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Siti Amalia Patonaung. 10011092. “The Correlation between Parenting and

Sibling Rivalry Incidence on Preschool aged Children at the PAUD Gemist
Elroi Ngalipaeng II, south Manganitu Sub district, Sangihe Island Regency.
November 2015, ”Nursing Department of STIKES Muhammadiyah
Manado. (Under the Supervision of I Made Rantiasa, S.Kep, M.Kes as the first
supervisor and Helly Katuk, S.Kep. as the second supervisor).

The rivalry between two children occurs because of Sibling Rivalry factor. After the
mother gave birth to his younger brother, the older one felt left out. In his view, both
parents ignore him because of the presence of his younger brother.

The objective of this research is to find out the correlation between parenting
and sibling rivalry incidence on preschool aged children at the PAUD Gemist
Elroi Ngalipaeng II, south Manganitu Subdistrict, Sangihe Island Regency. The
research conducted by using cross sectional descriptive analytic
method. Samples were taken based on the number of respondents which amount 32

Data were collected from the client by using questionnaires on parenting and sibling
rivalry. Then they were presented on tabulation table of crosswise and analysed
with used kompuerization of SPSS windows by Spearman Rho test with significance α ≤0

Conclusion of this research is founded Relationship to take care system of parents and
emergence event of Sibling Rivarly to child 3-5 years old on Play Grop Of Gemist Elroi
Ngalipaeng II south Manganitu Subdistrict, Sangihe Regency by used results of statistic t
est Spearman Rho geb value (p)=0,000 α ≤ 0,05 with correlation coefficient of Spearman
Rho (r)= 0,890 on powerful level.

Keywords: Take care system of parents, sibling rivalry and child 3-5 year old.


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