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Name : Widia Amanda Utami

Reg. Number : 18 0202 0002

Class : BIG D/II


Food of Luwu

Bagea (also called Sagu cake) is a cake originating from Ternate in North Maluku, Indonesia. It is
also a traditional food from Palopo in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. It has a round shape and creamy
color. Bagea has a hard consistency that can be softened in tea or water, to make it easier to chew. It is
prepared using sago, a plant based starch derived from the sago palm or sago cycad.

Things that you need to make Bagea are :

- Sago flour
- Cinnamon powder
- Chopped walnuts
- Sugar
- Baking soda
- Vegetable oil
- Chicken eggs

How to make it :

- First, mix sugar and eggs until thickened.

- Then add the dry ingredients and vegetable oil then chopped walnuts while manually shaking at low
speed or manually.
- Preheat the oven. Then arrange the mixture into a pan that has been smeared with margarine or it can
also be coated with baking paper.
- Last, bake it in oven at 160 degrees for about 30 minutes. Lift it and it ready to serve.

Why I choose Bagea as a topic?

I was smitten with Bagea since the very first time I ate it. It was when I was 11 years old when me
and my mother were on vacation for holiday to a family house. The car stopped by at the small shop
and my mom bought something that I was so sure it is a food. She gave me this cake that apparently
the one and only Bagea and I immediately fell in love with it in the first bite. I thought it was not a
traditional cake because it looked so elegant, I thought it was cookies (biscuit or chip from abroad),
the fact is I love eating Bagea so much. It gives me chill whenever I eat it.

When is the good or right time to eat Bagea?

You can eat Bagea whenever you want, it is such a light food and so yummy. You can eat it while
drinking tea or coffee or milk in the morning, or it can be a friend in the chill afternoon, you can also
eat it at night to accompany you while doing your homework. Enjoy Bagea;)
Name : Widia Amanda Utami
Reg. Number : 18 0202 0002
Class : BIG D/II


Marriage of Luwu

Uniqiue thing
Pretty sure we are all have been familiar with this one, especially for Bugis or Makassar people that is
Uang Panaik, in Luwu everytime you talk about marriage uang panaik will involve in your
Uang panaik is provided by every guy who want to propose their lover, usually for a guy who does
not have much money or “uang mahar” uang panaik can be a scary thing. Because, uang panaik that
has already become one of the requirements to hold up the wedding according to Bugis Makassar cost
a lot of money even sometimes it can reach until billions of Rupiah.

Nowadays, uang panaik in Bugis wedding tradition depend on the woman social status that will be
proposed by the guy, for example status level of a woman who just graduated from Senior High
School, bachelor degree, a working woman, Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS), doctor, until a Haji woman
has different mahar and uang panaik.

Marriage in the tribal bugis is called 'Mappabotting', in contrast to the wedding party events that take
place or carried out in a building. Mappabotting is done when there is an agreement between men and
women, in this tribe of Bugis has a very unique story about the wedding. Before the wedding there
was a condition called 'Maddutta', this madduta was a family of men applying for women with money
for the event which would later also take place in women's homes. Madduta is a process of bargaining
as well as that of a buyer with a seller in a trading system. If the wedding time has been determined, 2
days before the mappabotting event is also called 'Accado-cado'. That is, all the families came to
welcome the feeling of happiness because one of their families would launch a marriage, and they
worked together to work together for wedding preparedness. The other requirements for marriage in
the Bugis tribe are mabbarasanji and Wenni appacingen. Mabbarasanji is reciting verses from
barsanji, while appacingen is a holy night where the child who will carry out the wedding is decorated
with some traditional cosmetics. Maybe you are curious about this Bulukumba bugis tribe. The
uniqueness of this tribe symbolizes that there are still tribes who are very disciplined and believe
about the past past, according to the Bugis tribe if there is one condition that is abandoned or not
carried out said that families who have carried out marriages will experience barrenness or no
Name : Widia Amanda Utami
Reg. Number : 18 0202 0002
Class : BIG D/II


Maulid in Luwu

Maulid is not a celebration, maulid is a commemoration. So many people say that it is the part from
celebration in Islam. There are only two celebration in Islam they are ; Ied Fitri and Ied Adha.

Prophet Muhammad’s maulid or in short Muhammad’s maulid or just Maulud is a commemoration of

the birthday of the prophet Muhammad saw which is reminds for every 12 Rabiul Awal in Islamic
calendar especially in Indonesia. Maulid or milad in Arabic means the day of birth, the birthday of the
prophet Muhammad is developed in Islam society long after prophet Muhammad died. Substantially,
maulud is a statement for joy and respect to prophet Muhammad saw.

In South Sulawesi there is one thing that is so familiar and we can meet this thing in almost every
mosque in Maulud day, that is Bunga Male.

Bunga male first made in Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB), bunga male means the art of paper. Basically,
bunga male is a bunch of eggs that hang on straight bamboo stick and the bamboo sticks stuck on a
banana stam.

So many people familiar and know what bunga male is? But do we know what exactly it means? And
why we keep maintain it as our own culture to remind the birthday of prophet Muhammad? Of course
it has it own reason and this is what I am going to talk about.

Bunga male consists in 4 parts and they all have their own meaning one by one, they are :

- Eggs, eggs describe Muhammad’s character as an independent person, as we know that after
egg cracks into chicken they go find food themselves.
- Bamboo stick, straight bamboo sticks tell us of how much of our prophet had straight and
positive think when he was alive, this is what we should be as a Muslim.
- Banana stam, it describes prophet’s character as a person who always gave advantages fellow
people when he was alive, banana trees do not die before it gives an advantage.
- Songkolo, when you throw songkolo away it will keep with its own shape, this is how we
should be as a Muslim, we should be unite not separate each other.

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