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Funeral ceremonies are ceremonies relating to burial, cremation, etc.

from the bodies of the dead, or burial warnings (or similar things). [1]
The nature of funerals consists of beliefs and practices used by a
culture to commemorate and respect the dead through various
monuments, prayers and rituals. These habits are more diverse
between cultures and between religions and denominations in culture.
General secular motivation for the funeral includes the period of
mourning for the deceased, remembrance of his life, and giving
support and sympathy to those left behind. In addition, funerals often
have religious aspects that are intended to help the deceased's soul
reach life after death, resurrection or reincarnation.

Funerals usually include a ritual given to the body of the deceased. [2]
Depending on culture and religion, funerals can include extermination
of bodies (for example through cremation or burial of the sky) or
preserving them (for example through mummification or burial).
Beliefs differ about cleanliness and the relationship between body and
soul is reflected in funeral practice. When a funeral is carried out but
there is no body of the deceased, the ceremony is called a funeral

Funeral art is an art produced related to burial, including several types

of tombs and objects specifically made for burial of bodies

The Most Unique Funeral Only in Indonesia

Adi Nugroho 119w | Trending

For almost all ethnic groups in Indonesia, death is a very big moment.
Like birth or marriage, death must also be welcomed with a big event
even though it is a grief event. The ceremony is carried out to respect
those who have gone well or to prevent bad luck if the body is not
treated well.
Each ethnic group in Indonesia has a very unique funeral tradition. In
fact, in any hemisphere there will be no ceremony like this. Come on,
look at any funeral ceremonies that sometimes make many tourists
come to witness this tradition directly.

1. Ngaben - Balinese Hinduism

Ngaben Bali [image source]

Ngaben is one of the most unique funeral ceremonies in Bali. In this
event, the body will be burned along with unique objects such as
statues, flowers, offerings, etc. Ngaben is done as a symbol of
sincerity from the family to let go. In addition, crab is also used to
release the spirit from the world and also restore the elements of
Panca Maha Butha to the universe. Oh yes, every year Ngaben always
attracts a lot of tourists to come. Even foreigners from abroad are very
enthusiastic when following the series of events.
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2. Signs Solo '- Toraja

Rambu Solo Tana Toraja [image source]

Solo Signs' is one of the very large traditional ceremonies in Tana
Toraja. Tribes here will conduct large-scale funerals. Solo signaling
ceremonies usually require preparation for years for those who are
less fortunate. For those of you who are from nobility, the preparation
will last for only a few months. At this ceremony, the family will do a
lot of buffalo slaughter. These animals are usually obtained at high
prices so that solo signatures often require up to billions of rupiah in

3. Burning corpses and cutting fingers - Dani

Dani [image source]

As one of the inhabitants of the Baliem valley, the Dani tribe has
many unique traditions, especially for matters of death. In a tribe,
when the death of a family member arrives, some of them will cut off
a finger segment. This unique and rather horrific tradition is done as
an expression of pain and sadness. After cutting the finger, they will
bathe in the mud and then surround the body that was burned while
4. Marapu Cemetery - Sumba

Marapu Cemetery [image source]

There is something unique about the ceremony carried out by
residents with the belief of Marapu on Sumba Island. When the
family dies, they will conduct a fairly large ceremony. Usually this
ceremony will also slaughter livestock for dinner guests. For the
people of Marapu, not holding a funeral will make the family
unlucky. Oh yes, the bodies of the dead will be put in a new tomb to
be united with their ancestors in heaven.

5. Tiwah - Dayak tribe

Tiwah Dayak Tribe [image source]

Tiwah is one of the most unique funeral rituals in the Central
Kalimantan region and is carried out by the Dayak tribe. The funeral
ceremony was carried out after the body was buried for several years
so that only the bones remained. This ceremony is done to perfect the
body at the last ceremony so that the attachment to the real world can
be immediately released. The Tiwah ceremony is usually carried out
for days and does not cost a lot.

6. Sirang-Sirang - Batak Tribe Marga Sembiring

Sirang-Sirang [image source]

Sirang-sirang is one of the funeral ceremonies by burning which
occurred in Sumatra, especially the Batiring Sembiring. In the past,
when Hindu influences were still firmly attached, the people here
carried out a large burning ceremony. Usually the bodies will be
burned near the river. After the corpse becomes ash, some people will
dissolve it into the river water. Oh yeah, pelarung abu must take a
clean bath so that it doesn't get bad luck or the spirit of the body that
is burned is followed.

7. Trunyan Cemetery - Bali

Trunyan Bali [image source]

Trunyan cemetery is known to be very unique so that it attracts a lot
of world tourists to come. In this place, the body is not buried in the
ground as is done in the ground. Those who have died will be put on
the table. They will only be covered with woven bamboo to prevent it
from being seen from the outside. Oh yes, the funeral in Trunyan does
not cause any foul smell at all. The trees around here are believed to
absorb the foul odor of a corpse.

8. Mumification - Asmat Tribe

Mummification of the Asmat Tribe [image source]

The Asmat tribe located in Papua has a unique funeral ceremony
compared to other regions in Indonesia. Some people who have high
positions such as chiefs or warlords will be buried as mummies. Their
bodies will be smeared with certain substances and then placed on the
fireplace so that they are exposed to smoke slowly. After a number of
years, these seated corpses will be black and kept in men's homes for
later release if guests arrive.

9. Baby Graves in Trees - Toraja

Kambira baby grave [image source]

The baby tomb inside the Tarra tree is located in the Kambira area,
Tana Toraja. Babies who die and do not have teeth will be put into a
tree full of sap. This funeral procession is often called Passiliran and
is done simply, in contrast to Rambu Solo. The Tarra tree is chosen as
a result because it has a lot of sap. This sap is likened to milk and the
room is considered a womb. Oh yes, the return of the baby into the
Tarra tree is also done so that later this baby can be born again from
the same mother's womb.

10. Tomb on the ground - Dayak Benuaq

Dayak Benuaq Tomb [image source]

Unlike other tribes in Indonesia who buried families in the ground or
cremated. The Dayak Benuaq tribe buried the family next to the
house. The body is included in a wooden city that has a size in it.
After the body was there for several years and remained bone, it was
dismantled and placed in a much more permanent place. This
ceremony is held every few years with a large enough event and filled
with songs that pray for the deceased family.
Funerals are sacred to some tribes in Indonesia. They are willing to
spend a lot of money to make a very lively event. For families who
have been left behind, bringing those who die well will make their
lives better. In addition, the spirits of the deceased will be faster
towards the Hereafter according to their respective beliefs. Anyway,
from the 10 points above, which have you followed or visited?

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