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DOI: 10.1002/cctc.

201701637 Reviews

Very Important Paper

Porous Materials as Highly Efficient Electrocatalysts for the

Oxygen Evolution Reaction
Jing Qi,[a] Wei Zhang,*[a] and Rui Cao*[a, b]

ChemCatChem 2018, 10, 1206 – 1220 1206 T 2018 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Carbon-neutral hydrogen has potential to alleviate the energy diffusion, and the buffer ability of volume change. Herein, we
crisis and ease environmental problems. Water electrolysis is a summarize the recent progress of representative methodolo-
sustainable way for large-scale hydrogen production when gies for the synthesis of porous materials toward electrocata-
electricity is generated from renewable energy resources. The lytic OER. The materials discussed in this Review include the
key challenge in water splitting is the sluggish kinetics of the cheap transition-metal-based (Co, Ni, and Fe) and metal-free
oxygen evolution reaction (OER). Thus, it is important and nec- porous materials. This Review sheds light on the different strat-
essary to develop highly efficient electrocatalysts in a cost-ef- egies to construct catalysts with porous structures to facilitate
fective way for OER. Porous materials have proven to be versa- OER.
tile in catalysis due to their large surface area, the fast mass

1. Introduction A variety of solid materials has been reported as OER elec-

trocatalysts in electrolytes with different pHs. Noble metal-
1.1. Electrocatalytic water oxidation
based materials exhibit high activity and stability for OER catal-
Hydrogen is the most abundant element in nature, and H2 gas ysis in electrolytes with a wide range of pHs.[13] However, the
is expected to be a green and efficient energy carrier in the employment of these expensive elements will add extra cost
future.[1] It is, however, critical and challenging to produce H2 to water electrolysis. Cheap transition metal-based (Mn, Fe, Co,
economically and conveniently in a large scale. Currently, most Ni) materials have thus attracted continuing interest. Typically,
H2 is generated as a secondary energy resource from nonre- these materials have high activity in basic solutions but inferior
newable fossil fuels by traditional petrochemical methods.[2] performance in neutral to acidic electrolytes.[5, 14]
This conversion process suffers from the low energy conver- When developing an effective electrocatalyst, the following
sion efficiency and causes severe environmental pollution. four issues need to be taken into consideration. First, the im-
Water electrolysis to produce H2 has been recognized as an ef- provement of activity of the surface catalytic sites is important
ficient and green process when the electricity is generated to reduce the activation energy barrier of OER.[11] Second, the
from sustainable energy resources, such as solar, tide, and enhancement of electronic conductivity of the materials can
wind.[3, 4] These clean energy resources are tightly subject to assure a fast charge transfer from the surface reaction sites to
natural environment, and maintaining a constant output to the substrate electrode.[15] Third, the enlargement of surface
the electricity grid system is difficult. To store this sustainable areas of materials is beneficial to exposure more available reac-
electricity, one way is to use rechargeable batteries. However, tion sites to realize high current densities at low overpoten-
the high cost and the difficulty in transporting batteries limits tials.[16] Fourth, the increase of mass diffusion within the mate-
this kind of application. In addition to the use of rechargeable rials is indispensable for a better migration of reaction substan-
batteries, water electrolysis is an ideal strategy for the storage ces and an easier release of O2 bubbles.[17] The former two as-
and transport of “sustainable electricity” in the form of H2.[5] To pects are related to the intrinsic chemical properties of the ma-
minimize the energy cost in water electrolysis, it is crucial to terials, and the latter two issues are subject to the
develop effective catalysts to reduce the overpotentials. Com- microcosmic physical structures of the materials.
pared with the water oxidation on the anode, the H2 produc- The activity of the surface sites can be finely tuned by chem-
tion on the cathode is relatively easy.[6] As a sluggish half-reac- ical composition of the materials.[18] For example, NiFe-based
tion of water electrolysis, the oxygen evolution reaction (OER) materials have shown excellent activity in basic solutions for
is the bottleneck for water splitting.[7–9] The development of ef- electrocatalytic OER.[19, 20] A very little amount of FeIII dopant in
ficient and stable water oxidation electrocatalysts is of practical NiII-based materials can dramatically enhance the OER per-
importance to reduce the energy cost of water electroly- formance. The general reasons for the enhancement of activity
sis.[10–12] by doping are as follows. First, the doped elements can affect
the electronic structure of the active sites to reduce the activa-
tion energies. Second, the doped elements can participate in
[a] J. Qi, Prof. W. Zhang, Prof. R. Cao the activation of intermediates by assisting the translocation of
Key Laboratory of Applied Surface and Colloid Chemistry protons during OER. Third, doping can induce unsaturated co-
Ministry of Education and School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering ordination to increase the number of active sites. Forth,
Shaanxi Normal University
doping can enhance the bulk conductivity of the material by
Xi’an 710119 (P.R. China)
E-mail: zw@snnu.edu.cn generating free charges. The surface ligand anions in a variety
ruicao@ruc.edu.cn of Co-based materials have impact on their OER activity and
[b] Prof. R. Cao stability.[7] The ligands in the material help in the translocation
Department of Chemistry of protons to lower the activation energy barrier of OER inter-
Renmin University of China
mediates.[1] The electronic conductivity of materials has also
Beijing 100872 (P.R. China)
drawn significant attention in recent studies, as bulk conduc-
The ORCID identification number(s) for the author(s) of this article can
be found under: tivity is equally essential to surface activity in electrocatalysis.[21]
https://doi.org/10.1002/cctc.201701637. General interests have mainly been focused on transition

ChemCatChem 2018, 10, 1206 – 1220 www.chemcatchem.org 1207 T 2018 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
metal-based phosphides, chalcogenides and nitrides, which 1.2. Porous materials as electrocatalysts
displayed excellent OER activity.[22–25] These materials are con-
sidered as “interstitial alloys” with much better conductivities, As promising catalysts, porous materials have drawn extensive
as compared with their metal oxide/hydroxide counterparts.[26] attention in variety areas of chemical engineering process-
However, the surface sites are in situ oxidized under OER con- es.[27, 28] Owing to the unique physical and chemical characteris-
ditions to form metal oxides/hydroxides as the genuine active tics different from bulk materials, porous materials have also
sites.[15] To increase the number of surface sites and the mass been widely applied in electrocatalysis, which is a heterogene-
diffusion ability of materials, one general method is construct- ous process happening on the interface.[29–31] Porous materials
ing porous structures in materials, which will be introduced in have been shown to be versatile in electrocatalysis to provide
the next section. more surface sites and easier mass diffusion during electroca-
talysis. There are three general approaches to construct pores
in electrodes. The first method is constructing multi-dimen-
Jing Qi is currently a fourth-year grad-
sional structures to generate constructional voids. There are
uate student under the supervision of
typically two general strategies for the preparation of materials
Prof. Rui Cao and Assoc. Prof. Wei
with constructional voids. The first is the hard-template synthe-
Zhang in the School of Chemistry and
sis using porous materials such as silica, anodic aluminum
Chemical Engineering at Shaanxi
oxide, and etched polymer. Nanowires are synthesized in the
Normal University. She finished her
pores of the templates. By removing the templates, nanowires
Master degree and transferred to a
are connected to construct the voids in the final product. The
Ph.D. candidate in 2017. Her current
second method is the seeded epitaxial growth on substrates at
research focus is the water splitting re-
high temperatures. Nanowire/nanorod arrays are formed by
action electrocatalyzed by cheap tran-
the epitaxial growth, leaving open spaces between each wire/
sition metal-based solid materials. She
rod. Our group recently reported a unique three-dimensional
received her B.S. (2014) in chemistry
(3D) Co(OH)F superstructure built by low-dimensional sub-
from Bohai University.
structures for efficient OER.[17] The building of low-dimensional
substructures (1D nanorods and 2D nanoflakes) brought about
Wei Zhang is currently an associate
abundant open spaces in the resulting 3D structure. Jin’s
professor in the School of Chemistry
group reported a NiCo hydroxide with a 3D structure by direct
and Chemical Engineering at Shaanxi
electrodeposition method.[32] The special 3D morphology in-
Normal University. His current research
creased the accessible specific active area to facilitate OER. The
focuses are the catalytic reactions of
second method to generate pores in electrodes is introducing
water splitting. He received his B.S.
3D substrates, such as metal foams and conductive carbon-
(2007) in chemistry from Peking Uni-
based materials, to load the electrocatalysts.[33–36] Zhao and co-
versity in China and Ph.D. degree
workers electrodeposited NiFe thin films on nickel foam by a
(2012) from Nanyang Technological
potentiostatic technique.[37] Owing to the distinctive macro-
University in Singapore with Professor
scopic 3D skeleton, it can support massive catalysts to provide
Rong Xu. After photocatalytic CO2 re-
more available active sites. Ren’s group fabricated FexN films
duction postdoctoral work with Profes-
on 3D graphene/Ni foam by a similar strategy.[38] The third
sor Rong Xu, he joined the faculty at Shaanxi Normal University in
method is constructing intrinsic pores in bulk materials. Re-
cently, Dong’s group prepared porous Ni2.0Mo0.26@NC compo-
sites by one-step annealing.[39] The mesoporous structure en-
Rui Cao is currently a professor in the larged the active surface area, and therefore improved catalytic
School of Chemistry and Chemical En- properties. Our group obtained porous NiFe mixed oxides
gineering at Shaanxi Normal University. through the evaporation of surfactants at relatively low tem-
His main research interests are in bio-
peratures.[20] For the porous materials to be discussed in this
inorganic chemistry and catalytic small Review, we will focus on the materials with intrinsic pores.
molecule activations. He received his
B.S. (2003) in chemistry from Peking
University and Ph.D. (2008) from 1.3. Scope of this review
Emory University. He was the Dreyfus Compared with bulk materials, the porous counterparts can
Postdoctoral Fellow from 2009 to 2011 lower mass transfer resistance and increase specific current
in the Department of Chemistry at
densities in OER. Scientists have made remarkable progress in
Massachusetts Institute of Technology recent years in methodologies for preparing diverse porous
under the guidance of Professor Stephen J. Lippard. In 2011, he structures. In the following sections of this Review, we will dis-
became the professor in the Department of Chemistry at Renmin cuss the general methods reported in recent literatures to pre-
University of China, and transferred to Shaanxi Normal University pare porous materials for electrocatalytic OER. The methods in-
in 2014. troduced in this Review include the thermal decomposition,

ChemCatChem 2018, 10, 1206 – 1220 www.chemcatchem.org 1208 T 2018 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
electrochemical deposition, template-assisted synthesis, chemi- the pH of the electrolyte. The doping of other nonmetal ele-
cal etching and other special methods. The content will focus ments can significantly improve the electrocatalytic per-
on cheap element-based materials, including cheap transition formance of native carbon-based materials. Dai’s group fabri-
metal-based (Ni, Co and Fe) materials and metal-free carbon- cated metal-free N and P co-doped mesoporous nanocarbon
based materials. The relevant advantages and disadvantages of (NPMC) foams via thermal decomposition (Figure 1).[45] First,
different synthetic methods and the specific effects of pores in aniline and phytic acid reacted to form polyaniline aerogels
electrocatalytic processes are summarized. According to the with a macroporous structure. Next, the aerogels were subject-
major element in the materials, the porous samples prepared ed to pyrolysis at high temperature to form the nanocarbon
by similar methods are classified into subsections, which are foam. During the pyrolysis process, the macroporous structure
metal-free, Co-based, Ni-based, Fe-based and mixed metal- contracted and the overlapped mesoporous structure turned
based porous OER electrocatalysts. to be hierarchical. Meanwhile, the material gave off carbona-
ceous gases to create smaller pores. The sample pyrolyzed at
1000 8C (NPMC-1000) with ample pores was characterized by
2. Thermal Decomposition to Prepare Porous
N2 adsorption/desorption isotherms. The specific surface area
is determined to be 1548 m2 g@1 with a high pore volume at
During heat treatment, thermal decomposition of material pre- about 1.1 cm3 g@1. In 0.1 m KOH solution, the NPMC-1000
cursors with the escape of gases or the removal of surfactants coated electrode exhibited a small onset potential at around
is the major reason for the generation of pores.[20] In addition, 1.3 V vs. the reversible hydrogen electrode (RHE) in the linear
the unmatched crystal domains have been reported to com- scan voltammogram (LSV) curve for OER. Its porous structure
pose porous nanostructures by calcination.[40] Annealing tech- facilitated efficient oxygen diffusion and full access between
nique, owing to its simplicity and reliability, is a universal ap- catalytic sites and electrolyte.
proach to produce pores in solid materials. However, thermal Recently, Li and co-workers reported the nitrogen-doped
treatment usually causes a reduced surface area with an in- mesoporous carbon nanosheet/carbon nanotube hybrids (N-
creased crystallinity. The smaller surface area is not beneficial MCN/CNTs) prepared by a simple pyrolysis method
for catalysis, whereas the crystallinity has uncertain effects on (Figure 2).[46] The final sample was obtained by the calcination
the catalytic performance. In this section, representative of a mixture of urea, glucose and CNTs under Ar at high tem-
porous materials prepared from thermal decomposition perature. The generated ammonia and carbon nitride gases
method are discussed for electrocatalytic OER. were the cause of pores during the annealing process. The cor-
responding electrocatalytic activity was detected in a 0.1 m
KOH. The hybrids only need an overpotential of 320 mV to
2.1. Metal-free porous materials for OER
reach a current density of 10 mA cm@2. The porous morphology
The metal-free materials are promising electrocatalysts, which and the high specific surface area provided abundant catalytic
are low-cost and readily available.[41, 42] Until now, most articles sites to promote OER. Moreover, porous structure can facilitate
are reporting metal-based materials for electrocatalytic OER. oxygen emission and electrolyte flow through low-resistant
There are few reports on metal-free carbon-based electrocata- pathways.
lysts due to their relatively low activity. However, carbon-based
materials can be bifunctional for not only OER but also other
2.2. Co-based porous materials for OER
small molecular activation reactions, such as hydrogen evolu-
tion reaction and oxygen reduction reaction.[43, 44] Moreover, Porous Co-based materials are widely reported to exhibit good
some carbon-based electrocatalysts have a wide tolerance of electrocatalytic activity and stability for OER.[7] Recently,

Figure 1. The preparation of N and P co-doped mesoporous nanocarbon (NPMC) foams from the polymerization of aniline and phytic acid, followed by pyrol-
ysis in Ar. Reproduced with permission.[45] Copyright 2015, Macmillan Publishers Limited.

ChemCatChem 2018, 10, 1206 – 1220 www.chemcatchem.org 1209 T 2018 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Figure 4. The illustration of the synthesis of nanowire arrays of porous

Figure 2. The preparation of mesoporous N-doped carbon nanosheets Co3O4-carbon hybrids from the carbonization of nanowire arrays of Co-
loaded on CNTs from the pyrolysis of a mixture of glucose, urea and CNTs in based MOFs in N2. Reproduced with permission.[48] Copyright 2014, Ameri-
Ar. Reproduced with permission.[46] Copyright 2016, The Royal Society of can Chemical Society.

KOH. In contrast to ordinary planar films, Co3O4C-NA has a

Zhang’s group fabricated mesoporous Co3O4 nanotubes via a larger active surface area to expose more catalytic sites. At the
facile annealing strategy (Figure 3).[47] When heated in air, the same time, the open spaces between the nanowires and the
cobalt-aspartic acid nanowire precursors were oxidized rapidly porous structure within the nanowires are beneficial for gas
with the release of gases. The final sample retained the macro- diffusion and mass transfer.
pores of the tubular structure and contained abundant meso-
pores on the wall. The specific surface area is approximately
87.8 m2 g@1, and the mesopore size is around 5.5 nm. The 2.3. Ni-based porous materials for OER
nanotubes with hierarchical pore structures exhibited an en- Ni-based materials are also widely reported as efficient OER
hanced OER performance with good stability in alkaline solu- electrocatalyst. The nickel oxides/hydroxides are typically less
tions, reaching the current density of 10 mA cm@2 at 1.62 V (vs. active than Co-based analogues.[11] However, the nickel phos-
RHE) in a 0.1 m KOH. In addition, the unique mesoporous walls phides and chalcogenides are active OER electrocatalysts,
and novel open-ended tubes promoted electrolyte penetration mainly due to the much enhanced electronic conductivity.[33]
and afforded more catalytic sites to benefit OER. Paik and Lou and co-workers reported the fabrication of
Qiao’s group reported that carbonization of metal complex porous nanoplates using Ni(H2O)2[Ni(CN)4] Prussian blue ana-
precursors is a versatile method to generate pores in metal- logue (NiNi-PBA) nanoplates as the template.[49] Carbon coated
carbon hybrid materials (Figure 4).[48] Hybrid Co3O4-carbon porous nickel phosphide nanoplates were prepared through
porous nanowire arrays (Co3O4C-NA) were synthesized through low-temperature phosphidation with NaH2PO2 under Ar. The
the carbonization of a Co-based metal-organic framework roughness and pores can be clearly detected on the surface of
(MOF) in N2 atmosphere. Nitrogen adsorption and desorption Ni-P nanoplates. The measured specific surface area is
isotherms of Co3O4C-NA indicate a high surface area of 35 m2 g@1. The Ni-P porous nanoplate electrode delivered a cur-
251 m2 g@1, and the pore size is mainly distributed around rent density of 10 mA cm@2 at only 1.53 V (vs. RHE) in a 1 m
5 nm. Carbonization process dramatically increased the surface KOH. One reason for the efficient OER activity is that the nickel
area and porosity. On the basis of the double layer capacitance phosphates can quicken mass transfer. The porous nanoplate
(209.7 mF cm@2), the roughness factor (RF) can be deduced could bring about more catalytic sites, which further improved
with a high value of 371. The Co3O4C-NA is a highly efficient water oxidation activity. The calcination of the precursor with-
OER electrocatalyst, which can deliver a current density of out NaH2PO2 resulted in porous NiO sample with a worse activ-
10 mA cm@2 at a small potential of 1.52 V (vs. RHE) in a 0.1 m ity for OER, as compared with Ni-P nanoplates.

Figure 3. The illustration of the formation process of the Co3O4 mesoporous nanotubes from the oxidation and diffusion of species in the cobalt-aspartic acid
nanowire (Co-Asp) precursor. Reproduced with permission.[47] Copyright 2016, Wiley-VCH.

ChemCatChem 2018, 10, 1206 – 1220 www.chemcatchem.org 1210 T 2018 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
esting for the preparation of porous materials under low tem-
Wang and co-workers synthesized pore-rich FeP nanorods
on carbon nanotube (CNT) backbone by a bottom-up assem-
bly and phosphorization (Figure 6).[51] The pore-rich structure
Figure 5. The formation process of hollow NiS with porous walls by a reduc- stemmed from the reduced phase volume during solid/gas
tive pyrolysis of a hydrothermal-synthesized hollow NiS2 precursor. Repro- phase phosphorization. Thus, the volume change caused by
duced with permission.[50] Copyright 2017, American Chemical Society. the phase conversion leads to the porosity. TEM image indicat-

Recently, Wang’s group developed NiS2 hollow mi-

crospheres by a simple hydrothermal process
(Figure 5).[50] The subsequent NiS porous hollow mi-
crospheres were obtained by annealing the NiS2
sample under H2/Ar atmosphere. Mesoporous NiS is
determined to be a superior electrocatalyst for OER,
requiring an overpotential of 320 mV at a current
density of 10 mA cm@2. The NiS porous texture was
obtained during the lattice reorganization from the
conversion of NiS2. This porous material has a specif-
ic surface area of 52.3 m2 g@1 and a pore volume of Figure 6. The synthesis of porous FeP on CNTs from a two-step solvothermal growth and
0.218 cm3 g@1. The pores played a crucial role in en- phosphorization strategy and the corresponding SEM image of the FeP@CNT hybrid. Re-
produced with permission.[51] Copyright 2016, The Royal Society of Chemistry.
hancing the OER activity. The porous microstructure
is an efficient pattern to enlarge the active surface
area and accelerate the ion diffusion. ed that FeP@CNT have abundant holes and cavity space. The
specific surface area of FeP nanorods is about 98 m2 g@1, which
is larger than that of the precursor of FeO(OH)@CNT. The
2.4. Fe-based porous materials for OER
FeP@CNT could achieve a current density of 10 mA cm@2 at
Ren and co-workers revealed nanoporous iron nitride film on about 300 mV overpotential with a low Tafel slope of
3D macroporous graphene/Ni foam.[38] First, the graphene was 53 mV dec@1. Pore-rich morphology is a reason for the remark-
coated on the Ni foam. Subsequently, the precursor of able activity. Specifically, it can increase accessible active sites
Fe(NO3)3 dissolving in DMF was loaded on the Ni foam-gra- and promote the ion diffusion in OER.
phene network. The DMF solvent was slowly removed by heat-
ing. Then, the sample was annealed at 400 8C under Ar for
2.5. Mixed metal-based porous materials for OER
30 min and NH3/Ar for 1 h in sequence. As a comparison, the
iron oxide film on graphene/Ni foam was synthesized under In addition to single metal electrocatalyst, the mixed metal-
the same condition except the nitridization under NH3/Ar. After based materials displayed excellent OER activity. In some cases
the annealing treatment, observable pores were detected from such as the NiFe system, the doped materials have significantly
the removal of the DMF solvent. Without DMF solvent, a uni- enhanced OER performance compared with their single metal
form dense film will be generated. Furthermore, only the accu- counterparts.[20] Mixed metal porous materials based on the
mulated iron nitride without any porosity was observed when cheap transition metals have also been developed. The ther-
DMF was replaced by ethanol. The nature of the solvent mole- mal decomposition methodology is similar with the systems in-
cules has impact on the formation of the porous structure. The troduced above. It is noteworthy that the nature of the precur-
as-obtained FexN film/graphene hybrid displayed high electro- sor mixture is important to uniformly distribute the different
catalytic performance for OER in 1 m KOH aqueous solution. metal elements in the final pyrolyzed sample.[52] Recently,
The nanoporous FexN film displayed a current density of Zheng’s group designed CuCo hybrid oxides via a facile hydro-
10 mA cm@2 at an ultra-low overpotential of 238 mV. In addi- thermal growth and annealing under Ar.[53] Porous CuCo
tion, nanoporous film showed faster charge transfer in OER by hybrid oxides acted as a highly reactive electrocatalyst for OER.
electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The electrochemical Recently, Lou’s group synthesized mixed-metal oxyphosphide
active surface area of the catalyst was inferred from the particles with porous shells through thermal treatment.[54] The
double-layer capacitance, indicating a larger active surface area porosity could increase the number of catalytic sites, which is
of the FexN electrode. The nanopores in the materials guaran- conducive to OER catalysis.
teed a large contact area and rapid reactant transport. The re- Our group developed a novel evaporation method to pre-
ports on correlative Fe-based porous OER electrocatalysts are pare highly efficient NiFe oxides for electrocatalytic OER
less than Co-based and Ni-based systems. This work proved (Figure 7).[20] In conventional thermal decomposition methods
that Fe-based porous materials are promising substitutes for to prepare porous materials, the final materials have very low
OER. The introduction of common solvent molecules is inter- surface areas after the thermal treatment at high temperatures.

ChemCatChem 2018, 10, 1206 – 1220 www.chemcatchem.org 1211 T 2018 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Figure 7. The formation evolution of the NiFe mixture under different tem-
peratures. Reproduced with permission.[20] Copyright 2015, Wiley-CVH.

Meanwhile, the NiFe mixture will be converted into inactive

ferrate at high temperatures. To overcome this limitation, a
Tween surfactant was used to prepare the NiFe precursor. This
surfactant molecule can be removed by simple evaporation at
around 200 8C to construct the porosity. At this perfect temper- Figure 8. (a) The fabrication of the Co phosphide/Co phosphate thin film
ature, the mixture has a phase of Fe-doped NiO, which is the (PCPTF) from the phosphorization of an electrodeposited porous Co oxide
efficient phase for OER. This work proves that the selection of film. (b–d) The SEM images of the porous PCPTF films. Scale bars are all
suitable surfactant is critical to prepare active porous catalysts. 500 nm. Reproduced with permission.[57] Copyright 2015, Wiley-CVH.
To summarize this section, thermal decomposition is fre-
quently used as a convenient method in achieving multiaper- thin film (PCPTF). The porosity of the electrodeposited film was
ture materials. The prepared samples tend to be chemically retained during the phosphidation. The morphology of the
stable, reproducible and highly crystalline. However, the clear prepared PCPTF was determined by SEM and TEM, showing a
defects are the significantly reduced surface areas, the large highly porous feature. The roughness factor is positively associ-
energy consumption and poor safety performance at high ated with the electrochemical surface area. After the anodiza-
temperatures. There are still much room for improvement in tion treatment, the roughness factor increased significantly to
the selection of suitable precursors and surfactants to prepare result in more exposed active sites. The OER activity was
porous samples from thermal decomposition at relatively low tested in a 1 m KOH aqueous solution, where PCPTF was an
temperatures. electrochemically active sample with a small overpotential of
330 mV at 30 mA cm@2. In contrast, the compact film exhibited
a higher onset potential, lower kinetic current density, and
3. Electrochemical Deposition to Prepare
larger Tafel slope. The OER activity of the porous Co-based thin
Porous Materials
film was clearly superior to the compact film, because PCPTF
Electrochemical deposition of catalyst films on charge collec- possessed highly ordered porous structures. In this system, the
tors has proven to be a convenient method to make electro- porous feature could afford more catalytic sites with a low
des for electrocatalysis.[55] It is a process to load active species loading to favor OER. It is difficult to get porous metal phos-
directly onto the electrode surface via cathodic/anodic electrol- phides from direct electrodeposition. This work proves the
ysis of a catalyst-precursor solution (salts or complexes). concept of generation of a porous oxide film as the precursor
During the deposition, the in situ formed bubbles under polar- to construct porous phosphides.
ization conditions and the penetration of ions assist in the for- A recent article reported hydrophilic porous CoS2/carbon
mation of the pores within the deposited film. Electrodeposi- nanotube composites (CNT-CoS2) via a one-step cyclic voltam-
tion is a simple and convenient method with low energy-con- metry electrodeposition and dissolution by Huang’s group
sumption to prepare active electrodes for catalysis.[56] Mean- (Figure 9).[58] The film was generated on the CNT-modified
while, the film composition, thickness and morphology can be glassy carbon electrode using dissolved cobalt chloride and
easily and fine tuned by simply controlling the deposition po- thiourea. The prepared electrode achieved a high OER activity
tential and time. Thus, electrodeposition has received great at- and stability under alkaline conditions with a small overpoten-
tention in electrocatalysis. Porous films prepared by electrode- tial of merely 290 mV to reach a current density of 10 mA cm@2.
position have also been widely reported. Two oxidation peaks were found in the cyclic voltammetry
electrodeposition, indicating the oxidation and dissolution
phenomena of the CoS2 film. The repeated transformation pro-
3.1. Co-based porous materials for OER
cess resulted in the porous nanostructure, which could enlarge
During electrochemical treatment, the samples were readily the active area and accelerate mass and charge transport.
precipitated with or without the production of gases at an ap- Pores can originate from the emerged nanosheets piling
plied voltage on the electrode. Tour’s group constructed through self-templated electrodeposition strategy. Pore struc-
porous Co oxide thin film by an anodization method tures, derived from this method, are random and uneven.
(Figure 8),[57] which generated pores with an average pore size Qiao’s group developed hollow Co3O4 microtube arrays (Co3O4-
of 80 nm in the film. Next, the porous film reacted with phos- MTA) with porosity by self-templating electrodeposition
phorous vapor to prepare the Co phosphide/Co phosphate (Figure 10).[59] This unique porous shell initiated OER at a low

ChemCatChem 2018, 10, 1206 – 1220 www.chemcatchem.org 1212 T 2018 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
Yuan’s group created Co-phosphide mesoporous
nanorod arrays (CoP-MNA) with mesopores on the
conductive Ni foam by conventional chronoamper-
ometry.[60] The mesopores are clearly formed as a
result of the packing of nanoparticles. The N2 adsorp-
tion-desorption results are in good agreement with
TEM images, indicating a specific surface area of
148 m2 g@1 and a pore volume of 0.224 cm3 g@1. The
CoP-MNA was demonstrated to be an effective OER
catalyst with a low applied potential of 1.52 V (vs.
RHE) at a current density of 10 mA cm@2. The subsis-
Figure 9. The illustration of the operation of the porous CoS2 on CNT networks for OER
tent pores can be accountable for rapid diffusion of
based on an electrodeposition and electrooxidation/dissolution process. Reproduced
with permission.[58] Copyright 2017, The Royal Society of Chemistry. reactants/products and provide abundant catalytic
sites to improve OER activity.

3.2. Ni-based porous materials for OER

Sun’s group prepared porous urchin-like Ni2P microsphere sup-
ported on nickel foam (Ni2P/Ni/NF) through a cathodic electro-
deposition and a following phosphidation (Figure 11).[61] Plenti-
ful macropores were found on the electrodeposited film as a
result of the generation of hydrogen bubble during the elec-
trolysis process. The surface morphology and the pore struc-
ture remained unchanged after a low-temperature phosphida-
tion. The open macropore structures were in favor of excellent
oxygen detachment and ion diffusion for OER. The correspond-
ing CV curves showed that Ni2P/Ni/NF released oxygen rapidly
at 1.42 V (vs. RHE) in a 1 m O2-saturated KOH. This highly active
film needs a very small overpotential of 200 mV to achieve a
current density of 10 mA cm@2.

3.3. Mixed metal-based porous materials for OER

Zhao’s group applied a combination of hydrothermal method
and electrochemical treatment to synthesize porous NiFe/
Figure 10. The SEM images of the highly porous and hollow Co3O4 micro-
tube arrays. Reproduced with permission.[59] Copyright 2017, Wiley-VCH. NiCo2O4/Ni foam composite electrode.[62] The porous 3D nickel
foam substrate has many advantages. For instance, it exposes
large active surface area to electroplate mesoporous NiFe
onset potential and achieved a rapid rise in the current density. nanosheets, accelerates the mass transfer and gas diffusion.
Co3O4-MTA had hollow structures and sufficient pores with a The hydrothermal deposited NiCo2O4 exhibited a nanoporous
high surface area of 233 m2 g@1. The pores and the hollow ar- flake structure, and the electrochemical deposited NiFe double
chitecture could provide abundant active sites, helping the hydroxide nanosheets existed massive mesopores. This hier-
transport of electrolyte and gases. archical pore structure ensured abundant available catalytic

Figure 11. The SEM images of the porous microsphere superstructures on 3D porous nickel foam prepared from a cathodic electrodeposition in an electrolyte
containing NiCl2. Reproduced with permission.[61] Copyright 2016, American Chemical Society.

ChemCatChem 2018, 10, 1206 – 1220 www.chemcatchem.org 1213 T 2018 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
high activity of the NiFe mixture, the porous struc-
ture and ultra-low loading amounts of the active
species on the electrode, this system displayed a
super high turnover frequency of 8.7 s@1 for OER at
an overpotential of 329 mV.
To summarize this section, the electrochemical
Figure 12. The illustration of the porous NiFeS-based ultrathin nanosheets on Ti plate deposition technique is a simple and convenient ap-
from a combined process of electrodeposition, calcination in air and electrochemical
proach for generating multi-aperture materials with
tuning. Reproduced with permission.[63] Copyright 2016, Wiley-VCH.
simplicity, sensitivity, convenience, fastness, and inex-
pensiveness. However, it still has some deficiencies.
sites to achieve high OER activity. NiFe nanosheets were elec- For instance, the synthetic morphology is usually difficult to
trodeposited on NiCo2O4 by strong interactions, which realized control. The electrodeposited film is usually amorphous, which
a high stability during a 10-h constant current electrolysis. has high surface area but poor crystallinity. The poor crystallini-
Zhang’s group reported amorphous Ni-Fe-S ultrathin nano- ty may cause serious film evolution and dissolution during the
sheets anchored on Ti plate (Figure 12).[63] The experimental OER process. Some porous materials have been achieved by
procedure consisted of three steps. First, Ni-Fe-S nanosheets electrochemical synthesis, but there is some distance away
(NFS) were electrodeposited on the substrate. Next, the film from universal application to prepare unique metal phos-
was calcinated to obtain oxygen-incorporated Ni-Fe-S ultrathin phides, nitrides, carbides and chalcogenides, etc.
nanosheets (O-NFS). Finally, the film was subject to electro-
chemical tuning to form the highly active OER film (O-NFS-
4. Template-Assisted Methods to Prepare
ECT). Electrochemical deposition played a significant role in
Porous Materials
forming porous nanosheets. The O-NFS-ECT exhibited a com-
paratively high OER activity in a 1 m KOH, requiring an overpo- The template-assisted method has long been recognized as a
tential of 300 mV to reach a large current density of crucial strategy for the synthesis of porous structures.[64] The
500 mA cm and maintaining at a stable current density of synthesis route begins with the introduction of various precur-
1100 mA cm@2 for 12 h. The special open framework was bene- sors into the pores and onto the surfaces of templating
ficial to create plentiful active compounds and fast mass trans- agents. Next, the mixture is heat-treated to obtain oxides or
fer channels. other phases. Lastly, the templates are removed by chemical
Our group recently reported a novel stepwise electrodeposi- methods, and open spaces are left in the resulting materials.
tion method to prepare NiFe-based porous untra-thin film for Nowadays, researchers developed a large quantity of porous
highly efficient electrocatalytic OER (Figure 13).[56] First, a Ni- materials via the template-assisted method. The conventional
based film was deposited via cathodic electrolysis. The result- templates consist of mesoporous silica, metal-organic frame-
ing film has isolated Ni-based nanoplates. Second, the Fe spe- works and SiO2 microspheres, etc..
cies was integrated into the Ni-based film via anodic CV scans.
The amount and composition of Ni and Fe species on the elec-
4.1. Metal-free porous materials for OER
trode can be controlled by the electrolysis time and the CV
cycle numbers. Interestingly, after the second step of Fe-incor- Metal-free carbonous materials can be readily synthesized
poration, an interconnected reticular film with abundant pores using templates. Dai’s group used a mixture of melamine-
is generated. This porous and reticular structure resulted from nickel sulfate complex and KCl to prepare the KCl and Ni incor-
stepwise deposition is beneficial for the electrocatalytic OER by porated graphitic sheets by calcination under Ar (Figure 14).[65]
assisting both mass and charge transfer. Owing to the intrinsic The Ni and KCl seeds were removed by the treatment in an
aqua-regia solution. N, S co-doped graphitic sheets with ster-
eoscopic holes (SHG) were finally obtained by another high
temperature calcination under Ar. The stereoscopic holes not
only helped ionic and electronic transport, but also afforded
open sites to catalyze OER. The sample exhibited a current
density of 10 mA cm@2 at 1.56 V (vs. RHE) and a low Tafel slope
of 71 mV dec@1 in a 0.1 m KOH solution. Mesopores with diame-
ters between 3 and 30 nm and a pore volume of 1.40 cm3 g@1
are determined for the porous graphite material. This material
can not only electrocatalyze OER, but also facilitate the hydro-
gen evolution and oxygen reduction reactions.

Figure 13. The illustration of the preparation of NiFe-based ultrathin porous 4.2. Co-based porous materials for OER
reticular film from a stepwise electrodeposition method, including a catho-
dic deposition of Ni species and a CV deposition of Fe species. GC: glassy Teysez’s group designed ordered mesoporous Co3O4 by adopt-
carbon. Reproduced with permission.[56] Copyright 2017, Wiley-VCH. ing KIT-6 as a hard template.[64] In the preparation, KIT-6 was

ChemCatChem 2018, 10, 1206 – 1220 www.chemcatchem.org 1214 T 2018 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Figure 14. (a) The illustration of the formation of N, S co-doped graphitic sheets with stereoscopic holes (SHG) from the removal of the KCl-Ni particles.
(b) SEM and (c,d) TEM images of the SHG, showing abundant pores. Reproduced with permission.[65] Copyright 2017, Wiley-VCH.

immersed in the precursor solution to produce a mixture,

which was subject to calcination to generate Co3O4. The KIT-6
was removed in a hot 2 m NaOH to obtain the ordered meso-
porous Co3O4. Based on the nitrogen adsorption isotherm, the
surface area is 141 m2 g@1 and the mesopore volume is
0.471 cm3 g@1. Electromicroscopic images also confirmed the
existence of holes, and the visual pore size is about 11 nm. The
linear sweep voltammetry showed that Co3O4 was an efficient
catalyst with enhanced OER activity in a 0.1 m KOH electrolyte.
On the one hand, holes improved the availability of surface
sites. On the other hand, rich pores prevented Co3O4 from con-
gregating in basic solution toward an enhanced stability. Simi-
larly, hierarchical mesoporous cobalt oxide was synthesized by Figure 15. The illustration of the preparation of mesoporous Ni sphere
arrays from a silica-templating method. Reproduced with permission.[67]
Jiao’s group.[66] In the experimental process, template-assisted Copyright 2016, American Chemical Society.
method is adopted to fabricate porous Mg-substituted Co3O4
by removing the silica template and selective etching Mg ions.
The catalyst exhibited a relatively high specific surface area tended more channels to transfer reactants. This approach in-
and markedly increased electrocatalytic properties. creased the superficial area and conductivity simultaneously,
and the formative interconnected porous structure has guid-
ance in optimizing OER catalysts.
4.3. Ni-based porous materials for OER
More complicated templating method was introduced by
4.4. Mixed metal-based porous materials for OER
Chen’s group to fabricated 3D ordered mesoporous Ni sphere
arrays (3D-OMNiSA) (Figure 15).[67] The methyl methacrylate Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are emerging as new materi-
(MMA) was polymerized on the surface of ordered silica sphere als for catalysis because of their abundant configurations and
arrays. Then, poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) inverse opal unusual properties.[68–71] Nowadays, MOFs were frequently used
was obtained through HF etching to remove the silica core. as template in preparation of novel porous materials. The FeNi
Next, the nickel chloride precursor was filled into the void of alloys/NiFe2O4@NC microboxes with ample pores were pre-
the PMMA. After the reduction of the Ni salt into Ni metal, the pared by a template-assisted method.[72] The MOF structure is
PMMA template was eliminated to get the final 3D mesopo- the template to construct the final boxes. This method is simi-
rous Ni spheres. The as-prepared Ni spheres displayed typical lar with thermal decomposition method. The differences lies in
mesoporous structures. The computational surface area is the remain of the MOF structure in the final pyrolyzed material.
108 m2 g@1 and its pore sizes mainly distributed in 3–5 nm. The This material displayed high activity for electrocatalytic OER,
3D-OMNiSA had a smaller onset potential than that of 20 wt % delivering a current density of 10 mA cm@2 at an overpotential
Pt/C in a 0.1 m KOH for OER. The Nyquist plot indicated that of 316 mV. To prepare similar NiFe-based porous material,
the 3D-OMNiSA offered a low resistance during OER. The spe- Wei’s group adopted a sacrificial SiO2 template to synthesize
cial porosity is the primary reason for the excellent OER activi- mesoporous NiFe-layered double hydroxide (NiFe-LDH) hollow
ty. Pores exposed a higher active area to catalyze OER and ex- microspheres (HMS) (Figure 16),[73] whose hole features were

ChemCatChem 2018, 10, 1206 – 1220 www.chemcatchem.org 1215 T 2018 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Figure 16. (left) The illustration of the preparation of porous NiFe-based hollow spheres from a silica-templating method. (right) The electromicroscopic
images of the silica spheres (A, D) and the porous NiFe spheres (B, C, E, F). Reproduced with permission.[73] Copyright 2016, American Chemical Society.

clearly observed. The SiO2 nanospheres are crucial to control 5.1. Metal-free porous materials for OER
and guide the formation of porous hollow material. The de-
tailed electrochemical properties were determined, realizing a To utilize ecofriendly biomass for electrocatalysts, Zheng’s
current density of 10 mA cm@2 at a very small overpotential of group developed egg-derived mesoporous carbon micro-
239 mV. Owing to its large active area and special mesopores, spheres (egg-CMS) with large pore volume by the traditional
the NiFe-LDH HMS material is an efficient OER catalyst to re- alkaline etching (Figure 17).[75] Tetraethyl orthosilicate was
lease oxygen. mixed and spray dried with eggs to prepare the precursor. The
To summarize this section, the template-assisted method is a silica in the final mixture was removed by etching to obtain
classical method to design porous materials and brings about mesostructures. According to N2 adsorption and desorption re-
dramatic progresses in the field of OER. Using hard templates, sults, the pore volume is 0.5 cm3 g@1 and the surface area is as
the freshly prepared porous catalysts are less prone to aggre- high as 970 m2 g@1. In addition, electrochemical impedance
gate comparing with other nanoparticles. Furthermore, the spectroscopy also concluded that egg-CMS has porous fea-
samples are highly flexible by template-based method, with tures with diagnostic Gerischer impedance. In a 0.1 m KOH
which researchers can control regular materials with different electrolyte, the egg-CMS achieved a current density of
morphologies. This approach has several downsides in the pro- 74.6 mA cm@2 at 1.6 V (vs. RHE) and a Tafel slope of
cess of preparation, which involved introducing and eliminat- 59 mV dec@1. As a new environmental-friendly catalyst, the
ing templates. The preparation procedure is always complicat- egg-CMS with designed porous architecture could involve
ed and high-cost, and some hazardous chemicals are frequent- more active sites in catalyzing OER. Easy preparation and low
ly used to remove the templates. Overall, template synthetic reactant cost make this method potentially valuable for exten-
route possesses many benefits to construct porous structure, sive applications. Metal ions from proteins may exist in the
but there are some remaining problems needing to be solved. final product.
Acid etching is also a critically important way to create
pores. Tong’s group prepared 3D self-supporting monolithic
porous carbon cloth doped with N-heteroatom (3D NiD-PCC)
5. Chemical Etching to Prepare Porous Materi-
with concentrated hydrochloric acid etching of Ni.[74] Electromi-
croscopic images showed the 3D NiD-PCC has abundant pores
Etching method means chemical reagents react with required on the rough surface and uniform pores rooted in the soluble
materials to produce desired pores.[74] It is similar but different Ni nanoparticles. The NiD-PCC catalyst acted for efficient OER,
to the removing of templates as introduced in the above sec- starting to generate oxygen at a small overpotential of
tion. In this section, we discuss with the removal of parts of 250 mV. Its small Tafel slope and low resistance illustrated fa-
desired material to create pores. For the templated synthesis, vorable kinetic process during OER, showing that the high-po-
the catalysts and the templates are totally two different and rosity 3D NiD-PCC is a fine electrocatalyst for OER.
isolated components. For the chemical etching method, the
desired catalyst and the removed parts are chemically integrat-
5.2. Co-based porous materials for OER
ed. The pores created in this section are typically located
within a single crystal of the material. The traditional acid and Similar etching strategy has been applied to prepare Co-based
alkaline etching is capable of creating porous materials with porous materials. Wang’group synthesized cobalt nanoparticles
higher active surface areas. embedded in nitrogen doped porous carbon nanofibers (Co-
PNCNFs) by the combination of electrospinning and acid etch-
ing method (Figure 18).[76] The ample pores were produced by

ChemCatChem 2018, 10, 1206 – 1220 www.chemcatchem.org 1216 T 2018 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Figure 17. The illustration of the preparation of egg-derived mesoporous carbon microspheres from the carbonization of a mixture of egg and silica and the
chemical etching of the silica in the mixture.[75] Copyright 2016, Wiley-VCH.

5.3. Ni-based porous materials for OER

Recently, Xie’s group designed a b-Ni(OH)2 ultrathin nanomesh

as a robust OER electrocatalyst (Figure 19).[77] First, exfoliated
Ni-Al LDH ultrathin nanosheets were obtained via ultrasonicat-
ing bulk Ni-Al LDH. Next, alkaline etching produced porosity in
the b-Ni(OH)2 nanosheets by dissolving the Al components.
After hydrothermal treatment, single-crystalline b-Ni(OH)2 ultra-
thin nanomeshes were obtained as the thermodynamically un-
stable Ni species dissolved and regrew through the process of
Ostwald ripening. During the etching process, strong base re-
acted with amorphous Al species to leave multi-aperture b-
Ni(OH)2. This 2D nanomesh sample supplied abundant exposed
sites and favorable ion penetration to enhance OER activity. Ni-
based electrocatalysts have typical poor cycling stability for
Figure 18. The preparation of nitrogen doped porous carbon nanofibers and OER, owing to the structural deformation during the reversible
the loading of Co nanoparticles.[76] Copyright 2016, The Royal Society of phase changes between the NiII and NiIII species. The abundant
and well-dispersed nanopores in the Ni-based electrocatalyst
can function as effective buffer locations for the volume
change during the redox reactions, thus avoiding structural de-
the reaction between 0.5 m H2SO4 solution and metallic cobalt formation and delivering mechanical stability under continu-
particles. The surface area of the obtained Co-PNCNFs was ous OER operations. The b-Ni(OH)2 material only required a
356.6 m2 g@1, which was significantly higher than the
pure N-doped carbon nanofibers. The integrated
material was highly active to achieve a current den-
sity of 10 mA cm@2 at an overpotential of 285 mV.
This outstanding catalytic performance is partially at-
tributed to the distinctive pore architecture with
large active interfaces.
Figure 19. The preparation of porous b-Ni(OH)2 nanomesh from the chemical etching of
Al components in the NiAl-LDH nanosheet followed by the Ostwald ripening.[77] Copy-
right 2017, Wiley-VCH.

ChemCatChem 2018, 10, 1206 – 1220 www.chemcatchem.org 1217 T 2018 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Figure 20. The preparation of porous FeCo-LDH nanosheets from a water-plasma exfoliation and etching method.[82] Copyright 2017, Wiley-VCH.

low overpotential of 236 mV to drive a current density of talysts. Although these methods could synthesize products at
20 mA cm@2 in a 1 m KOH solution. In contrast, nonporous b- a large scale, they must require specialized instruments.
Ni(OH)2 nanosheets possessed smaller specific surface area and In recent years, Wang’s group developed an efficient and
lower electrochemical surface area than b-Ni(OH)2 nanomesh. general method for the preparation of porous materials using
The catalytic sites around nanopores are likely to convert into plasma etching techniques. They synthesized Co3O4 nano-
catalytically active b-NiOOH for efficient OER. The OER activity sheets with abundant oxygen vacancies and large surface area
enhancement was attributed to (i) the intimate nanomeshs by Ar plasma-engraving method.[16] Ar-plasma technique is
boosted the electron transfer; (ii) the massive nanopores en- used for etching and cleaning of materials. Plasma is a state of
larged the contact volume of the electrolyte; (iii) the uniform matter that is highly electrically conductive. By plasma-treat-
nanopores increased pathways to deliver oxygen and ionic ment, the atoms can be removed from the lattices, leaving va-
conduction. cancies and porosity. Of note, Ar-plasma is very time-saving for
Paik and co-workers also used alkaline etching to prepare the creation of defects and pores. They also applied this strat-
Ni(OH)2 porous nanoplates.[49] The ion exchange reaction could egy for the dry exfoliation of layered materials.[83] The plasma
occur when 2 m NaOH was added to the NiNi-PBA precursor. treatment can not only exfoliate the bulk material but also can
Part of the Ni is dissolved by the strong base to form the result in multiple pores within a single layer. By the removal of
Ni(CN)42@ ions. The as-prepared Ni(OH)2 was an efficient transi- anions in the interlayer of LDH by plasma treatment, the
tion metal hydroxide material for OER. stacked layers can be efficiently separated. Compared with tra-
To summarize this section, the etching process has been suc- ditional sonication method in solvents, the dry exfoliation by
cessfully applied to many mixed metal-based materials to dis- plasma can produce thin layers with clean surface. From soni-
solve one of the components for the construction of pores. cation methods, the solvent molecules can be adsorbed on
However, this method has some shortcomings. For example, the surface of the layers and block the effective active sites.
the morphologies of prepared materials are difficult to be ac- Later, a water-plasma etching method has been developed to
curately controlled. The etching agent must be highly selec- generate porous nanosheets (Figure 20).[82] This novel tech-
tive, and the application of this approach to generate holes is nique opens a new way for the efficient preparation of func-
limited to few materials. The condition of etching is rigorous tional materials for electrocatalytic OER.
and environmental-unfriendly. For an ideal etching process, it
should be low-cost, easy, simple, applicable, and manageable.
7. Summary and Outlook
The design of efficient electrocatalyst to accelerate the kinetics
of water oxidation is of crucial importance in the sustainable
6. Other Methods to Prepare Porous Materials
energy conversion technologies. An excellent electrocatalyst
There are also some unusual ways to synthesize porous materi- must satisfy a number of conditions, such as high activity,
als for electrocatalytic OER, such as electrostatic interaction chemical and physical stability, low cost, environmental green-
stacking, microwave-assisted synthesis and pulsed laser deposi- ness, and convenient and safe preparation. Researchers devel-
tion. These methods are not widely developed owing to the oped and modified various methods to synthesize ideal cata-
special instrumentation requirements. Qiao’s group reported lyst. Heterogeneous catalysis is a process happening on the in-
two different materials through random assembly, namely terfaces. Porous materials have attracted great attention and
paper-based N-doped carbon films[78] and N-doped graphene are versatile in heterogeneous catalysis. They have the advan-
hydrogel/NiCo double hydroxide.[79] The high porosity was ap- tages of large specific surface area, light weight, excellent per-
proved by nitrogen adsorptions. The one-step microwave-as- meability, low density and super adsorption capacity. The
sisted approach was used to fabricate porous Zn-Co LDH Review discusses the merits of porous materials for electroca-
nanosheets[80] and Mn2O3 nanoball[81] as efficient OER electroca- talytic OER. The advantages brought about by porosity in elec-

ChemCatChem 2018, 10, 1206 – 1220 www.chemcatchem.org 1218 T 2018 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
trocatalytic OER can be summed up in the following aspects. bulk materials, they have a number of distinct characteristics.
(i) The porosity increases specific surface area and electrochem- The ultra-high porosity and great specific surface area are im-
ical active surface area to expose more catalytic sites. (ii) The portant for the transfer and adsorption of substances. The flex-
open cavities can sufficiently contact and store electrolyte to ible metal center and organic ligand in MOFs can bring about
make the catalyst robust. (iii) The loose porous structures are unique structural and functional diversity. MOFs are widely rec-
useful for reactant transport and oxygen detachment. (iv) The ognized as precursors to prepare advanced porous materials
pore skeletons provide pathways to transfer electrons. Porous for electrocatalysis. Another promising direction is the employ-
materials can be divided into three types, including the micro- ment of porous substrates such as metal foams, which have a
porous materials (pore size < 2 nm), mesoporous materials 3D skeleton for excellent mass diffusion and high electronic
(2 nm < pore size < 50 nm) and macroporous materials (pore conductivity for electron transfer. It will be promising to grow
size > 50 nm).[84] Especially, mesoporous samples can serve as active species directly on the skeletons to prepare integrated
microreactors to catalytic OER. This Review summarized the ex- electrodes.
isting synthesis methods and remarkable progresses that have To carry through the technological advancements of
been made in recent years. However, every technique still has humans, electrocatalytic water splitting is of great importance
its characteristic demerits. Thermal decomposition, owing to for sustainability. The development of highly efficient materials
its simplicity and reliability, is a universal approach to produce to electrocatalyze water splitting plays a crucial role in realizing
pores in solid materials. However, thermal treatment usually the high energy conversion efficiency. Porous materials are
causes a reduced surface area. Electrochemical deposition is a promising candidates for this important process. Devotions
simple and convenient approach for generating multi-aperture from not only chemists and material scientists but also engi-
materials with simplicity, sensitivity, convenience, fastness, and neers of relevant research areas are still needed to construct
inexpensiveness. However, the synthetic morphology from highly efficient, durable, cheap and environmental-friendly
electrodeposition is usually difficult to control. The electrode- electrodes based on porous materials.
posited film is usually amorphous, which has high surface area
but poor crystallinity. The template-assisted method and the
chemical etching method are classical methods to design Acknowledgements
porous materials. The prepared samples are highly flexible
with pores within lattices. However, the preparation proce- We are grateful for the support from the Fundamental Research
dures are always complicated and high-cost, and some hazard- Funds for the Central Universities (2017CBZ003, and
ous chemicals are frequently used to generate the pores. GK201603037), the Starting Research Funds of Shaanxi Normal
The research in porous materials has gained significant pro- University, the National Natural Science Foundation of China
gresses in electrocatalytic OER. However, the most frequent under grant nos. 21101170, 21503126 and 21573139, and the
methods incline to manufacture disordered pores. The synthe- “Thousand Talents Program” of China.
sis of ordered porous materials is still a great challenge. It is a
great goal to develop highly efficient and controllable method
to massively generate porous materials for OER. Researchers Conflict of interest
are required to understand the essences of OER, thus design-
ing the catalysts from fundamentals. Water oxidation is a multi- The authors declare no conflict of interest.
step reaction with complicated proton-coupled electron trans-
fer steps. The mechanism of heterogeneous catalytic OER has Keywords: electrocatalysis · electrochemistry · oxygen
uncertainties on different surfaces. Previous studies demon- evolution · porous material · water oxidation
strated that electrocatalytic OER contains three typical steps:
water adsorption, water disaggregation and oxygen genera-
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