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ISSN 0005-1144

ATKAFF 51(1), 3–18(2010)

Krešimir Vrdoljak, Nedjeljko Perić, Ivan Petrović

Applying Optimal Sliding Mode Based Load-Frequency Control

in Power Systems with Controllable Hydro Power Plants
UDK 621.311.07
IFAC 5.5.4 Original scientific paper

In this paper an optimal load-frequency controller for a nonlinear power system is proposed. The mathema-
tical model of the power system consists of one area with several power plants, a few concentrated loads and a
transmission network, along with simplified models of the neighbouring areas. Firstly, a substitute linear model
is derived, with its parameters being identified from the responses of the nonlinear model. That model is used for
load-frequency control (LFC) algorithm synthesis, which is based on discrete-time sliding mode control. Due to
a non-minimum phase behaviour of hydro power plants, full-state feedback sliding mode controller must be used.
Therefore, an estimation method based on fast output sampling is proposed for estimating the unmeasured system
states and disturbances. Finally, the controller parameters are optimized using a genetic algorithm. Simulation
results show that the proposed control algorithm with the proposed estimation technique can be used for LFC in a
nonlinear power system.
Key words: Fast output sampling, Genetic algorithm, Identification, Load-frequency control, Power system
model, Sliding mode control

Primjena optimalnog kliznog režima upravljanja u sekundarnoj regulaciji frekvencije i djelatne snage
razmjene regulacijskim hidroelektranama. U radu se predlaže optimalna regulacija frekvencije i djelatne snage
razmjene za nelinearni elektroenergetski sustav. Unutar matematičkog modela sustava jedno se regulacijsko po-
dručje sastoji od nekoliko elektrana, manjeg broja koncentriranih trošila i prijenosne mreže. Ostala su regulacijska
područja u modelu modelirana pojednostavljeno, nadomjesnim linearnim modelom sustava čiji su parametri do-
biveni identifikacijom iz odziva nelinearnog sustava. Taj je linearni model zatim primijenjen u sintezi algo-
ritma sekundarne regulacije koji je zasnovan na kliznom režimu upravljanja. Zbog neminimalno-faznog vladanja
hidroelektrana primijenjena je struktura regulatora zasnovana na svim varijablama stanja sustava. Estimacija nem-
jerljivih stanja i poremećaja zasnovana je na metodi brzog uzorkovanja izlaznih signala sustava. Optimizacija
parametara regulatora provedena je korištenjem genetičkog algoritma. Simulacijski rezultati pokazuju kako je pred-
loženi upravljački algoritam, uz predloženu metodu estimacije, moguće koristiti za sekundarnu regulaciju frekven-
cije i djelatne snage razmjene u nelinearnom elektroenergetskom sustavu.

Ključne riječi: brzo uzorkovanje izlaznog signala, genetički algoritam, identifikacija, sekundarna regulacija
frekvencije i djelatne snage razmjene, model elektroenergetskog sustava, klizni režim upravljanja

1 INTRODUCTION necessary to keep an equilibrium of consumed and genera-

Power systems are complex, nonlinear systems that usu- ted active power.
ally consist of several interconnected subsystems or con- The consumption of electrical energy in a power sys-
trol areas (CAs). CAs are interconnected by tie-lines. Most tem constantly changes. Because the electrical energy can-
of European countries are members of the "European Net- not be stored in sufficient amounts, the task of the power
work of Transmission System Operators for Electricity" system is to continuously track the amount of consumed
(ENTSO-E) interconnection [1]. power by changing generation of its power plants. That is
Deviation of system’s frequency from its nominal value roughly carried out by day-ahead consumption prediction
is a measure of imbalance between generated and con- and most of the power plants in a CA follow their day-
sumed power. When there is more/less generated than ahead hourly schedule. Since the prediction is not perfect,
consumed active power in a system its frequency in- difference of the actual consumption of active power from
creases/decreases. For power system’s safe operation it is its predicted value must be compensated by load-frequency

AUTOMATIKA 51(2010) 1, 3–18 3

Applying Optimal Sliding Mode Based Load-Frequency Control in Power Systems K. Vrdoljak, N. Perić, I. Petrović

control (LFC). LFC within a CA is in charge of keeping ods in which each level of frequency regulation must be
area’s frequency at reference value and active power ex- finished is also expected in the future [20].
changes with all neighbor areas at contracted values. That Therefore, throughout the recent decades many diffe-
is obtained by changing reference powers of generators en- rent LFC algorithms were studied [21,22] and they showed
gaged in LFC in a CA. For LFC studies it is usually as- very good results on linearized power system models.
sumed that each CA consists of a coherent group of gener- Those algorithms are based on various methods, such as
ators and that the frequency is unique within each CA. One robust control theory [14, 23], fuzzy logic [12, 24], neu-
LFC controller is usually responsible only for its CA. ral networks [25, 26], model predictive control [27, 28],
Before applying any new LFC algorithm to real power optimal control [29, 30], adaptive control [31, 32], sliding
system, its behavior must be thoroughly tested through si- mode control (SMC) [33, 34] and others. Despite their ad-
mulations. An example power system is usually modeled vantages, new and innovative LFC algorithms have hardly
as an interconnection of a few CAs. Models for LFC algo- managed to replace classical and proven PI algorithm with
rithms testing purposes are generally linear and they have constant parameters, which is still prevailing in real power
all power plants engaged in LFC within a CA replaced with systems.
just one substitute power plant [2–5]. That power plant can What is the reason for the prevalent usage of PI al-
be of thermal type [6–9] or hydro type [10–13]. gorithm in real power systems despite the development
of many advanced control techniques for LFC purpose?
Since linearized models are valid only in the vicinity
Could it be that simplified and linearized models used in
of the operating point, they trustworthily represent real
the studies of advanced methods are not adequate, and
power system dynamics only for close-to-nominal system
good results obtained on simulations do not replicate in
operation. Changing of power system’s operating point is
real power systems? In this paper we’ll try to find out if
caused by current amount and characteristic of power con-
that’s true by testing the behavior of an advanced LFC al-
sumption, characteristics of all power plants within a CA
gorithm (whose behavior is already proven on linear power
and current number of power plants engaged in LFC in
system model [35]) on a nonlinear power system model.
a CA. Additionally, linear models have constant parame-
The nonlinear model used in this paper is created using
ters, while parameters of real power systems constantly
MATLAB’s SimPowerSystems Toolbox [36]. Although
vary in time, due to their dependency on the operating
the detailed nonlinear model is used here for testing the al-
condition. However, these commonly used models may
gorithm, its synthesis is based on the substitute linearized
have nonlinearities within turbines and their governors,
model, as it is common in control applications. The sub-
but generator dynamics and nonlinearities in tie-lines are
stitute linear model parameters are obtained by analyzing
usually neglected. Although simplified and linear power
response signals recorded from the nonlinear model [37].
system models are mostly used for testing new LFC al-
gorithms, they may not be sufficient to demonstrate algo- An advanced controller based on discrete-time SMC
rithm’s adequacy and preparedness for proper functioning from [35] is tested in this paper. When compared to PI
in real power system. controller, this controller shows improvement of system’s
behavior regarding: better disturbance rejection, maintain-
As opposed, in this paper a detailed nonlinear power ing required control quality in the wider operating range,
system model is used for LFC algorithm testing. In the simultaneous shortening of frequency’s transient responses
model one CA is modeled in detail, while other CAs within and avoidance of the overshoots and also robustness to un-
the interconnection are modeled with several simplifica- certainties present in the system.
tions. Besides, many different nonlinearities are present in In SMC, system closed-loop behavior is determined by
the model. a sub-manifold in the state space, which is called a sliding
Nowadays, proportional-integral (PI) algorithms with surface. The goal of the sliding mode control is to drive
constant parameters are mostly used in real power sys- the system trajectory to reach the sliding surface and then
tems [14–17]. The reasons to replace them with some to stay on it. When the trajectory is on the surface, system
advanced control algorithm are the following: 1) systems invariance to particular uncertainties and parameter vari-
with PI control have long settling time and relatively large ations is guaranteed. The trajectory’s convergence from
overshoots in frequency’s transient responses [18]; 2) PI any point in state space towards the surface can be ensured
control algorithm provides required behavior only in the with an appropriate choice of a reaching law [38]. The
vicinity of the nominal operating point for which it is de- ideal sliding along the sliding surface can only be achieved
signed; 3) future power systems will rely on large amounts when continuous-time SMC with very high switching fre-
of distributed generation with large percentage of renew- quency of the control signal is used. Since in real power
able energy based sources and that will further increase system LFC control signal is sent to power plants in dis-
system uncertainties [19]; 4) the shortening of time peri- crete time, a discrete-time sliding mode controller is used

4 AUTOMATIKA 51(2010) 1, 3–18

Applying Optimal Sliding Mode Based Load-Frequency Control in Power Systems K. Vrdoljak, N. Perić, I. Petrović

here. In discrete-time SMC system the trajectory could plants (HPPs) or thermal power plants (TPPs). Three hy-
only be kept inside a small band around the sliding sur- dro power plants (HPPs 1, 2 and 3) are engaged in LFC.
face. Optimal parameters of the sliding surface and of the All loads within the CA are modeled as three concentrated
reaching law are obtained by an optimization procedure, instances (Loads 1, 2 and 3). Breakers are used to switch
which is conducted using genetic algorithm (GA). parts of loads on or off, or to switch off thermal power
If only thermal power plants are used for LFC in a CA plant TPP 2. These switchings are done at different time
then stable sliding mode controller can be designed using instances. Transmission lines connecting plants and loads,
only measured output signals. But in some power sys- as well as CAs of the interconnection, are modeled as Π
tem there are either both, hydro and thermal power plants, sections of various lengths. Buses are used to measure ac-
or only hydro power plants that are engaged in LFC (e.g. tive powers on important power lines. They measure pro-
Croatian power system [39]). Sliding mode based on full duction of each HPP engaged in LFC and total interchange
state feedback must be used in those systems because non- with neighbor CAs. In each of neighbor CAs total power
minimum phase behavior is present within a hydro power generation is represented with a single power plant. The
plant. Therefore, from system’s measured output and state, power plants in CA3 and CA4 are thermal power plants,
all unmeasured system state must be estimated. State esti- while the power plant in CA2 is of hydro type. All values
mation method used here is based on fast output sampling in the model are expressed in per units of their base values,
(FOS) [40]. That method is appropriate for estimations in which is common in LFC studies. Although, wherever it is
LFC due to the availability of multiple measurements of needed, those values are converted into real SI values.
output signals in each sampling period of the controller. There are several inputs to LFC block in Fig. 2: 1)
FOS estimation method is also used for the estimation of reference value of system’s frequency (50 Hz or 1 p.u.),
external disturbance, what additionally improves overall 2) measured value of system’s frequency from TPP 1, 3)
system behavior. reference value of total tie line active power, 4) measured
value of total tie line active power, and 5) total generated
The brief outline of the paper is as follows. Section 2
power from all HPPs engaged in LFC. Based on those va-
presents nonlinear power system model and Section 3 de-
lues, LFC block computes a change in total generation of
scribes an identification procedure which results in its sub-
all power plants engaged in LFC. That generation is then
stitute linear model. Section 4 describes state and distur-
divided among the power plants engaged in LFC and sent
bance estimation technique for the substitute model. Sec-
to them as control signals u1 , u2 and u3 .
tion 5 presents discrete-time SMC algorithm, while in Sec-
tion 6 that algorithm is applied for LFC. Finally, Section SMC based LFC algorithm has already been designed
7 contains simulation results obtained on nonlinear power for linear power system with hydro power plants engaged
system model. in LFC [35]. In order to apply that algorithm to the pro-
posed nonlinear model, a linearization of the nonlinear
model must be done firstly.
An interconnection of four CAs, as shown in Fig. 1, 3 SUBSTITUTE LINEAR POWER SYSTEM
is used to test the proposed LFC controller. CA1 is mod- MODEL
eled in high detail, with many nonlinearities present, while
A linear model of a CA represented with single hydro
all other CAs are partly simplified. The model is built us-
power plant is shown in Fig. 3, while signals and parame-
ing SimPowerSystem, which is one of MATLAB’s tool-
ters of that model are given in Tab. 1. The linear model
boxes. A nonlinear model of CA1 is shown in Fig. 2. CA1
from Fig. 3 can be described with the following equations:
consists of seven power plants, which are hydro power
ẋi (t) = Ai xi (t) + Aij xj (t) + Bi ui (t) + Fi di (t),
Control Area 1 Control Area 2 j=1
(hydrothermal) (hydro)
yi (t) = Ci xi (t),
where xi ∈ 4n is the system’s state vector, xj ∈ 4p is a
state vector of a neighbor system, ui ∈ 4m is the control
Control Area 3 Control Area 4 signal vector, di ∈ 4k is the disturbance vector and y ∈
(thermal) (thermal) 4l is the output vector. Matrices in (1) have appropriate
dimensions: Ai ∈ 4n×n , Aij ∈ 4n×p , Bi ∈ 4n×m ,
Fig. 1. Four control areas interconnection Fi ∈ 4n×k and Ci ∈ 4l×n . NCA is a number of CAs in
the interconnection.

AUTOMATIKA 51(2010) 1, 3–18 5

Applying Optimal Sliding Mode Based Load-Frequency Control in Power Systems K. Vrdoljak, N. Perić, I. Petrović

==> Tie line

2 A
W11 C C
3 B
A A A Line 8 (43 km)
Bus 4 C
Planned_Gen_6 Pref B B B
TPP 1 Line 1 (35 km) |
| a A
| A
b B B |
C |
A | C
A A c |
| Load 1A
Planned_Gen_4 Pref B B B |
| Breaker 1
C C C |
| A
HPP 4 Line 2 (40 km) B |
C |
_ _ 1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Load
_ _1B_ _ _ _ _ _|
Planned_Gen_1 Pref B
B B ___________________
C C | |
HPP 1 | a A |
Bus 1 Line 3 (5 km) A A
F_meas A
| |
u1 B B b B B
Planned_Gen_2 | |
Ptie_meas | c |
Line 9 (33 km) Load 2A
A | |
A A Breaker 2
1 F_ref u2 Pref B | A |
| B |
C C | C |
Planned_Ptie Ptie_ref HPP 2
Bus 2 Line 4 (55 km) |
_ _ 2_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Load ____|
_ _ 2B

Pref B
B B ____________________
C | |
HPP 3 | a A |
Planned_Gen_3 Line 5 (70 km) A A
Bus 3 | A |
B B b B B
| |
C C C |
| c
A A A Line 10 (17 km) Load 3A |
Breaker 3 |
Planned_Gen_5 Pref B B B |
C | |
| |
HPP 5 Line 6 (20 km) a A
| |


| b B B |
Breaker 5 C |
| C
| Load 3B |

_ _ _3 _ _ _Breaker
_ _ _4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _|
Planned_Gen_7 Pref B B B
TPP 2 Line 7 (15 km)

Fig. 2. A nonlinear model of CA1

Δ Pdi

- 1 Δ x ghi 1 + sT Δx gi 1 − sT Δ Pgi - K Pi 2π
Δδ i
ui 1 + sT1i 1 + sT2i

1 + 0.5sTWi 1 + sTPi Δ f
+ + - i

+ Δ Ptie i 1
K Bi

∑K sij (Δδ i − Δδ j )
+ j =1

Fig. 3. A linear model of i-th CA represented with hydro power plant

6 AUTOMATIKA 51(2010) 1, 3–18

Applying Optimal Sliding Mode Based Load-Frequency Control in Power Systems K. Vrdoljak, N. Perić, I. Petrović

Table 1. Hydro power system variables and parameters

Parameter/variable Description Unit
f (t) Frequency Hz
Pg (t) Generator output power p.u.MW
xg (t) Governor valve position p.u.
xgh (t) Governor valve servomotor position p.u.
Ptie (t) Tie-line active power p.u.MW
Pd (t) Load disturbance p.u.MW
δ(t) Rotor angle rad
KP Power system gain Hz / p.u.MW
TP Power system time constant s
TW Water starting time s
T 1 , T 2 , TR Hydro governor time constants s
KS Interconnection gain between CAs p.u.MW
KB Frequency bias factor p.u.MW / Hz
R Speed droop due to governor action Hz / p.u.MW
ACE Area control error p.u.MW

For the model shown in Fig. 3 state and disturbance state Δxgh , (which is present in hydro CA state vector
vectors from (1) are: (2)), due to simpler governor used in thermal power plants.
⎡ ⎤ Therefore, matrices Aij in (1) have dimensions 5 × 4 or
Δfi (t) 5 × 5, depending on whether they are used to describe
⎢ ΔPtiei (t) ⎥
⎢ ⎥ hydro-thermal (e.g. CA1-CA3 in the interconnection from
xi (t) = ⎢ ⎥
⎢ ΔPgi (t) ⎥ , Fig. 1) or hydro-hydro (e.g. CA1-CA2 in the intercon-
⎣ Δxgi (t) ⎦ (2)
nection from Fig. 1) connection. All elements of matrices
Δxghi (t) Aij are equal to zero, except the element at position (1, 2),
di (t) = ΔPdi (t). which is equal to −KSij .
The output of the model from Fig. 3 is area control error
System matrix from (1) is: (ACE) signal. It is introduced as a measure of imbalance
⎡ ⎤ between total generated and consumed active power (in-
− T1P i −K Pi
TP i
KP i
TP i 0 0
⎢ N ⎥ cluding power import/export) in each CA. The goal of LFC
⎢ CA
⎥ in each CA is to compensate for ACE deviations. ACE is
⎢ KSij 0 0 0 0 ⎥
⎢ ⎥ defined as a combination of frequency deviation in a CA
Ai = ⎢ j=1 2 ⎥,
⎢ 2α 0 − TW 2γ 2β ⎥ and of total active power flow deviation in tie-lines con-
⎢ i ⎥
⎣ −α 0 0 − T12i −β ⎦ necting the CA with its neighbor areas:
− T1i1Ri 0 0 0 − T11i
(3) ACE(t) = KB Δf (t) + ΔPtie (t). (6)
and the coefficients in (3) are:
If system output is chosen to be yi (t) = ACEi (t), then
TRi TRi − T1i T2i + TW i
α= , β= , γ= . (4) the system output matrix in (1):
T1i T2i Ri T1i T2i T2i TW i

Ci = KBi 1 0 0 0 . (7)
Input and disturbance matrices from (1) are:
⎡ ⎤
0 ⎡ KP i ⎤ Ideally, parameter KB in (6) should ensure that the
⎢ 0 ⎥ − TP i value of ACE in a CA is equal to zero when disturbances
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ 0 ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ in other CAs appear, and as close to the negative value of
Bi = ⎢ ⎥ ⎢
⎢−2Ri β ⎥ , Fi = ⎢ 0 ⎥ .
⎥ (5) disturbance just after it appears within the CA, before LFC
⎢ Rβ ⎥ ⎣ 0 ⎦
⎣ i ⎦ starts to take effect.
1 0
T1i Parameters of the substitute linear model can be iden-
tified from the responses of the nonlinear model. Since
In linearized model of a CA represented with thermal identification procedure presented in [41] can only be used
power plant, there are only four states, since there is no for CAs that have only one power plant engaged in LFC, it

AUTOMATIKA 51(2010) 1, 3–18 7

Applying Optimal Sliding Mode Based Load-Frequency Control in Power Systems K. Vrdoljak, N. Perić, I. Petrović

can not be used here because LFC in CA1 from Fig. 2 is

conducted using three HPPs. Therefore, different identifi- Initial population
cation method must be used.

3.1 Identification of substitute linear model parame- Genotype Phenotype

In this paper, a procedure based on GA is used for para-
meters identification. GA is a random search optimization
algorithm which is appropriate for finding global optimal
solution inside a multidimensional searching space [42]. Fitness function computation
GA is used here to find an optimal set of linear model
parameters for CA1 (Fig. 3), within the interconnection
from Fig. 1. That parameter set is defined as: Selection

Θ = T1 T2 TR TW R KP TP KS12 KS13 ,
Random new
(8) chromosome
Crossover (pc) Elitism
where KS12 and KS13 are interconnection gains between
CA1 and its neighbor areas, CA2 and CA3, respectively.
Mutation (pm)
The optimal set is the one that minimizes deviation be-
tween responses of the linear model and the measured sig-
nals from the nonlinear model, when identical control and The next generation
disturbance signals are applied in both models. For the
identification procedure it is essential to firstly bring the
system into steady state operating point by using LFC.
Then any further LFC action is disabled and small step sig-
nals are applied as control and disturbance signals, because yes Maximum no
linear models are valid only in the vicinity of the operating
For identification purposes, the deviation is evaluated
by the following fitness function: Fig. 4. Flow chart of GA algorithm

Φi (Θ)= (fL (t)−fN (t))2 + ρ(PgL (t)−PgN (t))2 +
0 Table 2. Parameters of GA used for identification

Parameter Description Value
+(PtieL (t)−PtieN (t)) dt,
(9) r Size of population 150
where Ts is identification time horizon, Θ is given in (8), ρ g Genes per chromosome 9
and  are weighting factors, while indices L and N denote b Bits per gene 15
linear and nonlinear model, respectively. pc Probability of crossover 0.7
pm Probability of mutation 0.005
A detailed flow chart of GA used for parameters iden-
Ng Number of generations 150
tification is shown in Fig. 4. From random initial popula-
ρ Pg weighting factor 0.1
tion GA computes candidate sets of parameters and com-
 Ptie weighting factor 0.05
putes the fitness function of each set based on simulation
results. Then it starts a loop of evolution processes, con-
sisting of selection, crossover and mutation, in order to im-
prove the average fitness function of the whole population. obtained as: T1 = 314.97 s, T2 = 0.92 s, TR = 17.94
Besides the evolved chromosomes, each new generation s, TW = 0.15 s, R = 4.39 Hz/p.u.MW, KP = 5.73
also includes the best chromosome from the previous gen- Hz/p.u.MW, TP = 2.65 s, KS12 = 4.42 p.u.MW and
eration (elitism) and one random new chromosome. The KS13 = 0.12 p.u.MW.
optimization ends when maximal number of generations is From Fig. 5 it can be seen that frequencies in both mod-
produced. Parameters of the used GA are shown in Tab. 2. els are practically identical, while there are significant dif-
Identification results are shown in Fig. 5. The optimal ferences in generated power and tie line power deviation
parameters of the substitute linearized model of CA1 are signals. The first reason for that is because three power

8 AUTOMATIKA 51(2010) 1, 3–18

Applying Optimal Sliding Mode Based Load-Frequency Control in Power Systems K. Vrdoljak, N. Perić, I. Petrović

-3 -3
x 10 x 10
10 10

Pd [p.u. MW]
Δ f [Hz]

0 0

nonlinear CA1
linear CA2
-10 -10 CA3
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 CA4 50
time [min] -3
time [min]
-3 x 10
x 10

ACE1 [p.u. MW]

Δ Pg [p.u. MW]

10 0

5 -5
nonlinear nonlinear model
linear -10 ideal

0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50
time [min] time [min]
x 10

Fig. 6. Ideal and true ACE signals

Δ Ptie [p.u. MW]

total yearly generation of the whole interconnection [43].
Nevertheless, with LFC turned on, the difference of KB ’s
0 10 20 30 40 50 true value from its ideal value is noticeable only during the
time [min]
transient period, since steady state ACE value is indepen-
dent of the value of KB .
Fig. 5. Comparison between nonlinear and linear model
Additional advantage of the proposed identification pro-
cedure is that it could also be used for identifying parame-
ters of substitute linear model representing real power sys-
plants engaged in LFC in the nonlinear model are substi- tem, since it uses only signals that are commonly measured
tuted with just one power plant in the linear model. The in real power systems.
second reason is oversimplification of tie line dynamics de- Once the substitute linear model is obtained and its pa-
scription in the linear model. Nevertheless, the results are rameters found, it can be used for LFC algorithm synthe-
satisfactorily, since robust algorithm will be used for LFC. sis. Since most of advanced control algorithms need the
Once the identification of the substitute linear model is knowledge of full system state, to apply one of them for
done, area’s state dynamics can be described as: LFC, unmeasured system state of the linear model must be
ẋi (t) = Ai xi (t) + Aij xj (t) + Bi ui (t)+
+Fi di (t) + ξi (x, u, t),
In real power system the measured signals are: fre-
where ξi is a vector of uncertainties. Among other uncer- quency, tie line powers and each plant’s generated power,
tainties, the uncertainty term ξi (x, u, t) in (10) includes all so those signals are considered measurable in both linear
linearization errors. and nonlinear model used in this paper. Therefore, signals
In this paper, the value of parameter KB from (6) is of governor valve position deviation (Δxg ) and governor
not found using GA, but it is chosen such that the minimal valve servomotor position deviation (Δxgh ) in the substi-
deviation of steady state ACE signal from its ideal behav- tute linear model of hydro power plant (Fig. 3) must be es-
ior is ensured, as it is shown in Fig. 6. Those results are timated. Further improvement in system performance can
obtained with LFC turned off. It is impossible to achieve be achieved if load
 disturbance (ΔPd ) and the influence of
ideal behavior of ACE signal, since that would require KB neighbor CAs ( Aij xj ) are also estimated.
to constantly change its value. In fact, in ENTSO-E in- To simplify state and disturbance estimation proce-
terconnection KB is set yearly for each control area and dures, uncertainties are hereby neglected, and their influ-
its value is based on portion of area’s yearly generation in ence to system behavior is addressed in Section 5.

AUTOMATIKA 51(2010) 1, 3–18 9

Applying Optimal Sliding Mode Based Load-Frequency Control in Power Systems K. Vrdoljak, N. Perić, I. Petrović

4.1 State estimation y x

To estimate unmeasured state of the substitute linear
model of CA1, a subsystem shown in Fig. 7 is used.


Δxgh Δxg t
- 1 1 + sTR 1 − sTW
u ΔPg u T
+ 1 + sT1 1 + sT2 1 + 0.5sTW

⎡ Δxˆ g ⎤
Estimator ⎢ Δxˆ ⎥
⎣ gh ⎦

Fig. 7. A dynamical subsystem for state estimation

(k − 1)τ kτ (k + 1)τ t

As it can be seen there are two input signals to the sub- Fig. 8. FOS estimation method in system control
system from Fig. 7: frequency deviation Δf (sampled
with period T ), and control signal u (sampled with pe-
riod τ ). The sampling periods of input signals are diffe- where is N ∈ N.
rent because in ENTSO-E interconnection control signal
u is sent to the power plants every 1-5 seconds [16, 43], To apply FOS, a discrete-time system model must be
while within each period of that signal, there can be mul- used. Therefore, the discrete-time approximation of sub-
tiple measurements of system’s frequency f . The subsys- system from Fig. 7, obtained using Zero-Order-Hold
tem’s output signal is total generated output power of all (ZOH) discretization method with sampling period T is
power plants engaged in LFC (it is assumed here that all given as:
of them are of hydro type). The output signal can also be
xH ((k + 1)T ) = GxH (kT ) + H(Δf (kT ) + u(kτ )),
measured with the same sampling period as the frequency
signal. Since period T is few times smaller than period τ ,
ΔPg (kT ) = CxH (kT ),
estimation procedure based on FOS can be used for state
estimation [44].
FOS is an estimation technique appropriate for where is xH = ΔPg Δxg Δxgh .
continuous-time systems with discrete-time input signals Values of state variable of subsystem from Fig. 7 in N
and where the output signals can be sampled several times consecutive subsamples, during constant value of control
during one period of the input signals [40]. Therefore, FOS signal u, can be obtained by iteratively using state equation
could be used here for state estimation, but slight modifi- from (12):
cation are needed, due to different sampling periods of two
input signals in the subsystem from Fig. 7. xH (kτ ) = xH (kτ )
FOS shows better performance than standard estimation
techniques, because it reduces the estimation error to zero xH (kτ + T ) = GxH (kτ ) + H(Δf (kτ )+u(kτ )),
after just one sampling period [44], while standard esti-
mators need several sampling periods to achieve errorless xH (kτ +2T ) = G2 xH (kτ )+(GH + H)u(kτ )+
estimation in high order systems [40]. +GHΔf (kτ ) + HΔf (kτ + T ),
The principle of using FOS in system’s control loop is ..
shown in Fig. 8. Firstly, last N subsamples of the output N
signal y, measured in the most recent sampling period τ , xH (kτ +(N−1)T ) = GN −1 xH (kτ )+ (Gi H)u(kτ )+
are used to estimate the system state x. Then, that esti- N
mated state is used to compute the control signal u for the + Gi HΔf (kτ + (N −2−i)T ).
next sampling period τ . i=0
For simplicity it is assumed here that it is:
τ From (12) and (13) it follows that N consecutive sub-
T = , (11) samples of output signal ΔPg , measured during constant

10 AUTOMATIKA 51(2010) 1, 3–18

Applying Optimal Sliding Mode Based Load-Frequency Control in Power Systems K. Vrdoljak, N. Perić, I. Petrović

value of control signal u, can be computed as: x 10

P∗g k = G̃xH (kτ ) + H̃u(kτ ) + Qfk∗ ,

Δ xg [p.u.]
5 true
where are: estimated

⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤ 0
ΔPg (kτ ) C
⎢ ΔPg (kτ + T ) ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ CG 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ ΔPg (kτ + 2T )⎥ ⎢ ⎥ CG2
time [min]
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ -3

P∗g k
x 10
=⎢ .. ⎥ , G̃ = ⎢ ⎥, .. 20
⎢ . ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ .
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ 15
⎣ΔPg (kτ + (N − 2)T )⎦ ⎣CGN −2 ⎦

Δ xgh [p.u.]
ΔPg (kτ + (N − 1)T ) CGN −1 10

5 true
⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤ estimated
0 Δf (kτ ) 0
⎢ CH ⎥ ⎢ Δf (kτ + T ) ⎥ 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ time [min]
⎢ C(GH + H) ⎥ ⎢ Δf (kτ + 2T ) ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ∗ ⎢ ⎥
H̃ = ⎢ .. ⎥ , fk = ⎢ .. ⎥,
⎢ . ⎥ ⎢ . ⎥ Fig. 9. Estimation of system state in CA1
⎢ N −3 ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎣C Gi ⎦
H ⎣Δf (kτ + (N − 3)T )⎦
C i=0 Gi H Δf (kτ + (N − 2)T )

⎡ ⎤ From the figure it can be seen that FOS estimation gives

0 0 ··· 0 0 very good results at sampling instants. Additionally, it can
⎢ CH 0 ··· 0 0 ⎥ be seen that FOS estimation is independent of the chosen
⎢ ⎥
⎢ CGH CH ··· 0 0 ⎥ initial conditions, since the estimation error is very small,
⎢ ⎥
Q=⎢ .. .. .. .. .. ⎥. even in the first few seconds of the simulation.
⎢ . . . . . ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎣CGN −3 H CGN −4 H · · · CH 0 ⎦
4.2 Disturbance estimation
CGN −2 H CGN −3 H · · · CGH CH
(15) Total disturbance signal in CA1 consists of load distur-
Since matrix G̃ might not be invertible, instead of bance, ΔPd1 , and the influence of neighbor CAs, e1 , which
its regular inverse, Moore-Penrose matrix pseudoinverse, is:

G̃+ , is used to compute the estimated state. The pseudoin- e1 (t) = − (Ks1j Δfj (t)) . (19)
verse is calculated as [45]: j=2
+ T −1 T
G̃ = (G̃ G̃) G̃ . (16) Total disturbance could also be estimated using FOS,
but due to unknown disturbance dynamics the estimation
Although, if only equation (14) is used for state esti- would be τ seconds delayed [35]. Therefore, simpler and
mation, estimated values would be one sampling period more accurate methods for disturbances estimation are pre-
delayed from the true values. Therefore, equation (14) is sented here.
combined with the discrete-time approximation of system
dynamics to obtain the estimated state as:
4.2.1 Load disturbance estimation
x̂H ((k + 1)τ ) = Gτ G̃+ (P∗g k− Qfk∗ ) + Hτ u(kτ ) + H◦ fk∗ ,
(17) To estimate load disturbance two facts observed on the
where is: linear system model are utilized: 1) immediately after a

step load disturbance occurs within a CA, the change in
H◦ = GN −1 H GN −2 H · · · GH H , (18) area’s ACE signal is equal to the negative value of that dis-
turbance; 2) after that load disturbance is compensated by
while matrices Gτ and Hτ are obtained by ZOH dis- LFC and ACE returned to zero, total change in power gene-
cretization of the system from Fig. 7 (just like system (12), rated by power plants engaged in LFC is equal to the value
but with sampling period τ instead of T ). of the disturbance. Therefore, the following equation can
The results of the proposed state estimation method are be used for load disturbance estimation:
shown in Fig. 9. Those results are obtained on the substi-
tute linear model. ΔP̂d (kτ ) = ΔPg (kτ ) − ACE(kτ ). (20)

AUTOMATIKA 51(2010) 1, 3–18 11

Applying Optimal Sliding Mode Based Load-Frequency Control in Power Systems K. Vrdoljak, N. Perić, I. Petrović

4.2.2 Estimation of the influence of neighbor CAs x 10

A subsystem for estimating the influence of neighbor

Δ Pd [p.u. MW]
CAs is shown in Fig. 10. 5 true

Estimator ê1 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Δf1 ∑K
j =2
S1 j
x 10
time [min]

e1 [p.u. MW]

Δf 2 KS12
+ 1

s 10

Δf k
- e1
KS1k 0
- -

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

Δf N KS1N time [min]

Fig. 11. Estimation of disturbances in CA1

Fig. 10. A subsystem for estimating the influence of neigh-
bor CAs to CA1


Since the influence of neighbor CAs to CA1 is simpli-
fied in the substitute model, it can be estimated by using SMC is a control technique appropriate for controlling
discrete-time derivator: time-variant systems in the presence of system uncertain-
ties and external disturbances. If SMC based only on out-
ΔPtie1 (kτ )−ΔPtie1 ((k−1)τ )
ê1 (kτ ) = − put signal is used for systems with non-minimum phase
τ behavior, it will cause system instability [38]. Since hydro
N (21)
− Ks1j Δf1 (kτ ). power plant is a system with non-minimum phase behav-
ior, as it can be seen from Fig. 3, SMC based on full system
Measurements of all signals needed to compute esti- state must be used for LFC in CA1.
mated values using (20) and (21) are available in the con- To improve the overall system behavior, disturbance in-
troller. Naturally, for model with uncertainties and for formation is also included into controller’s synthesis. Be-
LFC application in real power system, those measurements cause all state and disturbances are not measurable, estima-
must firstly be filtered through low pass filters to damp tion techniques described in the previous section is used to
noise component and rapid changes in the signals. obtain the values of their unmeasured components.
The results of the proposed disturbance estimation LFC based on SMC will be synthesized for discrete-
methods are shown in Fig. 11. Those results are also ob- time representation of system (10), where both distur-
tained on the substitute linear model, with no uncertainties bances (load disturbance and the influence of neighbor
present in the model. CAs) are gathered into one disturbance signal, dt , which
From the figure it can be seen that the disturbance es- results in the following system state equation:
timations are slightly poorer than the state estimation, but
still satisfactorily. x((k + 1)τ ) = Gca x(kτ ) + Hca u(kτ )+
Altogether, estimation results from Figs. 9 and 11 show (22)
+Wca dt (kτ ) + ξca (x, u, kτ ).
that the proposed methods can be used to estimate unmea-
sured state and disturbances in power system. For better insight into dynamics of system in sliding
From the measurements and by using the proposed esti- mode and for simpler controller synthesis it is more con-
mation equations (17), (20) and (21), full system state and venient to transform system (22) into a regular canonical
disturbance of the substitute linear power system model are form using transformation matrix T [38]:
obtained. Therefore, a state based controller can now be    
x1 ((k + 1)τ ) G G12 x1 (kτ ) 0
designed for LFC. Since estimations are not perfect, they = 11 + u(kτ )+
introduce estimation errors which can be observed as addi- x2 ((k + 1)τ ) G21 G22 x2 (kτ ) H2
tional components of uncertainties ξ in (10). Therefore, a W1 ξu (x, kτ )
+ d (kτ ) + ,
highly robust control algorithm is needed for LFC. That is W2 t ξm (x, u, kτ )
the main reason why SMC is used for LFC in this paper. (23)

12 AUTOMATIKA 51(2010) 1, 3–18

Applying Optimal Sliding Mode Based Load-Frequency Control in Power Systems K. Vrdoljak, N. Perić, I. Petrović

where x1 and x2 represent state vectors of the decoupled The control law (28) will ensure that system trajectory re-

subsystems of system (22), and it is x1 x2 = Tx. In sides in a narrow band around the sliding surface. The
the regular form, system’s uncertainties are decoupled into width of that band primarily depends on the maximal value
matched (ξm ) and unmatched (ξu ) ones. of uncertainties and upon the value of matrix Λ from (27).
To reduce its width, uncertainties are also estimated.
A sliding surface specifies system behavior in the slid-
ing mode and it is defined as:
5.1 Uncertainties estimation
σ(x) ≡ Sx = 0, (24) Generally, uncertainties in systems are mostly com-
posed of noise, unmodeled system dynamics and time vari-
where S ∈ 4m×n is a switching matrix.
ations of system parameters. Additionally, the proposed
System (23) can be further transformed into [35]: controller synthesis introduces a few additional compo-
    nents of system uncertainties which are caused by iden-
x1 ((k + 1)τ ) Ĝ Ĝ12 x1 (kτ ) 0
= 11 + u(kτ )+ tification, linearization and estimation errors.
σ((k + 1)τ ) Ĝ21 Ĝ22 σ(kτ ) Ĥ2
  Uncertainties estimation is obtained from the difference
W1 ξu (x, kτ ) of true and the ideal system behavior in sliding mode.
+ d(kτ ) + ,
Ŵ2 ξs (x, u, kτ ) Therefore, the estimated uncertainties are computed as
(25) [38]:
where are:

ξ̂s (kτ ) = ξ̂s ((k − 1)τ ) + σ(kτ ) − Λσ((k − 1)τ ). (29)
S1 S2 = ST−1 ,
Ĝ11 = G11 − G12 S−1 2 S1 ,
−1 If estimated uncertainties from (29) are included into
Ĝ12 = G12 S2 , control law (28), the following control law is obtained:
Ĝ21 = S1 (G11 −G12 S−1 −1
2 S1 ) + S2 (G21 −G22 S2 S1 ),
−1 −1 
Ĝ22 = S1 G12 S2 + S2 G22 S2 , u(kτ ) = Ĥ−1
2 (Λ − Ĝ22 )σ(kτ ) − Ĝ21 x1 (kτ )−
Ĥ2 = S2 H2 , 
Ŵ2 = S1 W1 + S2 W2 , −Ŵ2 d(kτ ) − ξ̂s (kτ ) .
ξs (x, u, kτ ) = S1 ξu (x, kτ ) + S2 ξm (x, u, kτ ). (30)
(26) With control law (30), the width of the band around
As it can be seen from (25), when the system is in the slid- the sliding surface becomes dependent on the maximal
ing mode (σ(kτ ) = 0), matched uncertainties do not in- rate of change of uncertainties, instead on their maximal
fluence the system’s dynamics. Therefore, SMC is robust value [38]. For uncertainties present in power system, that
to matched uncertainties, although only at the sampling in- would result in reduction of width of the band around the
stants, since between them the system is not in the sliding sliding surface.
In this section, discrete-time SMC was derived for a
The control law that ensures sliding mode will be com- general minimum-phase system. In the next section it will
puted according to (25), by an appropriate choice of a be applied to LFC system.
reaching law. The reaching law is in charge of driving
system’s trajectory to the sliding surface. Among sev-
eral known reaching laws [46–50], a linear reaching law
from [50] is chosen to be used for LFC, because it exactly
defines the trajectory towards the sliding surface and its us- If discrete-time SMC is applied in LFC controller, there
age results in straightforward controller design [38]. It is will be only one sliding surface, since the control signal in
defined as: LFC has dimension one (m = 1, u ≡ u). Furthermore,
σ((k + 1)τ ) = Λσ(kτ ), (27) switching matrix becomes a switching vector and reaching
where Λ is a diagonal matrix whose elements are con- law matrix becomes a scalar (Λ ≡ λ).
strained to 0 ≤ λi < 1. According to state vector from (2), a switching vector
If reaching law (27) is applied to system (25) and uncer- for CA1 is:
tainties neglected, the following control law is obtained:

S = sf sP tie sP g sxg sxgh . (31)

u(kτ ) = Ĥ−12 (Λ − Ĝ22 )σ(kτ )−
 (28) Additionally, according to (25), system’s stability in
−Ĝ21 x1 (kτ ) − Ŵ2 d(kτ ) . sliding mode is ensured if the parameters of the switching

AUTOMATIKA 51(2010) 1, 3–18 13

Applying Optimal Sliding Mode Based Load-Frequency Control in Power Systems K. Vrdoljak, N. Perić, I. Petrović

vector are chosen such that matrix Ĝ11 has all its eigenval- Table 3. Parameters of GA used for controller synthesis
ues within the unit circle. Parameter Description Value
Discrete-time SMC ensures that system trajectory only r Size of population 100
resides in a narrow band around the sliding surface, but g Genes per chromosome 7
unfortunately that doesn’t imply zero value of ACE in b Bits per gene 15
steady state [35], which is inherent to PI controller. There- pc Probability of crossover 0.7
fore, in order to ensure system stability and to minimize pm Probability of mutation 0.05
zero steady-state error of ACE, an appropriate relation Ng Number of generations 200
between the parameters of the switching vector must be μ Input signal weighting factor 0.01
found. In [35] it is shown that with uncertainties neglected,
steady state ACE will be equal to zero if the following
conditions are satisfied:
Altogether, the complete scheme of the proposed LFC
sP g + sxg + sxgh = 0, algorithm is shown in Fig. 12. The procedure starts from
sP tie = 0. nonlinear power system model and uses GA and recorded
measured signals from that model to identify parameters
Furthermore, since system behavior in SMC doesn’t of the substitute linear system model. If the proposed al-
change if the switching vector is multiplied by any non- gorithm is to be installed in real power system, the used
zero scalar, it can be set sP g = 1. signals from the nonlinear model should be replaced with
Altogether, SMC controller synthesis reduces down to true measured signals.
finding optimal values of parameters λ, sf , sP tie and sxg . Continuous-time SMC is applied to continuous-time
Again, an appropriate GA is used as search algorithm for system model resulting in steady state accuracy condi-
that purpose. tion, given by (32). Discrete-time SMC is then applied
to discrete-time system model to obtain control law (30).
6.1 Optimal sliding mode control algorithm parame- By simulations on continuous-time model and by using the
ters accuracy condition and the proposed control law, GA is
used to find the optimal controller parameters. All above-
In controller synthesis, GA is used to find optimal va-
mentioned steps of the algorithm are done off-line, and
lues of the following set of controller’s independent para-
they are based on measurement data, recorded through cer-
tain time period.
Θ = sf sP tie sxg λ . (33)
The only on-line computations are performed within
GA used for finding optimal controller parameters is two blocks inside Load frequency controller in Fig. 12.
similar to GA used for substitute linear model identifica-
tion in Section 3. However its flow chart is slightly dif- Load frequency controller
ferent from the flow chart shown in Fig. 4. The first dif- u (kτ)
f (kτ)
ference is that the flow chart for controller synthesis has Real power Ptie(kτ)
State and x (kτ)
Optimal sliding
system or its disturbance
additional block for computing the control law (30), which nonlinear model Pg(kτ) estimator
d (kτ) model control
is placed just above block Simulation in Fig. 4 [37].


f (kτ)

The other difference is that the fitness function for con-

troller synthesis purposes is given as: Identification
Control law
Ts Genetic algorithm
2 2
Φc (Θ) = (ACE(t)) · z(t)dt + μ (u(t)) dt, (34)
Continuous time Discrete time Discrete time
where Θ is given in (33), μ is a weighting factor and z power system power system sliding mode
model model control
is a weighting ramp function which reduces the influence
of variations in ACE in the first moments after the distur-
bance. Continuous time Steady state Optimal controller
sliding mode accuracy parameters
Parameters of the GA used for controller synthesis are control conditions Genetic algorithm
shown in Tab. 3.
By using the proposed GA, the optimal controller pa- Fig. 12. An algorithm scheme of LFC based on discrete-
in CA1 are obtained as: λ =
0.990 and S = time SMC
−74 −0.057 1 −98.096 97.096 .

14 AUTOMATIKA 51(2010) 1, 3–18

Applying Optimal Sliding Mode Based Load-Frequency Control in Power Systems K. Vrdoljak, N. Perić, I. Petrović

Firstly, measured signals and discrete-time system model
are used to estimate unmeasured power system state and 1200

P L [MW]
disturbances. Secondly, sliding mode controller (with pre- 1100
viously off-line calculated optimal parameters) is used
to compute the control signal, which is then distributed
among power plants engaged in LFC [51]. 900
0 10 20 30 40 50
time [min]

Pref [MW]
In the simulations, the proposed algorithm is used for
LFC in CA1 from Fig. 2, while in all other CAs common 100
PI controllers are used. PI controllers are also derived in
discrete time with parameters obtained using GA in order
0 10 20 30 40 50
to minimize fitness function (34). time [min]
In the simulations, the sample times are set to τ = 1 s
and T = 0.2 s. -200

P12 [MW]
Several disturbances occur during the simulation: 1)
multiple switching on/off of portions of load in CA1 (Load
1A, Load 2A, Load 3A and Load 3B in Fig. 2), 2) turning -240
off of a power plant in CA1 which is not engaged in LFC
(TPP 2 in Fig. 2), 3) single switching on/off of portions of 0 10 20 30 40 50
loads in neighbor CAs, 4) changing generation schedule of time [min]
a power plant in CA1 not engaged in LFC and 5) changing
exchange schedule between areas CA1 and CA2. Fig. 13. Disturbances in CA1: PL - load, Pref - planned
generation of power plants not engaged in LFC, and P12 -
All the disturbances in CA1 are shown in Fig. 13. The
planned exchange with CA2
first plot of Fig. 13 shows total load (PL ) in CA1, mea-
sured during the simulation. The second plot shows gen- 0.1
eration schedules (Pref ) of power plants in CA1 that are
not engaged in LFC. It can be seen that power plant TPP 0.05
ACE [p.u. MW]

2 shuts down after 20 minutes and power plant TPP 1 0

changes its generation schedule. The third plot shows ex-
change schedule between CA1 and CA2 (P12 ). Generation
and exchange schedules are carried out using ramps, which -0.1
0 10 20 30 40 50
is common in real power systems [43]. time [min]

Unlike small disturbances used for controller validation

on linear power system models [3,11,14,26,30], some dis- Fig. 14. ACE signal in CA1
turbances from Fig. 13 are significantly large, especially
those regarding turning off substantial load component at 3
t = 4 min (seen on the first plot of Fig. 13) or turning off
the entire power plant at t = 20 min (seen on the second
plot of Fig. 13).

ACE signal in CA1 is shown in Fig. 14 and the switch- -2
ing function in CA1 is shown in Fig. 15. It can be seen -3
from Fig. 14 that the proposed controller compensates for 0 10 20 30 40 50
time [min]
every disturbance in the system by returning ACE signal in
the vicinity of zero after each disturbance. The dynamics
Fig. 15. Switching function in CA1
of the compensations are similar for different disturbances,
since they are determined by the chosen controller parame-
ters. Besides, only large disturbances cause considerable
system’s deviation from sliding mode, but the return to the In Fig. 16 the total control signal of the proposed con-
vicinity of the surface is very fast, as it can be seen from troller and output active powers of power plants engaged
Fig. 15. in LFC are shown. Total control signal is divided among

AUTOMATIKA 51(2010) 1, 3–18 15

Applying Optimal Sliding Mode Based Load-Frequency Control in Power Systems K. Vrdoljak, N. Perić, I. Petrović

This work has been financially supported by The Na-
u [MW]

tional Foundation for Science, Higher Education and Tech-
nological Development of the Republic of Croatia and
Končar - Power Plant and Electric Traction Engineering,
0 10 20
time [min]
30 40 50
Zagreb, Croatia.

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45 1

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AUTOMATIKA 51(2010) 1, 3–18 17

Applying Optimal Sliding Mode Based Load-Frequency Control in Power Systems K. Vrdoljak, N. Perić, I. Petrović

Nedjeljko Perić (1950.) has been professionally

[41] K. Vrdoljak, T. Radošević, and N. Perić, “Identification
working for the last thirty five years as a scientist
of power system model parameters for sliding mode based and researcher in the area of automatic control
load-frequency control,” in Proceedings of the International and automation of complex processes and sys-
IEEE Conference EUROCON 2009, St. Petersburg, Russia, tems. His scientific and professional work can be
pp. 540–547, 2009. grouped into two distinct phases. During the first
phase he was working at the Končar’s Institute of
[42] P. Fleming and R. Purshouse, “Evolutionary algorithms in Electrical Engineering (1973-1993) with empha-
sis on development of the automation systems for
control systems engineering: a survey,” Control Engineer- complex processes. In particular, he initiated and
ing Practice, vol. 10, no. 11, pp. 1223–1241, 2002. led the corporate research and development pro-
grams for the microprocessor control of electrical machines and related
[43] UCTE, “Operational handbook - load-frequency control fast processes. The second phase of his work is connected to the employ-
and performance,” 2004. http://www.ucte.org. ment at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing in Zagreb
(from 1993 onwards), where he has initiated a broad research activity in
advanced control of complex and large scale technical systems. His re-
[44] S. Janardhanan, Multirate Output Feedback based Discrete-
search results are published in scientific journals (more than 30 papers),
time Sliding Mode Control Strategies. PhD thesis, Indian proceedings of international conferences (more than 200 papers), and in
Institute of Technology, Bombay, India, 2005. numerous research studies/reports (more than 60 reports). Prof. Perić
has particularly excelled in the leadership of national and international
[45] A. Ben-Israel and T. Greville, Generalized Inverses. research projects. For his work he has received numerous awards, among
Springer-Verlag, 2003. others, the Croatian national award for science (for year 2007) for im-
portant scientific achievement in development of advanced control and
estimation strategies for complex technical systems. He has also received
[46] S. Sarpturk, Y. Istefanopulos, and O. Kaynak, “On the the "Fran Bošnjaković" award (in 2009) for the exceptional contribution
stability of discrete time sliding mode control systems,” to the development and promotion of the automatic control research field
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 32, no. 10, within the area of technical sciences.
pp. 930–932, 1987.

[47] K. Furuta, “Sliding mode control of discrete system,” Sys- Ivan Petrović received B.Sc. degree in 1983,
tem & Control Letters, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 145–152, 1990. M.Sc. degree in 1989 and Ph.D. degree in 1998,
all in Electrical Engineering from the Faculty of
Electrical Engineering and Computing (FER Za-
[48] W. Gao, Y. Wang, and A. Homaifa, “Discrete time variable greb), University of Zagreb, Croatia. He had
structure control systems,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial been employed as an R&D engineer at the In-
Electronics, vol. 42, no. 2, pp. 117–122, 1995. stitute of Electrical Engineering of the Končar
Corporation in Zagreb from 1985 to 1994. Since
[49] A. Bartoszewicz, “Discrete-time quasi-sliding mode con- 1994 he has been with FER Zagreb, where he is
currently the head of the Department of Control
trol strategies,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electron-
and Computer Engineering. He teaches a number
ics, vol. 45, no. 4, pp. 633–637, 1998. of undergraduate and graduate courses in the field of control systems and
mobile robotics. His research interests include various advanced control
[50] S. Spurgeon, “Hyperplane design techniques for discrete- strategies and their applications to control of complex systems and mobile
time variable structure control systems,” International Jour- robots navigation. Results of his research effort have been implemented
nal on Control, vol. 55, no. 2, pp. 445–456, 1992. in several industrial products. He is a member of IEEE, IFAC - TC on
Robotics and FIRA - Executive committee. He is a collaborating member
of the Croatian Academy of Engineering.
[51] K. Vrdoljak, N. Perić, and D. Šepac, “Optimal distribution
of load-frequency control signal to hydro power plants,” in
Proceedings of 2010 IEEE International Symposium on In- AUTHORS’ ADDRESSES
dustrial Electronics (ISIE), 2010. Krešimir Vrdoljak, Ph.D.
KONČAR - Power Plant and Traction Engineering Inc.,
Fallerovo šetalište 22, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia,
email: kresimir.vrdoljak@koncar-ket.hr
Krešimir Vrdoljak received his B.Sc. and Ph.D.
degrees in Electrical Engineering from the Uni- Prof. Nedjeljko Perić, Ph.D.
versity of Zagreb, Croatia in 2003 and 2009, re- Prof. Ivan Petrović, Ph.D.
spectively. From 2003 to 2009 he was employed Department of Control and Computer Engineering,
at the Department of Control and Computer En- Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing,
gineering at the Faculty of Electrical Engineer- University of Zagreb,
ing and Computing in Zagreb, Croatia. He is Unska 3, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia
currently employed at Končar - Power Plant and
Traction Engineering Inc., Zagreb, Croatia. His
emails: nedjeljko.peric@fer.hr, ivan.petrovic@fer.hr
research interests are in advanced control tech-
niques applied to power systems. Received: 2009-12-04
Accepted: 2010-02-11

18 AUTOMATIKA 51(2010) 1, 3–18

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