAM Academy tested this project draft. The
feedback is as follows:
● Teachers needed to approach with a growth mindset
● I felt the clues were too difficult
● I liked that I had a voice and choice. I got to research and learn on my
own based on the needs of my students, in my own grade instead of
having to modify based on other grade levels.
● Breakout EDU was super fun!

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