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Journal of Hydraulic Research

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Exact solutions for normal depth problem

Rajesh Srivastava

To cite this article: Rajesh Srivastava (2006) Exact solutions for normal depth problem, Journal
of Hydraulic Research, 44:3, 427-428, DOI: 10.1080/00221686.2006.9521694

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Journal of Hydraulic Research Vol. 44, No. 3 (2006), pp. 427–428
© 2006 International Association of Hydraulic Engineering and Research


Exact solutions for normal depth problem

P.K. SWAMEE and P.N. RATHIE, Journal of Hydraulic Research, Volume 42, 2004, Issue 5, pp. 541–547

RAJESH SRIVASTAVA, Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur,
Kanpur 208016, India. Tel.: +91-512-2597755; fax: 2597395; e-mail: rajeshs@iitk.ac.in

The authors have proposed infinite series expressions which help 4. However, from an engineer’s point of view, it would be more
in evaluating the normal depths in various open channel sections useful to have a simple and reasonably accurate expression
for a given discharge. The discusser would like to mention the rather than one which is more complicated, and less accurate
following points regarding the paper: for some cases. Therefore, an attempt was made by the dis-
cusser to arrive at an expression based on truncation of the
Downloaded by [Universite Laval] at 22:45 06 May 2016

1. For any infinite series, the convergence and the number of

iterative algorithm described above. The following approxi-
terms to be used for a reasonable accuracy must be men-
mation was found to have a maximum error of about 0.06%
tioned. Similarly, when there are two different expressions
in estimation of βn :
given for a section (e.g. Eqs (28) and (32) for rectangular
section), it would be prudent to suggest a range of applicabil-   0.3929 2/5
ity. In absence of this information, the authors’ hope that the βn = N b 1 + 2.404Nb0.6321 1 + 2.030Nb0.9363
equations are useful to water resources engineers may not be (74)
2. The discusser performed a detailed error analysis using all the Figure 1 shows the performance of Eq. (74). Clearly, Eqs (28)
terms listed in Eqs (28) and (32). Figure 1 shows the relative and (32) are more accurate over a large range but Eq. (74)
error in βn over a wide range of values of Nb . The small error is simpler to use, less computationally intensive, reasonably
of the proposed infinite series is clearly seen and it is also accurate, and applicable over the entire range of Nb values.
obvious that Eq. (28) should be used for Nb < 1 and (32) for Therefore, the discusser feels that it should be preferred over
Nb > 1. It may also be noticed that Eqs (28) and (32) result Eqs (28) and (32) for the computation of normal depth in
in larger error near Nb = 1, with the error being as high as rectangular channels. Similar methodology using convergent
0.6%. It was found that six to seven terms of the series are iterative schemes might be attempted for other sections to
required to keep the maximum error <1%. This behaviour is obtain a finite series approximation, and is likely to produce
similar to the one observed (Srivastava, in press) for a closely usable results, especially if split-range approximations are
related problem (Swamee and Rathie, 2004). allowed.
3. A more practical approximation could be obtained by trun- 5. There appears to be typographical errors in Eqs (53)–(57)
cating the series (28) and (32) after a finite number of terms and (63)–(66) and the terms of the form cos−1 (1 − x) should
and obtaining the coefficients which provide minimum error probably be cos−1 (1 − 2x). Also, for circular channels, the
(Srivastava, in press). On the other hand, if one decides to use multiplicity of normal depth for the same discharge for ηn >
an infinite series, a computationally simpler algorithm could 0.82 results in two normal depths for ND >0.312. The dis-
be obtained based on a convergent iterative solution of Eq. cusser presumes that Eq. (71) will provide the smaller normal
(25) as follows: depth in such cases, but would like the authors to comment
on it.
y0 = 0 6. The last comment is more a matter of personal prefer-
3/5 3/5
y1 = Nb (1 + 2y0 )2/5 = Nb ence. Above Eq. (73) the authors use n = 0.015 s/m1/3 .
3/5 3/5  3/5 2/5 The discusser feels that this gives the impression that n
y2 = Nb (1 + 2y1 )2/5 = Nb 1 + 2Nb
would be different in FPS units (i.e. n = 0.015 ×
y3 = Nb (1 + 2y2 )2/5 0.30481/3 s/ft1/3 = 0.010 s/ft1/3 ). It might be better to assume
3/5  3/5 3/5 2/5 that n is dimensionless and the coefficient in the Manning’s
= Nb 1 + 2Nb (1 + 2Nb )2/5
equation (1 for SI units or 1.486 for FPS units) has the
and so on. necessary dimensions (m1/3 /s or ft1/3 /s).

428 Swamee and Rathie

10 2. Within the above stated specified applicability limits of

Eqs (28) and (32) the corresponding series are convergent.
Howerver, the convergence is weak near Nb = 0.966998.
Percent Error in βn

0.1 3. The objective of the paper is to obtain exact solutions for nor-
mal depth. The end result of numerical solution is a number,
which is devoid of physical picture. A closed form solution
0.001 gives physical picture of functional dependence of normal
depth with the independent variables.
4. Equation (74), though yields high accuracy, however, for
0.00001 Nb → ∞ does not yield the equation βn = 22/3 Nb which
0.01 0.1 1 10 100 is the asymptotic form as obtained from Eq. (24). Thus the
Nb exponents occurring in Eq. (74) of the discusser should be
Figure 1 Percentage error in the prediction of βn for a given Nb . Solid
suitably modified.
line: Eq. (28); dotted line: Eq. (32); dashed line: Eq. (74). 5. The correct form of Eqs (58), (62), (67) and (71) has been
given in the replies of the discussion by Kouchakzadeh and
Vatankhah. Yes, equations are applicable to the lower range
of ND . The upper range is only of academic importance.
Since the upper range is very small, with some increased error
equations can be applied to upper range as well.
Downloaded by [Universite Laval] at 22:45 06 May 2016

6. Treating the roughness coefficient dimensionless is not cor-

1. Swamee P.K. and Rathie P.N., (2004). “Exact Solutions
rect. Considerable literature has grown on this controversy.
for Sequent Depth Problem”. J. Irrig. Drain. Engng. ASCE
By attaching dimensions to 1 in 1/n, the roughness coefficient
130(6), 520–522.
occurring in the Manning’s equation can be made dimension-
less. In such an eventuality 1 is changed to 1.486 for converting
Closure to “Exact solutions for normal depth problem” the Manning’s equation from SI units to fps units. Thus, the
values n for various types of surface materials remain same
By Prabhata K. Swamee, Emeritus Fellow, Department of Civil as their original values in SI units. Such a manipulation for
Engineering, Indian Institude of Technology, Roorkee, Roorkee conversion of an equation from one system of units to another
247 667, India system of units sets a dangerous precedence. Thus, by a sim-
ilar logic, area A of a square of side a given by A = 1a2 , say
Pushpa N. Rathie, Professor, Department of Statistics, Univer-
in metric units, can be rewritten to accept a in meter and yield
sity of Brasilia, Brasilia 70910-900, Brazil
A in ft2 by changing 1 to some other numerical value. One
The authors are very much grateful to Rajesh Srivastava for his may, thus, think that the side a of a square is dimensionless!
discussion. The replies of the points raised by the discusser are
as follows.
1. It is sufficient to use six terms in Eqs (28) and (32) for obtain-
ing normal depth with reasonable accuracy. Using Braaksma 1. Braaksma, B.L.J. (1964). “Asymptotic Expansions and
(1964) it is found that Eq. (28) converges for Nb < 0.966998 Analytic Continuations for a Class of Barnes-Integrals”.
whereas Eq. (32) converges for Nb > 0.966998. Compos. Math. 15, 239–341.

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